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本文(2021届新高考英语一轮复习外研版学案:第一编 必修2 MODULE4 FINE ARTS—WESTERN CHINESEAND POP ARTS WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2021届新高考英语一轮复习外研版学案:第一编 必修2 MODULE4 FINE ARTS—WESTERN CHINESEAND POP ARTS WORD版含解析.doc

1、Module 4Fine ArtsWestern, Chineseand Pop Arts话题晨背分钟 填词并背记My parents 1.are fond of going to art galleries to watch the 2.exhibitions. They often take me with them, which is 3.aimed at developing for 5.painting. I once studied drawing 6.landscape and 7.watercolor but soon I 8.was tired of the

2、m and finally gave them up. However, I still enjoy watching famous 9.artists works. I can tell whose works they are by the styles.My favourite artists are Pablo Picasso and Qi Baishi. They two had different 10.styles. Pablo Picasso made an 11.unusual success and was 12.considered to be the greatest

3、western artist of the twentieth century. He created 13.a series of works in different periods. It looks as if the objects and people were 14.destroyed, but in fact theyre quite a whole.Qi Baishi 15.adopted the 16.traditional Chinese style of painting. At first, he only 17.imitated others works. As a

4、 result, his works were not popular with the public. He couldnt 18.stand the failure and even intended to give up painting. Later, he 19.observed the world of nature carefully and 20.realised the true meaning of art. The animals in his works look so 21.alive that the works attract lots of collectors


6、的动物看起来是那么的生动以至于他的作品吸引了很多的收藏者。基础词汇 查缺补漏1like (n.) 爱好;嗜好dislike (n.) 憎恶;不喜欢2artist (n.) 艺术家art (n.) 艺术;文科3colourful (adj.) 彩色的colour (n.) 颜色;色彩4delightful (adj.) 令人愉快的;可爱的delight (n.) 愉快;高兴;令人高兴的事delighted (adj.) 高兴的5paint (vt.) 绘画;(用颜料)画painter (n.) 画家painting (n.) 绘画;油画6traditional (adj.) 传统的;习俗的tra

7、ditionally (adv.) 传统上地tradition (n.) 传统7imitate (vt.) 临摹;仿造;模仿;仿效imitation (n.) 模仿;仿制品8observe (vt.) 观察;注意到observation (n.) 观察;监视9adopt (vt.) 采纳;采用adoption (n.) 收养;(想法、计划、名字等的)采用10aim (vi.) 以为目标;打算;意欲aimless (adj.) 没有方向的;无目标的11unusual (adj.) 不寻常的;非凡的usual (adj.) 通常的usually (adv.) 经常地;通常地12exhibition

8、 (n.) 展览exhibit (v.) 展览13expression (n.) 表现;表达express (vt.) 表达14realise/realize (vt.) 领悟;了解;实现;实行realistic (adj.) 现实主义的;写实主义的reality (n.) 现实;实际情况15destroy (vt.) 破坏;毁坏destruction (n.) 破坏;毁坏16be known/famous for 因而闻名17be/get tired of 对厌烦18be crazy about 迷恋于19be fond of 喜欢;喜爱20develop an interest in 对产

9、生兴趣21at the age of 在岁时22in ones early twenties 在某人二十出头时23a series of 一系列的重点知识分钟observe vt. 观察;注意到;遵守(法律、习俗等);庆祝(节日)(教材P32)派生词:observation n. 观察;监视observer n. 观察者;目击者写出下列句中observe的含义He observed that it would probably rain. Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? The teacher stood at the corner

10、, observing the behaviour of every student. You should observe the local custom when you go abroad. 答案:注意到庆祝观察遵守单句语法填空He observed a stranger (wander) around the store.He was observed (follow) her closely.My uncle acted as an (observe) at the UNESCO International Youth Forum.In hospital shell be unde

11、r (observe) all the time. 答案:wanderingto followobserverobservation同义句转换She observed a man walking on the opposite of the way.She observed on the opposite of the way.The police observed the man enter the bank.The man the bank by the police.答案:that a man was walkingwas observed to enter(1)observe Chri

12、stmas/New Years Day 庆祝圣诞节/元旦(2)observe the law/a rule 遵守法律/规则(3)observe sb. doing 观察到某人正在做(强调动作正在进行)observe sb. do 观察到某人做了observethat 从句 观察到/注意到名师点津(1)observe后可跟不带to的不定式作宾补,但此结构变为被动语态时,须补上to。(2)observe表示“观察”时,经常用于“observe宾语宾语补足语”结构中。与observe有类似用法的动词有:see, hear, notice, watch, feel, have, let, make,

13、find等。reality n. 真实;现实;逼真(教材P32)词根:real adj. 真实的;正宗的;真正的 adv. 非常;很单句语法填空The two football players seem like enemies on the field, but reality they are good friends.Once you make a promise, you should try to turn it into (real)Johns dream of being a painter became reality.答案:inrealitya单句写作他看起来年轻,但实际上已

14、经40多岁了。He looks young, but he is over forty.答案:in reality/in truth/in fact/as a matter of fact名师点津表示“事实上;实际上”的短语还有:in fact, as a matter of fact, in truth等。adopt vt. 采纳;采用;收养(教材P32)派生词:adopted adj. 收养的;领养的adoption n. 收养;(想法、计划、名字等的)采用单句语法填空The (adopt) child has the right to see his birth certificate.

