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2021届新高考英语一轮复习外研版学案:第一编 选修6 MODULE6 WAR AND PEACE WORD版含解析.doc

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1、Module 6War and Peace话题晨背分钟 填词并背记In September, 1939, Germany 1.invaded and 2.occupied Poland, which marked the beginning of the Second World War. The war 3.lasted for about 7 years. Later, many countries, including Britain, 4.declared war on Germany. Numerous soldiers died. 5.Despite this, the 6.sur

2、vivors still think their 7.sacrifice and efforts 8.worthwhile. The most important and 9.memorable battle of the war was 10.Operation Overlord. The situation at Omaha Beach where American 11.troops landed was so bad that its manders even thought about 13.abandoning the operation. 14.To our great asto

3、nishment, eventually, the soldiers 15.made a breakthrough with great 16.courage and the DDay landing was successful. During the landing, some soldiers 17.drowned in the 18.deep water, others 19.wounded by the bullets or shells. Fortunately, some soldiers were 20.picked up. When some old soldiers thi

4、nk of the scene now, they still feel 21.shocked and frightened. On 6 June, 2004, survivors with different 22.nationalities of the DDay landing returned to France to watch the cemetery and memorial 23.overlooking Omaha Beach to remember their lost comrades.Nowadays, most people long for peace and 24.

5、condemn war. Peace is the very thing that most countries have gone after.1939年9月德国入侵并占领了波兰,这标志着第二次世界大战的开始。二战大约持续了7年。后来许多国家,包括英国,都向德国宣战。无数的士兵牺牲了。尽管如此,幸存者仍认为他们的牺牲和努力是值得的。这场战争中最重要和最难忘的战役是“霸王行动”。美国军队登陆的奥马哈海滩形势非常糟糕,以至于指挥官都考虑放弃这次行动。令我们感到非常惊讶的是,最后士兵们用他们巨大的勇气取得了突破,诺曼底登陆成功了。在这次登陆中,一些士兵在深水中被淹死,一些被子弹或炮弹击中负伤。幸运

6、的是,有些士兵被救起。当一些老士兵回想起当时的情景时,他们依旧感到震惊和恐惧。在2004年6月6号,参与诺曼底登陆的不同国籍的幸存者回到法国去参观俯视着奥马哈海滩的公墓和纪念碑以怀念他们阵亡的战友。现在,大多数人渴望和平谴责战争。和平是大多数国家追求的东西。基础词汇 查缺补漏宽1vengeful (adj.) 复仇的;报复心切的venge (v.) 为报仇;替复仇2invade (v.) 入侵;侵略3abandon (v.) 放弃;抛弃abandoned (adj.) 被抛弃的4operation (n.) 行动operate (v.) 操作;动手术5drown (v.) 淹死;使溺死drow

7、ning (adj.) 快淹死的drowned (adj.) 已淹死的6survivor (n.) 幸存者survive (v.) 幸存下来;幸免于难survival (n.) 幸存;幸存事物7last (v.) 持续lastly (adv.) 最后lasting (adj.) 持久的;耐久的8occupy (v.) 占领occupation (n.) 占领;职业occupied (adj.) 已占用的;在使用的9troop (n.) 部队;士兵10commander (n.) 指挥官command (v.& n) 命令11deep (adj.) 深的deeply (adv.) 非常;深深地1

8、2wound (v.) 使受伤wounded (adj.) 受伤的13shocked (adj.) (感到)震惊的;惊骇的shock (n.) 休克;震惊14overlook (v.) 俯视;往下看15weary (v.) 使人疲倦;使人厌烦16condemn (v.) 责难;谴责17nationality (n.) 国籍nation (n.) 国家;民族national (adj.) 国家的;民族的18rescue (v.) 营救;拯救19backpack (n.) 背包20campaign (n.) 作战行动;军事行动21station (n.) 根据地;驻扎地;基地22chain (n.

9、) 链条;铁链23view (n.) 观点24senseless (adj.) 无意义的;欠思考的sense (n.) 感觉;意义sensible (adj.) 通晓事理的;明智的sensibly (adv.) 明智地25sacrifice (n.) 牺牲26memorable (adj.) 难忘的;特别的;值得回忆的27confidential (adj.) 机密的;秘密的confidence (n.) 自信confident (adj.) 自信的28worthwhile (adj.) 值得做的;有价值的;有用的29encourage (v.) 鼓舞;鼓励encouragement (n.)

