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2021三年级英语上册 Module 4 The world aroud us Unit 12 The four seasons习题课件2 沪教牛津版.ppt

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2021三年级英语上册 Module 4 The world aroud us Unit 12 The four seasons习题课件2 沪教牛津版.ppt_第1页
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1、课时练2Unit 12 The four seasons提示:点击进入习题四一二三五六七八一、读一读,补全字母表中的字母。BbDdFfHhJjLl NnPpRrVvXxZz二、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。()1.A.springB.winterC.snow()2.A.autumnB.coolC.warm()3.A.makeB.snowmanC.clean()4.A.inB.onC.it()5.A.openB.closeC.coldCABCC三、单项选择。()1.Look at _snow.A.the B.a C.an A()2.Is it cold?_A.Yes,I am.B.No,he is

2、nt.C.Yes,it is.C()3.当你想说“看它的鼻子”时,应说:A.Look at his nose.B.Look at its nose.C.Look at her nose.()4.I can make a snowman in_.A.spring B.winterC.autumnBB()5.“清明时节雨纷纷”这句诗描述的是什么季节?【找关键词法】A.summer B.winterC.spring方法点拨:本题用找关键词法解答。此小题的关键词是“清明”二字,由此可知是在春天。C四、判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。()1.Its cool.()2.Its hot.TF()3.It

3、s warm.()4.I am hot.()5.Its warm.FTF五、读句子,选择恰当的图片。()1.Look at the snowman.A.B.B()2.Look at her mouth.A.B.()3.Lets make a snowman.A.B.AA()4.The snowmans nose is long.A.B.B六、连词成句。(注意大小写)1.in warm spring is it2.hot is it in summerIn spring it is warmIn summer it is hot七、情景交际。()1.当你想告诉南方的朋友冬天冷时,你应说:A.I

4、am cold.B.In winter,it is cold.()2.当你想告诉朋友你喜欢冬天时,你应说:A.In winter,it is cold.B.I like winter.BB()3.当你想问老师有几个季节时,你应问:A.How many seasons?B.What season is it?()4.冬天你想邀请小朋友一起堆雪人时,你应说:A.Its a snowman.B.Lets make a snowman.AB()5.当你看到雪人很滑稽时,你会说:A.Its funny.B.Well done.A八、核心素养练 我们要善于从文本中快速找出关键信息,并进行综合整理,将内容整

5、合并用另一种形式展现出来。阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Im Lucy.Im nine.I live(居住)in Beijing.It is winter in Beijing now.Its very cold.Its snowy(下雪的).My sister Mary and I can make a snowman.I like winter.Here is a picture of us.Were happy.The snowman has a long nose.Its funny.()1.Now Beijing is in_.A.spring B.summer C.winterC()2.Its _and _in Beijing now.A.cold;snowyB.cold;warmC.snowy;warm()3._likes winter.A.Lily B.LucyC.The snowmanAB()4._has a long nose.A.LucyB.Lucys sisterC.The snowmanC


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