15、 The (adopt) of new technology is great progress for the factory.答案:adoptedadoption单句写作他们因没有亲生儿女,所以决定收养一个孩子。Having no children of their own they decided .答案:to adopt a child(1)adopt an idea/a plan 采纳意见/计划adopt a child 收养孩子(2)an adopted son 一个养子名师点津注意不要将adopt和adapt混淆。adapt意为“使适应;改编,改写”。 常和介词to连用,常见搭配

16、:adapt oneself to表示“使自己适应”。aim vi. 以为目标;打算;意欲;瞄准 n. C目标 U瞄准(教材P33)派生词:aimless adj. 没有方向的;无目标的aimlessly adv. 漫无目的地单句语法填空Were aiming a big improvement.Theyre aiming training everybody by the end of the year.We aim (save) enough money to go on vacation.答案:foratto save单句写作她去伦敦是为了找工作。She went to London f

17、inding a job.答案:with the aim of(1)aim at/for sth.力争得到/达到aim 力求做某事,旨在做某事(2)with the aim of . 为了take aim at 瞄准stand vt. 忍受;站立;位于(某处);承受 n. 看台;摊位,货摊;立场(教材P33)单句语法填空What does the letter stand ?Shes the sort of person who stands in a crowd.Suddenly, Mr Zhang stood and left the room.He cant stand (work) i

18、n the heat for several hours.答案:foroutupworking单句写作她不能忍受久站。She cant .答案:stand being kept standing(1)cant stand sb./sth.不能忍受某人/物cant stand (sb./sth.) doing sth.不能忍受(某人/物)做某事(2)stand up 站立;站起来stand for 代表,象征stand out 显眼,突出expression n. 表现;表达;表情(教材P36)词根:express v. 表达;表现单句语法填空We can see from the (expre

19、ss) on his face that everything is going on well.There was worried expression on the teachers face.The scene before her was expression. Her expressions changed, and an expression of joy appeared on her face.答案:expressionabeyond单句写作学会把自己的意思表达清楚是受教育的一个重要方面。Learning is an important part of education.答案

20、:to express oneself well(1)beyond expression 无法形容;无法表达without expression 面无表情地give expression to 表达;表现(2)express oneself 表达自己(的想法和感受)realise vt. 领悟;了解;实现;实行(教材P36)派生词:realistic adj. 现实主义的;写实主义的reality n. 真实,现实;逼真;实际情况realisation n. (目标等的)实现;领悟单句语法填空These artists painted (realise) pictures of the liv

21、es of the common people.答案:realistic一句多译他当演员的梦想终于实现了。He finally of becoming an actor.His dream of becoming an actor .His dream of becoming an actor .答案:realised his dream; was finally realised; finally came true名师点津realise和come true都可表示“实现”,但realise是及物动词,主语是人;come true是不及物动词短语,主语是物。put off 推迟;延期(教材P

22、35)单句语法填空Encourage children to put some of their pocket money to buy Christmas presents. Summer is gone and lets put the electric fans.Put the books you are not using on the shelves.After he finished his exercise, he put his pen.Dont bother about me! Put the fire first. We have put up them for two y

23、ears but Ive had enough. 答案:asideawaybackdownoutwith单句写作在前一种情况下,我们不断地推迟任务,因为它不是太枯燥就是太难。In the former case, we keep a task because it is either too boring or too difficult.它们是真正的益鸟,值得我们为它们康复而付出的一切努力。They are truly good birds that are worth every effort we recovering them.谁提出了黑洞理论?Who a theory about b

24、lack holes?自从戒烟后他的体重增加了很多。Hes a lot of weight since he gave up smoking.答案:putting offput intoput forwardput onput aside 把某物放到一边;储蓄;储存;不理睬put back 放回原处;延期;把(钟、表)拨慢put down 放下;(用笔等)记下 (write down)put on 上演;穿上;戴上put into 把放进/投入put out 熄灭;关闭(电灯等);伸(手);把放好备用put up 提升;建造;张贴;投宿;为某人提供住宿;举起put up with 忍受;忍耐p

25、ut forward 提出put away 把收拾起来take turns轮流(教材P37)单句语法填空The nurses and doctors take turns (be) on night duty. We looked after the little boy turns. 答案:to beby单句写作顾客表扬了经理,经理转而表扬了员工。The customer praised the manager, who , praised his staff.我想这周该轮到我们开车送孩子们上学了。I think the kids to school this week.答案:in turn

