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2018-2019学年新课堂英语选修八人教版讲义:UNIT 3 PERIOD 1 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、Period OneWarming Up,Pre-reading & Reading.单词检测1patent n专利证书;专利权2distinguish vi.& vt.显示的差别;使有所不同;辨别3merciful adj.宽大的;仁慈的;慈悲的mercy n仁慈;宽恕4product n产品produce v生产production n生产;产品producer n生产者;制造者5abrupt adj.突然的;意外的abruptly adv.突然地;唐突地6convenient adj.便利的;方便的;就近的convenience n方便;便利7caution n小心;谨慎cautious

2、 adj.小心的;谨慎的8expectation n预料;期待;期望expect v预期;期盼9passive adj.被动的;消极的;被动语态的active adj.(反义词)积极的10merry adj.愉快的;高兴的merrily adv.愉快地;高兴地11seize vt.抓住;捉住;夺12criterion n(pl criteria)(评判的)标准;尺度13valid adj.有效的,确凿的14file n文件;档案;文件夹;vt.提交;将归档15ripe adj.熟的;成熟的ripen v熟;成熟.短语检测1decide on 决定;选定2call up 给打电话3now and

3、 then偶尔;有时4far from 远离;远非5get rid of 摆脱;去除6set about 开始;着手.阅读课文,匹配各部分大意Part (Para.1)A AThe discovery of the problem of the snakes.Part (Paras.23)CBThe requirements of getting a patent.Part (Paras.46)DCThe research on the approaches to solving the problem.Part (Paras.78)BDThe attempts to catch the sn

4、akes.课文阅读理解1The writer caught the snake by _.Akilling themBremoving their habitatCattracting them into a trapDcooling to make them sleepy答案D2The biggest advantage of the writers new idea is that_.Ait makes the snakes move quicklyBit makes the snakes hardly bite usCit is easier for us to kill the sna

5、kes without hurting ourselvesDit is easier for us to catch the snakes without killing them答案D3What instruments were used for catching the snakes?Aa bowl,ice-cubes,male perfumeBa bowl,a bucket,female perfumeCa small net,ice-cubes,a bucketDa small net,a bucket,powders答案C4Which statement is TRUE accord

6、ing to the text?AThe snakes were so sleepy in the second attempt that they couldnt bite the writer at all.BYour product must be different from everybody elses if you want to receive a patent.CThe writer decided to send her invention to the patent office the moment she succeeded in catching the snake

7、s.DIf an application for your product proves to be valid,you can get a patent immediately.答案B5According to the text,which of the following do you think can be given a patent?AA new star discovered by a scientist.BA new novel written by Han Han.CA new way to make dirty water clean.DA new kind of gras

8、s found in a mountain which can be used as a medicine.答案C.难句分析1Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.句式分析:本句主干是倒装句式Here was a chance.。by inventing.在句中作方式状语;that would catch.为定语从句,修饰被形容词merciful隔开的先行词something。自主翻译:这回我

9、有机会来表现一下自己了,我要发明某种仁慈的东西,既可以把蛇捉住,又不会伤害它们。2The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me,but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes.句式分析:本句是由 but引导的两个并列分句。在前一个分句中,the first thing之后跟一个省略了引导词that的定语从句;if引导的宾语从句中,包含一个由that引导的定语从句,修饰名词products;在后一个分句中,desi

10、gned to kill snakes作定语,修饰名词powders,相当于which/that were designed to kill snakes。自主翻译:我所做的第一件事就是看看有没有现成的产品能帮助我,但是,看来只有一种毒杀蛇的药粉。3Nor will you receive a patent until a search has been made to find out that your product really is different from everyone elses.句式分析:本句中nor放在句首引起句子部分倒装;to find out that your

11、product.为不定式作目的状语,其中that引导的是宾语从句。自主翻译:直到你的产品被证实与其他任何人的都不同你才能获得专利。1distinguish语境感悟(1)(教材P20)Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.这回我有机会来表现一下自己了,我要发明某种仁慈的东西,既可以把蛇捉住,又不会伤害它们。(2)The Chinese nation is distinguished for it

