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2018版高考英语(全国用)大一轮复习导学案(题库)必修1 UNIT 3 TRAVEL JOURNAL WORD版含答案.docx

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1、Unit 3Traveljournal.单项填空1Now most of the computers look_to each other in appearance,but in fact they are quite different.Afamiliar Bsimilar Csame Ddifferent解析考查形容词辨析。be familiar to为熟知;be similar to与相似。答案B2_around the fire,the tourists danced with the local people.AGatherBTo gatherCGathering DTo be g

2、athering解析 句意:那些旅行者们聚在篝火周围和当地人一起跳舞。本句没有连词,可判断本题考查非谓语动词作状语,故首先排除A项;不定式作状语且置于句首时常作目的状语,不符合句意,故排除B、D两项;本题设空处作伴随状语,只有C项符合要求。答案 C3Although she said it was nothing serious,I insisted that a doctor_at once.Amust be sent for Bbe sent forCis sent for Dshould send for解析考查虚拟语气。insist表示“坚持”时,后面的宾语从句要用(should)do

3、,该句为被动式。答案B4Its not what we do once in a while _shapes our lives,but what we do consistently.Awhich BthatChow Dwhen解析 考查强调句型的用法。句意:影响我们生活的不是我们偶尔做什么,而是我们一贯做什么。强调部分是句子的主语,空格部分应是强调句型中的that,故选B项。答案 B5Once he is_to do something,nothing can make him give it up.Asatisfied BworriedCmade Ddetermined解析考查形容词的辨

4、析。句意:他一旦决定做某事,什么事情也不能让他放弃的。此处be determined to to sth意为“决定做某事”,符合句意。satisfied意为“满意的”;worried意为“不安的,担心的”;made意为“使,让”,均不符合句意。答案D6He trusts you,so only you can_him to give up that crazy idea.Atempt BpersuadeCadvise Dtry to persuade解析句意:因此只有你能说服他放弃。persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事。答案B7 In many peoples opinio

5、n,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_.Ato deal with Bdealing withCto be dealt with Ddealt with解析 在“主语beadj.不定式”句型中,作状语的不定式常用其主动形式表示被动意义,常用于此句型的形容词有:hard,difficult,easy,comfortable,interesting,heavy,dangerous,possible,pleasant等,be pleasant to deal with相处起来很融洽。答案 A8He thinks only of hims

6、elf;he doesnt_other people.Acare about Bcare forCcare of Dcare to解析句意:他只想着自己,不关心别人。care about sb关心某人,符合句意。答案A9No matter what you do,you must_your mind_it.Aput;to Bkeep;onCapply;on Dput;into解析keep ones mind on.全神贯注于,固定搭配;apply ones mind to,put ones mind in。答案B10What shall we use for power when all th

7、e oil in the world has_?Agiven out Bput outCheld up Dused up解析give out用完;use up也可作“用完”讲,但应用被动形式。答案A11Thats a lovely dress.You look good in it.Really?Thank you.My aunt gave it to me for my birthday,but I dont_the color.Ago in for Bcare forCcare about Dconcern about解析 go in for从事,爱好(表示长期的爱好);care for喜

8、欢,介意;care about关心,惦念;concern多为及物动词,在be concerned后才跟介词about,for,with等。从语境看,只有B项合适。答案 B12John is very_if he promises to do something hell do it.Aindependent BconfidentCreliable Dflexible解析句意:约翰非常值得信赖如果他答应做一件事,他就一定会做到。reliable意为“可靠的,可信赖的”;independent意为“独立的,自主的”;confident意为“自信的”;flexible意为“可变通的,灵活的”。答案C

9、13Sam insisted that he_the law and_.Adidnt break;mustnt be punishedBdoesnt break;shouldnt punishChadnt broken;be not punishedDhadnt broken;not be punished解析句意:Sam说他没有犯法因而不该受到惩罚。insist后面的从句中,如果陈述的是事实,用陈述语气;如果表示“坚持主张”的含义,要用“(should)动词原形”的虚拟语气形式。答案D14There is nothing more I can try_you to stay,so I wis

