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本文(上海市华东师范大学附属东昌中学2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期中试题(含解析).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上海市华东师范大学附属东昌中学2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期中试题(含解析)时间:90分钟 总分:100分I . Listening comprehension (20分每题1分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will

2、be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At home. B. In his office. C. At school. D. In the meeting room.2. A. Boss and secretary. B. Brothe

3、r and sisterC. Teacher and student. D. Customer and shop assistant.3. A. The man needs to be up all night. B. Its wise of the man to study English.C The man should get some sleep. D. Its easy for the man to stay up late.4. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six.5. A. She used to be healthier. B. Jogging

4、does do good to her.C. She didnt like exercise before. D. Jogging is never part of her life.6. A. The woman is willing to teach the man to use the machine.B. The man doesnt want to be bothered by the woman.C. The clerk should have made more copies. D. The clerk wont come back to make any copies.7. A

5、. He likes to eat Italian food. B. He wishes to pay the bill.C. He wants to be treated there. D. He intends to prepare lunch.8. A. She is studying French in Canada. B. She stayed in Canada for two weeks.C. She is planning to return to Canada. D. She spent the Spring Festival in Canada.9. A. He prefe

6、rs yellow to brown. B. He doesnt like either of the colors.C. He chooses both yellow and brown. D. He doesnt care much about the choice.10. A. His wife often complains about everything.B. He didnt want to cut his wifes long hair.C. His wife didnt take his sensible advice D. He really likes his wifes

7、 new hairstyle.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, r

8、ead the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. The floor is smooth. B. The staircase is steep.C. The passage is narrow. D. The house is small12. A. It disturbs the lo

9、cal people with noises. B. It causes the damage on the pavement. C. It stops people and cars moving freely. D. It prevents people from walking easily. 13. A. It is part of their local heritage. B. It is an attraction of tourists.C. It is the revival(复兴) of morals. D. It is the miracle of God.Questio

10、ns 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Less than 30 minutes. B. From 30 to 45 minutes.C. At least 45 minutes. D. More than 45 minutes.15. A. He should show respect for the candidates.B. He should be interested in the job.C. He should speak briefly.D. He should be dressed properly

11、.16. A. Speaking confidently but not aggressively.B. Talking seriously to give a lasting impression.C. Talking a lot about the job.D. Speaking politely and quickly.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Computer sales conference. B. An interview.C. An Internet meeting

12、. D. A business meeting.18. A. She used to be a programmer. B. She was an operation and maintenance engineer.C. She worked as a receptionist D. She was a website designer.19. A. Java is a Web page authoring program.B. Java is a kind of drinks.C. Java is a computer game software.D. Java is very easy

13、to learn.20. A. He will call Mrs. Taylor in the next few days.B. He will talk over their discussion with others.C. He will not contact her for further consideration.D. He will employ her at once.II. Grammar and vocabularySection A Grammar (20分 每题1分)Multiple choice:1. With the population _ at an alar

14、ming rate, experts are amazed that there are so many people on the planet, and _ that there will be ten billion of us before the end of this century.A. is increasing, predictB. increasing, predictingC. increasing, predictD. to be increasing, predicted【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查现在分词和一般现在时。句意:随着人口以惊人的速度增长,专家们对地球上

15、的人口如此之多感到惊讶,并预测到本世纪末地球人口将达到100亿。在“with+宾语+宾补”结构中,increase和population构成主动关系,应用现在分词形式。动词predict和谓语are之间有连词and,所以应用谓语形式。根据“experts are amazed”可知,此处应用一般现在时。故选C。2. In the past, travellers from Europe to Indonesia _ months at sea, but now we just have to sit on a plane for a few hours, so in some ways the

16、 planet seems to _.A. have spent, get smallerB. spent, be getting smallerC. had spent, get smallerD. would spent, be getting small【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查一般过去时、非谓语动词和比较级。句意:过去,从欧洲到印度尼西亚的旅行者要在海上度过几个月,但现在我们只需要在飞机上坐上几个小时,所以从某些方面来说,地球似乎越来越小了。根据“In the past”可知,第一个空格应用一般过去时。根据“but now we just have to sit on a plan

17、e for a few hours”可知,此处是指现在与过去相比,地球似乎越来越小了。seem to be doing意为“似乎正在做某事”,此处使用to do不定式的进行式表示正在进行。表示“越来越小”应用形容词比较级smaller。故选B。3. In fact, people from different continents prefer to_ the diversity of products _ by various companies.A. enjoying, madeB. enjoying, makingC. enjoy, makingD. enjoy, made【答案】D【解

18、析】【分析】【详解】考查固定短语和非谓语动词。句意:事实上,来自不同大陆的人们更喜欢享受不同公司生产的产品的多样性。第一空为短语prefer to do sth.,表示“更喜欢做某事”;第二空make在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语the diversity of products构成被动关系,故应用过去分词作定语。故选D。4. In Myanmar, the population now has become _ that in 1971.A. twice as big asB. as twice big asC. as big twice asD. as big as twice【答案

19、】A【解析】【分析】【详解】考查倍数表达。句意:在缅甸,现在的人口已经是1971年的两倍。此处为“A+be+倍数+as+形容词/副词的原级as”倍数表达,表示“是的几倍”。故选A。5. “_ survive the tiger attack.” the little boy thought to himself.A. I am not possible toB. It is likely that I will notC. It is likely to notD. I possibly dont【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查likely的用法和it做形式主语。句意:小男孩心想:“我很可能在老

20、虎的袭击中活不下来”。likely 的用法为“ It is likely that.”和 “sb be likely to do sth” 。possible一般不用表示人的词作主语,但若真的要用表示人的词作主语,possible后接不定式,构成“It is possible(for sb)to do sth ”。副词是用来修饰动词的,一般放在情态动词、be动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前。综合以上分析。故选B项。6. _ by Arun with a number of customers, the idea of developing solar-power batteries for pe

21、ople in India would work definitely.A. Being testedB. Having been testedC. Having testedD. To be tested【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:经过阿伦和一些客户的测试,为印度人开发太阳能电池的想法肯定会成功。分析句子结构可知,“_ by Arun with a number of customers”作状语,应用非谓语,结合句意,“test(测试)”在谓语动作“would work”之前发生,所以应用完成式形式;该词“test”和主语“the idea of developi

