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2021届新高考英语二轮专题闯关导练:高考题型重组练(一) WORD版含解析.doc

1、高考题型重组练(一).阅读理解A2020长春市普通高中高三统一测试Our wedding was about to begin. My throat was tight and my cheeks got red, but I didnt care. I was ready to marry David Sanchez. Were a “nontraditional” couple: getting married in a bookstore that supports a charity to fight HIV and homelessness.“Kim! I could walk yo

2、u down the aisle (走道) if you like!” Davids father offered gently.“Im OK. But I appreciate that,” I said with a smile. And I was reminded, again, of my dads absence.My father died of cancer six weeks ago. For the last two months, we tried to make him feel comfortable and loved as he departed from thi

3、s world. He always told us that he didnt like a funeral (葬礼) and insisted that our wedding go forward as planned. But how could we honor him since the wedding would be the first time the family would gather after his death and some even didnt know he was sick?During the ceremony, my dear friend Eva

4、delivered a reading entitled “When Things Go Missing” by Kathryn Schulz. She paused and got everyone on the same page, “When we are experiencing it, loss often feels like confusion in the usual order of things. In fact, the entire plan of the universe consists of losing, and life amounts to a revers

5、e (逆向的) savings account in which we are eventually robbed of everything.”I felt the energy full of the room. Everyone was listening. By choosing to accept the pain, we knew what a wedding does to join two families and mark the next chapter for a couple. Loss became a compass that kept us away from a

6、 fantasy and toward celebrating the difficult realities of life.After rings were exchanged, fried chicken was served, our friends offered so many funny and touching toasts, and finally David sang “Married” on my fathers guitar. I felt joy filling all the holes in my soul. Celebrating my fathers life

7、 at our wedding made me grateful for all the time I had spent with him.1Why did Davids father offer to walk the author down the aisle?ATo relieve her tension.BTo welcome her to his family.CTo play the authors late fathers role.DTo contribute something to the charity.2What do we know about Kim at her

8、 wedding?AShe got a compass as a wedding gift.BShe enjoyed Davids promise for their marriage.CShe received more sympathy from families and friends.DShe recalled the days spent with her father and understood life better.3Why did Kim feel energy full of the room?ABecause she could keep away from the p

9、ain.BBecause she knew everyone was listening.CBecause she got more courage for the marriage and life.DBecause she could read a piece of Kathryn Schulzs works.4What do we know about Kim and Davids wedding ceremony?AIt was held in a library.BIt was a touching and happy one.CKim and David turned it int

10、o a funeral.DThere was no other activity except reading.B2020贵州普通高等学校招生适应性测试The shadow play is a typical traditional entertainment that has survived and thrived over the centuries. It is taken as an earliest ancestor of modern cinema.Legend has it that more than 2,000 years ago, Emperor Wu of Han wa

11、s very depressed about the death of his favorite concubine (妃子). To help him get over his sadness, a minister made a puppet out of cotton and silk in the likeness of the concubine and projected its shadow on a curtain for the emperor to see. The show brought the emperor some comfort. He somehow beli

12、eved the shadow was his lovers spirit. This is thought to be the beginning of the shadow play.One mouth tells stories of thousands of years; a pair of hands operate millions of soldiers. This is how the shadow puppeteer works. Nicknamed “the business of the five”, a shadow play group is made up of f

13、ive people. One operates the puppets, one plays a suona and a yueqin, one plays the banhu, one is in charge of percussion (打击乐器) instruments, and one sings.During performances, “actors” are held close to a white curtain with their colored shadows cast on it by a strong light from behind. The operato

14、r plays five puppets at the same time, each of which has three threads. Ten fingers handle fifteen threads. Moved by guiding sticks, the puppets play roles with musical accompaniment. The popularity of the shadow play in some way lies in the equipment being light and easy to carry, the small number