12、s diligence and courage.中华民族因勤劳勇敢而著称。(3)Distinguished for its magnificent church towers,the city is an attraction to visitors from all over the country.以其宏伟的教堂建筑而闻名遐迩,这座城市吸引了来自全国各地的游客。归纳拓展(1)distinguish vi.& vt.辨别;使有所不同;显示的差别;分清distinguish between.and.区分/辨别和distinguish.from.使有别于distinguish oneself (

13、as.)(作为)表现突出(2)distinguished adj.卓越的;著名的;杰出的be distinguished for.以而著称 即时跟踪(1)单句语法填空Daniel Anderson,a famous psychologist,believes its important to distinguish televisions influences on children from those of the family.Einstein is distinguished(distinguish) for his originality(独创性)(2)据我所知,袁隆平作为一名农业先

14、驱而著名。As far as I know,Yuan Longping is distinguished as a farming pioneer.2convenient语境感悟(1)(教材P20)They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall.它们突然一下子就消失在附近的墙洞里了。(2)Its convenient for me to pick you up this afternoon.今天下午去接你我很方便。(3)I keep my reference books near my desk for convenie

15、nce.为方便起见,我把参考书放在我的课桌旁。归纳拓展(1)convenient adj.便利的;方便的;就近的be convenient to/for sb对某人是方便的It is convenient (for sb) to do sth(某人)方便做某事(2)convenience n方便;便利at ones convenience在某人方便的时候for the convenience of sb为了某人的方便for convenience为方便起见温馨提示convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,而要用物或形式主语it,其后常接介词for或to或动词不定式,但后跟不定式时,只能用介

16、词for。即时跟踪(1)完成句子你能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?Can you call me at your convenience to arrange a meeting?为方便顾客我们备有座位。We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers.(2)单句改错The Internet makes it convenient us to get in touch with each other.3caution语境感悟(1)(教材P20)This time with great caution I bent

17、 down to examine the snakes and I found them very sleepy.这一次我小心翼翼地蹲下去检查的时候,发现蛇都是睡意朦眬的。(2)People might be cautious about believing this statement.人们可能不会轻易相信这种言论。(3)We must be cautious to handle the problem.我们必须谨慎处理这个问题。归纳拓展(1)caution nU小心;谨慎;慎重;C警示,警告with caution小心地(2)cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的be cautious

18、about/of.对小心谨慎be cautious to do sth做小心谨慎联想with caution相当于副词,在句中作状语。类似的短语还有哪些?根据提示完成下列短语:with pride骄傲地,自豪地with satisfaction满意地with delight高兴地with disappointment失望地with pleasure乐意地;愿意with astonishment惊讶地with patience耐心地with confidence自信地即时跟踪(1)单句语法填空The result of the survey must be treated with cautio

19、n.The students are cautious not to make(make)any mistakes in spelling.(2)完成句子她小心翼翼地把这个花瓶放在桌子上。She put the vase on the table with great caution.公司在研究开发方面的投资似乎比较谨慎。The company seems (to be) cautious about/of investing money in research and developing.4seize语境感悟(1)(教材P21)Pressed by my friends and relat

20、ions,I decided to seize the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention to the patent office.由于朋友和亲戚的敦促,我决定抓住这次机会把我的发明送到专利局去,请他们对我这次成功的思路给予认可。(2)They seized on the offer of a free trip.他们抓住了这次免费旅游的机会。(3)He seized me by the hand when he saw me.他一看见我就一把抓住了我的手。归纳拓展seiz

21、e vt.抓住;捉住;夺seize a chance/an opportunity 抓住时机 seize on/upon sth突然对大为关注;抓住,利用(某想法、借口或某人所说的话等)seize sb by the arm/collar抓住某人的胳膊/衣领温馨提示seize指突然一把“抓住”某人或某物,可直接用被抓的部位作宾语,也可用“seize sb by the部位”结构,但若其中的介词用by,定冠词the一般不可改为物主代词。即时跟踪(1)完成句子我们应该抓住时机来发展经济。We should seize opportunity to develop the economy.只有抓紧每