10、h you good luck.Abeing persuaded BpersuadingCto be persuaded Dto persuade解析 句意:既然我没有办法说服你留下来,我只好祝你好运。I can try及后面的部分省略了that定语从句,先行词为nothing more,将其代入后为:I can try nothing more to persuade you to stay.我没有办法说服你留下来。由此可看出to persuade在本句中作目的状语。答案 D15To change attitudes_employing women,the government is bri

11、nging in new laws.Aabout Bof Ctowards Don解析固定结构attitude towards“对态度”。答案C.完形填空It was a cold winters night when I stopped for gas on my way home from work.I was tired and had a slight_1_.I worked in a_2_doctors office and this was one of those days when the unexpected happened,making the schedule run_

12、3_than usual.It seemed I was going to be late_4_home and my husband,being the_5_person,would be ready to pronounce me late once again.Maybe_6_I hurried,I could still make it home.I was heading inside to_7_for my gas when I noticed an older couple at the counter.I heard them asking for_8_to the local

13、 hospital.It was the same hospital that I had just_9_a few minutes ago.The young man at the counter was trying to be_10_in explaining how to get there,with two other people making_11_.One of them was_12_trying to give them a whole different route back.It was then that I walked over to the couple and

14、 said,“Would you like to follow me to the_13_?”A look of_14_crossed the womans face.“Im going right by there,”I said,which wasnt a_15_since I had just made up my mind to do_16_that.I got in my car and began the journey back.I was trying to watch to be sure they were right_17_me.It took only fifteen

15、minutes to get there as rush hour traffic was beginning to_18_.I felt better than I had all day and my headache was nearly gone.Later,as I arrived home,my husband_19_,“So you arent ever late any more.”I said,“Sometimes its_20_to be late.”【语篇解读】 一个寒冷的夜晚,作者偶然遇到一对需要帮助的老年夫妇,于时她不顾身体的疲惫与不适,自告奋勇为对方带路。1A.br

16、eak Bfever Ccold Dheadache解析根据倒数第三段最后一句中的“my headache was nearly gone”可知作者当时有轻微的“头疼”。答案D2A.foreign Bcommon Cbusy Dnoisy解析上一段中提到作者在晚上下班后非常疲惫,而且感觉头疼,再结合下文可推知办公室的工作十分“忙碌”。答案C3A.earlier Blater Ceasier Dsimpler解析由下文的“going to be late”以及“pronounce me late”可知出乎意料的事情的发生使下班时间比平时晚。答案B4A.getting Bcooking Ccall

17、ing Dworking解析根据下文中的“make it home”可知作者可能“到”家的时间会晚一些。答案A5A.tough Bpunctual Cgenerous Dcareful解析根据本句后半部分中的内容可知作者的丈夫非常“守时”,否则就不会责怪作者回家晚了。punctual“守时的,准时的”,符合语境。答案B6A.as Bsince Cwhile Dif解析“如果”作者抓紧时间,也许还能够按时回到家。答案D7A.pay Bchange Cwait Dsearch解析由下文的“at the counter”可知此处是作者走进里面去“支付”买油的费用。答案A8A.opinions Btr

18、ouble Cdirections Dmoney解析根据下一段开头部分中的“explaining how to get there”可知这对老夫妇是在询问如何到达当地医院,此处direction表示“方向”。答案C9A.reached Bvisited Cobserved Dleft解析文章第一段提到作者下班后就来加油,此时遇到了一对问路的老年夫妇,由此可推知作者几分钟前刚刚“离开”她工作的那家医院。答案D10A.skilled Bhelpful Cexperienced Dactive解析根据本句中的“explaining how to get there”可知在柜台服务的年轻男子努力提供“

19、帮助”,告诉他们如何到达那个地方。答案B11A.comments Bpromises Cjokes Dnoises解析由下文可知,年轻人在尽力为对方指路时,另外两个人在关于路线的问题上“发表议论”。答案A12A.only Bstill Ceven Dever解析这几个人都想给这对夫妇指路,其中一人“甚至”试图给他们指出一条完全不同的回来的路线。答案C13A.station Boffice Chospital Dhotel解析根据8空后面的内容可知作者知道对方要去“医院”,于是主动提出要为他们引路。答案C14A.panic Brelief Csadness Dpeace解析女士不知如何去医院,此

