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本文(2021届新高考英语一轮复习外研版学案:第一编 必修4 MODULE 1 LIFE IN THE FUTURE WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2021届新高考英语一轮复习外研版学案:第一编 必修4 MODULE 1 LIFE IN THE FUTURE WORD版含解析.doc

1、必修4Module 1Life in the Future话题晨背分钟 填词并背记Can you 1.predict what our life will be like in the far future? Are you2.optimistic about it? Now, Id like to talk about the future.3For_a_start,_I think paper money will 4.definitely be 5.on_the_way_out and 6.eventually be replaced by electronic payment. Bec

2、ause paper money isnt easy to carry. Secondly, natural 7.resources such as coal and oil are 8.running_out. By the time we 9.use them 10.up,_we will have to 11.rely_on 12.alternative energy, such as and wind energy for daily life and to 14.power machines. Thirdly, cars will become so advance

3、d that we can change their colours and 15.shapes at the 16.flick of a 17.switch.We can enjoy many 18.recreations,_such as 19.bowling,_20.softball and concerts 21.free_of_charge. We can 22.load spaceships with waste and send them towards other planets. As we can 23.get_rid_of rubbish in 24.urban area

4、s, there will be no need to have a 25.landfill. As for operations, doctors can do or 27.telesurgery for 28.outpatients without leaving their 29.clinics. The police can 30.arrest 31.criminals by 32.firing nets.Do you think all my predictions will come true one day?你能预测在遥远的未来我们的生活会是什么样子的吗?你


6、础词汇 查缺补漏1alternative (adj.) 替换的;供选择的 (n.) 可供选择的事物alternatively (adv.) 替换地2crime (n.) 罪;罪行criminal (n.) 罪犯;犯人3prediction (n.) 预测predict (vt.) 预言;预料4risky (adj.) 冒险的;危险的risk (vt.) 冒险 (n.) 危险;风险5load (vt.) 装;装载unload (v.) 卸;卸货download (vt.) 下载6rely (vi.) 依赖;依靠reliable (adj.) 可信赖的;可依靠的7limit (n.) (常用作复数

7、)范围 (vt.) 限制limited (adj.) 限制的;有限的8outdoors (adv.) 户外indoors (adv.) 在室内9command (n.& v) 命令;指令commander (n.) 指挥官10power (vt.) 供给动力powerful (adj.) 有权力的;有力量的powerless (adj.) 无力的;无权的11surgery (n.) 外科手术telesurgery (n.) 远距离手术12disability (n.) 失去能力;伤残disable (vt.) 使伤残disabled (adj.) 残疾的able (adj.) 能够的;有能力的

8、13attach (vt.) 系;贴;连接attached (adj.) 附加的;附属的attachment (n.) 附件14optimistic (adj.) 乐观的;乐观主义的optimism (n.) 乐观主义15definite (adj.) 肯定的;确定的definitely (adv.) 无疑地;确定地16eventually (adv.) 最后;终于eventual (adj.) 最后的17shape (vt.) 造成形状 (n.) 形状;身材18for sure肯定地19run out (某物)用完;没有了20rely on 依靠21get rid of 除掉;处理掉22fr

9、ee of charge 免费23carry out 开展;执行;进行24use up 用完25look out 小心;当心26for a start 首先27on the way out 即将过时;即将被淘汰重点知识分钟 alternative adj. 替换的;供选择的 n. 可供选择的事物(一般为二选一);选择(教材P2)单句语法填空The manager said that they had _ alternative plan if the plan they had suggested earlier was not accepted.The school is not far f

10、rom his home, so he takes the alternative _ walking.Weve missed the last bus. Im afraid we have no alternative but _ (take) a taxi.答案:anofto take单句写作要是你不喜欢学校准备的午餐,你可以自己带饭。If you dont like the school lunch, you _ your own. 答案:have the alternative of bringing名师点津“别无选择只好做”的其他表达形式:have no choice but to

11、do sth.cant do sth. but do sth.can do nothing but do sth.load n. 负担;负荷物 vt. 装载;装(教材P2)派生词:unload v. 卸;卸货download vt. 下载单句语法填空We have helped the student to take a load _ his mind.The photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera _ film.Everyone helped to unload the luggage _ the car.Emma hel