22、ng solar-power batteries for people in India”为被动关系,所以应用被动形式。综上,应用现在分词完成时被动形式作状语,故填Having been tested,故选B。7. The old man, who _ in the rope, saw the fishing spear _ into the sharks head.A. was wrapping, threwB. wrapped, being thrownC. was wrapped, thrownD. wrapping, throw【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】考查动词时态语态和非谓语

23、。句意:被绳子缠住的老人看到鱼叉被扎进鲨鱼的脑袋里。第一空为非限制性定语从句修饰先行词The old man,先行词在从句中作主语,与逻辑主语构成被动关系,根据后文saw可知用一般过去时的被动语态;第二空为“see+宾语+宾补”结构,the fishing spear与throw构成被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。故选C。8. After months of research there was little hope _ the lost car might be found.A. whenB. whereC. whichD. that【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查同位语从句。句意:经过几个月

24、的调查,找到那辆丢失的汽车的希望不大。“the lost car might be found”是对名词hope的解释说明,所以为hope的同位语从句。从句中不缺少成分和意义,所以应用that引导。故选D。9. When the questions on my mind _, I dont doubt _ Ive done a good job.A. gets answered, thatB. get answering, whetherC. get answered, thatD. gets answering, whether【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查“get done”结构、主谓一致

25、和宾语从句连接词。句意:当我脑子里的问题得到回答时,我肯定我做得很好。分析句子可知,when引导的从句为一般现在时,主语为 the questions,与answer为被动关系,故用“ get+过去分词”表示被动,谓语动词用复数。第二个空要填宾语从句的连接词,dont doubt 后的连接词用that,故选C项。10. You cant imagine _ when they received these nice Christmas presents.A. how they were excitedB. how excited they wereC. how excited were the

26、yD. they were how excited【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查宾语从句。句意:你想象不出当他们收到这些好的圣诞礼物的时候他们是多么的高兴。imagine后接宾语从句。这里how引导的是感叹句作宾语,how +形容词+主语+谓语,excited是形容词,是被感叹的词,故选B。Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word.

27、Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.A “Growth Mindset” Can Lead to SuccessThe most successful people are fond of telling us about their passion for their professions. And passion has been believed to be essential to

28、not only their success, but also their happiness. Unfortunately, _11_ some people have a clear “calling” from a young age, many still leave education without knowing their vocation in life. They may spend their whole life without having ever discovered a career that truly _12_ (interest) them. In th

29、e past ten years, the researcher _13_ (demonstrate) that some people tend to see their abilities as “fixed”they believe that they are either born with a talent for something or they dont have it completely. What can they do?Some answers come from the work of Paul OKeefe. In his mindset theory, the m

30、ost basic foundation of passion is having an intense interest in _14_ youre doing. Meanwhile, people also have the capacity to cultivate new interests outside their normal fields. _15_ (consider) arts students looking at a piece about science, or “techy” students reading an article on literary criti

31、cism(文学评论). _16_ the students have very little initial curiosity about the subject, with the growth mindset, they will change their ratings of the interest in that new subject after reading the piece. In addition, a persons mindset can also determine how long they would be interested in more difficu

32、lt content and _17_ they would plan to deal with the content or not. In one experiment, after _18_(show) a video about black holes, people had to read a challenging academic paper on the subject. The people with the growth mindset maintained their interest: they were _19_ (willing) to know about the

33、 black holes despite the difficulties of grasping the technical material. By contrast, the flame of interest quickly burnt out in those with the fixed mindset. “Within the span of seven minutes they went from saying this is fascinating _20_saying no, Im done,” says OKeefe.【答案】11. while/although/thou

34、gh 12. interests 13. has demonstrated 14. whatever/what 15. Consider 16. Even if/though 17. whether 18. being shown 19. more willing 20. to【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了“成长型思维”可以助人成功。【11题详解】考查连词。句意:不幸的是,尽管有些人从小就有一个明确的“使命”,但许多人还是在不知道自己的职业的情况下放弃了教育。分析句意可知,本句为让步状语从句,表示“尽管”。故填while/although/though。【12题详解】考查时态。句意

35、:他们可能一辈子都没有找到真正让自己感兴趣的职业。a career为先行词,作定语从句的主语,定语从句在陈述一个事实,所以用一般现在时,主语that指代单数名词,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。 故填interests。【13题详解】考查时态。句意:在过去的十年里,研究人员已经证明,有些人倾向于把自己的能力视为“固定的”他们认为自己要么天生就有某种天赋,要么根本就没有这种天赋。根据“In the past ten years ”可知,本句为现在完成时,主语为the researcher,助动词用has。 故填has demonstrated。【14题详解】考查连接词。句意:在他的心态理论中,激情

36、的最基本的基础是对你正在做的事情产生强烈的兴趣。in后接宾语从句, 从句缺少主语,再结合句意可知,空处填连接词whatever/what。 故填whatever/what。【15题详解】考查祈使句。句意:思考一下正在看一篇关于科学的文章的文科学生,或者读一篇关于文学批评的文章的“技术”学生。分析句子结构和句意可知,本句为祈使句的肯定形式。置于句首,首字母大写。故填Consider。【16题详解】考查连词。句意:即使学生一开始对这门学科没有什么好奇心,但伴随着成长型思维,他们在阅读这篇文章后会改变对这门新学科兴趣的评级。分析句意可知,本句为让步状语从句,表示“即使,尽管”。故填Even if/t

37、hough。【17题详解】考查连接词。句意:此外,一个人的心态也可以决定他们对更困难的内容感兴趣的时间能有多长,以及他们是否计划处理这些内容。determine后接两个并列的句子作宾语,根据句意和“or not ”可知,空处填whether“是否”。故填whether。【18题详解】考查动名词。句意:在一个实验中,在播放了一段关于黑洞的视频后,人们必须阅读一篇关于这个主题的具有挑战性的学术论文。after为介词后接动名词,且people与show在逻辑上是被动关系。故填being shown。【19题详解】考查形容词比较级。句意:具有成长思维的人保持着他们的兴趣:尽管很难掌握技术资料,但他们更

38、愿意了解黑洞。根据句意表示“他们更愿意了解黑洞 ”,所以空处填比较级more willing。故填more willing。【20题详解】考查介词。句意:奥基夫说:“在七分钟的时间里,他们从说“这很有趣”变成了说“不,我看不懂”。fromto“从到”为固定短语。故填to。Section B Vocabulary(9分 每题1分)Directions: Complete the following passages with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once and can be capitalized. There is