10、 鼓励encouraging (adj.) 令人鼓舞的encouraged (adj.) 受到鼓舞的courage (n.) 勇气30disagreement (n.) 争论;矛盾;意见不合disagree (v.) 不同意agree (v.) 同意agreement (n.) 同意;协议31despite (prep.) 不管;不顾32declare war on 向宣战33make a breakthrough 取得重大突破(进展)34pick up 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起35be involved in 被卷入;陷入;与有牵连36to ones astonishment 令某人惊

11、讶的是37keep in shape 保持健康38drink to 为干杯;祝酒39draw attention to (使某人)注意40in the face of 面对重点知识分钟abandon v. 放弃,抛弃 n. 放任;放纵(教材P72)派生词:abandoned adj. 遗弃的;废弃的;无约束的单句语法填空Many young people decided to abandon (buy) houses in big cities because of the high price.They saw the (abandon) vehicle and knew he had ma

12、naged to flee on foot.答案:buyingabandoned单句写作那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。Those who despair can not succeed.我知道你对设计机器人很投入,并且你曾获得机器人大赛一等奖。因此,你是最合适的人。I know you and have won first prize in the Robotics Competition. Therefore, you are the most suitable person.答案:abandon themselves toabandon yourself to designing robots

13、(1)abandon oneself to溺于;纵情于abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事(2)with abandon 纵情地;放任地operate vi. 运转;运作;做手术;起作用 vt. 操作;经营(教材P72)派生词:operation n. 行动;运作;经营;手术单句语法填空When the machine is operation, keep away from it.Having seen the Xray, the doctor decided to operate the patient.To our surprise, the (operate) on her

14、 heart lasted three hours.答案:inonoperation单句写作新的规章将于下周日起生效。The new regulations next Sunday.据报道,当地政府将于下个月实施这项新的法律。Its reported that the local government will next month.答案:will come/go into operationbring/put the new law into operation(1)operate ongive/perform an operation on给做手术(2)bring/put . into o

15、peration 使运作/运转;实施come/go into operation 实施;开始生效in operation 在运行/运转中;起作用survive vi. 幸存;生存下来 vt. 幸免于;幸存;比活得长(教材P72)派生词:survival n. 幸存;继续存在;幸存物;残存物survivor n. 幸存者;生还者单句语法填空Many of the peasants managed to survive tiny plots of corn and beans.Officials said there were no (survive) in the plane crash.For

16、 a sudden heart failure, the single best chance for (survive) is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.答案:onsurvivorssurvival单句写作那些在地震中幸存下来的人将永远不会忘记他们可怕的经历。People who will remember their terrible experiences forever.那个男子比他妻子多活了五年,在此期间他一直住在一所小房子里。The man five years, during which he lived i

17、n a small house.答案:survive the earthquakesurvived his wife bysurvive on 靠幸存/生存survive sb. by . 比活得长survive sth. 幸免于;从中活过来survive from . 从流传下来occupyv. 占领(教材P72)派生词:occupied adj. 被占领的;忙于的occupation n. 职业;占领单句语法填空Meanwhile, the problems kept him (occupy), with little room for personal matters. I havent

18、 written down your name and (occupy) yet. 答案:occupiedoccupation单句写作她忙于办公室的日常工作。She routine office tasks.工作会占据你的大脑,帮助你忘记他。Work will and help you forget about him.上周,我忙于为期末考试复习功课。Last week I going over my lessons for my final exam.答案:occupied herself withoccupy your mindwas occupied in(1)occupy onesel

19、f in doing/with sth. 忙着做某事;忙于某事occupy sb.s mind/thoughts/attention 占据某人的头脑/思维/注意力(2)be occupied in doing/with sth. 忙着做某事;忙于某事keep sb. occupied 使某人忙碌名师点津表示“忙着做某事”的其他短语:be engaged in (doing) sth.be busy in doing sth./with sth.be buried in (doing) sth.rescue v. 营救;拯救 n救援;营救(教材P73)单句语法填空All their attemp

20、ts to rescue the child the burning building were in vain.It was you that made rescue in time, which gave us a second life.答案:froma单句写作现在,电击训练和药物治疗正在帮助拯救这些大鸟。Now, electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to .答案:rescue these big birdsworthwhileadj. 值得做的;有价值的;有用的(教材P79)词根:worth n. 价值;财