12、ped load all the groceries _ the car.答案:offwithfrominto单句写作因为装载了太多的乘客和货物,那艘韩国船只沉没了。The Korean ship sank, because it _ too many passengers and goods.很多人向我们投诉音乐太响。We got _ complaints about the loud music.请你把光盘放入播放机中好吗?Can you _ the CD _ the player please?答案:was loaded witha load of/loads ofload; into(

13、1)take a load off ones mind 使某人如释重负a load of/loads of . a_lot_of/lots_of . 大量的(2)load sth. (up) with sth. 往装load sb. with sth. 大量给予;使某人带很多东西be loaded with 负载;装满load sth. into/onto . 把装入/放进/放到unload . from sth. 从(车、船等)卸下某物limit n. 限制;极限;界限;(常作复数)范围 vt. 限制,限定(教材P2)派生词:limited adj. 有限的单句语法填空Young child

14、rens attention is _ (limit) and cant concentrate on one activity for very long.One should not push people _ the limit of their endurance. A nations development cannot go _ the limit of its natural conditions.答案:limitedtobeyond单句写作在我看来,你们最好给你们的旅行的费用定一个限度。In my opinion, you had better _ the expense of

15、 your trip.我认为她不适合做这份工作,首先,她受限于缺乏技术知识,其次,她还没有经验。I think she isnt fit for the job. For a start, she _ lack of technical knowledge, and then she has no experience.答案:set a limit tois limited to(1)beyond/over the limit 超过限度set a limit to 限制,控制,设定的限度to the limit 到了最大限度(2)limit . to . 把限定在范围内be limited t

16、o 限定在;受限制于名师点津上述短语中的to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。command n. C命令;指令 U指挥;控制 vt.& vi. 命令;指挥;掌管(教材P2)单句语法填空The general commanded his men _ (attack) the city.She has a good command _ English and French.His father commanded that he _ (stay) at home to study.答案:to attackof(should) stay同义句转换The police commanded that a

17、ll the people present (should) stay still on the square.The police commanded all the people present _ still on the square.答案:to stay单句写作我听从您的吩咐,您要我做什么?Im _ what would you like me to do?不能服务他人者,不能指挥他人。If you dont serve others, you cannot _ them.他在美国留过学,精通英语。He studied in the US and _ English.答案:at yo

18、ur commandtake command ofhas a good command of(1)be at sb.s command 听从某人吩咐have a good command of 精通(尤指语言)take command of 控制,指挥(2)command sb. to_do sth.命令某人做某事command that sb. (should)_do sth. 命令某人做某事charge n. 费用;价钱;主管;掌管;指控 v. 指控;收费;充电(教材P2)单句语法填空My elder brother will have to take charge _ the work.

19、He has been charged _ abusing his powers.答案:ofwith同义句转换Ill be in charge of the whole factory when Mr Black is away.The whole factory will be _ me when Mr Black is away.Six days later, the police arrested him and accused him of murder.Six days later, the police arrested him and _ him _ murder.答案:in t

20、he charge ofcharged; with单句写作你能够免费拨打66887790找我。You can call me, _, at 66887790.只要你先付款,我们就不收运费。As long as you pay in advance we wont _ delivery.答案:free of chargecharge you for(1)free of chargefor_free 免费sb. be in_charge_of sth.某人负责某事sth. be in_the_charge_of sb.某事/物由某人负责(状语)take charge of 掌管,负责;看管(谓语动

21、词)(2)charge sb. (money) for sth. 向某人收取的费用charge sb. with (doing) sth.accuse sb. of sth. 因(做)某事而控告某人attach vt. 系;贴;连接;使附属(教材P2)派生词:attached adj. 依恋的;爱慕的;附属于的;依附的单句语法填空In many countries, packets of cigarettes come with a official health warning _ (attach) to them.The middle school is attached _ Tsingh

22、ua University.答案:attachedto单句写作我在我的申请表上贴了一张照片。I _ my application form.在聚会上他老是缠着我,我简直无法摆脱他。He _ me at the party and I couldnt get rid of him.正像这句话所揭示的那样,我们很多青少年重视手机的程度远远超过了对朋友的重视。Just as this sentence reveals, many of us teenagers _ to our phones than to our friends.答案:attached a photo toattached him