15、of people needed for a performance, and the flexible requirements for performance places. The plays can be quite dramatic and, when it comes to myths or kung fu stories, the “actors” may be made to ride on clouds or perform unusual feats, to the great enjoyment of the audience, especially children.T

16、he design of the figures follows traditional moral evaluation. The audience can tell a figures character by seeing his mask. Like the masks in Beijing opera, a red mask represents loyalty and bravery, a black mask, integrity (正直) and selflessness, and a white one, wickedness and betrayal.Nowadays, t

17、he shadow play has been industrialized and developed a series of tourist products for the promotion of Chinese culture and tourism.5What is the second paragraph mainly about?AA love story of Emperor Wu of Han.BHow to please an emperor.CThe origin of the shadow play.DHow to make a cotton puppet.6Acco

18、rding to the author, the audience may take great pleasure _.Awhen roles are played without musicBbecause the equipment is light to carryCwhen the puppets give lively performancesDbecause the number of the operators is small7What is the best title for the text?AThe Rapid Development of Beijing OperaB

19、Shadow Puppetry: A Traditional ArtCThe Business of the Five: A Shadow Play GroupDTraditional Characters and Masks in Beijing Opera8What is the authors attitude towards the future of the shadow play?ANegative. BDoubtful.CPositive. DUnconcerned.完形填空2020山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟Ask people to name the worlds talles

20、t peak and anybody with sound general knowledge will name Mount Qomolangma. But quiz them on its exact _1_ and many will be not sure.In 1975, Chinese surveyors _2_ that Mount Qomolangma (Mount Everest) was 8848. 13 meters high. As _3_ improved, satellites, photoelectricity, radars and gravity measur

21、ement technologies were _4_ to get more exact figures. Of course, someone still had to carry _5_ to what is the worlds rooftop.In 2005, a Chinese team scaled Qomolangma and found that it was not as high as that, as they _6_ the height to be 8844. 43 meters. Scaling Qomolangma is no _7_ task. The ave

22、rage air temperature there is 29 degrees Celsius, even four degrees _8_ than in Antarctica. The snow there is 45 meters thick and hurricanelike _9_ blow all the time. Team members were training to _10_ the extreme conditions.In a nutshell, measuring the Qomolangmas height is a tall order, _11_ huge

23、amounts of money and human resources. But it is worth the _12_. Qomolangma is the perfect _13_ for observing crustal (地壳的)movements. And changes to the peaks height could _14_ whether the two plates are heading toward or away from each other.Besides, the condition of snow and other natural materials

24、 at the top is an indicator of upcoming climate change on the TibetQinghai Plateau. Thats _15_ measuring the Qomolangmas height is so significant. Put to good use, it can benefit mankind.1A. location Bappearance Carea Dheight2A. determined Bassumed Cestimated Dadmitted3A. condition Btechnology Csoci

25、ety Deconomy4A. employed Bexpected Capproached Dinspired5A. weapons Bvehicles Cinstruments Dpackages6A. changed Bcalculated Cextended Dexpanded7A. glorious Beasy Cadmirable Dtough8A. colder Bhotter Chigher Dlower9A. snows Brains Cwinds Dsnowflakes10A. cope with Bfight for Ctake on Dcarry out11A. was

26、ting Bspending Covercoming Dinvolving12A. effort Bloss Charvest Dachievement13A. channel Bwindow Csolution Dentrance14A. measure Bforesee Cindicate Dexpose15A. where Bhow Cwhy Dwhether.语法填空2020济南市高三年级学习质量评估Smell, more than any other sense, is deeply rooted in memory. It is believed by scientists 1._

27、 smells can recall feelings of distant memories. The scientists say 2._ area of the brain assigns memories to smells and stores 3._ (they) for decades. The area can instantly recall the memories with great clearness years later if a person encounters the smell again. Christina Strauch, from the Ruhr

28、 University in Germany, says smells 4._ (store) in the olfactory brain. The word “olfactory” means anything related 5._ the sense of smell.Many smells can transport us back to our childhood. Smells from cookies baking in the kitchen or the smell of a homemade dish can bring back 6._ (amaze) memories

