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2013届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(12).doc

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1、2013届高考英语二轮专题总复习阅读能力培养精品系列(12)完形填空We should show respect to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahead of usin age, in wisdom and maturity, in experience and education. Our _1_ have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us _2_ everything to their kindness and love.When w

2、e _3_ them respect, whether it is by bowing to them, or _4_ them with a smile, or offering them any help they need, it is one way of _5_ our own love and gratitude to them._6_, elders have also been through all the years you are _7_ and know a little more about the world than you do. It is _8_ that

3、you do not agree with the belief of your elders, but this is nothing new. All younger generations have always _9_ with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human _10_. However much you disagree with them, give them credit for their _11_.With changing times and _12_ influenc

4、es, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to elders. Youngsters should _13_ express their views and if there are arguments, they should not _14_ their voices.If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately _15_ their places, and sit on the carpet. In buses an

5、d trains, youngsters are _16_ to give up their places to older people. This is not a _17_ of who has more rights. It is simply that those who are younger have the strength to bear _18_, or tolerate unpleasantness, so it is natural to show consideration to those who are older and perhaps at a _19_ di

6、sadvantage.When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become _20_ that youngsters care for them, and they respond with affection and kindness.1. A. youngsters B. eldersC. parents D. juniors2. A. devote B. owe C. pay D. contribute 3. A. show B. explain C. exhibit D. point4. A. greeting B.

7、 receiving C. declaring D. showing5. A. expressing B. describing C. sending D. suggesting6. A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Though7. A. experiencing with B. going throughC. suffering from D. worrying out8. A. maybe B. likely C. possible D. probably9. A. quarreled B. dealt C. lived D. disagreed

8、10. A. community B. organizationC. society D. public11. A. experience B. realityC. emotion D. information12. A. cultural B. specialC. environmental D. position13. A. quietly B. slightly C. silently D. coldly14. A. rise B. raise C. support D. force15. A. give away B. get rid ofC. give up D. send out

9、16. A. expected B. forced C. needed D. reminded17. A. doubt B. question C. wonder D. challenge18. A. suffering B. upset C. trouble D. discomfort19. A. serious B. light C. heavy D. slight20. A. aware B. alive C. knowing D. sensible阅读理解 AWhile IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tells you how smart you are. EQ

10、 (Emotional Quotient) tells you how well you use your smartness. Professor Salovery, the psychologist who created the term EQ, says that it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.Supported by his research, he suggested that when predicting future successes, a persons brainpowe

11、r, as measured by IQ tests, might actually matter less than a persons character, or EQ. Professor Salovery may be correct. For example, have you ever wondered why some of the best and smartest students in your class end up failing exams? Perhaps it is because of their EQ. People often make the mista

12、ke of thinking that EQ is the opposite of IQ. It is not. Although it is hoped that people have both high EQs and IQs, there is little doubt that those with low EQs have a hard time surviving in life.For a long time, researchers discussed if a persons IQ could be raised. The geneticists said no, whil

13、e the social scientists said yes. Furthermore, the social scientists said that it was possible to improve a persons EQ, particularly in terms of “people skills”, such as understanding and communication.Recently, a professor released the findings of a study on senior high school students. When some n

14、ormal students were introduced to some disabled students, they found that afterwards they were more willing to help people in difficulties. At the same time, there was a marked change in the disabled students attitudes. They became more positive about their disabilities and were more eager to try ne

15、w things. People with high EQs often have positive attitudes towards life and are open to different ideas, so they tend to be more creative in their thinking. Please remember that having a high IQ is helpful but having a high EQ might even be more helpful.1. According to Professor Salovery,what fact

16、or matters the most in predicting whether a person will be successful or not?A. How a person tests his/her brainpower.B. A persons character. C. How smart a person is.D. A persons IQ.2. The second paragraph tells us that _.A. people who have a high IQ always have a high EQB. EQ is the opposite of IQ

17、C. people who have a low EQ tend to have a hard lifeD. people who have a high EQ always have a high IQ3. What did the professor find from his study of normal students being introduced to some disabled children?A. Students with disabilities were not open in trying new things.B. There was no change in

18、 the normal students.C. The disabled students became more positive and more eager to try new things.D. The disabled students were more willing to help others.4. Which of the following is the writers attitude toward EQ and IQ?A. IQ is more helpful to people than EQ.B. IQ can be raised by understandin

19、g and communication.C. EQ can get people hired.D. A high EQ is of great benefit in getting people promoted.5. Which of the following would be the BEST title of this passage?A. A persons brainpower.B. IQ, EQ and success.C. IQ and a persons character.D. A persons IQ and EQ. BAll Eskimos live most of t