39、 one extra word which you dont need.Are You Ready for Your 15 Minutes (or More) of Fame?A. respond B. typicallyC. minority D. quoteE. qualityF. postedG. purposeful H. achieveI. eventuallyJ accidental CHENG YUNFU has been quietly making noodles in his small Shandong village for the past fifteen years

40、. During that time he hasnt raised the price; its still 3 yuan a bowl. However, someone _21_ a video online about Cheng and his cheap noodles and, overnight, the 39-year-old man became an internet celebrity. Thousands of people have visited the village, some of them having traveled for hundreds of m

41、iles, just to meet Cheng and eat his noodles.“In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” This celebrated _22_ appeared in a 1968 exhibition of American artist Andy Warhols work in Stockholm. This prediction has, in many respects, come true in an era when there are so many channels

42、 by which an individual might _23_ fame (although it is the type of fame which may not endure for very long). You could be one post away from becoming the next celebrity. Sometimes this fame can open doors to other opportunities, but sometimes it can be cruel and frightening.Unlike Cheng and his _24

43、_ fame, more people are using online platforms such as Weibo and Bilibili to become “intentional” celebrities. Some of them, such as Papi and Li Ziqi, have become internet sensations (引起轰动的人). These two celebrities, alongside other household names, are considered KOLs (key opinion leaders). A KOL is

44、 _25_ a person who has “expert product knowledge and influence in a particular field.” He or she is “trusted by relevant groups” and has “a significant effect on consumer behavior.” When it comes to internet celebrity, Papi and Li Ziqi are only in the _26_ as success is much harder to achieve than i

45、t would appear at first glance. Being a KOL seems to be fun and easy, but its actually hard work. You have to be knowledgeable and interesting, and be able to have to make _27_ videos and post new ones regularly. In other words, not everyone is qualified to do this job.There is also the problem of l

46、osing your privacy and facing criticism from your fans. Those who follow internet celebrities may come to believe they are your closest friends and get angry when you dont _28_ to their comments or emails. As one celebrity said, “Your fans will love you until they kill you.” When Cheng became a cele

47、brity, he was frightened by all the attention he was receiving and hid in his home for a week. But _29_, he came to accept his instant fame. But he will probably be happier when his celebrity status dies down and enables him, not to become an influencer, but to return to the quiet life of selling hi

48、s cheap and delicious noodles to his neighbors.【答案】21. F 22. D 23. H 24. J 25. B 26. C 27. E 28. A 29. I【解析】【分析】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过对程云福的偶然的网络走红的记述,对网络走红的优势和弊端以及网络走红的条件等进行了讨论。【21题详解】考查动词和一般过去时。句意:然而,有人在网上发布了一段关于程云福和他的廉价面条的视频,一夜之间,这位39岁的男子成为了网红。根据“the 39-year-old man became an internet celebrity”可知,此处应用一般过

49、去时。根据“a video online”可知,此处是指有人在网上发布了一段关于程云福和他的廉价面条的视频。动词post意为“发布”。故选F。【22题详解】考查名词。句意:这句著名的名言出现在1968年在斯德哥尔摩举行的美国艺术家安迪沃霍尔作品展览上。根据“In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.”(在未来,每个人都将出名15分钟。)可知,此处是指“名言”,所以应用名词quote作主语。故选D。【23题详解】考查动词和情态动词用法。句意:在一个人可以通过多种渠道获得名望(尽管这种名望可能不会持续很长时间)的时代,从

50、很多方面来说,这个预测已经成为现实。根据“although it is the type of fame which may not endure for very long”可知,此处是指个人可以通过多种渠道获得名望。动词achieve意为“获得”,在情态动词might后应用原形。故选H。【24题详解】考查形容词。句意:与程云福偶然成名不同,越来越多的人通过微博、哔哩哔哩等网络平台成为“有意”名人。根据unlike和intentional可知,此处是指程云福的偶然成名。所以应用形容词accidental表示“偶然的”作定语修饰名词fame。故选J。【25题详解】考查副词。句意:KOL通常是“

51、在特定领域拥有专业产品知识和影响力”的人。根据后文“He or she is “trusted by relevant groups” and has “a significant effect on consumer behavior.”(他或她“受到相关群体的信任”,“对消费者行为有显著影响”。)可知,此处是指KOL通常是“在特定领域拥有专业产品知识和影响力”的人。所以应用副词typically表示“通常”修饰be动词作状语。故选B。【26题详解】考查名词。句意:说到网红,Papi酱和李子柒只是少数,因为成功比乍看起来要难得多。根据“as success is much harder to

52、 achieve than it would appear at first glance”可知,Papi酱和李子柒只是少数。所以应用名词minority表示“少数”作介词in的宾语。故选C。【27题详解】考查形容词。句意:你必须知识渊博和有趣,并有能力制作高质量的视频,并定期发布新的。根据“You have to be knowledgeable and interesting”可知,此处是指有能力制作高质量的视频,所以应用形容词quality表示“高品质的”作定语修饰名词videos。故选E。【28题详解】考查动词和助动词的用法。句意:那些关注网红的人可能会认为他们是你最亲密的朋友,当你不

53、回复他们的评论或邮件时,他们会生气。根据“to their comments or emails”可知,此处是指不回复他们的评论或邮件。所以应用动词respond表示“回复”,和dont 一起构成从句的谓语,在助动词do后用动词原形。故选A。【29题详解】考查副词。句意:但最终,他开始接受自己的名声。根据“he was frightened by all the attention he was receiving and hid in his home for a week”(他被人们对他的关注吓坏了,在家里躲了一个星期)可知,此处是指但最终他开始接受自己的名声。所以应用副词eventual

54、ly表示“最终”修饰句子作状语。故选I。III. Reading comprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Placebos(安慰剂)Prove PowerfulMany doctors know the story of “Mr. Wright

55、”. In 1957 he was diagnosed with cancer, and given only days to live. He had tumours(肿瘤)the size of oranges. He heard that scientists had discovered a new medication, Krebiozen, that was _30_ against cancer, and he begged the doctor to give it to him. His physician, Dr Phillip West, finally agreed.

