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1、高三英语陕西专用(RJ) 必修二Unit 4班级:姓名:学号:课时作业9Unit 4Wildlife protection.单项填空1I really appreciate _ to relax with you on this nice island.Ato have had timeBhaving timeCto have time Dto having time2If we dont take steps,the Tibetan antelopes and pandas will _some day just as dinosaurs,which is terrible.Adie out

2、 Bdie awayCdie down Ddie off3She is a kindhearted woman and often has_mercy_people who are in trouble.Aa;on B/;onCa;to D/;to4(2012潍坊市教学质量调研)It came as a great_to the parents that their son finally came back safe and sound.Afavor BsenseCrelief Drelaxation5His speech was so touching that all the peopl

3、e in the room_to tears.Awere scared Bwere affectedCare punished Dare infected6With his attention_on a novel,the student didnt notice the teacher coming towards him.Ato fix BfixingCwere fixing Dfixed7The harm the computer games have done_the children is very great.Aon BtoCat Dfor8The headmaster has r

4、etired but no one knows who will_him in the post.Afollow BsucceedCremove Dachieve9The difference between Tom and Mike lies in how they_their spare time.Once it is made full use of,the result will be quite different.Atake BcostCemploy Dspend10(2012烟台市诊断)Nowadays,we can obviously feel that the Interne

5、t_our life rapidly.Ahad changed BchangedCis changing Dwas changing11Before long the Greens moved to a bigger city_the children could attend a better high school.Aeven if Bso thatCnow that Das if12(2012皖南八校联考)We complained to the travel agency about the horrible service during our trip,but no one has

6、_by now.Aresponded BdeservedCrecovered Dsurvived13(2012宝鸡市质量检测)Great attention must_education,especially in the countryside.Abe paid to developBpay to developCbe paid to developingDpay to developing14Have you enjoyed camping in_wild with your friends?Never.Im afraid that my life is in_danger there.A

7、the;a B/;/Ca;the Dthe;/15After graduation from college,he began to wander from city to city,_a suitable job.Ahunting for Btaking onClooking after Dbringing up.完形填空The remarkable weather extremes of the past decade were not directly caused by global warming,President of the Australian Meteorological

8、and Oceanographic Society Professor Neville Nicholls said on Monday.Professor Nicholls,who is one of Australias most _1_ climate scientists,said such extremes_2_the heat wave in Victoria of Australia that_3_the Black Saturday bushfires,similar heat in Pakistan and Russia,and the devastating tornado(

9、龙卷风) ripped through parts of the US.earlier this year are,in many_4_,unprecedented(空前的) in modern times._5_,he said that global warming should not be_6_for these events.“_7_these things happen,people askwas it caused by global warming?”The short answer is no,“Professor Nicholls told the Internationa

10、l Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) conference in Melbourne on Monday. “They were all caused by wellknown and reasonably wellunderstood weather and climate events,even with some predictability.”_8_global warming does not cause the weird(怪异的,超自然的) weather,Professor Nicholls _9_its part in making

11、 some of the extreme weather more_10_.“Global warming doesnt produce these events,however,its_11_hard to avoid the conclusion_12_global warming has increased the frequency and the intensity of these heat waves,”Prof.Nicholls,who is also a famous Monash University professorial fellow,said.“It is _13_

12、harder to make the connection to_14_those floods in Queensland in early 2011 to global warming,”“There was a particular and very unusual meteorological(气象的) sequence that_15_those floods and_16_is very difficult to work out if climate change is worsening that situation_17_.”He_18_that the cause of t

13、he recent floods in Australia,instead is a recordbreaking version of La Nina.The 25th general assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)_19_on Wednesday in Melbourne.Almost 4,000 participants from about 100 countries will discuss recent natural disasters and the_20_on human

14、 life and infrastructure at the eightday conference.1A.famousBcommonCsharp Dstrict2A.like BforCas Dto3A.kept BbroughtCaccompanied Dproduced4A.cases BpositionsCconditions Dscenes5A.Therefore BHoweverCYet DBut 6A.accused BchargedCblamed Dcriticized 7A.Whenever BWhereverCHowever DWhichever8A.While BWhe

