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2016-2017学年高一英语(北师大版)必修1课时训练:UNIT 1 PERIOD 5 LESSON 3《A VOLUNTEER TEACHER》 .doc

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2016-2017学年高一英语(北师大版)必修1课时训练:UNIT 1 PERIOD 5 LESSON 3《A VOLUNTEER TEACHER》 .doc_第1页
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2016-2017学年高一英语(北师大版)必修1课时训练:UNIT 1 PERIOD 5 LESSON 3《A VOLUNTEER TEACHER》 .doc_第2页
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2016-2017学年高一英语(北师大版)必修1课时训练:UNIT 1 PERIOD 5 LESSON 3《A VOLUNTEER TEACHER》 .doc_第4页
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1、Period 5Lesson 3A Volunteer Teacher.用适当的介、副词填空1Whats the reason _ people doing voluntary work?2He graduated _ a key university.3It can get as cold as minus 40 degrees at night.Here “minus” means _ zero.4We are ready _ the coming exam.5You can get support _ me.6People in Haiti suffered a lot _ the ea

2、rthquake in 2010.7The economy of the city reduced _ 20% compared to that of last year.8They were discussing the problem _ small groups.9They advertised _ a typist _ the newspaper.10What is your plan _ the coming weekend?.翻译句子1他是什么时候开始踢足球的?(take up)_2我丈夫喜欢冒险的生活,而我喜欢宁静的生活。(adventurous/peaceful)_3他们主动提

3、出替老人修缮房子。(volunteer)_4该军队在那次战役中损失惨重。(suffer)_5他要有挑战性的事业。(challenge)_.单项填空1They have_in love with each other for 5 years.Abeen BfallenCfell Dcome2Every few years,the coal workers_their lungs Xrayed to ensure their health.Aare having BhaveChave had Dhad had3The university_400 students this summer.Agra

4、duated Bgraduated fromCgraded Dgraded from4The church tower which_will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished.Ahas restoredBhas been restoredCis restoringDis being restored5If you ask why I plan to study in the United States,the only answer is that it is a(n)_for me.Apuzzle BadvantageC

5、challenge Daverage6In the spoken English of some areas in the US,the “r” sounds at the end of the words_.Aare droppedBdropCare being droppedDhave dropped7The majority of people in the town strongly_ the plan to build a playground for children.Aconsider BsupportCconfirm Dsubmit8Im not finished with m

6、y dinner yet.But our friends_for us.Awill wait BwaitChave waited Dare waiting9I will give the letter to her_I see her.Aa momentBthe moment laterCthe momentDafter a moment10It is reported that many a new house_at present in the disaster area.Aare being built Bwere being builtCwas being built Dis bein

7、g built.阅读理解Neighbors play an important role in our lives.Their lifestyles,friends,and social habits can have a strong influence on our lives.It is a good idea to get to know the people next door or across the street to develop a community (社区) of support and safety.You never know when a neighbor wi

8、ll find a stranger walking around your house,or you may want to leave an extra key at their house in case someone in your family gets locked out.How do you get along with your neighbors? Here are some tips for building a better relationship with your neighbors._ Proper greetings can make your neighb

9、ors remember your name and pave (铺) the way for more meaningful future meetings.Dont stay too long,though,or youll wear out your welcome!_ If your neighbor is building a pool,offer a few hours of help.Besides,you never know when the favor might be returned._ If you hear that someone who lives close

10、to you has had an accident,take over a hot meal or some fruit.Your action will add a special touch during a difficult time._ Invite your neighbors over for a cup of coffee in December or an Easter egg hunt in spring.A backyard barbecue (烧烤) can be a great way to share food and fun.Your neighbors may

11、 annoy you at times,but they are like family in many ways.Appreciate their strengths and overlook their weaknesses,and everyone will get along just fine.1What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?AThe possibility of a good community.BHow to get to know your neighbors.CHow to influence your neighbors.DThe imp

12、ortance of neighbors.2According to the passage,which of the following may NOT be something nice to do?AOffering to help your neighbors if they need help.BHaving a very long conversation with a new neighbor.CInviting your neighbors over for a backyard barbecue.DPreparing a hot meal for a neighbor who

13、 is going through a difficult time.3Match the following titles with each point.aInvite your neighbors over.bLend a helping hand. cGo over and introduce yourself.dOffer support.AcbdaBcbadCbcdaDbcad4We infer that the writer wrote this passage to _.Aexplain why it is good to get along well with othersB

14、give us some tips on how to support our neighborsCtell us how to get along well with our neighborsDadvise us to be nice to our neighborsPeriod 5Lesson 3A Volunteer Teacher.1.for2.from3.below4.for5.from6.from7by8.in9.for;in10.for.1.When did he take up football?2My husband loves adventurous life while

15、 I enjoy a more peaceful life.3They volunteered to repair the house for the old man.4The army suffered heavy losses in the battle.5He wants a career that offers a challenge.1.Abe in love with sb.与某人相爱,表示状态,可以延续;fall in love with表示动作,不可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。2B考查动词的时态。句意为:每隔几年,煤矿工人们都要对肺部进行X光检查,以确保身体健康。根据every

16、 few years(每隔几年)可知动作是经常性的,有规律的,所以用一般现在时。3Agraduate可作及物动词,意为“使毕业”。4D考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:教堂的钟塔正在修复,不久就会对游客开放。修复工作差不多完成了。根据语境,主语tower和动词restore之间是被动关系,A、C两项被排除;又由句意可知修复工作还未完成,而是正在进行中,所以不能使用现在完成时,要用现在进行时。5C句意为:如果你问我为何打算在美国上学,唯一的答案就是那对我来说是一个挑战。puzzle谜;advantage优势;challenge挑战;average平均。6A本题考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:在美国一些

17、地区的英语口语中,单词结尾的字母“r”音会变弱。通过题干可以判断出sounds和drop为被动关系,故排除B项和D项;另外,题中所提为普遍现象,应为一般现在时,故选A项。7B句意为:镇上大部分人强烈支持为孩子们修建一所游乐场的计划。consider考虑,认为;support支持,支撑,抚养;confirm证实,确定(认);submit服从,屈服;提交。由句意可知,support为最佳选项。8D本题考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:我还没有吃完晚饭呢。但是我们的朋友在等我们。根据语境“正在等我们”可以判断此处为现在进行时,故选D项。9Cthe moment一就,在此相当于连词 as soon as,

18、引导时间状语从句。10D本题考查的是主谓一致和时态。句意为:据报道,目前在这个受灾地区正在建很多新房子。many a意为“许多”。many a单数名词单数动词。根据谓语动词应该用单数,排除A、B两项;再根据at present,时态应该是现在时态,所以D项是正确的。.1.D主旨大意题。通读第一段可知主要是讲邻居的重要性,故选D。2B推理判断题。根据第一点的最后一句话“Dont stay too long, though, or youll wear out your welcome!”可推断与一位新来的邻居进行一段长时间的谈话是不妥的。3A细节理解题。根据第一点的“Proper greetin

19、gs can make your neighbors remember your name”可知第一点与c相匹配;根据第二点的“offer a few hours of help”可知第二段与b相匹配;第三点主要是讲当邻居处境艰难时应给予关怀,与d相匹配;根据第四点的“Invite your neighbors over”可知第四点与a相匹配,故选A。4C作者意图题。根据第二段的“Here are some tips for building a better relationship with your neighbors.”以及通读全文可知,作者的写作意图是告诉我们一些怎样与邻居融洽相处的方法。版权所有:高考资源网()


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