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《教材全解》2014-2015学年高中英语外研版选修六教案:M5 PERIOD 5.doc

1、Period 5 Cultural Corner,Speaking and Writing Teaching Goals: 1To enable Ss to write an argument about cloning 2To help Ss learn how to talk about cloning 3To let Ss know more about the possible development of cloning Teaching Procedures: Step 1Revision Check the answers to Grammar exercises on P91-

2、92 and give Ss some instruction Step 2Cultural Corner Purpose:To enable Ss to know about the possible development of cloning1Leading-in Show Ss the picture and introduce one of the most famous twentieth centurynovels to themThen ask some questions about the future in order to arouseSsinterest in it

3、(1)Have you ever imagine your future? (2)What can we see in the future? (3)Can we create a robot for US to do everything for us?2Reading (1)Skim the passage and finish the following exercises The book was written inby What is the novel about? Do you think the world described in the novel is possible

4、?Why?Suggested Answers 2 1931,Aldous Huxley It describes how the world government control people six hundred years in the future Various answers ale acceptable(2)Read the passage again and finish the following form Ways to control people_ _ Information of each group Best:_work as:_Second:_have:_Lowe

5、st:_work as:_ Reasons for controlling peple_SuggestedAnswers: Ways to control peoplePeople are cloned in factoriesThey are taught to like and dislike certain things and peopleThey use soma to control them Information of each group Best:Alphas work as:leaders Second:Betas have:good positions Lowest:E

6、psilons work as:workers Reasons for controlling people 1They want to make people happy2They dont want people change the society3Listening Listen to the passage and fill in each blank with each word (1)Brave New World became a subject of much_as soon as it first appeared (2)The novel describes a_futu

7、re world that is becoming more and more (3)Brave Newrfd_six hundred years in the future (4)Its aim is for people to be happy,SO that there are no more_and_in this worldBut the world government uses several very_methods to control people (5)The only reason why scientists have not created thousands of

8、 clones is that thev have_learnt how to do this (6)As small children,each cloned group is_to_and_certain things and people (7)In this way,the government_that people are happy with their position in society and will not try to_things (8)The government also keeps people happy with_a drug called soma_m

9、akes people happy (9)If we can completely_people,is that a_thing? (10)If we can give people drugs to_them_unhappy,is that good or bad? (11)If we do this,do we just stop them_,SO that they have no_? (12)Do we want_,sometimes_human beings,or do we want a_,“safe”society?SuggestedAnswers: (1)discussion

10、(2)terrifying;possible (3)takes place (4)violence;powerful (5)identical;not yet (6)taught;like;dislike (7)makes sure;change (8)the use of;that (9)control;good (10)stop;feeling (11)feeling;real emotions (12)real;dangerous;controlled4Discussion Ask Ss to discuss the question:Do you like the world desc

11、ribed in this novel?Suggested Answer: Various answers are acceptableStep 3Speaking and Writing1Let Ss read the passage on P48 and answer the questions (1)Is cloning allowed everywhere in the world? (2)Why has cloning become common in many societies?(3)Would you want to clone yourself?Suggested Answe

12、rs: (1)No,it isntOnly a few countries ban itMost countries encourage it (2)Because they think it is beneficial to society (3)Various answers are acceptable2Let Ss discuss if they are for or against cloning3Ask Ss to make a draft according to the following information 假如你是Tom,请你根据以下的表格,给一家英文报社编辑写一封信,

13、告诉他你们班同学对克隆的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。 赞成的理由 反对的理由 你的观点 (1)克隆技术可挽救濒危动物 (2)可再造人体器官用来移植,为老年人和病人带来福音(1)克隆人容易提前衰老或死亡(2)克隆人的出现会使社会混乱 ? One Possible Version: Recently in my class there is a heated debate about“To clone or not to clone”The students for cloning say that cloning can help the wildlife in danger,and we ca

14、n have more and more wildlife in the world,and it can help the old and the sick,for example,some cloned organs can be tranplanted in their bodies However,the students against it say that cloning can speed up the rate of growing old and deathWhats worse,cloning Can make our society confusedThere would be two or more of you,two and more of your parents and SO on In my opinion,cloning is new technology,SO socientists should do their best to make full use of it to help human beingsStep 4Homework1Finish the writing task2Finish the rest of the exercises in the Workbook

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