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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc

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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第8页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第9页
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2021届新高考英语二轮课时优化作业:组合练(九) 阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空 WORD版含解析.doc_第10页
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1、组合练(九)阅读理解完形填空语法填空.阅读理解ADuring your four years in the college, youll have many exciting choices to make, the first of which will be your course selection for your first semester.The beauty of this choice is that you cant go wrong! No matter which one of our FirstYear Options you select to apply for,

2、 you will create a rich intellectual experience to begin your college career.Option 1: Liberal Arts Seminar The Liberal Arts Seminar is a multidisciplinary (多门学科的) course that explores the cultural history of the Mediterranean through fiction and nonfiction (纪实作品)Fall schedule: When Registration ope

3、ns, you will select between one and four additional courses to complete your schedule.Option 2: FLL Hager Scholars ProgramThe FLL Hager Scholars Program is designed with our most ambitious students of languages and linguistics in mind, and is designed to create for them both a sense of community and

4、 opportunities for intellectual growth.Fall schedule: When Registration opens,you will select between one and three additional courses to complete your schedule.Option 3: Ignatius SeminarsOffered only in the first semester, Ignatius Seminars introduce students to the depth and diversity of Georgetow

5、ns dynamic intellectual community.Fall schedule: When Registration opens, you will select three or four additional courses to complete your schedule.Option 4: Traditional FirstYear Academic ProgramWith this program, youll take your first step into the colleges rich and varied core courses and explor

6、e your fields of interest in free optional coursework.Fall schedule: When Registration opens, you will build a schedule of four or five additional courses from the full college curriculum.语篇解读大学四年你将做出很多选择,其中第一次做选择便是第一学期选择课程,本文介绍了四门可供学生选择的课程。1How do students learn the cultural history of the Mediterr

7、anean?ABy completing the schedule.BBy writing fiction.CBy selecting one or four courses.DBy reading materials about this area.解析:细节理解题。根据Option 1:Liberal Arts Seminar部分中的“explores the cultural history of the Mediterranean through fiction and nonfiction”可知,学生可以通过小说和纪实作品去探索地中海的文化历史,故选D项。 答案:D2Which pr

8、ogram is suitable for a student interested in languages?AOption 1.BOption 2.COption 3. DOption 4.解析:细节理解题。根据Option 2:FLL Hager Scholars Program部分中的第一句可知,FLL Hager Scholars Program适合对语言感兴趣的学生,故选B项。答案:B3Whats a possible reason for choosing Option 4?AIt is designed for language learners.BIt provides va

9、rious courses for free.CIt introduces you to areas of interest.DIt is only offered in the first semester.解析:细节理解题。根据Option 4部分中的第一句,尤其是其中的“explore your fields of interest”可知,选择Option 4将带你探索你的兴趣领域,故选C项。答案:CBA science teacher from rural Kenya who gives away most of his salary to help poorer students h

10、as been awarded the title of the worlds best teacher and 1 million dollars, beating 10,000 nominations (提名) from 179 countries.Peter Tabichi,36,a maths and physics teacher at Keriko Secondary School in Pwani village,has won the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize 2019.Tabichi gives away 80% of hi

11、s income to help the poorer students at the poorlyequipped and overcrowded school who could not otherwise afford uniforms and books.More than 90% of his students are from poor families and almost a third are orphans or have only one parent.Many students have to walk 7 km along roads that can become

12、impassable in the rainy season to reach the school and the area can be affected by drought and starvation.Despite only having one computer, a poor Internet connection and a studentteacher ratio of 581, Tabichi started a “talent nurturing club” and expanded the schools science club, helping students

13、design research projects of such high quality that many now qualify for national competitions.His students have taken part in international science competitions and won an award from the Royal Society of Chemistry after using local plant life to generate electricity (发电)Tabichi and his four colleagu

14、es also give struggling students onetoone tuition in maths and science,visiting students homes and meeting their families to identify the challenges they face. Accepting the prize, Tabichi said Africas young people would no longer be held back by low expectations.“Africa will produce scientists, eng

15、ineers and entrepreneurs whose names will be one day famous in every corner of the world,” he said.语篇解读文章讲述了来自肯尼亚乡村的教师Tabichi为帮助贫困学生捐赠了自己的大部分工资,并帮助学生设计研究项目且取得了一定成就,在2019年他被评选为“世界上最好的教师”并获得了100万美元奖金。4What made Peter Tabichi win the prize in 2019?AGiving away 1 million dollars to education.BTeaching i

16、n a secondary school for 36 years.CFighting drought and starvation in Africa.DHelping the poorer students in rural Kenya.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的内容,尤其是第一句可知,来自肯尼亚乡村的教师Tabichi捐赠了自己的大部分工资,以帮助较贫困的学生,这使其获得了“世界上最好的教师”的称号和100万美元的奖金,故选D项。答案:D5Why did Tabichi start the “talent nurturing club”?ATo contribute most of

