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1、绝密启用前人教版必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 2. Learning about Language一、单词拼写。结合语境,根据汉语或首字母提示用单词的适当形式填空。1Youve been working all morning you d_ a rest.2This may be normal in the p_ world, but there is no reason for it in the world of software.3He was f_ 200 dollars for speeding.4The p_ only stayed up a few h

2、ours before it was stolen.5If you want to sell your product, you must a_ it.二、选词填空。用方框内短语的正确形式填空。1They have _ that one is responsible for shopping, the other is in charge of cooking.2Have you _ the news that our team won the game?3After the meeting was over, the audience left the meetingroom _.4Thos

3、e who always break the traffic rules _ be punished.5Once you have _ do something for others, you must carry it out.6Why did you _ at the last minute?7He _ in sports; he always takes an active part in them.8I _ a wallet on my way to school and handed it in.9Who are you going to _ in the 100meter race

4、?10_ some food, what do you buy for your child for his birthday?三、完成句子。根据汉语,完成下列句子。1你知道谁负责这家公司吗?Do you know _ the company?2他提高了声音为了让大家听到他。He raised his voice _.3在巴黎时,她学会了点儿法语。She _ when she was in Paris.4我相信一个陌生人,真是太蠢了。_ believe a stranger.5她的勇敢值得称赞。Her bravery _.6他们已经结婚十年了。_ for ten years.四、句型转换。1T

5、he little boy goes to see his parents every three weeks.The little boy goes to see his parents _ _ _.2He and I ran at the same speed.He ran _ _ _ I.3Not only Tom but also Mary has been to Hangzhou.Mary _ _ _ Tom has been to Hangzhou.4Plastics are replacing wood, metal and glass for many uses.Plastic

6、s are _ _ _ _ wood, metal and glass for many uses.5Li Ping couldnt finish his homework on time, nor could I.Li Ping couldnt finish his homework on time._ _, _.五、单项选择。从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The selfless village doctor gives people advice on how to keep healthy without any _.A. chargeB.

7、moneyC. costD. price2. Look! A new bridge _ here. They plan to finish it next year.A. will be built B. is builtC. has been built D. is being built3. I want to _ the book which you showed me yesterday.A. take away B. take apartC. take off D. take care4. It is said that a new robot _ by him in a few d

8、ays.A. designed B. has been designed C. will be designed D. will have been designed5. Make sure that the windows _ before you _.A. are shut; leave B. were shut; leaveC. will be shut; left D. have been shut; left6. If you are discovered smoking you _.A. will fine B. will be fined C. have been fined D

9、. are fined六、完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中。At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris,the sport of canoe (赛艇) racing was added to the list of international competitions. The favorite team in the four-man canoe _1_ was the United States team. One member was Bill Havens.As the _2_ for the Olympics near

10、ed, it became clear that Bills wife would give _3_ to their first child,so Bill _4_ himself in a dilemma (左右为难的困境). Should he go to Paris or should he stay at home with his family and _5_ about the Olympics? After all, competing in the Olympics was one of his lifelong _6_. At last,Bill decided to st

11、ay with his family._7_ it turned out, the United States four-man canoe team won the gold medal in Paris, and Bills wife was _8_ in giving birth to their child. She was _9_ late,in fact,that Bill could have _10_ in the event and returned home in time.It was a shame, but Bill said that he had no _11_.

12、 Bill knew what was most important to him and he _12_ what he believed was best. Not everybody has the _13_ of character to say no to something that he or she _14_ wants in order to say yes to something that truly _15_.There was a(n) _16_ end to Bills story. The child _17_ born to Bill and his wife

13、was a boy whom they _18_ Frank. Twenty-eight years later, in 1952, Bill _19_ a telegram from Frank. It was sent from Finland, where the 1952 Olympics were being held. The telegram _20_:“Dad,I won. Im bringing home the gold medal for you.”1A. contest Brace Csports Dgame2A. year Bdeadline Ctime Dchanc

14、e3A. birth Bbaby Chelp Dhand4A. found Bput Cthought Dtrapped5A. expect Bcompete Cthink Dforget6A. promises Bdreams Cjourneys Dbusinesses7A. What BAs CSo DThat8A. early Blucky Clate Dmiserable9A. very Btoo Cso Dmuch10A. taken Bfinished Cfought Dcompeted11A. regrets Badvantages Cdisappointments Dchoic

15、es12A. did Bpaid Cmade Dlost13A. origin Bstrength Creason Denergy14A. clearly Btruly Cfinally Dseemingly15A. wants Bneeds Cvalues Dmatters16A. expected Bannoying Cinteresting Ddisappointing17A. finally Bluckily Cactually Dgradually18A. named Bmarked Cexpected Dloved19A. sent Baccepted Cmailed Drecei

16、ved20A. showed Bread Ctold Dwrote七、七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Healthy habits for living longerMany of us are set in our daily habits. We eat the same meal, wear the same clothes, take the same route to work and work the same old job. But what we sometimes fail to recognize is the hu

17、ge influence that our daily habits can have on our health. It is very important for us to keep our daily habits healthy. 1 Take some exercise every day. Daily exercise does improve our health. In fact, studies show that daily exercise can add three years to our life. Opportunity for exercise is ever