29、 of growing up. Some smells can take you away to another point in time. Some smells can make you wish you 7._ (be) back in the past, or make you want to escape, which depends on whether the smell has a positive or negative 8._ (associate). Some doctors partly depend on this for their patients. Smell

30、s can even encourage you 9._ (buy) things in stores. Many stores introduce certain smells to awake particular memories, 10._ can make people buy things they loved years ago.高考题型重组练(一).阅读理解A语篇类型:记叙文主题语境:人与自我个人经历回忆父亲,感悟生活文章大意本文主要讲述了作者在婚礼上回忆已故的父亲,感激与父亲共度的时光,有了更多的人生感悟并经历了一场感人而快乐的婚礼。1答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据常识(在

31、西方国家的婚礼上,一般情况下,新娘会挽着她父亲的手进场,进场后,新娘的父亲就会把新娘交到新郎的手中)及第三段中的“And I was reminded, again, of my dads absence”可知, David的父亲那样做是为了扮演作者已故的父亲的角色。故选C。2答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据最后一段最后一句“Celebrating my fathers life at our wedding made me grateful for all the time I had spent with him”可知,Kim在婚礼上庆祝她父亲的一生,这使她感激与父亲共度的所有时光;结合第

32、六段表述的作者对生活的感悟可知,答案选D。3答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据第六段的内容尤其是其中的“mark the next chapter for a couple” “celebrating the difficult realities of life”可推知,作者感到房间里充满了能量是因为她从中获得了更多的勇气去面对婚姻和生活。故选C。4答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据第六段的第一句“I felt the energy full of the room”及最后一段中的“our friends offered so many funny and touching toasts” “I

33、 felt joy filling all the holes in my soul”可推知,Kim和David的婚礼是一场感人且快乐的婚礼。故选B。B语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会传统文化皮影戏文章大意本文主要介绍了中国传统民间艺术皮影戏,重点介绍了一个有关皮影戏起源的故事、皮影戏的表演特点以及其发展现状。5答案与解析:C考查段落大意。通读第二段的内容,尤其是最后一句“This is thought to be the beginning of the shadow play”可知,该段主要介绍了皮影戏的起源。故C项正确。6答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第四段尾句可知,当表演神话和武打

34、故事时,“演员”会表演惊人的技艺,这会给人留下深刻的印象,使观众特别是孩子们获得极大的快乐,故C项正确。7答案与解析:B考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,第一段第一句给出了本文要介绍的话题;又结合下文内容可知,本文主要介绍了中国传统民间艺术皮影戏,重点介绍了一个有关皮影戏起源的故事以及皮影戏的表演特点等。故B项最适合作本文标题。8答案与解析:C考查观点态度。根据文章尾句“Nowadays, the shadow play has been industrialized and developed a series of tourist products for the promotion of Ch

35、inese culture and tourism”可知,如今,皮影戏已经工业化,并开发了一系列的旅游产品,以推广中国文化和旅游业。据此可以推知,作者对皮影戏的未来持积极乐观的态度,故C项正确。.完形填空文章大意本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了测量珠穆朗玛峰高度的艰难以及其重要性。1答案与解析:D句意:但如果你问他们它的确切高度,很多人都不会确定。根据下文的1975年以及2005年对珠峰高度的测量可知,此处指的是对其高度的精确测量。2答案与解析:A句意:1975年,中国测量员确定珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Qomolangma)为8848.13米高。根据下文As _3_ improved, sat

36、ellites, photoelectricity, radars and gravity measurement technologies were _4_ to get more exact figures.应用先进的科技去进行进一步的测量可知,此空指的是中国的测量员确定珠峰的高度是8848.13米。3答案与解析:B句意:随着技术的进步,卫星、光电、雷达和重力测量技术被用来获得更精确的数据。根据下文的satellites, photoelectricity, radars and gravity measurement technologies were _4_ to get more e