17、his income.BTo expand national competitions.CTo assist students in designing research projects.DTo encourage students to grasp opportunities.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Tabichi started a talent nurturing club.helping students design research projects”可知,Tabichi发起“人才培养俱乐部”是为了帮助学生设计研究项目,故选C项。答案:C6Which of the fo

18、llowing best describes Peter Tabichi as a teacher?AIndependent.BCaring.CHumorous. DInteresting.解析:解析:推理判断题。第一、二段中讲到Tabichi捐赠其大部分工资以帮助贫困学生,第三段中讲到Tabichi发起“人才培养俱乐部”等来帮助学生设计研究项目,并对学习有困难的学生进行一对一的辅导,他还进行家访以此来发现学生面临的挑战。由此可推知,Tabichi作为老师,非常体贴、关怀学生。故选B项。答案:B7What can we infer from the last paragraph?AAfrica

19、n education cost is expected to get lower.BAfrica is in desperate need of young scientists.CTabichi is not pleased until he is known worldwide.DTabichi has high expectations of young Africans.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中Tabichi所说的话可知,非洲年轻人将不再被低期望阻碍,非洲将会培养出很多世界知名的科学家、工程师和企业家。由此可推知,他对非洲的年轻人寄予了厚望,故选D项。答案:D.完形填空Eve

20、r since I was 13 years old, I wanted to be a photographer. I had a(n) _1_ of working for some magazines, which would allow me to travel around the world to _2_ the right picture.After leaving high school, I _3_ in photography in the University of the Arts.However, I kept reflecting on my _4_ though

21、I learned a lot in my freshman year. There was nothing _5_ with the school, but it was not _6_ for me.I _7_ my high school photography teacher and couldnt help but _8_ his work. Such a feeling made me know teaching students how to _9_ their full potential in their artwork was what I wanted.And _10_,

22、 I wanted to be involved in a _11_ that made me feel like I was actually making some _12_ in the community.I decided to transfer (转学) to Buffalo State College, where I would _13_ next year with Bachelors in Art Education.Studying in Buffalo totally _14_ my life.When I was in class, I always _15_ mys

23、elf with what I was learning.Then, during my first onsite teaching lesson at a middle school, it _16_ me that this was what I would want to do for the rest of my life, and I _17_ loved it. Now, as Im finishing my senior year, Im happy I came to such a _18_ in my life.I believe this is _19_ the one f

24、or me, _20_ what career path I had been dreaming about my entire life.语篇解读作者曾经梦想做一名摄影师,但是后来他选择了教学,成为一名美术老师。1A.chance Bdream Cexperience Dfreedom解析:根据第一句可知,作者13岁时,就想成为一名摄影师,因此这里指作者的梦想(dream)是为一些杂志社工作。答案:B2.A.acquire Bspot Coffer Dassess解析:根据作者的梦想和上文的“which would allow me to travel around the world to

25、”可知,作者周游世界是为了拍摄到合适的照片。acquire “获得,得到”,符合语境。spot “发现”;offer “提供”;assess “评估”。答案:A3.A.joined Bsucceeded Ctook Dmajored解析:根据作者的梦想和下文的in the University of the Arts可知,作者在大学里主修摄影。major in “主修”。答案:D4.A.competence Boption Clife Dprofession解析:根据该句“However,I kept reflecting on my _4_ though I learned a lot in

26、 my freshman year.”可知,然而,尽管作者大一学到了很多知识,但是他不断思考大学学习摄影这个选择(option)。competence “能力”;profession “职业”。答案:B5A.valuable Bspecial Cwrong Dunusual解析:这个学校本身没有问题,但是它不适合作者。There was nothing wrong with.表示 “没有问题”。答案:C6.A.pleasant Bsuitable Cacceptable Dpractical解析:参见上题解析。pleasant “令人愉快的”;suitable “适合的”; acceptabl

27、e “可接受的”;practical “实用的”。答案:B7.A.relied on Bheard of Creferred to Dthought of解析:根据上文可知,作者已经高中毕业上大学了,再结合下文的“Such a feeling made me know teaching students”可推断出,作者想到(think of)了中学的摄影老师。rely on “依靠”;hear of “听说”;refer to “提及,谈起”。答案:D8.A.judge Brespect Cenvy Dpraise解析:根据下文的“Such a feeling made me know tea

28、ching students how to _9_ their full potential in their artwork was what I wanted.” 可知,作者知道了自己真正想要做的是教学工作,故此处表示作者想到了中学的摄影老师,忍不住羡慕(envy)他的工作。答案:C9.A.find Bstrengthen Cadopt Drealize解析:根据下文的their full potential in their artwork可知,这里指教学生在绘画作品中充分发挥他们的潜能。realize “实现,将变为现实”。答案:D10.A.above all Bat last Cin