26、its our turn to drive(1)take turns to do/(in) doing sth.轮流做某事do sth. by turns 轮流做某事(2)in turn依次;轮流;反过来;相应地(3)It is ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事了。Its by a Chinese artist, isnt it? 它是由一位中国画家画的,不是吗?(教材P33)单句语法填空His sister seldom goes home to see their parents, she?He could hardly walk without a stick,

27、he?答案:doescould单句写作他在竞赛中得了一等奖,不是吗?He has won the first prize in the competition, ?他英语学得不好,是吗?He doesnt learn English well, ?我认为他不会同意我们的观点,是吗?I dont think he will agree with us, ?不要在会议室里吸烟,好吗?Dont smoke in the meeting room, ?今天天气不错,我们一块儿去游泳,好吗?Its a fine day today. Lets go swimming together, ?他不可能看过这

28、部影片,是吗?He cant have seen the film, ?昨晚一定下雨了,不是吗?It must have rained last night, ?答案:hasnt hedoes hewill hewill youshall wehas hedidnt it What do you make of (it)? 你认为它怎么样?(教材P38)选词填空(what/how) do you like the ideas I am giving you? do you think of the school, in your honest opinion? 答案:HowWhat单句写作你对

29、这个主意有什么看法? do you the idea?如果我们跑的话,应该来得及。If we run, we should .我根本不懂这个便条的意思。I cant anything this note.答案:What; think ofmake itmake; of(1)表示“认为怎么样”,还可以用下列表达法:How do you find/like . ?What do you think of . ?Whats your opinion of . ?(2)make the best/most of 充分利用make it (口语) 做成;成功;到达make . of . 了解;从(某事物

30、)中得出(某印象、看法、理解等)课文回练分钟语法填空There are many outstanding painters both in China and the West. Picasso 1 (consider) to be the greatest western artist of the 2 (twenty) century. He as well as George Braque started Cubism, one of the most important of all modern art 3 (movement)Qi Baishi, 4 followed the tr

31、aditional Chinese style of painting, made his paintings special by 5 (observe) the world of nature very carefully. He is regarded 6 one of Chinas greatest painters.Xu Beihong, another painter, painted in the traditional Chinese style. He believed that artists should show 7 (real), but not just imita

32、te it. He tried his best 8 (show) the “life” of the subjects in his pictures. Because of his special style 9 painting, he became one of Chinas 10 (wellknown) twentiethcentury artists.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 答案 show9.of10.b

33、estknown随堂检测分钟.单句语法填空1It was the most (delight) garden I had ever seen. 答案:delightful2He is a man of strong selfrespect, so he cant stand (laugh) at in public. 答案:being laughed3Weightlifting is a popular sport in China, and it is often connected with (tradition) martial arts training.答案:traditional4

34、It is known to all that young children learn how to speak by (imitate)答案:imitation5Darwins views were the result of years of careful (observe), thought and study.答案:observation6He lost his parents at the age of three and (adopt) by his uncle.答案:was adopted7Unfortunately, the building (destroy) by fi

35、re. 答案:was destroyed8We aim (help) disabled students to live and study independently. 答案:to help/at helping9When he passed by, he observed a strange man (knock) at the door.答案:knocking10If you talk so noisily, youll get yourself (dislike)答案:disliked.选词填空destroy, be fond of, realise, take turns, get

36、tired of, stand, put off, adopt, a series of, develop . interest in1She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both each other.答案:got tired of2Most of the houses in the city were in the earthquake.答案:destroyed3The football match was because of the heavy rain

37、.答案:put off4He doesnt seem to have his mistake.答案:realised5There was car accidents at the crossing this morning.答案:a series of6The school has new methods of teaching foreign languages.答案:adopted7If friends can to listen to each other well, life will be better.答案:take turns8He can more pain than anyo

38、ne else I know.答案:stand9The purpose of the programme is to our English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking.答案:develop; interest in10Sheila telling other people what to do.答案:is fond of.单句写作1今日事今日毕。Dont until tomorrow what can be done today.答案:put off2我们轮流做饭。We dinner.答案:take t

39、urns to make/making3这是因为我们每个人都是独特的。 each of us is special.答案:It is because4这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。This tree is that one.答案:three times as tall as/taller than5我认为必须采取措施来阻止空气被污染,不是吗?I think that something has to be done to stop the air from being polluted, ?答案:doesnt it.语段写作Two years ago, I was not interested in

40、 what my teachers said and wanted to sleep in class all the time. All my teachers couldnt (忍受我睡觉) in class. They considered me a student who didnt (遵守) the school rules. Later, my head teacher, Mr Li found my problem and helped me (在培养兴趣) study. With Mr Li helping me, I am fond of studying very much at present. Now I have had an (非凡的) change and set my own (目标)答案:stand me sleeping; observe; develop an interest in; unusual; aims

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