15、nCAs DWhere9A.appreciates BappointsCadapts Dacknowledges 10A.severer BordinaryCsevere Dgeneral11A.much BprettyClikely Dsuch 12A.which BwhatCthat D/13A.much BveryCso Dmore 14A.join BlinkCcombine Dfix15A.led to Blied inCresulted from Dconsisted in 16A.this BthatCit Dwhich 17A.in all Babove allCat all

16、Dall in all 18A.increased BaddedCsupplied Dargued19A.opened BstartedCbegan Dclosed 20A.result BimpactCaffection Defficiency.阅读理解(2012银川部分重点中学模拟)Some young people have become tired of commercialized Christmas.As a result,they try to break with established tradition.What do they do to get more out of

17、Christmas?Some folks kill two birds with one stone by booking a short holiday abroadthey can escape miserable winter weather and the strained atmosphere of a family Christmas with the relatives.OK,so flying to warm and mild climates is great for people who live in cold winter climates.But how do you

18、 celebrate Christmas when your yearround climate is warm,or even tropical? For instance,in California,where sunshine and palm trees replace traditional Christmas images of snow and sleighs,there are some Christmas traditions which may seem unusual to those used to more traditional images.In Santa Cr

19、uz,California,Santa Claus arrives on a surfboard,wearing a red wetsuit.As long as he comes bearing presents,Surfing Santa would probably be welcome anywhere.In Australia,many young people enjoy the warm weather with a beach barbecue and cold beer.In recent years,Bondi Beach has become an attractive

20、place for overseas visitors to gather and celebrate.Its not uncommon for numbers to reach 40,000 on Christmas day.In cooler climates,many young people simply see Christmas as a time to escape their immediate families and celebrate with friends.Large amounts of alcohol are usually involved.Parents ar

21、e not.We all know the feeling:you receive the kind of gift that you wouldnt choose for yourself in a million years.But you have to smile and bear it pretending that you love your new present.To avoid inflicting this experience on others,many people give gift vouchers (代金券) at Christmas.They simply g

22、o to a big store that they know the gift receiver likes,and buy them a voucher from the store.With this the recipient can buy whatever they like and everyone is spared embarrassment.1In California,Santa Claus brings gifts_.Aby moving the sleighsBby surfing wavesCby taking some barbecues on beachDby

23、planting palm trees2Some people dont like to celebrate Christmas with their relatives because_.Athey cant bear some atmosphereBthey dont want to make relatives buy giftsCthey want to make reunion much happierDthey want to bring something new back3The writers attitude to breaking the tradition is_.Ao

24、bjective BparticularCsubjective DoptimisticUnit 4Wildlife protection.单项填空1【解析】选B。appreciate后面接动名词或名词,不接不定式。2【解析】选A。句意为:如果我们不采取措施,藏羚羊和熊猫总有一天会像恐龙一样消失,这是很可怕的。die out渐渐消亡;die away(声音、光线、风筝等)逐渐消失;die down (火、情绪、风暴等)由强变弱;die off (家族、种族等)相继死亡。3【解析】选B。have mercy on.为固定结构,意为对怜悯。4【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意为:令我们欣慰不已的是他们

25、的儿子最后安然无恙地回来了。relief表示“宽慰”。A项表示“偏爱”,B项表示“感觉”,D项表示“放松”,都不符合句意。5【解析】选B。句意为:他的演讲如此触动人心,以至于屋里所有的人都感动得流下了眼泪。affect在此意为“(使)感动”。6【解析】选D。句意为:那个学生的注意力集中在小说上,没有注意到老师正朝他走来。fix ones attention on意为“将某人的注意力集中于”,attention与fix之间为被动关系,所以这里要用被动形式。7【解析】选B。do harm to.意为“对造成危害”,该题中harm前置,充当先行词,故B项正确。8【解析】选B。succeed“继承,接

26、任”,符合题意。follow“跟随;紧跟”;remove “免职;罢免”;achieve“取得”。9【解析】选C。句意为:Tom和Mike的区别在于他们如何使用自己的业余时间。一旦时间得以充分利用,结果将会大不相同。本题的语境十分充分,句中的it实指spare time,所缺动词的含义实际上等同于make use of,所以用employ。10【解析】选C。考查时态。句意为:现在我们能很明显地感觉到网络正在迅速改变着我们的生活。根据语意和时间状语Nowadays可知用现在进行时。11【解析】选B。句意为:不久格林一家搬到了大一点的城市,这样孩子们可以接受更好的学校教育。even if“即使”;

