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2018年高考英语(人教版 福建专用)一轮复习配套课时规范练11 WORD版含解析.docx

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2018年高考英语(人教版 福建专用)一轮复习配套课时规范练11 WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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2018年高考英语(人教版 福建专用)一轮复习配套课时规范练11 WORD版含解析.docx_第6页
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1、课时规范练11(必修3Unit 1).阅读理解(2018重庆一中第三次检测)Throwing food at total strangers is not something acceptable in most settings.However,at Bunols La Tomatina festival,it is not just accepted but encouraged.Thats because the purpose of the event which is held yearly on the last Wednesday of August is to attack f

2、riends and total strangers with as many tomatoes as possible.How does this sleepy town of 10,000 residents become the birthplace of this popular event that features a product it doesnt even grow?Nobody knows for sure,but there is lots of folklore(民间传说).The popular one links to some teenagers who wer

3、e forbidden to take part in a town parade(游行).The youngsters were so upset that they began attacking the floats(花车) with tomatoes from a nearby vegetable vendor.Soon all bystanders joined them,and a food battle began.Some people believe that it all began when some unhappy residents decided to throw

4、tomatoes at a city official during a town celebration.Whatever the beginning,the fight was so fun that the locals returned to repeat the event every year on the last Wednesday of August.After several attempts to stop them failed,the officials succumbed and in 1957,La Tomatina became an official fest

5、ival.However,it remained a well-kept secret known only to the locals for many years.Then in the 1980s,word of this fun event started to spread and began attracting people from all over the world to it.Today,La Tomatina is one of Spains most popular festivals,second only to Pamplonas Running of the B

6、ulls.1.What can we learn about the origin of Bunols La Tomatina festival?A.It is very frightening.B.Its origin remains a mystery.C.It was considered illegal.D.It was caused by some children.2.How did the locals react to the fight in the first several years after it started?A.They were unsatisfied wi

7、th it.B.They considered it a bit boring.C.They showed great interest in it.D.They didnt dare to participate in it.3.What does the underlined word “succumbed” in Paragraph 4 mean?A.Gave in.B.Took part.C.Turned up.D.Watched out.导学号23280049.完形填空(2018黑龙江哈尔滨六中检测)I was always puzzled about the question,“W

8、hat has made other peoples success look so easy while I have to struggle for it?”Not too long ago,I was faced with what appeared to be a brick wall.After 1 a corporate environment for greener pastures(更好的职位),I found that the other side wasnt any 2,nor did there seem to be any grass at all.No matter

9、what I 3 to do,I was always knocked back to square one(退回原点).I began to 4 my own confidence:maybe I had made a fatal error.Maybe I should go back to what I did before.5,it seemed to be a much more secure and safer environment.As I thought about my 6,I received a card in the mail from a friend of min

10、e who knew how I was 7.The card 8:“Persistence prevails when all else fails”.I sat there reading that card,once,twice,three times.What did these words 9 to me?Were these words just that?Only words,nothing more?When youre faced with a(n) 10 future,and when all you try seems to go 11,maybe there will

11、be more truth in these words than I have realized.To make a long story short,I did persevere;12 paid off with a good dose of patience,which helps me realize that a new 13 doesnt lead to success overnight.14,in my former corporate career,I had invested years of education and training to become 15.Why

12、 should it be different when I 16 a new business venture?17 is the incapacity to learn from your mistakes.Success is the 18 to learn and to persevere in order to 19 your goal.Life can be filled with failures,but only those who dont persevere 20 failure as the way it has to be.1.A.joiningB.leavingC.w

13、orkingD.choosing2.A.greenerB.worseC.largerD.brighter3.A.preferredB.likedC.managedD.attempted4.A.doubtB.buildC.gainD.find5.A.In factB.At firstC.At mostD.At least6.A.careerB.futureC.failureD.purpose7.A.strugglingB.thinkingC.tryingD.growing8.A.readB.toldC.madeD.had9.A.writeB.learnC.meanD.pay10.A.clearB

