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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(八) 阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错 WORD版含解析.doc

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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(八) 阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(八) 阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(八) 阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(八) 阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(八) 阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错 WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(八) 阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错 WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(八) 阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错 WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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1、组合练(八)阅读理解阅读七选五短文改错.阅读理解AThe British live on a small island.They are surrounded by the sea,so it is not surprising that the sea has always played an important role in their lives.After the development of large,oceangoing sailing ships in the fifteenth century,the sea became even more important to th

2、e countrys development.Ships setting sail from England determined to extend Britains territories,its wealth and its knowledge of the world.Ships returned to England bringing goods,people and new ideas from foreign places.By the nineteenth century,Britain had the largest,most powerful navy in the wor

3、ld.The great sailing ships were so much a part of British life that they even affected the language.Many English expressions we use today were originally nautical (航海的) terms,although most people no longer realize this.For example,people commonly describe an honest and fair business deal as being “a

4、bove board”This expression was originally used in sailing ship times when secretive,dishonest ships business would be carried out below decks (below the boards) out of public view.On the other hand,honest business was always conducted on deck (above the boards),in the open where everyone could see w

5、hat was going on.“Pipe down!”,meaning “Be quiet!”,is another common expression that has nautical origins.The ships boatswain (水手长) would blow a whistle,or pipe,at the end of the day to indicate (表明) to the sailors it was time to quieten down and go to sleep.Most native English speakers have heard th

6、e expression “not enough room to swing a cat”,but few know that the “cat” does not refer to a small furry animal with four legs and a tail.The “cat” is actually a short form of “cat of nine tails”a whip with nine knotted (打结的) tails.A boatswain needed a lot of space in order to swing the whip proper

7、ly when lashing (鞭打) a poor sailor under his control!语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。英国作为一个岛国,四周被海洋环绕,因此海洋在英国人的生活中发挥着重要作用。英国曾有着很强大的海军,一直以来,水手们经常使用一些丰富的航海术语,这些术语也影响着英语语言。1The British have been strongly influenced by the sea because_.Athey occupied more land around the worldBthey got more wealth from the seaCthey live o

8、n an island surrounded by the seaDthey had the largest navy ever解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“They are surrounded by the sea,so it is not surprising that the sea has always played an important role in their lives.”可知,英国被海洋包围,所以海洋对英国人的生活影响很大。答案:C2If someone is open and above board,it means he is_.AsecretiveBhone

9、stCcheerful Ddishonest解析:细节理解题。结合第二段中的“people commonly describe an honest and fair business deal as being above board”可知,选B项。答案:B3What can we conclude from the passage?ASailors need to go to sleep when they hear a whistle.BSailors will be whipped if they do business below decks.CA poor sailor may be

10、 whipped nine times a day.DThere is no spare room to raise cats on ships.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“The ships boatswain would blow a whistle,or pipe,at the end of the day to indicate to the sailors it was time to quieten down and go to sleep.”可知,当听到哨声,水手们要去睡觉。所以选A项。答案:A4The passage is mainly about_.Athe busi

11、ness on British sailing shipsBthe influence of British sailors language on EnglishCthe sailing history of EnglandDthe sailing story of British sailors解析:主旨大意题。本文主要通过介绍英国是一个受海洋影响的国家引入主题,即水手们在航行的时候使用的一些航海术语对英语这门语言产生了深远的影响。因此B项符合题意。答案:BBApril should be prime walrus (海象) hunting season for the native vi

12、llages on Alaskas remote western coast.In years past the winter, sea ice on which the animals rest would still be abundant, providing prime targets for local hunters.But this year seaice coverage as of late April was more like what would be expected for midJune.These conditions are the continuation

13、of a winterlong scarcity (缺乏) of sea ice in the Bering Sea.Sea ice expands outward from the central Arctic Ocean each autumn as the sun falls low and temperatures drop.In the Chukchi and Bering Seas off Alaska, freezeup used to begin in October.Ice would edge southward and build up throughout the wi

14、nter until peaking in March when the ice would start melting back.But last autumn freezeup in the region began later.The unusual warmth continued throughout this winter, in part because of an atmospheric pattern that kept storms periodically sweeping up from the south.Such atmospheric conditions hav

15、e long been a limiting factor to seaice growth in the Bering Sea, Thoman says.But until recently the water there was reliably cold enough in autumn that when winds did blow from the south,sea ice would still sprawl.The last few years have seen unusually warm ocean waters in the Bering.Some of those

16、warm waters followed ocean currents up into the Bering and left a reservoir (储藏) of warmth that limited ice formation.The occurrence of these unusual conditions off Alaska this past winter can largely be put down to the random weather variations in a chaotic climate system, but scientists say global

17、 warming added to the severity of the situation.At the end of April, the Bering Sea was nearly icefreefour weeks ahead of schedule.The open ocean was taking in heat that could set up another delayed freezeup next fall.“Because of the role weather plays, not every year is going to be like this.Next y