18、ywherejust be creative. Whenever we can, walk to work. 2 Its really that simple.Eat a healthy breakfast. Researchers have found that those who eat an early morning meal are less likely to be too fat and get diseases compared with those who dont. 3 All in all, eating breakfast is a great and healthy

19、way to start our day.Have enough sleep. 4 Failing to get at least seven hours of sleep appears to increase the risk of major illnesses including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many more.Get chances to communicate. 5 Any social communication can positively affect our health because we can have m

20、ore time and chances to communicate with others. All of these can add years to our lives.A.Not enough quality sleep can shorten our life.B.Exercise also helps us keep away from illnesses.C.If we live or work in a tall building, just take the stairs.D.Breakfast-eaters also report feeling better.E.The

21、res an old saying that says a good friend is cheaper than treatment.F.Finding time for structured exercise can be pretty much impossible for many people.G.By making just a few small changes and keeping them, we can add a few years to our life.人教版必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 2. Learning about Languag

22、e参考答案与解析一、单词拼写。【答案】1.deserve2.physical3.fined4.poster5.advertise二、选词填空。【答案】1.made a bargain2.heard of3.one after another4.deserve to5.promised to6.change your mind7.is active8.picked up9.run against10.Apart from三、完成句子。【答案】1who will take charge of2so that he could be heard3picked up some French4It is

23、 foolish of me to5deserves praising/to be praised6They have been married四、句型转换。【答案】1.every third week2.as fast as 3as well as4.taking the place of 5I couldnt; either五、单项选择。【答案】1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B【解析】1. A 句意:这个无私的乡村医生免费给人们提供保持健康的建议。charge费用;money钱;cost代价;price价格。2. D 句意:看!一座新大桥正在建设中,他们计划明年完

24、成。从语境分析大桥正在被建,为现在进行时的被动语态。3. A 句意:我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。take away“拿走”。4. C句意:据说新机器人几天后就由他设计出来。此处时间状语表示将来,主语与谓语之间为被动关系,故答案C合适。5. A 句意:你离开之前一定要保证关好窗户。此处描述的是一般事实,时态用一般现在时。6. B 句意:如果你被发现吸烟,你会被罚款。由语境可知用将来时,再由主语you与fine之间为被动关系,故选B项。六、完形填空。【答案与解析】本文为记叙文。文中的主人公贝尔是一位即将参加奥运会的赛艇运动员。为了等待孩子的出生,他放弃了奥运会的参赛权。多年以后,他的儿子弗兰克为

25、他赢回了那枚本该属于他的奖牌。下面让我们一起来阅读这个感人的故事,领悟如何面对生活中的取舍。1B由前面的canoe racing即可确定此处为race。canoe race“赛艇比赛”。2C根据空格后面的动词neared可以看出,此处指“随着奥运会时间的临近”。3A give birth to为固定短语,表示“生(孩子)”。4A find oneself in .为习惯搭配,表示“发现自己处于(某种状态)”。5D由空格前的should he stay at home with his family可知,贝尔在犹豫是否应该待在家里陪伴家人,忘记奥运会。6B作为运动员,能参加奥运会一定是他一生的梦

26、想。7B as此处表示“正如”,引导状语从句。as it turned out意为“正如结果所展示的那样”。8C由后文的Bill could have _10_ in the event and returned home in time.可以推知,贝尔的妻子生孩子的时间推迟了,也就是“晚了,迟了”。9C so与该句中的that构成结构so .that .,表示“如此以至于”。10D compete in表示“参加”。贝尔原本能先参加完比赛再回家探望妻子的。11A结合本句中的It was a shame可以看出,此事在别人看来是一种遗憾。句中的but表明贝尔并不后悔。12A贝尔做了他认为最重要

27、的事情。do在此处为实义动词,表示“做”。13B origin“起源,源头”;strength“力量”;reason“原因,理由”;energy“精力,能源”。由语境可以看出,能够对自己梦想的事情说不,这是需要一个人的个性力量和勇气的。14B对于贝尔来说,参加奥运会是他真正想要的东西,而在妻子分娩时能陪伴在她的身边对他来说是真正重要的事情。并不是每个人都有勇气对自己真正想要的东西说不的。truly want“真正想的”。15D matter此处为动词,指“要紧,有重大关系”。that truly matters为定语从句,修饰something。对于贝尔来说,真正重要的事情是能陪在即将分娩的妻


29、活习惯的重要性。G项既说明了生活习惯的重要性又开篇点题说到了延长寿命的问题。2.C考查上下文理解。根据空前的exercise is everywhere以及空后的its that simple可知这里说的是如何在日常生活中进行有效的锻炼。所以C项提到的爬楼梯最适合这里。3. D考查上下文理解。根据段首的关键词breakfast可知这一段说的是早餐的重要性。综观这些选项,只有D项提到了早餐:吃早餐的人也会反馈出感觉更好的信息。4.A考查上下文理解。根据空前的关键词enough sleep定位到A项:不充足的高质量睡眠会缩短我们的寿命。故选A。5. E考查上下文理解。根据空前的关键词communicate可知这里说的是与人交流的关键性。在剩余的几个选项中只剩下E项与交流有关系。句意:古谚云:“好朋友比开药方便宜得多。”所以选E。版权所有:高考资源网()


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