56、After Mr. Wright had been given an injection on a Friday afternoon, the _31_doctor found his patient out of his “death bed”, joking with the nurses the following Monday. “The tumours”, the doctor wrote later, “had _32_ like snow balls on a hot stove.”Two months later, Wright read medical reports tha

57、t the medication was fake. His condition immediately got worse again. “Dont _33_ what you read in papers,” the doctor told Wright. Then he injected him with what he said was “a new super-refined double strength” version of the drug. _34_,there was no drug, just a mix of salt and water, but again it

58、worked. Wright was the picture of health for another two months until he read an official report saying that Krebiozen was _35_. He died two days later.This story has been _36_ by doctors for a long time, dismissed as one of those strange tales that medicine cannot explain. The idea that a patients

59、_37_ can make a fatal disease go away has been thought of as too strange. But now scientists are discovering that the placebo effect is more powerful than anyone had ever thought. They are also beginning to discover how such miraculous results are _38_. Through new techniques of brain imagery, it ca

60、n be shown that a thought, a belief or a desire can cause chemical processes in the brain which can have powerful effects on the _39_. Scientists are learning that some body reactions are not caused by information coming into the brain from the outside world, but by what the brain _40_ to happen nex

61、t.Placebos are “lies that _41_,” said Dr Anne Harrington, a historian of science at Harvard University. “The word placebo is Latin for “I shall please” (or I shall make you happy) and it is typically a treatment that a doctor gives to _42_ patients to please them,”she said. “It looks like medication

62、, but has no healing ingredients whatsoever.” Nowadays, doctors have much more powerful medicines to fight disease. But these treatments have not diminished(减弱)the power of the placebo, quite the _43_. Maybe when scientists fully understand how placebos work, the powerful healing effects of the huma

63、n _44_will be used more systematically!30. A. vagueB. uniqueC. effectiveD. impossible31. A. astonishedB. disappointedC. exhaustedD. experienced32. A. expandedB. meltedC. accumulatedD. moved33. A. take downB. look forC. make outD. care about34. A. ActuallyB. MoreoverC. MeanwhileD. Consequently35. A.

64、beneficialB. popularC. worthlessD. available36. A. studiedB. ignoredC. inventedD. spread37 A. strugglesB. promisesC. rightsD. beliefs38. A. achievedB. neglectedC. emphasizedD. mixed39. A. brainB. doctorC. bodyD. process40. A. advisesB. expectsC. instructsD. forbids41. A. healB. hurtC. existD. fade42

65、. A. optimisticB. carefulC. peculiarD. anxious43. A. pointB. oppositeC. timeD. adventure44. A. relationB. strengthC. beingD. mind【答案】30. C 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. B 41. A 42. D 43. B 44. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。通过Wright先生的故事,说明了安慰剂虽没有治疗成分,但有强大作用。这主要是和大脑会预期发生什么事有关。【30题详解】考

66、查形容词词义辨析。句意:他听说科学家们发现了一种新的药物克氏菌素(Krebiozen),可以有效地治疗癌症,于是他请求医生给他服用。A. vague模糊的;B. unique独特的;C. effective有效的;D. impossible不可能的。根据后文中,他听说此药物无效后病情恶化,可知,此处是听说药物对病情有效,所以才请求服用的。故选C。【31题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:医生惊讶地发现他的病人已经从“死亡之床”上爬了起来。A. astonished吃惊的;B. disappointed失望的;C. exhausted筋疲力尽的;D. experienced熟练的。Wright先生

67、从“死亡之床”上爬起来,可知医生应该是非常的惊讶。故选A。【32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:像滚烫的火炉上的雪球一样融化了。A. expanded扩大;B. melted融化;C. accumulated积累;D. moved移动。根据常识可知,雪球在火炉上会融化。故选B。【33题详解】考查动词短语。句意:不要在意你在报告上读到什么。A. take down记下;B. look for寻找;C. make out理解;D. care about在意。Wright先生在医学报告上看见其实那个药物没有效果,病情恶化,此处医生应该是说不要在意报告上的话。故选D。【34题详解】考查副词。句意:事实

68、上,没有药物,只有盐和水的混合物,但它又起作用了。A. Actually事实上;B. Moreover而且;C. Meanwhile同时;D. Consequently因此。医生说那是一种新的超精炼的双倍强度的药物,但“实际上”它并没有药效。故选A。【35题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Wright的健康状况又持续了两个月,直到他读到一份官方报告,说Krebiozen毫无价值。A. beneficial有益的;B. popular流行的;C. worthless无价值的;D. available可获得的。Wright看到报告后两天就去世了,可知他看到的应该是不好的消息,则Krebiozen是

69、毫无价值的。故选C。【36题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个故事长期以来一直被医生们忽视,被认为是医学无法解释的奇闻异事之一。A. studied研究;B. ignored忽视;C. invented发明;D. spread 伸展。这个现象无法解释,而且很奇怪;直到后来科学家发现安慰剂作用真的很强大,也开始去探究它们为什么有那么大的功效。可知,这个无法解释的问题以前一直被忽视,后来科学家才探究它。故选B。【37题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:认为病人的信念可以使绝症消失的想法一直被认为太奇怪了。A. struggles斗争;B. promises约定;C. rights权利;D. belie

70、fs信念。安慰剂没有治疗作用,病人们的好转只能是因为他们的信念,故选D。【38题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们也开始去发现这些神奇的结果是如何被实现的。A. achieved完成,实现;B. neglected 忽视;C. emphasized强调;D. mixed 混合。根据后文可知,此处说的是科学家们去探究安慰剂是如何实现有治疗作用的,即那些结果是怎样被实现的。故选A。【39题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:通过大脑成像的新技术,可以证明,一个想法、一个信念或一个愿望可以引起大脑中的化学过程,对身体有强大的影响。A. brain头脑;B. doctor医生;C. body身体;D. pr

71、ocess过程。根据上文可知,人的信念、想法对身体状况有很大影响,故此处说的是这些想法引起大脑中的化学过程,对身体有着很大影响。故选C。【40题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:而是由大脑预期接下来会发生什么引起的。A. advises建议;B. expects预料;C. instructs命令;D. forbids禁止。空前说的是一些身体反应不是由外界信息进入大脑引起的,而根据空后的happen next,故此处是说大脑对接下来会发生什么进行预期。故选B。【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:安慰剂是“可以治愈的谎言”。A. heal治愈;B. hurt使疼痛;C. exist生存;D. fad