21、产adj. 值钱的;值的派生词:worthy adj. 有价值的;值得的;可敬的单句语法填空They regard the problem as not worthy serious consideration. In brief, my hometown is a place which is worthy of (visit). 答案:ofbeing visited一句多译这个问题值得讨论一下。 . . . .答案:It is worthwhile to discuss the problem; It is worthwhile discussing the problem; The pr

22、oblem is worth discussing; The problem is worthy to be discussed单句写作继续做这项工程是不值得的。It wasnt with the project.这很有趣并且值得尝试。It is interesting and .这位学生很值得教。This student well .答案:worthwhile continuingworth tryingis; worthy to be taught/worthy of being taught(1)It is worthwhile to do/doing sth. 做某事是值得的(2)be

23、 (well) worth doing sth. (很)值得做某事(3)be worthy of sth. 值得be worthy 值得易混辨析worth表示“值的”之意,常作表语,通常有如下两种用法:be worthmoney (the price) 价值;be (well) worthv.ing (很)值得worthwhile可以作定语或表语;作表语时可接动名词或动词不定式(作主语),此时前用it作形式主语,可构成It is worthwhile to do/doing sth.表示“值得做”worthy“值得,应的,足以”,表示对某事有资格或合适的意思,通常作表语,后跟of短语或不定式,

24、常用于如下结构:be worthy of sth., be worthy of being done, be worthy to be doneencouragev. 鼓舞;鼓励(教材P81)派生词:encouragement n. 鼓励encouraging adj. 令人鼓舞的单句语法填空We were very pleased to hear this (encourage) news. Thanks to his parents (encourage) and support, he finally realized his dream.答案:encouragingencouragem

25、ent单句写作她的工作激励了许多其他女性成为医生。Her work doctors.她男朋友的来信对她来说是极大的鼓舞。Her boyfriends letter was .家人的支持让玛丽受到了鼓舞。Mary the support of her family.答案:encouraged many other women to becomea great encouragement to herwas encouraged bydespiteprep. 不管;不顾(教材P83)单句语法填空In spite old age, she is still learning to drive. th

26、e weather was bad, the plane took off.答案:ofAlthough/Though单句写作尽管早餐吃了很多,他午饭还是大吃了一顿。He managed to eat a big lunch an enormous breakfast.答案:in spite of/despite having eaten一句多译尽管缺乏经验,他还是按时完成了这项工作。He managed to finish the work on time his lack of experience.He managed to finish the work on time he lacke

27、d experience.He managed to finish the work on time he lacked experience.答案:despite/in spite of; despite/in spite of the fact that; though/althoughdespitein spite of 尽管despite/in spite of名词/代词/动名词though/although句子 尽管despite/in spite of the fact that . 尽管事实如此名师点津despite与in spite of分别为介词和介词短语,其后接名词、代词或

28、动名词作让步状语,不接从句(what从句除外);though与although或as是从属连词,引导让步状语从句。make a breakthrough 取得重大突破(进展)(教材P72)单句语法填空He made fortune in real estate. His purpose was (make) a profit by improving the companys performance.答案:ato make单句写作没必要为了留下一个好印象而去买最贵的衣服。There is no need to buy the most expensive clothes .在过去三年里,生物克

29、隆技术取得了许多进展。Much progress in biological cloning technology in the past three years.他们在癌症研究中取得的重大突破将会使许多病人受益。The breakthrough in cancer research will benefit many patients.答案:to make a good impressionhas been made(that) they have mademake progress 取得进步make a profit 获利;赚钱make a fortune 赚大钱make a good i

30、mpression 留下好印象pick up 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起(教材P73)单句语法填空I have been picked to represent the whole team.I picked the phone book and glanced through it.答案:outup单句写作你是在哪儿学的英语?Where did you ?我的朋友在医院待了几天后开始有好转。My friend began to after staying in hospital for several days.你只能有什么工作就干什么,不能挑三拣四了。You have to take

31、any job you can getyou cant .答案:pick up your Englishpick uppick and choose(1)pick up还有以下常用意义:捡起,拿起(某物);(在无线电中)收听;接收;(用车)接人;取物;收拾,整理;(偶然)学会;听到;买到;改善,好转;染上病(2)pick out 挑选出来pick and choose 东挑西捡The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.这次登陆行动异

32、常危险,很多士兵还没来得及下船就牺牲了。(教材P72)单句语法填空Finish your homework you go out to play. I could get in a word, he had measured me.答案:beforeBefore单句写作时间过得真快!仅有一个月我就高中毕业了。How time flies! I graduate from high school.约翰认为不久之后他就会为他的新工作做好准备。John thinks he is ready for his new job.他被告知他至少还需要3个月才能恢复并重返工作岗位。He was told th