20、heir lives close to sea or fresh water. They may follow game inland for several hundred miles, but they always return to the shores of rivers, lakes, or seas. Eskimo land has a bare look. Large rocks, pebbles, and sand cover much of the surface. Plants called lichen (地衣) grow on the rocks, and where

21、 there is enough soil, grass, flowers, and even small bushes manage to live. No trees can grow on Eskimo land, so geographers sometimes call it the Arctic plains. There are some animals in Eskimo land, such as rabbits, which eat the plants. Other animals, like the white fox and the gray wolf, eat th

22、e rabbits. The Eskimo is a meat-eater, too, and may even eat a wolf when food is scarce.The Eskimo year has two main parts:A long, cold winter and a short, cool summer. Spring and fall are almost too short to be noticed. Summer is the best time, as food is usually plentiful. But it is also the time

23、when Eskimos are very busy. Winter is never far away, and the men must bring home extra meat for the women to prepare and store, for seldom can enough animals be killed in winter to feed a family.The Far North is sometimes called the land of the midnight sun. This is true in the middle of summer, fo

24、r between April 21st and August 21st the sun never sets in Northern Greenland. But in midwinter the Far North is a land with no sunshine at all. Around October 21st the Eskimos of Northern Greenland see the sun set directly south of them, and they dont see it again until February 22nd. All places on

25、 earth get about the same amount of daylight during a year. As a result, if summer is lighter, winter has to be darker. Winter nights in the Far North are seldom pitch-black. As in the rest of the world, the stars and moon provide a little light. The northern lights also help the Eskimo to see. And

26、with the ground covered with snow, even a little light is reflected back to the Eskimos eyes.6. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Eskimos do not usually eat wolves. B. Eskimos like to chase one another.C. Eskimos depend heavily on water.D. Eskimos are meat-eaters.7. In the Eskimo year

27、, _.A. there is no spring and fallB. winter is cold and summer is hotC. summer is a time for growing foodD. winter comes early and goes late8. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “pitch-black” in Paragraph 4?A. Dark with a little light. B. A little dark.C. Not dark at all. D. Extremely dark.9.

28、From the passage, we can infer all of the following EXCEPT that _.A. Eskimos are more likely to eat wolves in summerB. Eskimo women are responsible for houseworkC. meat is the main source of food for the EskimoD. hunting is an important part of Eskimo life10. Why is summer lighter in the Far North?

29、A. Because the Far North is far away from the sun.B. Because the sun is not seen for five months of the year.C. Because the sun never sets in midsummer.D. Because people see the sun set directly south of them.参考答案1. 解析:选B。由上文中的elder可知。2. 解析:选B。分析上文可知,表示因果关系。年长者直接地或间接地为我们做出了很多,所以自然年轻人是要感激年长者的。owe sth

30、. to sb.把归功给某人。3. 解析:选A。后文提到的都是表示尊敬的行为。故选A。4. 解析:选A。greeting them with a smile以微笑的形式问候。根据上下文判断,微笑是表示尊敬的一种行为方式,多用在问候时。5. 解析:选A。由下文“our own love and gratitude to them”可知,选express。表达我们的尊敬和爱戴。6. 解析:选C。通过语境可以判断出此句与前文是递进关系,所以用besides。7. 解析:选B。go through经历,经受。指人们要经历的岁月。8. 解析:选B。it is likely that.意为“很可能”。9.

31、 解析:选D。由后文的differences可知,年轻人和年长者之间是有分歧的。10. 解析:选C。人们不同的思想才能使社会前进。11. 解析:选A。由前文“elders have also been through all the years”说明年长者们经历风雨,历尽沧桑。12. 解析:选A。外来的东西要影响人们思想,在这其中文化的影响是主要的内容。13. 解析:选A。年轻人和年长者表达个人观点时,表现尊敬的方式就是要轻声提问或是表述。14. 解析:选B。年轻人有不同观点表述时,礼貌的行为是不要大声说话。raise ones voices提高嗓门。15. 解析:选C。根据上文“If the

32、re were no space on sofas or chairs”可知,在这种条件下,年轻人礼貌的行为就是让座给老人。16. 解析:选A。 后文说到“give up their places to older people”,这是年轻人被期望做到的。be expected to do 被指望做。17. 解析:选B。由文意可知,“who has more rights”这是争论的话题,所以选question。18. 解析:选D。or tolerate unpleasantness和空格处表示的是同样概念,因此与bear搭配的名词应是discomfort。19. 解析:选D。 根据文章内容可知,those指的就是弱势群体,所以应选slight。20. 解析:选A。由常识可知,先要意识到之后才能响应。become aware that.意为“开始意识到”。1-10 BCCDB BDDAC


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