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2013届高考英语二轮语法强化训练19 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、强化训练19 名词()(时间:15分钟 分数:27分).单项选择(每题1分,共20分) 1(2012江西重点中学联考)Working hard is not a _ of great success,but it is among the essential requirements.Asign Bsignal Cguarantee Dmark答案C考查名词词义辨析。句意:勤奋工作不能保证你一定会取得巨大成功,但它是取得成功的必要条件之一。由句意可知选guarantee“保证”。2(2012南京师大附中学情调研)I have already put away a bit of savings

2、since I made a _Abargain Bbudget Ccurrency Dcharge答案B考查名词辨析。句意:自从我做了预算后我已经存下一点儿钱了。make a budget表示“做预算”,所以选B项。3(2012江苏卷)Can I help you with it?I appreciate your _,but I can manage it myself.Aadvice Bquestion Coffer Didea答案Cadvice建议;question问题,疑问;offer出价,(主动提供)帮助;idea主意。第一个人的话“Can I help you with it?”

3、属于向第二个人主动提供帮助,即是一种offer。故选C。4(2012湖州二模)To be honest,the role Jack plays in this film doesnt come up to my _,though he is one of my favorite actors.Aexcuses BexplanationsCexperiences Dexpectations答案D考查名词辨析。expectation意为“期待,期望,预料”,come up to (ones) expectations意为“达到(某人的)期望”。句意:老实说,虽然杰克是我最喜欢的演员之一,但他在这部

4、电影中扮演的角色没有我预料的那么好。5(2010山东卷)Those who suffer from headache will find they get _from this medicine.Arelief Bsafety Cdefense Dshelter答案Arelief(痛苦等)缓解,符合句意:那些头痛的人将发现他们的病情将从这种药上得到缓解。safety安全;defense防御;shelter保护。6(2010湖北卷)This restaurant has become popular for its wide _of foods that suit all tastes and

5、pockets.Adivision Barea Crange Dcircle答案Cfoods后面的定语从句that suit all tastes and pockets(适合各种口味和消费层次)说明该饭店的食物多种多样,所以应该用range。而A项division是“划分,分开”的意思,B项area是“区域”的意思,D项circle则是“圆圈,环”的意思,显然A、B和D项不合题意。7(2012皖南八校二次联考)I have been told that the new law will come into _on January 1st next year.Aeffect Buse Cser

6、vice Dexistence答案Acome into effect意为“生效”;come into use意为“开始被使用”;come into service意为“投入使用”;come into existence意为“成立,产生”。根据语意“我被告知,这部新法将于明年元月一日生效”可知选A。8(2012烟台一模)George was responsible for the accident because he didnt give a _to the other drivers.Anotice Bmark Csymbol Dsignal答案Dnotice通知;mark记号,标记;sym

7、bol符号,标志;signal信号。句意:乔治应对这个事故负责,因为他没有给其他的司机发信号。9(2012南京二模)Considering the severe fact of global warming,the top _of all nations is to reduce CO2 emissions and increase the use of renewable energy.Apriority Bimpact Cissue Devent答案Apriority优先考虑的事,优先权;impact影响;issue问题;event事件。句意:就全球变暖的严峻的事实而言,各国都应优先考虑的

8、事是减少二氧化碳的排放,增加可再生能源的使用。10(2012济南市五校统考)The driver can adjust the heating in winter and the air conditioning in summer to suit his own _Apleasure Bconvenience Cpreference Dtaste答案Cpleasure快乐;convenience便利;preference偏爱;taste品味。句意:冬天可以开暖气,夏天有空调,司机可以根据自己的喜好调节。11(2012山东聊城模考)After the earthquake,the first

9、thing the local government did was to provide _for the homeless families.Aaccommodation BoccupationCequipment Dfurniture答案Aaccommodation住处;occupation职业;equipment设备;furniture家具。句意:地震发生后,当地政府做的第一件事就是为无家可归的人提供住处。12(2012临沂市统考)People often find themselves caught in such a _as “whether.or not.”Adilemma Be

10、ndeavor Cfault Dsurvival答案Adilemma困境;endeavor努力;fault过错;survival幸存。句意:人们发现自己总处于这样的一个困境中,比如“是否”。13(2012黄石调研考试)The stronger the _is,the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.That is to say,it is up to whether he has an interest in the foreign language.Ainspiration BambitionCmotivation Da

11、spiration答案Cinspiration灵感;ambition雄心,抱负;motivation动机;aspiration渴望。句意:一个人学习动机越强,他学外语就学得越快。也就是说,这取决于他是否对外语有兴趣。14It is a great _for a person to be able to drive when he is seeking a job.Aadvantage BchanceCfun Dimportance答案A语意表示找工作时,会开车是一个优势(advantage),因此选A。15China and some other countries found that ev

12、en when children from the countryside do start school they have a(n) _to be absent and often drop out later.Areaction Bexpectation Crestriction Dtendency答案D句意:在中国和其他一些国家,乡村的儿童即使上学了也有缺勤和退学的可能。结合语意可知,应选D项。表示“趋势,趋向”。16Juniors begin to attend job fairs in the university,and surveys conducted in other un

13、iversities have reported similar_Aoutcomes BconsequencesCeffects Dfindings答案Doutcome产出;consequence后果;effect效果;finding发现。句意:大三时学生就开始参加学校里的招聘会,在其他大学所做的调查也报道说发现了类似的结果。17What _they must be having singing and dancing around the campfire!Apleasure Bhappiness Cjoy Dfun答案D句意:他们在篝火周围载歌载舞,一定玩得非常开心!have fun表示“

14、玩得开心”,是固定搭配。18We have phoned her several times,but unfortunately she is still out of _Areach Bcontrol Csight Dorder答案Aout of reach表示“联系不上;不在服务区”。out of control意思是“失控”;out of sight意思是“看不见”;out of order意思是“发生故障;混乱”。根据语意可知,A项正确。19There is no _to think more about your failure in the exam.Take it easy.Ap

15、oint Bdoubt Cworry Dneed答案D根据语意可知是没有必要对考试不及格这件事想那么多。20What do you think of the dinner in Mr Greens?Oh,great!I have never had a better one.Its a dinner of twenty_Adrinks Bpeople Ctables Dcourses答案D句意:你觉得格林先生家的晚餐怎么样呀?哦,好极了,我从没吃过比这个更好的饭了。那是一顿有二十道菜的晚餐。根据句意可知应选D项,course“一道菜”。.试说新语(每题1分,共7分)21might(熟义:v.或

16、许)I pushed the rock with all my might._22minute(熟义:n.分钟)hold a minute inspection of the grounds_Please read through the minutes first._23mix(熟义:vt.混合)He mixes very little with his wifes friends._24net(熟义:n.网)The sale netted the company a fat profit._25note(熟义:n.笔记)Learn the notes by heart._I noted t

17、hat her hands were dirty._26novel(熟义:n.小说)Jobsharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it._A novel idea may be the first step towards success. _27open(熟义:v.开;adj.开着的,打开的)They left the matter open._答案21.n.力量;权威22.adj.微小的,详细的,仔细而准确的;pl.会议记录23.vt.交往,来往24.vt.净得,净赚25.n.台词;v.注意26.adj.新颖的;adj.新颖的27.adj.(问题,议事等)未解决版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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