27、so that“因此,以便”;now that“既然”;as if “好像”。12【解析】选A。句意为:我们向旅行社投诉旅行途中糟糕的服务,但是到现在还没有人对此作出回应。respond答复,响应;deserve值得;recover康复,痊愈;survive存活下来,幸存。13【解析】选C。pay attention to中的to为介词,后边跟名词、代词或动名词,所以只可能在C或D项中选择;又因为此句中主语为attention,所以谓语必须用被动语态结构be paid to。14【解析】选D。考查冠词。in the wild是固定搭配,意思是“在野外,自然状态”;in danger也是固定短语

28、,意思是“在危险中”。15【解析】选A。hunt for a job找工作。.完形填空1【解析】选A。此处表示“尼科尔斯教授是澳大利亚最著名的气候科学家之一”,famous是“杰出的,著名的”,符合语境。common是“普通的”,sharp是“敏捷的”,strict是“严格的”。2【解析】选C。such.as.是“和一样的”,表示列举。3【解析】选C。此处表示“伴随极端热浪而产生的森林大火”,accompany是“伴随而生;同时发生”,符合语境。4【解析】选A。“在很多情况下,这样的现象在现代是很空前的。”case是“情况”,符合语境。position是“位置”,condition是“条件”,

29、scene是“场景”。5【解析】选B。“然而,他说不应该把这些事件的发生都归咎于全球变暖上。”与上文形成转折,故用however。6【解析】选C。be blamed for.是“为负责;因为责备”之意。7【解析】选A。“无论何时这些事情发生时,人们都是问是全球变暖造成的吗?”whenever引导让步状语从句,表示“无论何时”之意。8【解析】选A。while引导的是让步状语从句,表示“尽管”之意,前后表示转折。9【解析】选D。“尽管全球变暖不是造成这种怪异天气的原因,但是尼科尔斯教授承认”,acknowledge是“承认”之意,符合语境。appreciate是“欣赏”,appoint是“委任”,

30、adapt是“适应,改编”。10【解析】选C。“全球变暖在造成更加严重的极端天气方面的作用”,severe是“严重的”之意,符合语境。ordinary是“平常的”,general是“一般的”。11【解析】选B。pretty在此处用作副词,相当于very much,表示“非常,很”之意。12【解析】选C。 that引导的是同位语从句,作conclusion的同位语,解释conclusion的内容,此时that不能够用which代替,不能够省略,没有任何实际意义。13【解析】选A。much修饰比较级harder,表示“更”。14【解析】选B。“把2011年昆士兰发生的洪灾和全球变暖联系起来”,故用

31、link表示“联系,连接”之意,多与介词to连用。join是“加入,连接”,强调用中介物将两个物体连接起来;combine是“合并”;fix是“固定”。15【解析】选A。“特定的、非常不寻常的气象序列事件导致了这些洪灾的发生”,lead to是“导致”,符合语境。lie in是“在于”,相当于result from和consist in,后面接原因。16【解析】选C。it 是形式主语,代替后面的动词不定式to work out.。17【解析】选C。at all表示“根本,究竟”之意,多用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。18【解析】选B。“他又补充说最近澳大利亚的洪水是打破了记录的拉尼娜现象造成的。

32、”add是“补充说”之意,与上文he said相呼应。increase是“增加”,supply是“提供”,argue是“辩论”。19【解析】选A。“第二十五届国际大地测量与地球物理联合会在墨尔本开幕。”故用open表示“开幕”之意。start是“启动,开始”,begin是“开始”,close是“闭幕;关闭”。20【解析】选B。“讨论最近的自然灾害给人们生活造成的影响”,impact是“影响”之意,符合语境。result是“结果”,affection是“喜爱”,efficiency是“效率”。.阅读理解【解题导语】时代在发展,一切在改变。一些年轻人已经厌倦了千篇一律的圣诞节庆祝传统,他们用独特的方式体验其中的快乐。1【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In Santa Cruz,California,Santa Claus arrives on a surfboard”可知在加利福尼亚,圣诞老人是以冲浪的形式带来礼物的。2【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的内容可推测一些人之所以不喜欢与亲戚一起庆祝圣诞节是因为无法忍受某种气氛。3【解析】选A。作者态度题。在叙述非传统方式庆祝圣诞节的时候,作者只是“客观地”进行了描述,并没有夹杂自己的好恶观点。


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