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本文(《新教材》2020-2021学年高中英语人教版必修第一册课后习题:听说训练5 WORD版含解析.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《新教材》2020-2021学年高中英语人教版必修第一册课后习题:听说训练5 WORD版含解析.docx

1、听说训练5PartAReadingAloud(模仿朗读)Inthispart,youarerequiredtowatchavideoclipandreadafterthespeakerinthevideo.There is one thing that everyone on earth has in common:we all live,eat and breathe within the human body.For two years,Ive been exploring this unique dwelling place.I want to show you what Ive see

2、n.To come with me,youll have to cross the globe,from Australia through Africa to America.Youll have to journey into space and into a place as mysterious but much closer to home.Weve developed new techniques to help you get there.New cameras to show you the way.Ill look up familiar things with a fres

3、h eye.答案: 略PartBRolePlay(角色扮演)Inthispart,youarerequiredtoactasaroleandcompletethreecommunicativetasks:listentothespeaker,askthespeakerthreequestionsandthenanswerfivequestions.播放情景录像情景介绍角色:你是学生。任务:(1)在景点附近问路并询问有关该景点的问题;(2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。生词:pagoda 塔Pagoda Forest 塔林monk 和尚下面请你用英语提出3个问题(三问部分)W:Excuse m

4、e.Could you please tell me where the pagodas are?M:Theyre to the west of Shaolin Temple.W:But how can I get to the Pagoda Forest?M:Turn right and then walk straight on.W:Is it far away from here?M:No,not far.Its only about three hundred metres away from here.Im on my way there.Will you follow me,ple

5、ase?W:Fine.Thanks a lot.Its my first visit to Pagoda Forest.M:Youre welcome.W:Are you here also the first time?M:No,Im not.Its my second time here.Today Im going to take some photos of the forest of pagodas.W:Is it a wonderful sight?M:Yes,you see,the pagodas are over there!Snows everywhere,on the hi

6、lls,on the trees and on the pagodas.What a beautiful sight!W:What did people use the pagodas for?M:They used them for keeping 250 bodies of the monks in Shaolin Temple from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.Thats why they are called “Pagoda Forest”!1.你也是第一次来吗?写下问题草稿(20秒)_开始录音(10秒)电脑回答(请记下重要信息,为五答

7、作准备)_2.风景很漂亮吗?写下问题草稿(20秒)_开始录音(10秒)电脑回答(请记下重要信息,为五答作准备)_3.人们用这些塔来做什么?写下问题草稿(20秒)_开始录音(10秒)电脑回答(请记下重要信息,为五答作准备)_答案: 1.Are you here also the first time?2.Is it a wonderful sight?3.What did people use the pagodas for?下面请你用英语回答5个问题(五答部分)1.How should the woman get to Pagoda Forest?2.How far is Pagoda For

8、est away when the woman asked for the direction?3.Why is the man going to Pagoda Forest?4.Which season is it now?5.What is the purpose of pagodas?1.请准备10秒,用英语回答第一个问题。(电脑提问两遍)写下答案:草稿(10秒)_开始录音(10秒)2.请准备10秒,用英语回答第二个问题。(电脑提问两遍)写下答案:草稿(10秒)_开始录音(10秒)3.请准备10秒,用英语回答第三个问题。(电脑提问两遍)写下答案:草稿(10秒)_开始录音(10秒)4.请准

9、备10秒,用英语回答第四个问题。(电脑提问两遍)写下答案:草稿(10秒)_开始录音(10秒)5.请准备10秒,用英语回答第五个问题。(电脑提问两遍)写下答案:草稿(10秒)_开始录音(10秒)答案: 1.Turn right and walk straight on.2.About three hundred metres.3.He is going to take some pictures of it.4.Its in winter.5.They are used to keep the bodies of some monks.PartCStoryRetelling(故事复述)Inthi

10、spart,youarerequiredtolistentoashortstory,andthenretellthestory.故事梗概:我的朋友David外出,拜托我去他家饲养鸟,我因为没有钥匙,费了一点周折,还惊动了警察关键词:feed 喂养mailbox 邮箱stone 石头torch 电筒fool傻瓜My friend,David Smith,kept birds.One day he phoned and told me he would be away for a week.He asked me to feed the bird for him and said he would

11、 leave his key in my mailbox.Unfortunately,I did not remember to feed the birds until the night before David was going to return.I rushed out of my house and it was already dark when I arrived at his house.I soon found the key he gave me could open neither the front door nor the back door!I kept thi

12、nking of what David would say when he came back.Then I noticed that one bedroom window was open.I found a big stone and pushed it under the window.Because the stone was very heavy,I had to make a lot of noise.But in the end,I managed to climb up.I had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly reali

13、zed that someone was shining a torch up at me.I looked down and saw a policeman and an old lady,one of Davids neighbors.“What are you doing up there?” said the policeman.Feeling like a fool,I replied,“I was just going to feed Mr.Smiths birds.”第一步,根据故事梗概和关键词,预测故事内容。第二步,仔细听录音(故事播放两遍),并记下重要信息。_第三步,准备时间

14、(60秒),整合重要信息,组织语言,准备录音。第四步,开始录音。_答案:My friend David asked me to feed birds for him when he was away from home for a week.He left his key in my mailbox.However,I didnt remember it until the night before David was going to return.To my surprise,I failed to open the doors with Davids key.I noticed a be

15、droom window open.I then tried to use the stone to climb up.The stone was so heavy that I had to make a lot of noise.When one of my legs was inside in the bedroom,someone was shining a torch up at me.I saw a policeman and an old lady.The policeman asked me what I was doing.I was awkward and replied that I was just going to feed Mr.Smiths birds.

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