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2013届高考英语二轮专题演练精品 单项填空1 WORD版含答案.doc

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2013届高三英语二轮专题演练:单项填空11(2011陕西高考)_ all of them are strong candidates,only one will be chosen for the post.ASinceBWhileCIf DAs解析:考查连词。句意:尽管他们都是(实力)很强的候选人,但只有一人将入选这个职位。since既然;while尽管;if如果;as当时候。答案:B2(2010湖北高考)Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom

2、 he spends his time,his house _his personality. Aresembles BstrengthensCreflects Dshapes解析:句意:正如一个人的穿着、他的饮食(习惯)及与之共度时光的朋友一样,其房屋反映出他的个性。resemble (表示同类中的) 相似,相同;strengthen 加强;shape 塑造,(使)成形,均不合题意。答案:C3(2010北京高考)_they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures.AAs B

3、WhileCUntil DOnce解析:句意:一旦决定了去哪一所大学,学生们就应该了解一下入学程序。as “因为,当时,正如”;while “当时,尽管”;until “直到”,均不符合句意。答案:D4Obama,the new president of the USA,is trying to help the Americans suffering from Wall Street crisis make the_ needed to rebalance their lives.Achange BimprovementCdecision Dadjustment解析:句意:新任美国总统奥巴马

4、正在努力帮助遭受华尔街危机的美国人进行重新平衡他们的生活所需要的调整。make adjustment 意为“进行调整”。A.改变;B.提高;C.决定。答案:D5Id also like to _ you on your good work in these two years.Acongratulate BcelebrateCwish Dhope解析:congratulate sb.on (doing) sth.“祝贺某人某事”。答案:A6It just isnt fair _ I was working as a waiter last month,my friends were lying

5、 on the beach.Awhenever BthoughCfor Dwhile7(2012杭州模拟)My most _ moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldnt remember.Aembarrassing BawfulCembarrassed Dshabby解析:embarrassing moment令人窘迫的时刻。embarrassed adj.“不好意思的,为难的”;awful“令人敬畏的、极度的、非常的”;shabby“破旧的,简陋的”。答案:A8(2012上海模拟)I am _ that he is

6、capable of finishing the task on time.Aassured BensuredCinsured Dsured解析:句意:我确定他有能力按时完成任务。assure指以十分肯定的语气向别人保证;ensure指确保某种行动或动机的结果一定会发生;insure“确保,保证”通常用于保险。答案:A9(2012绍兴模拟)Tom _ to several companies after he resigned his position as vice president,but he was rejected over and over again.Aapplied Bstu

7、ckCadjusted Dtook解析:句意:汤姆在辞掉副主席的职位后向好几个公司提出了申请,但一次次被拒绝。apply to.表示“向申请”。答案:A10(2012安庆调研)It is all agreed that a good education doesnt _ a good job. Aguarantee BresultCdepend Dswear11(2012许昌月考)Television has so many advantages,which keeps us _ of the latest news,and also provides entertainment.Ainfor

8、ming BinformedCto inform Dto be informed解析:keep sb.informed of.使某人知道,固定用法。答案:B12(2012合肥月考)_ that they refuse us,who else can we turn to for help?AProvide BProvidedCHaving provided DIf only解析:句意:假如他们拒绝了我们,我们还能求助于谁呢?provided此处引导一个条件状语从句。答案:B13Spring is around the corner.The mountains _ the village wil

9、l be green and beautiful.Asurround BsurroundedCsurrounding Dbeing surrounded解析:此处用surrounding作定语,修饰the mountains,它们之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词。surrounding the village相当于定语从句which surround the village。答案:C14How can they finish the work in the _ of any other helper?Ashortage BhasteCabsence Dlack解析:句意:没有其他人帮助,他们如何完

10、成那项工作?in the absence of“缺乏时”。答案:C15It was a long time before the police _ what he was really doing.Afell off onto Bwent in forCcaught on to Dgot on with解析:句意:过了很长时间警察才突然了解到他真正在做什么。go in for“喜欢”;catch on to“突然了解 ,理解”;get on with“与相处”。答案:C16I came here for nothing else but to see you _.Apurpose Bpropo

11、seCto the purpose Don purpose解析:句意:我来不为别的而是专程来看你的。on purpose“特意地,故意地”,相当于purposely;to the purpose“中肯地”。答案:D17She has the _habit of biting her fingernails,which makes her mother very worried.Aunconscious BambiguousCinstant Dadequate解析:句意:她有无意识咬指甲的习惯,这让她妈妈很担心。unconscious “无意识的,不知不觉的”,符合句意。答案:A交际用语18It

12、ll take me at least 2 hours to do this.Oh,_!I could do it in 20 minutes.Acome on Bpardon meCyou are right Ddont mention it解析:句意:干这活我至少需要2个小时。得了吧!我20分钟就能解决。come on表示不耐烦,意为“得了吧!”pardon me表示请原谅。其他选项也不合语境。答案:A19Mum,Ive beaten Tom at this tennis match by 3 to 1._.AI think so BCongratulationsCNever mind DIt is sure解析:听到别人取得了成绩、成功,当然要表示祝贺,congratulations可单独使用;I think so表示赞同对方的意见;never mind意为“不用担心,不要紧”;It is sure不单独使用。答案:B20Do you mind if I smoke here?_.Ive got a cough these days.AIm afraid I do BOf course notCNo trouble at all DYes,just go ahead版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究

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