23、self toattach more importancerun out (某物)用完;没有了(教材P2)单句语法填空Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running _.I ran _ my old friend Jean in Paris last week.As soon as he discovered the policeman, the thief ran _.答案:outacrossaway单句写作地球资源正以惊人的速度耗尽。The earths resources are _ at an alarming rate.猜猜

24、我今天碰见谁了?Guess who I _ today?讲课之前,她翻阅了一下自己的讲稿。She _ her notes before giving the lecture.许多男人追逐成功,而经常忽视了妻子和孩子。Many men _ success, and often neglect their wives and children.答案:running outran intoran overrun after选词填空(run out of/run out/use up/gave out)She has _ all her money and her patience is also _

25、.Dont _ all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.After a month, their food supplies _.答案:run out of; running outuse upgave outrun across 偶遇run into 撞上;遇上run over 匆匆看;撞倒run after 追赶;追逐run away 逃跑易混辨析run out of/use up是及物动词短语, 主语是人,后接宾语。run out是不及物动词短语,其主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命的名词。give out是不及物动词短语,表示“(某物)用完了,

26、没有了”,无被动语态。三者皆有“用完;耗尽”之意。rely on 依靠;依赖(教材P2)单句语法填空Dont rely on others _ (help) you solve all the problems.You can rely on _ that it will rain this weekend.答案:to helpit单句写作这个项目的成功要靠每个人的努力。The success of this project _ everyone making an effort.许多职业妇女都靠亲属照看孩子。Many working women _ relatives to take car

27、e of their children.在婴儿时期,我们完全依赖别人喂食。As babies, we _ food.答案:relies onrely onrely entirely on others forrely on (sb.) doing sth. 指望/依靠/相信(某人)做某事rely on sb. to_do sth. 指望/依靠/相信某人做某事rely on sb. for sth. 依靠某人得到某物rely on it that . 相信同义短语:count_on,_depend_on名师点津rely on后面用that从句作宾语时,中间必须加形式宾语it。get rid of

28、 摆脱;除掉;处理掉(教材P2)单句语法填空Its a mistake to think that you can get away _ it.Shed gladly have gone anywhere to get away _ the cottage.I cant get _ to this number. I had created a way to get my message _ while using as few words as possible.Theres not much time left. Lets get down to _ (repair) the machin

29、e.答案:withfromthroughacrossrepairing单句写作你把那个推销员打发走费事吗?Did you have any trouble _ that salesman?为了避开人群,我们向另一片海滩走去。We walked to the next beach to _ the crowds.答案:getting rid ofget away fromget across 通过;使被理解get . back 退还;送回去get into 进入;陷入get out 离开;出去get hold of 把握;抓住get off 动身get away_from 离开;逃脱get aw

30、ay_with 侥幸逃脱;侥幸成功get through 通过;到达;做完;接通电话get down_to 开始认真考虑;着手处理look out小心,当心;向外看(教材P5)单句写作一定要当心你作业中的拼写错误。Do _mistakes in your work. 我们不应该瞧不起残疾人,相反我们应该帮助他们。We shouldnt _ the disabled, on the contrary, we should help them.我翻阅今天的报纸,但没有发现重要消息。I _ todays newspaper but I found nothing important.我们在事故现场查

31、找一些有用信息以便我们能进一步调查这件事情。We _ some useful information at the accident site so that we can _ the matter further.答案:look out for spellinglook down on/uponlooked throughlooked up; look intolook out_(for) 小心;当心look out_of 向外看look down_on/upon 轻视look through 浏览;假装没看见而不理睬某人look up 向上看;好转;查阅look into 调查;审查名师点

32、津表示当心的短语还有:take care, be careful, watch out等。Where will we be_living in twenty years time? 二十年后我们将住在哪里?(教材P6)单句语法填空You _ (study) English at university this time next year.I _ (talk) with him about the plan this evening.答案:will be studyingwill be talking单句写作我觉得特别兴奋!明天早晨的这个时候我就在飞往北京的飞机上了。I feel so exc

33、ited! At this time tomorrow morning I _ to Beijing.你明天这个时候给我打电话时我将正在睡觉。I _ when you call me at this time tomorrow.答案:will be flyingwill be sleeping“助动词shall/willbedoing”构成:表示将来某一点或某一时间段(可能)正在发生的事情,常与特定的时间状语连用,如:soon,_tomorrow,_this_evening,_at_this_time_tomorrow,_tomorrow_evening等。Im too busy enjoyi