29、 general Dafter all解析:根据语境可知,此处表示“最重要的是,我想”。above all “最重要的是”;at last “最终”;in general “通常”;after all “毕竟”。答案:A11A.stage Bjob Cduty Dresponsibility解析:根据上文的“teaching students”可知,作者在考虑一份工作,故选job。答案:B12A.difference Bimpression Csacrifice Dexploration解析:根据上文可知,作者想教学生如何在绘画作品中充分发挥他们的潜能,由此可知这是有意义的事,故此处表示作者想

30、从事一份让他觉得自己在社区里确实起到一些作用的工作。make some difference“有些作用”。答案:A13A.return Bdepart Cwork Dgraduate 解析:根据下文的“next year with Bachelors in Art Education”和最后一段的“Now,as Im finishing my senior year”可推断出,此处表示作者要在明年毕业(graduate)。答案:D14A.shone Bcontrolled Ctransformed Ddetermined解析:根据下文作者的转变可知,此处表示在Buffalo State Col

31、lege学习改变(transform)了作者的生活。答案:C15A.amused Bassociated Cconcerned Dhelped解析:根据下文可知,作者非常中意自己作出的转学选择,因此此处表示他对课上的内容非常感兴趣。concern oneself with“对感兴趣”。答案:C16A.astonished Binformed Cinspired Dstruck解析:根据下文的“that this was what I would want to do for the rest of my life”可知,“这就是我余生想做的事”是作者在上课时突然想到的事。sth.strike

32、sb.表示“某人突然想到某事”。答案:D17A.absolutely Bnaturally Ceventually Dgradually解析:根据语境可知,作者发自内心地喜欢教学,故此处表示作者极其热爱它。absolutely “绝对地,极其”;naturally “自然地”;eventually “最终”;gradually “逐渐地”。答案:A18A.conclusion Bdecision Cconsensus Dsense解析:根据上文的“Now,as Im finishing my senior year,Im happy I came to such a”可知,此处表示作者很高兴自

33、己作出转学的决定,故选decision。答案:B19A.just Beven Calready Dever解析:根据上文可知,作者十分喜欢教学,因此这里表示作者相信这(从事教学)对自己来说正是适合自己的,不管(regardless of)他曾经梦想什么样的职业道路。答案:A20A.as to Bexcept forCregardless of Dthanks to解析:参见上题解析。as to “关于”;except for “除之外”;thanks to “由于,多亏”。答案:C.语法填空If you are a film lover, you must be familiar 1._ IM

34、AX cinemas, and the thrilling moments of having beasts jumping out of the huge screen or explosions occurring in front of your face.With a 26percent 2._ (big) screen than regular cinemas, IMAX claims they can enlarge your experience during the one or two hours of film watching.IMAX is short for Imag

35、e Maximum.It is far more than just a screen.In fact, it is 3._ complete system.A standard IMAX screen, first of all, has a 4._ (wide) of 22 meters and a height of 16 meters.It features 70millimeter films, 5._ could provide a 10time larger image than the 35millimeter format.Meanwhile,it features a si

36、xchannel soundtrack (声带) system, 6._ (provide) all moviegoers with the same acoustic (听觉的) experience, no matter in which corner of the theater they are sitting. The design of the theaters is different as well.All rows are within one screen height, and all seats 7._ (set) at a steep angle so that ev

37、eryone faces the screen 8._ (direct)All those design features serve only one purpose9._ (give) the audience the most shocking visual effect.But the 3D, which usually appears together with IMAX in their ads, 10._ (be) a different concept.Only the combination of the two can provide a complete IMAX exp

38、erience.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。IMAX指宽银屏投影系统,本文对其作了简要介绍。1解析:be familiar with是固定短语,表示“对熟悉”。答案:with2解析:根据下文的than regular cinemas可知,此处应该用形容词的比较级形式。答案:bigger3解析:空格后的system是一个可数名词,前面需要填一个不定冠词来表示泛指,且complete的发音以辅音音素开头,故填a。答案:a4解析:根据空格前的a可知,该空填wide的名词形式。答案:width5解析:此处是关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词是70millimeter films。答案:which6解析:设空处在句中作状语,表示伴随情况或补充说明。该动作与主语it之间在逻辑上是主谓关系,故用现在分词。答案:providing 7.解析:这里表示所有座位被按照倾斜角度排列,故用被动语态;此处说的是一般性情况,故用一般现在时。答案:are set8解析:该空修饰前面的动词faces,故填direct的副词形式。答案:directly9解析:此处表示电影院如此设计的目的,故填give的动词不定式形式。答案:to give10解析:本句的主语是the 3D,故填系动词is。答案:is


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