72、e逐渐消失。安慰剂虽没有治疗作用,但却可以让病人们好转,所以安慰剂是有治愈作用却是谎言一般的存在。故选A。【42题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它通常是医生为了让焦虑的病人高兴而给他们的一种治疗。A. optimistic乐观的;B. careful仔细的;C. peculiar罕见的;D. anxious焦虑的。根据前面提到,安慰剂这个词在拉丁语里的意思是“我会让你高兴”,可知它应该是为了让“焦虑的”病人高兴起来。故选D。【43题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:但这些治疗并没有削弱安慰剂的作用,恰恰相反。A. point要点;B. opposite对立面;C. time时间;D. adven

73、ture冒险。quite the opposite 恰恰相反。治疗没有削弱安慰剂的作用,反而更有助于病情好转,此处指情况正好相反。故选B。【44题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:人类大脑强大的治愈作用将会被更系统地使用!A. relation关系;B. strength力量;C. being存在;D. mind大脑。根据上文可知,安慰剂本身没有治疗作用,身体好转是人类大脑的原因,故此处说的是人类“大脑”强大的治愈作用。故选D。Section B (10分每题1分)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is foll

74、owed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)“Runners, to your mark, Get set” Bang! And I was off, along with a bunch of other te

75、enage cross-country runners from high schools across the county. The day was like any other fair-weather autumn day in Maryland. But the race that day felt unique from the get-go. For one thing, I liked the course. It was my teams home course, one I was used to running during practices. It took runn

76、ers along an area of land that included open fields, hills and even winding dirt paths through a small forest. It was a beautiful 5-kilometer course. This particular race was our teams invite, and I was proud to be sharing the course with competitors from other schools. It also meant a lotmore than

77、normal that my parents were there to cheer me on.With so much to expect that day, I was ready to run! And I didnt want to be stuck with the pack of other runners, as is typical at the beginning of most cross-country races. So when the gun sounded, I took off running, leaving everyone else in the dus

78、t.The first part of our course followed the outside edge of a large open field before disappearing into the forest. Within seconds of the start, I was far ahead of everyone, and all of the fans could see it. It felt magnificent.But that feeling didnt last long. Little did I know my coach was laughin

79、g to himself, thinking, “Gabe is done for!” And I was. My body was telling me to slow down. My pride, however, said “No! Not until youre out of sight of the spectators!” I was in agony, but I kept up my pace until I reached the forest. Once in among the trees. I slowed way down.I enjoyed most races,

80、 even while pushing myself, but this one was not enjoyable in the least. I finished the race, but in nowhere near the time I could have if Id paced myself well from the beginning. Every time I reflect on that cross-country season, Im reminded of something: Pride is no substitute for pace.45. What is

81、 special to the author about the race?A. The weather condition was good for runners.B. He was familiar with the home course.C. He took pride in competitors from other schools.D. His parents came to support him as usual.46. The underlined word “agony” (paragraph 4) most probably means_.A. sufferingB.

82、 comfortC. reliefD. contest47 What result of the race can be concluded about the author from the passage?A. He left everyone behind and took the first place.B. He took the lead first and disappeared among trees.C. He won the race under the pressure of his coach.D. He finished the race but failed to

83、reach his record.【答案】45. B 46. A 47. D【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。作者在参加一次跑步比赛时,由于想把对手们甩在后面,因此打乱了自己的比赛节奏,最终的比赛结果不尽人意。通过反思这次经历,作者悟出了一个道理:骄傲不能代替节奏。【45题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“But the race that day felt unique from the get-go. For one thing, I liked the course. It was my teams home course, one I was used to running during

84、 practices.(但是那天的比赛从一开始就给人一种独特的感觉。首先,我喜欢这门课。这是我的球队的主场,也是我在训练时习惯跑的)”可知,作者对主场很熟悉。故选B。【46题详解】词义猜测题。根据上文“My body was telling me to slow down. My pride, however, said “No! Not until youre out of sight of the spectators!(我的身体告诉我要慢下来。然而,我的自尊心却说:“不行!除非你离开观众的视线!)”可知,作者想要放慢速度,但是自尊心告诉自己不能慢下来,由此可推知,划线词所在句子意为我很痛

85、苦,但我还是保持着前进的步伐,一直走到了森林里。agony的意思是“痛苦”。故选A。【47题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“ I finished the race, but in nowhere near the time I could have if Id paced myself well from the beginning.(我完成了比赛,但如果我从一开始就控制好自己的节奏,我可能会达到记录)”可知,他完成了比赛,但没有达到他的纪录。故选D。(B)TV VOICE PRO AIR$299 USD Hearing Specialists Develop New Ultra-Lig

86、htweight (超轻的) TV Listening Earbuds (耳塞): At just Half an Ounce, they Weigh 90% Less than Traditional TV Headphones!HAVING TROUBLE HEARING THE TV CLEARLY?Get ready to clarify TV dialogue like never before, with our new Ultra-Lightweight Wireless TV Listening Technology.Big and heavy TV headphones ar

87、e now a thing of the past, thanks to Hearing Specialists who have developed new ultra-lightweight wireless TV earbuds, which enable the wearer to hear the speech and dialogue on any TV show with clarity. The unique speech clarification audio works for those with any level of hearing loss, and has be

88、en proven to outperform even the most advanced digital hearing aids for TV clarity.TV VOICE PRO AUTOMATICALLY CLARIFIES TELEVISION DIALOGUEs Revolutionary TV speech enhancement technology made simples Speech enhancement technique based upon clinical hearing assessments of over 1,000 people with vary

89、ing levels of hearing loss and proven TV listening difficultys Connects to any TV in under 2 minutesFEATURES WITH THE TV VOICE PRO AIR SYSTEM Listen at your own volume without altering the TV audio for others in the room Uses state-of-the-art Bluetooth technology for uninterrupted listening up to 35

90、 feet from your TV. Simple volume control located on the earphones, with additional loud volume range to suit those with even severe hearing loss. Sit back, lie down, or move around. So comfortable to use, you can watch TV any way you like. Is guaranteed to work with any TV, new or old.As a special

91、offer, Readers Digest readers can use Gift Voucher (礼券) Code READERSDIGEST at the TV Voice Pro website checkout for $50 OFF the purchase price, and free shipping available until December 31, 2020.Visit www.TvVoiceP to order online or over the phone on 415 277-2026.30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE48. TV V