18、ear will almost certainly not be this low.But as temperatures continue to rise, chances are very high that we will not go another 160 years before we see something like this happen again,” says Thoman.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。每年的四月份,美国阿拉斯加州附近海域的浮冰上会栖息着大量海象,是狩猎的好时机。然而今年的情况却大不相同。 5In waters off Alaskas western co

19、ast, normally April should be a time when _.Anumerous walruses go onshoreBthere still exists plenty of sea iceCthe sea ice is at its maximum amountDtemperatures begin to rise after winter解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的前两句可知,在阿拉斯加州偏远的西海岸,每年的四月份海面上仍然会存在大量海冰。答案:B6What does the underlined word “sprawl” in Paragraph 3 m

20、ean? ASpread.BReduce.CFloat. DFunction.解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词所在的上下文可知,从南方来的暴风雨是白令海海冰形成的限制性因素。不过一直到最近白令海秋天的水温还是足够低,以至于当南方的风吹来时,海冰还是能够继续扩大面积。答案:A7What was the main cause of the unusual situation in waters off Alaska this past winter?AThe overhunting activities.BWinds blowing from the north.CChangeable weather

21、 conditions.DGradual warming of the Arctic.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句可知,在过去的这个冬天里,阿拉斯加州附近海冰形成困难的主要原因在于天气变化无常,全球变暖现象只是一个辅因。答案:C8Which of the following would Thoman agree with?AGlobal warming has lost its influence.BThe Bering Sea will be warmer next year.CFreezeup will definitely be delayed next autumn.DThe

22、 Bering Sea will probably witness a seaice decline again.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段Thoman所说的话可知,Thoman认为,因为天气的偶然因素,并不是每一年都会发生海冰稀少这样的事,下一年很可能情况会有所好转。但就全球温度上升的总体趋势来看,白令海域这种不寻常的冬季少冰现象将来还会重现。答案:D.阅读七选五Excellent leadership is about building up the people around you: trusting them, empowering (授权) them, and finally,

23、 enabling them to contribute their expert knowledge so that the team can become more than the sum total of its parts.But what does that look like in practice? 1 Here are some ways to help your team do better.Encourage open and honest communication.Create an environment where openness and honesty in

24、all aspects of communication are encouraged. 2 Ask for and listen to feedback (反馈)Most of all, ensure your team members have a clear path to your door if they need it.Celebrate their success.Never forget to praise good ideas or targets met.Share your teams success with the company at large and suppo

25、rt them in taking on the leadership.For big wins, you can even organize a lunch or dinner where every member of the team can share in the achievement. 3Provide adequate resources (资源) and training. 4 He or she helps them to find room for advancement, so they can develop their skills and make progres

26、s in their work.Support your team by giving them the resources they need to stand out and reach the next level. 5 In your time as a leader, things wont always go smoothly.You might even make a few bad calls.When things go wrong, you need to face it headon.Take responsibility and work together with y

27、our team to solve the problems and reach the target.AKeep your eye on the big picture.BBe responsible for your decisions and actions.CHowever you choose to mark the moment, do it together.DGreat leaders show respect for team members in a number of ways.EWhat kind of actions can you take every day to

28、 help your team succeed?FAsk people to share their views and talk about the problems in their way.GA great leader doesnt just help their team members to do their job of the present time.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。作为领导者,如何才能让团队更强大呢?1解析:本段的开头介绍了什么是优秀的领导能力。紧接着提出了两个问题:那实践当中是什么样的呢?每天如何做才能帮助你的团队成功呢?由空后的内容可知,下文对本空提出的问题作

29、了解答。答案:E2解析:由本段的主旨句“Encourage open and honest communication.”可知,作者建议要鼓励坦率、真诚的交流,故F项“让人们用自己的方式分享观点、讨论问题”符合段意。答案:F3解析:本空承接上句内容,告诉我们无论怎样庆祝这一时刻,一定要与团队在一起庆祝。答案:C4解析:由空后内容可知,团队领导不仅要帮助成员做好手头的工作,还应该帮助他们找到进步的空间。空后的he or she指的是本空中的a great leader。答案:G5解析:本段主要讲团队领导要为自己的决策和行为负责,B项与本段内容贴合,是本段的主旨句。答案:B.短文改错I was a

30、 sweet and loving girl during I was very young.Unfortunate, things changed.It all started when I was given smartphone in the eighth grade by a good friend.I became fond of watching movies, chat online and playing addictive games.Naturally, I couldnt make progresses in my study any more.Whats worse,

31、I spent fewer time in communicating with my parents.Thus, all of them were worried about what had been happened and turned to my head teacher for help.With their help, I realized what serious the things were and decided to change myself.Now I am grateful to them and became a good girl.答案:I was a swe

32、et and loving girl I was very young., things changed.It all started when I was given smartphone in the eighth grade by a good friend.I became fond of watching movies, online and playing addictive games.Naturally, I couldnt make in my study any more.Whats worse, I spent time in communicating with my parents.Thus, of them were worried about what had happened and turned to my head teacher for help.With their help, I realized serious the things were and decided to change myself.Now I am grateful to them and a good girl.


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