14、.brightC.emptyD.uncertain11.A.nowhereB.anywhereC.everywhereD.somewhere12.A.courageB.persistence C.wisdomD.kindness13.A.methodB.storyC.viewD.beginning14.A.After allB.Above allC.In allD.In general15.A.specialB.ambitiousC.successfulD.respectful16.A.operatedB.soldC.ownedD.started17.A.LossB.FailureC.Desp

15、airD.Sorrow18.A.wayB.possibility C.capacityD.chance19.A.reachB.setC.stickD.understand20.A.controlB.beatC.acceptD.meet导学号23280050.语篇填空Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires,Asias biggest building,and fancy new hotels.But for tourists like me,pandas are its top 1.(attract).So it was a great honour to

16、be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base,where ticket money helps pay for research.I 2.(allow) to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.From tomorrow,I will be their UK ambassador.The title will be 3.(official)given to me at a ceremony in London.But my connection wit

17、h pandas goes back 4. my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,5. I was the first Western TV reporter 6.(permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.My ambassadorial duties will include 7.(introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others

18、at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.On my recent visit,I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by 8.(it) mother.The nursery team switches him every few 9.(day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed,10. other is with mumshe never suspects.导学号23

19、280051.短文改错(2018吉林长春十一中检测)The present vice chairman of the student union would graduate soon,so we need someone else take over his job.Any student whod like to serving the students can apply for the position.The speech competition is to be held to elect the new vice chairman next Friday.You are expe

20、cted to hand in a briefly self-introduction at least three days ahead of the competition.It will be good if you have some relevant experiences.We are looking forward at your joining us.If you are confusing about anything,contact with Liu Tao who is in Class 4,Grade 2.导学号23280052答案:.【解题导语】本文是说明文,题材为社

21、会文化类。西班牙布尼奥尔小镇的西红柿节现在是西班牙第二个最受欢迎的节日,闻名全世界。1.B推理判断题。根据文章第三段的“Nobody knows for sure,but there is lots of folklore.”可知,这个节日的起源还是一个谜。2.C推理判断题。根据文章第四段的“Whatever the beginning,the fight was so fun that the locals returned to repeat the event every year on the last Wednesday of August.”可知,当地人对这项活动很感兴趣。3.A词

22、义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“.in 1957,La Tomatina became an official festival.”可知,当地官员最终屈服了,La Tomatina成了官方节日。.【解题导语】作者选择辞职并自己创业,然而在经历了一连串失败后,开始怀疑自己当初的选择是否明智。后来朋友寄来的一张卡片上的话极大地鼓舞了作者,让他认识到“贵在坚持”的道理。1.B作者在这里以幽默的方式将新的职位比作greener pastures:在“我”离开公司寻找“更绿的牧场”时,发现另一片“牧场”不比原来的“绿”,似乎这片“牧场”上根本没有草。2.A联系前文的“a corporate environm

23、ent for greener pastures”可以得出答案。3.D不管“我”尝试做什么,都是徒劳无功的。attempt to do sth”尝试做某事”。4.A根据上下文语境可知,在“我”经历了一次又一次失败之后,开始思考自己当初的选择是否明智,对当初满怀信心做出的选择产生了怀疑。5.D此处表示“我”后悔当初的选择,想要回到原来的工作,至少它能给我一个看似更有保障和安全的环境。6.B根据前文,“我”在怀疑当初的选择是否明确。此处应该是在考虑自己的未来,想想以后的路到底应该怎么走。7.A从下文贺卡上写的内容可知,这位朋友知道“我”正挣扎于困境之中。8.Aread在此处意为“上面写着”。9.C