37、xact figures.可知,卫星、光电、雷达和重力测量技术都是科技。4答案与解析:A根据下文的to get more exact figures可知,这些高科技被运用到测量珠峰精确的高度中。5答案与解析:C根据常识可知,测量是需要设备仪器的,此处指的是需要携带一些设备登山。6答案与解析:B句意:2005年,一个中国团队测量了珠穆朗玛峰,发现它并没有那么高,因为他们计算的高度是8844.43米。根据上文In 2005, a Chinese team scaled Qomolangma and found that it was not as high as that以及下文the heigh

38、t to be 8844. 43 meters.可知,此处指的是中国登山队在2005年计算的珠峰的高度是8844.43米。7答案与解析:B根据下文The average air temperature there is 29 degrees Celsius, even four degrees _8_ than in Antarctica.可知,攀登珠峰并不是一件容易的事。8答案与解析:D句意:那里的平均气温为29摄氏度,甚至比南极洲低4摄氏度。根据29 degrees Celsius可知,此处表示珠峰的温度比南极洲还要低4摄氏度。9答案与解析:C句意:那里的雪有45米厚,像飓风一样的风一直在

39、吹。根据下文的blow可知,此处表示风。10答案与解析:A句意:队员们正在接受为极端条件而战的训练。根据the extreme conditions.可知,此处表示登山队员们正在训练的目的是为了应付珠峰的极端条件。11答案与解析:D句意:简而言之,测量珠穆朗玛峰的高度是一项艰巨的任务,涉及大量的资金和人力资源,但值得付出努力。根据huge amounts of money and human resources可知,测量珠峰的高度需要投入大量的人力和物力。12答案与解析:A句意:简而言之,测量珠穆朗玛峰的高度是一项艰巨的任务,涉及大量的资金和人力资源,但值得付出努力。根据下文的Put to g

40、ood use, it can benefit mankind(如果使用得当,它可以造福人类)可知,这项任务值得去努力做。13答案与解析:B根据下文observing crustal (地壳的)movements.可知,珠峰是观测地壳运动的最佳窗口。14答案与解析:C句意:峰顶高度的变化可以表明两个板块是朝着相向还是反方向运动。珠峰两次测量高度的变化,这就表明两个板块是朝着相向还是反方向运动。15答案与解析:C句意:这就是为什么测量珠穆朗玛峰的高度是如此重要。本句在讲述测量珠峰高度的重要性。.语法填空语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会科学与技术分析了味道在人的大脑中储存的机制文章大意文章分析了

41、味道在人的大脑中储存的机制。1答案与解析:that考查主语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导主语从句。该从句是句子真正的主语,it在句中作形式主语,从句中不缺成分,应用that引导该从句。故填that。2答案与解析:an考查冠词。area是可数名词,此处指大脑里的一个区域,表泛指;area的读音以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词an。故填an。3答案与解析:them考查代词。此处应用they的宾格形式作动词smells和stores的宾语。故填them。4答案与解析:are stored考查动词的时态和语态。smells与动词store之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;本文讲述的是科学常识,应用一般现在

42、时。故填are stored。5答案与解析:to考查介词。be related to是固定短语,意为“与有联系”。故填to。6答案与解析:amazing考查形容词。此处表示“令人惊讶的记忆”,应用形容词修饰名词memories。 amazing意为“令人惊讶的”,修饰物;amazed意为“大为惊奇的”,修饰人。故填amazing。7答案与解析:were考查虚拟语气。wish后接宾语从句时,要用虚拟语气。此处表示与现在事实相反的愿望,从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,be动词用were。故填were。8答案与解析:association考查名词。positive和negative是形容词,后面接名词。故填association。9答案与解析:to buy考查非谓语动词。encourage sb. to do sth.是固定用法,意为“鼓励某人做某事”。故填to buy。10答案与解析:which考查定语从句。空格处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面的整个主句,关系词在从句中作主语。故填which。

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