20、时有人主动带路,她自然感到很“欣慰”。relief表示“宽慰,欣慰”,符合语境。答案B15A.duty Bfact Creason Dlie解析虽然作者刚从那家医院出来,可是作者说自己正好要路过那里,这并非“谎言”,因为作者诚心要帮助对方。答案D16A.partly Bproperly Cexactly Dperfectly解析作者当时确实打定主意要那么做,exactly表示“确实”。答案C17A.across Bbefore Cbeside Dbehind解析作者是在给这对夫妇引路,要确保他们在“后面”跟着。答案D18A.go up Bdie downCspeed up Dturn down

21、解析由于交通高峰开始“减退”他们只花了15分钟就到达了那家医院。die down“逐渐停止,变弱”。答案B19A.teased Bshouted Cburst Dlaughed解析文章第二段后半部分提到作者每逢回家晚的时候,丈夫都要说她,此处是他在“取笑”作者。答案A20A.possible Bspecial Cgood Dsafe解析根据倒数第三段最后一句话可知此处作者想表达的是有时候晚归的感觉“很好”。答案C.阅读理解Ecotourism:A Different Way to TravelAre you attracted to obscure places?Do you prefer t

22、o vacation away from other tourists?Are you careful to take only memories and to leave only footprints?If you answered yes to more than one of these questions,you just might be an ecotourist.Ecotourists are people who want to experience the unspoiled natural worldand leave it that way when they retu

23、rn home.This trend started in the 1990s,and ecotourism is now growing three times faster than the tourism industry at large.The Kapawi Ecolodge in Ecuadors remote Amazon Basin is contributing to that expansion,and it gives a snapshot of what ecotourism looks like.At the Ecolodge,a small group of cab

24、ins sits in the middle of the Achuar peoples reserve and is only accessible by air.From here,visitors can explore parts of the Amazon rainforest seen by few outsiders.As they do,local Achuar guides explain how the forest is like their supermarket,where they find food,clothing,medicine and tools.As a

25、 result,tourists learn to appreciate the local culture as well as the natural environment.The owners of Kapawi pay monthly rent to the Achuar people,but they also train the community to run and manage the lodge.They have agreed on a plan to turn the operation over to the Achuar completely by 2011.Th

26、e owners are working to make ecotourism benefit and empower the local people.You probably wont start your own ecolodge,but you can be an ecotourist if you follow these guidelines:Protect the environment;Support local businesses;Respect the local customs and traditions.The world is full of fascinatin

27、g places to visit.As an ecotourist,you can enjoy them yourself and make sure that they remain beautiful for future generations as well.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。本文主要介绍了一种新理念的旅游方式生态旅游。1According to the text,the ecotourists should be_.Athose who like to experience the easilyremembered natural environmentBthose

28、 who like to go to their travelling places by hikingCthose who prefer an undamaged natural world and remain what it used to beDthose who prefer unique natural environment of cultural relics解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Are you careful to take only memories and to leave only footprints?”以及第二段中的“.leave it that way

29、when they return home”可知,生态旅游者喜欢未遭破坏的自然环境并保持它原本的样子。答案C2At the Kapawi ecolodge,visitors cant_.Aexplore the Amazon rainforestBreach there by airClive in the Achuar reserveDsee many travelers from outside解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“At the Ecolodge,a small group of cabins sits in the middle of the Achuar peoples re

30、serve and is only accessible by air.”可知,在Kapawi Ecolodge,参观者不可能看到很多来自外面的旅游者。答案D3Which of the words is closest in meaning to the word “snapshot” in the second paragraph?AIdea.BAim.CAdventure.DOpportunity.解析词义猜测题。第二段的第一句介绍了生态旅游的观念:去经历原生态的自然景色,当游客回家的时候,让环境保持原样。生态旅游就是向旅行者传递这样一种思想。故idea与snapshot的意思最相近。答案

31、A4We can learn from the passage that_.Athe Kapawi ecolodge will continue to run and manage the lodge after 2011Bthe Kapawi ecolodge owners are the Achuar in favor of ecotourismCthe achuar people have benefited a lot by collecting money from ecotouristsDthe owners of Kapawi encourage tourists to appreciate the Achuar culture解析细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句及第四段的内容可推断出,Kapawi的拥有者鼓励游客学会欣赏Achuar人的文化。故D项正确,A、B、C三项均与原文不符。答案D


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