92、OICE PRO AIR is aimed at _.A. TV designersB. people with hearing difficultyC. hearing specialistsD. wearers of digital hearing aids49. According to the advertisement, TV VOICE PRO AIR enables the wearer to _.A. enjoy TV even over 35 feet from his/her houseB. improve his/her hearing ability in daily

93、lifeC. listen to TV clearly at whatever volumeD. watch more TV programs50. What can be learned about TV VOICE PRO AIR from the advertisement?A. You can get a refund within 30 days if dissatisfied with it.B. You need to pay $50 for its shipping if you buy it in 2021.C. You can get a discount as long

94、as you use Gift Voucher Code.D. You need to place a special order for it if you have severe hearing loss.【答案】48. B 49. C 50. A【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了一款名为TV VOICE PRO AIR的耳机,可以帮助有听力障碍的人听清电视节目中的讲话和对话。介绍了其产品特色和功能等情况。【48题详解】推理判断题。根据文中“Speech enhancement technique based upon clinical hearing assessments of

95、 over 1,000 people with varying levels of hearing loss and proven TV listening difficulty(根据对超过1000名不同程度的听力损失者进行临床听力评估,并证明了电视听力的困难性,采用了语音增强技术)”以及“Simple volume control located on the earphones, with additional loud volume range to suit those with even severe hearing loss.(耳机里有简单的音量控制,以及额外大声的音量范围,以适应

96、那些甚至听力严重受损的人)”可推知,TV VOICE PRO AIR针对的是有听力障碍的人。故选B。【49题详解】细节理解题。根据“Big and heavy TV headphones are now a thing of the past, thanks to Hearing Specialists who have developed new ultra-lightweight wireless TV earbuds, which enable the wearer to hear the speech and dialogue on any TV show with clarity.

97、The unique speech clarification audio works for those with any level of hearing loss, and has been proven to outperform even the most advanced digital hearing aids for TV clarity.(现在又大又重的电视耳机已经成为过去,这要归功于听力专家们研发出了一种新型的超轻无线电视耳机,它能让佩戴者在任何电视节目中听到清晰的讲话和对话。独特的语音清晰度音频适用于任何程度的听力损失者,并已被证明甚至优于最先进的数字助听器的电视清晰度)

98、”可知,广告中说,TV VOICE PRO AIR能让佩戴者在任何音量下都能清晰地收听电视。故选C。【50题详解】细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE(30天退款保证)”可知,如果不满意TV VOICE PRO AIR产品,30天内可以退款。故选A。(C)We went to the T. B. Blackstone Library, not far from Lake Michigan. You could easily miss the building if you didnt know what you were looking for.

99、 But once you were inside, you could never mistake it for anything else. We passed through two sets of heavy brass doors to the lobby of the library. And if we turned right then, we could see an alcove with tables; this led, in turn, to a big reading room with a gigantic and ancient globe that sat i

100、n front of the largest windows. I liked to look at Africa, with the coded colours of the different countries like the Belgian Congo and Rhodesia, and try to remember which countries were fighting to be free just as we were struggling for civil rights. I had heard Daddy talking about the struggle, ar

101、guing with the television as someone discussed it on a news show.One Saturday, as I wandered through the young adult section, I saw a title: Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. I could tell from looking at the shelf that shed written a lot of books, but I didnt know anything about her. I had learned

102、 from experience that titles werent everything. A book that sounded great on the shelf could be dull once you got it home, and every bad book I brought home meant one less book to read until we went back in two weeks. So I sat in a chair near the shelves to skim the first paragraphs:Christmas wont b

103、e Christmas without any presents, grumbled Jo, lying on the rug.Its so dreadful to be poor! sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress.I dont think its fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all, added little Amy, with an injured sniff.Weve got Father and Moth

104、er and each other, said Beth contentedly from her corner.It was a good thing Id already decided on some other books to take home, because I didnt look through the rest of the section that day. I read and read and read Little Women until it was time to walk home, and, except for a few essential inter

105、ruptions like sleeping and eating, I would not put it down until the end. Even the freedom to watch weekend television held no appeal for me in the wake of Alcotts story. It was about girls, for one thing, girls who could almost be like me, especially Jo. It seemed to me a shame that she wasnt Black

106、; then our similarity would be complete. She loved to read, she loved to make up plays, she hated acting ladylike, and she had a dreadful temper. I had found a kindred spirit.51. What can be learned about the authors father according to Paragraph One?A. He was uncomfortable discussing politics with

107、his children.B. He had strong feelings about the Civil Rights movement.C. He did not approve of most news covered on TV.D. He generally had a pessimistic world view.52. It can be inferred from Paragraph Two that the author is most likely to agree _.A. books seem duller when read in libraries than wh

108、en read at homeB. interesting books are often very dull in their first few paragraphsC. novels are usually more interesting than nonfiction worksD. book titles can sometimes be misleading53. The author quotes some lines from Little Woman in an attempt to _.A. convey the impact of an unexpected disco

109、veryB. describe a young readers sense of historyC. illustrate the characters in the bookD. explain a childs misunderstanding54. The author lists several things about Jo primarily to _.A. challenge an interpretationB. highlight some differencesC. stress a comparisonD. develop a disapproving opinion【答

110、案】51. B 52. D 53. A 54. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文中主要记叙了作者无意中阅读了Louisa May Alcott的小妇人一书,这本书让作者着迷,除了睡觉和吃饭等一些必要的干扰外,一直读到最后才罢休。【51题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段中“I liked to look at Africa, with the coded colours of the different countries like the Belgian Congo and Rhodesia, and try to remember which countries were fighting

111、to be free just as we were struggling for civil rights. I had heard Daddy talking about the struggle, arguing with the television as someone discussed it on a news show.(我喜欢看非洲,不同国家用不同的颜色标记,比如比属刚果和罗得西亚,并试着记住哪些国家在为自由而战,就像我们在为民权而战一样。我曾听爸爸谈论过这场斗争,就像新闻节目中有人讨论和争论的一样)”可推知,作者父亲对民权运动有强烈的感情。故选B。【52题详解】推理判断题。

112、根据第二段中“I had learned from experience that titles werent everything. A book that sounded great on the shelf could be dull once you got it home, and every bad book I brought home meant one less book to read until we went back in two weeks.(我的经验告诉我,书名并不代表一切。一本在书架上听起来很棒的书,一旦你把它带回家,可能就会变得乏味,而我带回家的每一本坏书,都