22、一分钟,我们才能按时完成。Only by seizing every minute can we finish it on time.(2)单句改错While crossing the road,he often seizes his father by arm.1call up语境感悟(1)(教材P20)When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset.当我给乡下的母亲打电话时她正感到很心烦。(2)The government calls on the youth above 1

23、8 to join the army voluntarily.政府号召18岁以上的青年自愿参军入伍。(3)This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings,but also the guidance of reason.这个话题需要的不仅是自由表达思想,同时也需要理性的指导。归纳拓展call up打电话;使回忆起,使想起call back召回;回电话;收回处理 call on/at 拜访(on后跟人;at后跟地点名词) call on sb to do sth号召/呼吁某人做某事call for 要求;提倡;

24、为叫喊 call in 召集;召来;来访 call off 取消;延期 即时跟踪(1)用适当的介、副词填空The game was called off because of bad weather.Recently cars with serious faults are often called in by the manufactures.Shall I tell him that youll call back,or do you want him to call you?I shall call at his home tomorrow,and would you go with m

25、e?(2)大海的气息勾起了她对童年的回忆。The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood.2now and then语境感悟(1)(教材P20)Snakes come near the house now and then,and they seem to have made their home here,not far from the walnut tree.蛇时不时地爬到屋子附近,似乎在核桃树不远处安家了。 (2)There is nothing I can do about this right now.关于这件事,此

26、刻我无能为力。(3)Up to now,the work has been quite smooth.到目前为止,工作很顺利。归纳拓展(every) now and then偶尔;有时from time to time有时,不时from now on从现在开始,今后just now刚才right now立刻,马上by now/until now/up to now截止到现在即时跟踪翻译句子(1)We havent seen each other for years,but we chat online now and then.我们已有多年未见过面了,但有时会上网聊一聊。(2)In order

27、 to relax themselves,they go to the seaside from time to time.为了放松,他们不时到海边去。(3)Whatever your age or situation is,there is plenty of time to live richly from now on.不管你多大,也不管你身处怎样的境况,从现在开始,你都应该活得充实。3set about (doing sth)语境感悟(1)(教材P20)I set about researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest wa

28、y to trap them.于是我就着手研究蛇的习性,以便能找到最容易的方法捉住它们。 (2)If you want to catch that train,youd better set out/off for the station immediately.你要是想赶上那班火车,你最好马上去车站。(3)He set down a series of numbers.他记下了一系列的数字。归纳拓展set about (doing sth)开始(做某工作);着手(做某事)set out (to do sth) 开始(做某事);动身;启程set aside将放在一边;省出或留出(钱或时间)se

29、t up创建;建立;开办set off使爆炸;引起;出发,动身set down写下,记下即时跟踪(1)用set短语的正确形式填空A letter from his hometown set off his homesickness.I don t know how to set about this job.He sets aside a little money each week for future use.He set out to break the world record.Lucy found a wild beehive inside a tree in northern Ke

30、nya and set up a recorder.(2)句型转换He set about learning Chinese at age ten.He set out to learn Chinese at the age of ten.1there seems to be.句式语境感悟(1)(教材P20)The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me,but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes.我所做的第一

31、件事就是看看有没有现成的产品能帮助我,但是,看来只有一种毒杀蛇的药粉。(2)There are going to be two English parties next week.下周有两场英语晚会。(3)There used to be an old temple at the foot of the hill.小山脚下过去曾有座古庙。(4)There happened to be a policeman there when we were in trouble.当我们身处困境时,碰巧那儿有个警察。归纳拓展(1)句中there seemed to be是there be句型的变体,表示“似

32、乎有”。与there可以连用的谓语动词还有:be going to,appear to,used to,be likely to,happen to等。(2)there be句型中的be有时还可以换成其他表示“有,存在”的词,如live,stand,lie,remain等。即时跟踪(1)完成句子在我们的大楼前面长着一棵大树。There stands a big tree in front of our building.碰巧有过路人看见了那场面。There happened to be a passer-by seeing the scene.(2)单句改错There no classes,w