34、ng my life now to worry about the future! 我现在忙于享受生活没有时间去担心未来!(教材P8)单句语法填空The weather was too hot for me _ (sleep). They are but too _ (please) to hear the news.答案:to sleeppleased同义句转换That box is too small to hold all these things.That box is _ it cant hold all these things.That box is not _ hold all

35、 these things.答案:so small that; big enough to单句写作当他听到这个好消息时激动得说不出话来。He was _ say a word when he heard the good news.据我所知,他们急于离开。As far as I know, they are _ anxious _ leave.英语并不太难学。English is _ difficult _.答案:too excited totoo; tonot too; to learn课文回练分钟语法填空No one can be sure _1_ the city of the futu

36、re will look like, and _2_ (make) predictions is a risky business. People will care more for the environment as earths natural resources run _3_. They will use lots of recycled _4_ (material), such as plastic, aluminium, steel, glass, wood and paper. They will also have to rely more _5_ alternative

37、energy. Some people think that the city _6_ (load) huge spaceships with waste meterials to get rid of garbage problems. Some believe that no smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits. All forms of recreation will _7_ (provide) free of charge by the city. Maybe in the future, people will b

38、e given a telephone number at birth _8_ will never change no matter where they live. It is likely that distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out _9_ (operation) from thousands of miles away, with each city _10_ (have) its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.1._2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_答案:1.wh

39、at2.making3.out4.materials5.on6.will provided8.that9.operations10.having随堂检测分钟.单句语法填空1To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to _ (become) rich and famous.答案:becoming2The natural resources are _ (run) out because of peoples wasting behavior.答案:running3If he promises to do som

40、ething, he will do it, so you can rely on him _ (help) you when you are in trouble.答案:to help4The lorry, _ (load) with bricks,has broken down suddenly in the middle of the bridge.答案:loaded5Mark said his English was so _ (limit) that he wasnt quite sure about some of the idioms.答案:limited6The institu

41、te _ (attach) to Peking University is famous for medicine research and development.答案:attached7The book is too difficult for children _ (read)答案:to read8Since the manager left his position, she has been _ charge of the company.答案:in9The commission commanded that work on the building _ (stop)答案:(shou

42、ld) stop10If he takes on this work, he will have no alternative but _ (meet) an even greater challenge.答案:to meet.选词填空for sure, run out, rely on, get rid of, free of charge, be loaded with, set a limit to, look out, for a start, on the way out1No one knows _ what really happened.答案:for sure2Short sk

43、irts are _ now and longer ones are in again.答案:on the way out3Have you managed to _ your old car?答案:get rid of4You may _ it that he will come to meet you.答案:rely on5My money _, so I cant afford to buy it.答案:has run out6The performers have offered their services _.答案:free of charge7I dont agree this

44、is of poor quality. _, it is a book well worth reading.答案:For a start8_ when you are crossing the road.答案:Look out 9Please give him lots of love instead of high expectations; otherwise he will _ great pressure.答案:be loaded with10We should _ what our children can do.答案:set a limit to.单句写作1警察到达后就控制了局势

45、。The police arrived and _ the situation.答案:took command of2路上有许多车被大雨耽搁了,我们别无选择只好等待。There were so many cars held up by the heavy rain on the road that _. 答案:we had no alternative/choice but to wait3请放心我们定会与你方密切合作。You may _ we will cooperate with you closely.答案:rely on it that4无论我用什么话,都不能表达对你的及时帮助的感激。

46、_ I use, I cant express my appreciation of your timely help.答案:No matter what words5作为饭馆里面的服务生,你对待顾客越礼貌越好。As a waiter or waitress in a restaurant, you can _. 答案:never be too polite to your customers.语段写作It was reported that life supplies _ (用完) in the earthquakehit area. To express our care, we _ (装

47、载) hundreds of trucks with suppliesfood, water, clothes and so onand sent them to the stricken area. On arriving there, we promised that _ (无论他们住在那里), everyone could get food _ (免费). No one knows for sure whether there will be aftershocks. But people think that they should _ (依靠自己重建) their homes.答案:had run out; loaded; wherever they live; free of charge; rely on themselves to rebuild

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