113、意味着在我们两周后回去之前,可以读的书少了一本)”可推知,作者很可能同意书名有时会误导人。故选D。【53题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段中“One Saturday, as I wandered through the young adult section, I saw a title: Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. I could tell from looking at the shelf that shed written a lot of books, but I didnt know anything about her.(一个星期六,我在青

114、年区闲逛,看到了一个标题:Louisa May Alcott的小妇人。我看了看书架就知道她写了很多书,但我对她一无所知)”以及最后一段中“I read and read and read Little Women until it was time to walk home, and, except for a few essential interruptions like sleeping and eating, I would not put it down until the end. Even the freedom to watch weekend television held

115、no appeal for me in the wake of Alcotts story.( 我读啊,读啊,读小妇人,一直读到该回家的时候。除了睡觉和吃饭等一些必要的干扰外,我一直读到最后才罢休。在奥尔科特的故事之后,甚至周末看电视的自由对我也没有吸引力)”可推知,作者在文中引用了小妇人中的几句话,是在试图传达一项意外发现的影响。故选A。【54题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中“It was about girls, for one thing, girls who could almost be like me, especially Jo. It seemed to me a shame

116、 that she wasnt Black; then our similarity would be complete. She loved to read, she loved to make up plays, she hated acting ladylike, and she had a dreadful temper. I had found a kindred spirit.(首先,它是关于女孩的,那些几乎可以像我一样的女孩,尤其是Jo。在我看来,她不是黑人是一种耻辱;这样我们就完全相似了。她喜欢读书,喜欢编剧本,讨厌表现得像个贵妇人,她的脾气糟透了。我找到了一个志趣相投的人)”

117、可推知,作者列出了一些关于Jo的事情,主要是为了强调作者与Jo的比较。故选C。Section C (4分每题一分)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. Can I train myself to need less sleep?As an experiment for his high-schoo

118、l science fair in 1964, a 17-year-old San Diego boy named Randy Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours. That is 11 days. The project attracted the attention of the Stanford sleep researchers William Dement. Dement and other researchers took turns watching and assessing the young mans consciousness. _55_

119、 Nor did he seem to suffer any permanent setbacks. Dement said that on day 10, Gardner even beat him at pinball. I asked David Dinges, the chief of the division of sleep at the University of Pennsylvania, how many people could do anything close to that without dying. He replied that when animals are

120、 sleep- deprived constantly, they will suffer serious biological consequences. Death is one of those consequences”. That said, cases like Gardners- of people who suffered great sleep deprivation without major setbacks-are well documented. _56_ Dinges said that we probably do have people among usand

121、not necessarily 1 percent; there may be many more than thatwho can actually tolerate sleep loss better than others. This proposition has been borne out in studies of participants in transoceanic sailing races, which did not afford them the luxury of long blocks of sleep. _57_ The concept of sleeping

122、 in short bursts has spread since those races began, in the 1960s. Today, a small global community of people practices polyphasic sleeping”,based on the idea that by dividing your sleep into short bursts, you can get away with less of it. _58_ And he notes that even for the 1 percent (or so) who can

123、 survive on less sleep and function well cognitively, we still dont know how the practice might be affecting metabolism, mood, and many other factors. “ You may be cheerful, but not cognitively fit. Or you may be cognitively fit, but hard to be around because youre pushy or hyperactive.A. The winner

124、s tended to be the people who slept the least, often in multiple short bursts.B. The crucial finding was that throughout their time in the study, the sixers thought they were functioning perfectly well.C. A small number of people, sometimes called short sleepers” and commonly thought to make up perh

125、aps 1 percent of the population, seem to survive on only four or five hours a night.D. But when the doctor put patients in a lab to make certain they stayed awake, performance suffered.E. Though it is possible to train oneself to sleep in short bursts instead of a single nightly block, Dinges says i

126、t does not seem possible to train oneself to need less sleep per 24-hour cycle.F. By all accounts, he took no stimulant medications.【答案】55. F 56. C 57. A 58. E【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章对一些人只需要很少睡眠但可以保持良好的认知功能的现象进行了介绍,并对人们是否能训练自己需要较少睡眠介绍了了专家的观点。【55题详解】根据后文“Nor did he seem to suffer any permanent setbacks.”(他

127、似乎也没有遭受任何永久的挫折。)可知,此处是指研究人员发现他没有经历过什么刺激和挫折,根据nor可知,空格处也是讲他没有经历过什么,所以选项F“大家都说,他没有服用兴奋剂。”切合文意。故选F。【56题详解】根据前文“That said, cases like Gardners- of people who suffered great sleep deprivation without major setbacks-are well documented.”(也就是说,像加德纳这样的案例遭受了严重的睡眠不足,却没有遭遇重大挫折的人们有很好的记载。)可知,此处是讲睡眠时间非常少的人,根据后文 “

128、we probably do have people among usand not necessarily 1 percent”(我们中间可能确实有人不一定达到1%)可知,空格处讲睡眠时间非常少的人可能占小于1%的比例。所以选项C“一小部分人,有时被称为短睡眠者 ,通常被认为约占人口的1%,似乎每晚只睡四五个小时。 ”切合文意。故选C。【57题详解】根据前文“there may be many more than thatwho can actually tolerate sleep loss better than others”(可能有更多的人比其他人更能忍受睡眠不足)和“This pr

129、oposition has been borne out in studies of participants in transoceanic sailing races, which did not afford them the luxury of long blocks of sleep.”(这一观点在对远洋航海比赛参与者的研究中得到了证实,这个比赛中他们不能享受长时间睡眠的奢侈。)可知,在这种比赛中需要睡眠越少的人越有优势,所以选项A“赢家往往是那些睡眠最少的人,而且往往是多次短暂睡眠。 ”切合文意。故选A。【58题详解】根据后文“And he notes that even for

130、the 1 percent (or so) who can survive on less sleep and function well cognitively, we still dont know how the practice might be affecting metabolism, mood, and many other factors. ”(他还指出,即使是1%左右的人,他们可以在较少的睡眠和良好的认知功能下生存,我们仍然不知道这种做法可能如何影响新陈代谢、情绪和许多其他因素。)可知,空格处应出现一个人名,并表明对较少睡眠的观点,根据前文“Today, a small gl