33、e went to the park to play.或There were no classes, we went to the park to play.2“only状语”位于句首引起部分倒装语境感悟(1)(教材P21)Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor.只有你获得了认证,你才可以说自己是一个真正的发明家。(2)Only then did I know the importance of study.直到那时我才知道了学习的重要性。(3)Only in thi

34、s way can we solve the problem.只有用这种方法才能解决这个问题。(4)Only Mother can understand me.只有母亲能理解我。归纳拓展(1)教材原句中“only状语从句”位于句首,引起部分倒装。(2)“only状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句)”位于句首时,句子需要使用部分倒装。温馨提示即时跟踪 (1)完成句子只有完成作业后你才能出去散步。Only when you finish your homework can you go out for a walk.只有一件事能使他改变主意。Only one thing can make him ch

35、ange his mind.(2)单句改错Only when he told me the news I know what had happened.单句语法填空1The train stopped abruptly(abrupt),nearly tipping me out of my bunk.2The merciful(mercy) king saved the young officer from death.3We should not only be brave,but also be cautious (caution)4Would it be convenient for y

36、ou to leave tomorrow?5The police seized the thief by the collar.选词填空1Computers,far from destroying jobs,can create employment.2I see him every now and then,but not often.3The government has decided on building a power plant there since then.4The moment we got to the remote village we set about doing

37、 research.5Did you call up your mother and tell her you loved her?.完成句子1她很小的时候,就开始学习弹钢琴。When (she was) very young/As a child,she began to learn to play the piano.2直到那时我才知道学习的重要性。Only then did I know the importance of learning.3我们要做的首件事情就是和他们一起讨论。The first thing to do/we shall do is to join them in t

38、he discussion.4这对年轻夫妇之间好像发生过一场争吵。There seemed to be a quarrel between the young couple.5我不去看电影,也不去操场打球。I wont go to the cinema,nor will/shall I go to play basketball on the playground.课文语法填空When I called 1.up my mother in the countryside on the phone,she told me that snakes came to the house now and

39、 2.then,and that they seemed to have made their home there.I got the chance to distinguish 3.myself(me) by inventing something 4.merciful(mercy) to catch the snakes.No products can help me catch snakes,so I set 5.about researching the habits of snakes to trap them.I decided 6.on three approaches:fir

40、stly,removing their habitat;secondly,7.attracting(attract) them into a trap,and thirdly cooling them.At last,I used the frozen bowl with great 8.caution (cautious) to make the snakes less active,and then I seized the opportunity 9.to catch(catch) them.The next day I 10.released (release) them into t

41、he wild.语境填词A)根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词1Petrol is the most important product(产品)of many Middle-East countries.2Id like to see you whenever its convenient(方便的)3He sat behind a table on which were half a dozen files(文件)4He seized(抓住) every chance to break away from the Nazi concentration camp.5Its a mercy(宽恕)that

42、 the accident happened so near the hospital.B)在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式6It was hard to distinguish(distinguish) one twin from the other.7I had to say that this result was beyond my wildest expectations (expect)8The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily.9Armed with the in

43、formation you have gathered,you can set about preparing(prepare) your business plan.10There happened to be some money in my pocket.阅读理解Kid InventorsAttend KidsDay at the Invention ShowINPEX,the American largest invention trade show,is looking for kid inventors to bring their inventions to KidsDay at

44、 the Invention Show.Young inventors come for a chance to win cash prizes and great giveaways(赠品)No invention?No problem!KidsDay isnt just for kid inventors.Enjoy music,games and many interesting activities for all ages.Bring your family and friends for a fun day of creativity and excitement.Attentio

45、n,young inventors!There will be lots of exciting activities to take part in and inventions to check out from kid inventors.All inventions will be judged and cash prizes will be awarded.Every exhibitor will receive a certificate for taking part and a bag full of fun things just for bringing your inve

46、ntion to KidsDay.KidsDay activity schedule8:00am-11:00amSet-up time for inventions,exhibits and activities11:00amJudging of inventions12:00pmKidsDay at the Invention Show opens to the public12:00pm-4:00pmActivities in progress and inventions on display3:30pmPrizes are awarded for inventions4:30pm-6:

47、00pmTear-down(拆除)of inventions,displays and activitiesHow to sign up for KidsDay at the Invention ShowPlease print KidsDay Participation Form.Then fill it out and mail it or fax it to:ATTN:KidsDay217Ninth StreetPittsburgh,PA 15222Fax:(412)288-4546If you have any questions,please e-mail info.【语篇解读】本文

48、为应用文,题材为新闻广告类。介绍KidsDay at the Invention Show的相关情况。11People who go to the show can surely _.Awin cash prizesBreceive a certificateCget a bag full of fun thingsDtake part in interesting activities答案D解析细节理解题。由第二段“Enjoy music,games and many interesting activities for all ages”可知,只要去KidsDay的人就能参加各种活动。由第

49、一、三段可知,带了发明去的人才可以得到证书、一包好玩儿的东西以及奖金。12When can people enjoy the invention show?AAt 10:30am.BAt 11:30am.CAt 3:30pm.DAt 4:30pm.答案C解析细节理解题。由KidsDay activity schedule中12:00pm4:00pm后的“Activities in progress and inventions on display”可知,C项正确。13How can one sign up for the invention show?ABy fax.BBy email.CB

50、y phone.DBy online ordering.答案A解析细节理解题。由文章最后可知,报名可通过邮寄或传真报名表。.完形填空Remember when phones were only used as phones?Smartphones have become so _14_ in our lives that its _15_ to remember a time before we had the breadth of the Internet in our pockets.But Light Phone,which is designed to be used as _16_

51、as possible,wants to go against the _17_.Light Phone cofounders Kaiwai Tang and Joe Hollier met at Google,and quickly decided they wanted to _18_ something to help people _19_.“We were wondering how we could make a product that actually does the _20_ of smartphones,and _21_ people to live in the mom

52、ent,” Hollier said.“Thats how we started thinking that people could _22_ their phone at home,but whats the minimum amount of connectedness?”The _23_ device doesnt have a screen at all.It _24_ has a number pad(数字键盘) and the ability to receive forwarded calls from your phone,which you leave at home in

53、 order to give yourself a break to _25_ the world around you.“Were not saying people _26_ use smartphones at all,” says Tang.“Were just saying that for certain _27_like when taking your kid to the park or having dinner with your wifewe dont really _28_ notifications(通知) from Facebook or anything els

54、e.”You could leave all means of communication at home,but the Light Phone allows people to take a break without the_29_ that comes from wondering if someones trying to _30_ them urgently,or what theyll do in an emergency.Plus,_31_ the chance to stop and smell of the roses isnt attractive enough,“you

55、 have all of your _32_ and notifications to come back to.Its like a _33_,” Hollier says.14A.commonBimportantChelpfulDcheap答案A解析结合常识可知,智能手机已经在我们的生活中变得很普通。故此处指的是,智能手机在我们的生活中已经变得如此普通,以至于。common普通的。故选A。15A.funnyBstrangeCpossibleDhard答案D解析联系前半句可知此处指的是,因为太依赖于手机,我们很难自己记住时间。hard困难的。故选D。16A.muchBlittleCslowl

56、yDquickly答案B解析联系下文描述可知,设计这种手机的目的是为了让人们尽可能少地用手机。as little as possible尽可能少地。故选B。17A.lawBtrendCvalueDwish答案B解析联系前一句描述可知,此处指的是想要对抗这个潮流。trend潮流。故选B。18A.buyBborrowCcreateDreceive答案C解析联系下一段中的“make a product”可知,此处指的是创造某种东西。create创造。故选C。19A.disconnectBdevelopCdecideDdisappear答案A解析联系下文“to receive forwarded ca

57、lls from your phone, which you leave at home in order to give you a break.”可知,此处指的是帮助人们不被联系上。disconnect断开,使分离。故选A。20A.sameBgeneralCoppositeDsimilar答案C解析联系下一段描述可知,此处指的是正好与智能手机相反。opposite相反的,在对面。故选C。21A.allowsBadvisesCexpectsDpromises答案A解析联系下文“to live in the moment”可知,此处指的是,允许人们活在当下。allow允许。故选A。22A.cl