33、at he could recover and return to work.答案:It will be only a month beforeit wont be long beforeit would be at least three months beforebefore最基本的用法表示“在之前”,可以灵活翻译:(1)在“Itwill/would be时间段before从句”中,before意为“之后才”或“多久就”。若before从句时态为一般现在时,则主句用一般将来时;若before从句时态为一般过去时,则主句用过去将来时。(2)在特定的情景中,before意为“趁着”。课文回练分

34、钟语法填空Do you know the phrase of DDay? Yes, it is also called Operation Overlordthe military operation in 1944, 1 started as a story of danger and 2 (confuse), but ended as a story of bravery and heroism. During World War , the United States, Britain and Canada formed the Allies to fight 3 Germany. Wh

35、en Germans occupied France, they attempted 4 (send) troops to France across the English Channel from Britain; thus the socalled Operation Overlord 5 (happen). The first aim of the Allies was to land on the beaches of Normandy. The landings were 6 (extreme) dangerous under the German wild artillery s

36、hells and machine gun fires. The situation was so 7 (terrify) that the US army commanders almost thought about 8 (abandon) the invasion. Eventually, the soldiers made 9 breakthrough and the DDay landings were 10 (success) at the cost of thousands of lost soldiers, which determined the failure of Ger

37、many.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 答案:1.which2.confusion3.against4.to send5.happened6.extremely7.terrifying8.abandoning9.a10.successful随堂检测分钟.单句语法填空 1Dont interrupt your brother when hes (occupy) in writing a paper.答案:occupied2Plans for a peace conference failed due to the (disagree) on who should

38、be allowed to attend. 答案:disagreement3Theyve always (courage) me in everything. 答案:encouraged4It has touched me (deep) to see how these people live.答案:deeply5The man was found guilty of armed robbery, and (condemn) to eight years imprisonment.答案:condemned6It is reported that the (abandon) baby has b

39、een sent to the local hospital.答案:abandoned7It is worthwhile (visit) the ancient temple at the top of the mountain.答案:visiting/to visit8We were (shock) that he refused to accept the help.答案:shocked9The film was (memory) for the fine acting of the two main characters.答案:memorable10Some travelers are

40、still trapped in the heavy snow, though some are reported to have (rescue) by the police. 答案:been rescued.选词填空in return, keep in shape, to ones astonishment, make a breakthrough, pick up, declare war on, be involved in, drink to, in the face of, draw attention to1He was unable to deny the charges th

41、e new evidence.答案:in the face of2Tom, you go and Mary from the station, will you?But shes already got home.答案:pick up3. , they should have finished that task in such a short time.答案:To my astonishment4The president said if terrorists us, war would be what they got.答案:declared war on5For a long time

42、Gabriel didnt want to music at all.答案:be involved in6We offer an excellent education to our students. , we expect students to work hard.答案:In return7He in computer engineering,which made him gain high reputation.答案:made a breakthrough8Many of my older customers do yoga to well in their fifties.答案:ke

43、ep in shape9Be uniquely different. Thats what will to your ideas.答案:draw attention to10I think we should the beauty of nature. 答案:drink to.单句写作1如果他们有足够的时间,他们就会参观长城。 enough time, they would have visited the Great Wall.答案:If they had2斯大林知道这个条款会导致英国与法国对德宣战。This act, Stalin knew, would prompt Britain an

44、d France to Germany.答案:declare war on3我们不应该仅仅通过他所说的来评判一个人。We only depending on what he has said. 答案:are not supposed to assess/judge a person4一位中年游泳者救了这个孩子,使他没有溺水身亡。A middleaged swimmer .答案:rescued the child from drowning5她整天忙于在家照顾两个孩子。She two children at home all day.答案:is occupied in looking after

45、.语段写作My grandfather used to be a soldier in the AntiJapanese war, who experienced (很多惊人的军事行动). Once, the (指挥官) told him that one of their stations (被日军占领了). He and his comrades were ordered to (营救那些伤员). However, (令他们吃惊的是), on their arrival, they were found by the enemy, which led to a fierce fight. Eventually, after a lot of confusion, most of them survived. Although some sacrificed, the rest of them succeeded in rescuing the wounded. 答案:many shocking operations; commander; was occupied by the Japanese soldiers; rescue the wounded soldiers; to their astonishment


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