131、obal community of people practices “polyphasic sleeping”,based on the idea that by dividing your sleep into short bursts, you can get away with less of it.”(今天,一个全球小社区的人在实践“多相睡眠”,基于这样的想法,通过将你的睡眠分为短时间的爆发,你可以获得更少的睡眠。)可知,空格处应是对短时间睡眠的训练的观点,所以选项E “丁格斯说,尽管训练自己在短时间内入睡而不是在夜间的一个时间段内入睡是可能的,但似乎不可能训练自己在每24小时周期内

132、需要更少的睡眠。”切合文意。故选E。IV. Word formation(8分每题一分)59. Below we have collected such works for you to see how modern _ deal with the theme of contrasts. (photograph) (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】photographers【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词。句意:下面我们收集了一些这样的作品,让你看看现代摄影师是如何处理反差主题的。空处作从句的主语,表示“摄影师”应用可数名词photographer,前文没有冠词,表示数量大于一应用复数形式。故填

133、photographers。60. The _ between the European and American dramas lies in the characters refusal to face reality. (similar) (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】similarity【解析】【详解】考查名词。句意:欧美戏剧的相似之处在于人物拒绝面对现实。空处作主语,表示“相似之处”应用可数名词similarity,后文lies 提示应用单数。故填similarity。61. Trends toward the globalization of industry have _ af

134、fected food production in California. (dramatic) (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】dramatically【解析】【详解】考查副词。句意:工业全球化的趋势明显地影响了加州的粮食生产。分析句子成分可知,所设空处作状语,修饰谓语动词have affacted,所以应用副词形式,根据所给提示词,“dramatically(显著地,引人注目地)”符合语境,故填dramatically。62. At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become _ in

135、less than 10 years.(extinction) (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】extinct【解析】【详解】考查形容词。句意:按照目前的下降速度,许多热带雨林动物不到10年就会灭绝。根据上文become可知作表语,表示“灭绝”应用形容词extinct。故填extinct。63. When discussing _ modern artists, three names immediately come to mind. (influence) (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】influential【解析】【详解】考查形容词。句意:当谈到有影响力的现代艺术家时,三个名字立即浮现

136、在我的脑海中。修饰后文名词artists,应用形容词influential,作定语。故填influential。64. There is no general agreement on a standard _ of intelligence. (define) (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】definition【解析】【详解】考查名词。句意:对于智力的标准定义,目前尚无共识。在介词on后应用名词作宾语,a 表明用可数名词单数,名词definition意为“定义”。故填definition。65. My mentor was _ inventive and resourceful, and

137、played a major role in my career. (amaze) (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】amazingly【解析】【详解】考查副词。句意:我导师有着惊人的创造力且足智多谋,在我的职业生涯中发挥了重要作用。修饰后文形容词inventive,应用副词amazingly,作状语。故填amazingly。66. A person who values efficiency never spends too much time on _ issues. (significance) (所给词的适当形式填空)【答案】insignificant【解析】【详解】考查形容词。句意:一

138、个重视效率的人不会在无关紧要的事情上花太多时间。根据“A person who values efficiency”和never可知,此处是指一个重视效率的人不会在无关紧要的事情上花太多时间。所以应用形容词insignificant表示“不重要的”,作定语修饰名词issues。故填insignificant。V. Translation (14分 3+3+4+4)67. 走向全球意味着我们仍要意识到世界上有许多不同之处。(Go) (汉译英)【答案】Going global means that we still need to realize there are many difference

139、s in the world.【解析】【分析】【详解】考查动名词作主语和宾语从句。 “意识到”可译为realize,“有不同之处”可译为there are many differences,所以,“我们仍要意识到世界上有许多不同之处”部分可译为we still need to realize there are many differences in the world;“走向全球”可译为go global,分析句子成分可知,其作主语,应用动名词形式,“意味着”可译为mean,在句中作谓语,应用第三人称单数,后跟宾语从句“我们仍要意识到世界上有许多不同之处(we still need to r

140、ealize there are many differences in the world)”,用that连接,所以该句可译为Going global means that we still need to realize there are many differences in the world.68. 年迈的渔夫坚定地认为人不是用来被打败的。(汉译英)【答案】The old fisherman believed firmly that man is not made for defeat.【解析】【分析】【详解】考查宾语从句、固定短语和时态。结合句意表示“年迈的渔夫”短语为the o

141、ld fisherman,作主语;表示“坚定地认为”短语为believe firmly,此处应用一般过去时,后跟that引导的宾语从句;从句中主语为man,表示“被用来”短语为be made for,此处用一般现在时;表示“打败”应用名词defeat作宾语。故翻译为The old fisherman believed firmly that man is not made for defeat.69. 好的记者应该关注客观地报道真相而不仅是煽情。(appeal) (汉译英)【答案】Good journalists/A good journalist/news reporter should f

142、ocus on/concentrate on reporting truth/true stories/facts objectively/in an objective way instead of just appealing to (readers) emotions.【解析】【分析】【详解】考查固定短语和情态动词后接动词原形。“好的记者”可译为good journalists/ a good journalist/ a good news reporter,“关注”可译为focus on/concentrate on,在情态动词“should(应该)”之后用动词原形,其后常跟名词或动名

143、词形式作宾语,“报道真相”可译为report truth/true stories/facts,置于介词on之后,应用动名词形式,“客观地”可译为objectively/in an objective way,“而不是”可译为instead of ,其后常跟名词或动名词形式作宾语,“煽情”即“迎合/吸引(读者的)情感”可译为appeal to (readers) emotions,在介词短语instead of之后,应用动名词形式,综上,该句可译为Good journalists/A good journalist/news reporter should focus on/concentra

144、te on reporting truth/true stories/facts objectively/in an objective way instead of just appealing to (readers) emotions.70. 这些名人的经历充分证明,尽管他们开局不顺,但好奇心和勤奋才最重要的。(count) (汉译英)【答案】The experiences of these famous people fully prove that although they had a false start, curiosity and hard work counted mos

145、t.【解析】【分析】【详解】考查宾语从句、状语从句和时态。结合句意表示“这些名人的经历”可翻译为the experiences of these famous people;表示“充分证明”短语为fully prove,此处应用一般现在时,后跟that引导的宾语从句;从句中表示“尽管”应用although引导让步状语从句,主语为they,表示“开局不顺”可用短语have a false start,此处用一般过去时;表示“好奇心和勤奋”应用短语curiosity and hard work,作主语;表示“最重要”短语为count most,此处用一般过去时。故翻译为The experiences of these famous people fully prove that although they had a false start, curiosity and hard work counted most.

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