58、eanBrepairCuseDleave答案D解析联系下文“your phone,which you leave at home”可知此处指的是,把手机丢在家里。leave留下,丢下。故选D。23A.expensiveBsmallCcomplexDsmart答案B解析联系后一句描述可知,这个设备很小。small小的。故选B。24A.evenBjustCneverDalso答案B解析句意为:它只有一个数字键盘和接受来自你手机的转发电话的能力。just只,仅仅。故选B。25A.changeBfaceCenjoyDshock答案C解析联系后半句可知,此处指的是欣赏/享受你周围的世界。enjoy欣赏。

59、故选C。26A.wontBmayCshouldntDmust答案C解析联系后一句可知,句意为:我们并不是说人们一点也不应该使用手机。shouldnt不应该。故选C。27A.imagesBpurposesCstudiesDmoments答案D解析联系下文“like when taking your kid to the park or having dinner with your wife”可知,此处指的是在一定的时刻。moment重要时刻。故选D。28A.needBhaveCgetDshare答案A解析联系前文“like when taking your kid to the park or

60、 having dinner with your wife”可知此处指的是,这些时刻我们不需要来自Facebook或者其他事情的通知。need需要。故选A。29A.painBsorrowCangerDanxiety答案D解析联系下文“wondering if someones trying to _ them urgently, or what theyll do in an emergency”可知,此处指的是Light phone让人们在休息的同时避免了来自这些问题的焦虑。anxiety焦虑,挂念。故选D。30A.touchBhelpChurtDreach答案D解析结合语境可知,此处指的是

61、急切地想要找到他们。reach达到,伸出。故选D。31A.thoughBunlessCifDas答案C解析句意为:如果能停下来的机会和玫瑰花的香味不够吸引人,你就把你所有的电子邮件和通知再取回来。根据语境可知此处表示条件关系,if如果。故选C。32A.booksBemailsClettersDmovies答案B解析联系前文“notifications(通知) from Facebook or anything else”可知此处指的是来自网络的电子邮件和通知。email电子邮件。故选B。33A.secretBtreatCtrickDresult答案B解析联系上一段描述可知,此处指的是把智能手机

62、放在家里,使用这种Light Phone就像是对自己的一个小犒赏。treat款待,犒赏。故选B。.语法填空You are the only person that you can and ought to rely on.Friends are of great _34_(important)in our lives.It is _35_(fortune)to have some devoted ones.However,there will always be circumstances _36_ which your friends will let you down.The only p

63、eople who may give up their lives _37_(save)yours are members of your familymost likely one of your _38_(parent)Parents share a bond with their children _39_ at times can be extremely strong.However,I am sure you have plenty of examples of _40_ you cant always count on your parents.We human beings _

64、41_(build)to survive on our own.In our world,we are the centre of it and it is natural that we put_42_(we)ahead of others.Therefore,I suggest _43_(learn)to stand on your own two feet because it will make it easier to stand alone when things get ugly and there is no one to help you.You must be ready

65、to take on any burden yourself if that is the only possible solution.【语篇解读】本文是议论文,话题是生活哲理类。朋友、父母等会给予我们帮助,但我们不能完全依赖他们。依靠别人是暂时的,依靠自己才是永恒的。34importance空格中所填单词前有形容词great修饰,故用important的名词形式。 35fortunate空格中所填单词在句中作表语,故用fortune的形容词形式。36in/under此处which前缺一个介词,再根据circumstances可知,此处应填in或under。37to saveto save yours是不定式短语作状语,表示目的。38parentsone of后的名词应用复数形式。39which/that根据句子结构可知,该空是定语从句的关系词,先行词是bond,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故填which或that。40why此处意思是为什么你不能总依赖你的父母,故此处填why。41are built主语We human beings是谓语动词动作build的承受者,用被动语态;这里说的是一般性情况,用一般现在时。42ourselves该句意思是“我们把自己排在他人前面是自然的事”,故用we的反身代词形式。43learningsuggest doing sth建议做某事。


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