24、根据后文可知,“我”不明白卡片上的话对“我”来说是什么意思。10.D当“我”在仔细思考这句话的意思时,想到:当我们在面对一个不确定的未来和所有的努力都白费时,或许这句话比“我”意识到的更加真实可信。11.A联系空前的“When youre faced with a(n) 10 (uncertain)future”我们可以得此答案。12.B根据前文可知,此处表示的意思是“坚持没有白费”。13.D根据后文可知,“我”意识到毕竟是“我”在受过几年的教育和培训后才能在以前的工作中获得成功。所以,一个新的开始不会在一夜之间就通向成功。14.A联系空后的“in my former corporate ca

25、reer,I had invested years.”可知,毕竟“我”受过教育与培训。15.C联系前文的“paid off with a good dose of patience”可知,“我”成功了。16.D所以当“我”开始新的商业冒险的时候,也是同样要一步步走向成功的。17.B此处表示失败是由于不能够从错误中吸取教训。18.C与前文incapacity对应,此处表示成功是不断学习和坚持以实现目标的一种能力。19.Areach the goal意为“实现目标”。20.C生活中充满了失败,但只有那些不坚持的人才不得不接受失败。.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。成都涌现出很多百万富翁、亚洲最大的建

26、筑以及豪华酒店,但对于作者这样的游客来说,熊猫才是那里的魅力所在。作者与熊猫结下了不解之缘,被邀请担任成都熊猫基地在英国宣传大熊猫的大使,以前做记者时,还拍摄过关爱熊猫的片子。1.attraction考查词性转换。形容词top修饰空格处的名词,故填attract的名词形式attraction。2.was allowed考查时态和被动语态。I与allow是被动关系,故用被动语态;又因上一句主句用过去时,可确定此句也用过去时。故填was allowed。3.officially考查词性转换。空格处修饰过去分词given,故用副词修饰。official的副词形式是officially(官方地)。4.

27、to考查介词。go back to“追溯到”,是固定搭配。句意:但是我和熊猫的渊源可以追溯到20世纪80年代中期我做一个电视节目的5.when考查从属连词。分析句子结构可知,空格处所在的句子是定语从句。定语从句修饰前面的the mid-1980s,且从句缺少时间状语,故用when引导该定语从句。6.permitted考查非谓语动词。reporter与permit是被动关系,故用过去分词表被动。过去分词短语permitted to.做后置定语,修饰reporter。7.introducing考查非谓语动词。此处用动词-ing形式做include的宾语。8.its考查代词。mother是名词,故此

28、处填it的形容词性物主代词its。9.days考查名词复数。“every few+复数名词”意思是“每隔”。every few days“每隔几天”。10.the考查冠词。one.the other.“一个另一个”。.The present vice chairman of the student union wouldwill graduate soon,so we need someone else to take over his job.Any student whod like to servingserve the students can apply for the positi

29、on.TheA speech competition is to be held to elect the new vice chairman next Friday.You are expected to hand in a brieflybrief self-introduction at least three days ahead of the competition.It will be goodbetter if you have some relevant experiencesexperience.We are looking forward atto your joining

30、 us.If you are confusingconfused about anything,contact with Liu Tao who is in Class 4,Grade 2.1.wouldwill考查时态。这里讲述的是从现在看将来要发生的事情,因此用一般将来时,而不是过去将来时。2.take前加to考查非谓语动词。need在这里是实义动词,someone else做宾语,后面跟不定式。3.servingserve考查非谓语动词。would like to后面跟的是不定式。4.TheA考查冠词。这里表达“一次演讲比赛”,而不是特指某次。5.brieflybrief考查形容词与副词。这里是形容词做定语,修饰self-introduction。6.goodbetter考查形容词比较级。这里表达“更好”的概念,因此用比较级。7.experiencesexperience考查名词的单复数形式。experience作为“经历”讲是可数名词,作为“经验”讲是不可数名词。8.atto考查动词短语。look forward to为固定搭配,意思是“渴望;盼望”。9.confusingconfused考查非谓语动词。be confused about为固定搭配,意思是“对感到困惑”。10.去掉with考查动词搭配。contact为及物动词,意思是“联系”。


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