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2012届学海导航英语高考总复习(第1轮)课件:M4_UNIT_2 SPORTING_EVENTS(1)(译林版湖南专用).ppt

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2012届学海导航英语高考总复习(第1轮)课件:M4_UNIT_2 SPORTING_EVENTS(1)(译林版湖南专用).ppt_第1页
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1、Unit 2 Sporting events Module41.honour n.荣誉,敬意 honour;vt.褒扬,给某人荣誉 honourable adj.光荣的2.delight n.高兴(的事情)delight;vt.使某人高兴 delighted;adj.高兴的;delightful;令人高兴的delightedly;adv.高兴地;delightfully令人高兴地3.significant adj.重要的,有意义的 significance;n.重要性,意义 significantly adv.有意义地,明显地4.brief adj.简短的,扼要的 briefly adv.简明

2、地,扼要地热 点 单 词5.athlete n.运动员 athletic adj.体格健壮的,适合做运动员的6.separate adj.单独的,分开的 separate v.分开 separation n.分开,分离 separately adv.单独地,分开地7.peace n.和平,宁静,祥和 peaceful adj.和平的,宁静的,祥和的,平静的 peacefully adv.和平地,祥和地,平静地8.light n.灯,光亮 lighted/lit adj.亮的,点亮的9.record vt.记录,录(音,像)record;n.记录,唱片;recorder 录音机;recordin

3、g 录音热 点 单 词1.We have five absent students today.Tom has got threeabsences from school this week.Its time to talk tohis parents now.2.The continent we live on is called Asia.And thats whywe are known as Asians.3.The left hemisphere of the brain is largely responsiblefor the movement of the right part

4、 of the human body.Since something is wrong with the left half of yourbrain,its easy to understand why you cant move yourright limbs(肢体)热 点 单 词4.Weareallproudofourathletesglorious achievements they have made in the National Games.We Hunanese have really enjoyed our glory days inthe past five years i

5、n all the big sports events.5.There is only a rugged narrow path as the onlyapproachtothemountainousvillage.Thetransportation here really needs improving.Justimagine how the villagers have transported theirdelicioustasting oranges to the town!热 点 单 词6.Most scientists will agree that all species have

6、 theirorigin in the sea,but where did the very original form of life come from?Im afraid most have to turnto the Creator,who is supposed to have originallymade the first life on the planet.热 点 单 词7.We have developed a new technique for detectingerrors in the manufacturing process.The problem isthat

7、we need to improve the operators technical level.8.Arguably,China will become the leading economy inthe world.Its already the leader in many industries inAsia.9.What are the basic requirements for this job?At least acollege degree is required.热 点 单 词根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆)1.运动员在赛场上获得奖牌,

8、不仅对本人是一个巨大的喜悦,同时对于运动员的祖国也具有重大意义。Amedal won by the athlete was not only a greatdelight to himself/herself,but also of great significanceto his/her motherland.热 点 单 词2.游泳运动员赛后经常将附有比赛场馆照片的信封寄回祖国,以满足他的朋友们收藏的需要,并给他们带来快乐。Swimmers often post envelops with the pictures ofvenues back to their motherland to m

9、eet their friendsrequirements and bring joy to them.热 点 单 词3.刘翔缺席2008年奥运会让人失望,但尤塞恩博尔特在北京挑战人类极限的表现也让整个世界兴奋不已。People were disappointed at Liu Xiangs absence for2008 Olympics,but Usain Bolt excited the wholeworld with his performances in challenging humanbeings limit.热 点 单 词4.在中国,一个矮个子女子乒乓球运动员在给人们带来激动兴

10、奋的同时,也为乒乓球的普及和发展做出了巨大的贡献,她的名字叫邓亚萍。In China,a short female table tennis athlete whosename is Deng Yaping,brought great joy to all thepeoplearoundChina;alsoshemadegreatcontributions to popularizing and developing the sport.热 点 单 词5.随着交通设施的改善,一些原本藏在深山的旅游景点也引来了大量的爱好者。With the improvement of transportati

11、on facilities,many tourist attractions that were once hidden in themountain areas have attracted many fans.热 点 单 词重 点 短 语根据中文写出英文短语1.高兴做某事be delighted to do sth.2.每4年every four years3.纪念in honour of 4.实现这个梦想realize(live)this dream 5.以他最初的名字under his original name 6.在开幕典礼上at the opening ceremony 7.为奖

12、牌竞争compete for medals 重 点 短 语8.打破世界纪录break the world record9.对作出贡献make contributions to 10.把快乐带给人们bring joy to people11.与它光荣的过去相匹配match its glorious past 12.被设计用于做be designed to do13.使处于控制之下keepunder control 14.给让路,让位与 make way for 15.在中发挥作用play a role in1.imagine thatclause 想象一下2.It was a Frenchman

13、,Pierre de Coubertin,who restartedthe Olympics.It waswho是强调句型,强调句子的主语。3.Deng Yaping,who won four,is perhaps thegreatest在下定义或描述性的句子中,经常在主语或需要定义的名词之后以逗号分隔,再使用非限制性定语来完善表达。4.Unmarried women were allowed to take part inbe allowed to do sth.意为“某人被允许做某事”,用被动式的形式可以突出主语。重 点 句 型.同义转换1.In order for a new sport

14、 to be added,a currentsport must be dropped.In order to add a new sport,they have to drop acurrent sport.重 点 句 型2.Unmarried women were allowed to take part in theirown competition at a separate festival in honour of thewife of the Greek god Zeus.They didnt allow unmarried women to take part in theOl

15、ympic Games,but they organized a separate festivalin memory of the wife of the Greek god Zeus.重 点 句 型3.I am sure the whole of China must have felt proudwhen Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for hiscountry.The whole China took great pride in Xu Haifengswinning the first gold medal.重 点 句 型4.Some sp

16、orts have been added recently,such as taekwon do,which was first included in the Olympics in2000.Recently,they have added some sports into theOlympics,including tae kwon do,which entered theOlympics in 2000.5.It was a Frenchman,Pierre de Coubertin,who restartedthe Olympics.The man who restarted the

17、Olympics was a Frenchmancalled/named Pierre de Coubertin.重 点 句 型.汉译英1.试想你作为校长正在开学典礼上对全体学生发言。(imagine)Imagine that you,as the headmaster,are giving aspeech to all the students at the school openingceremony.2.那些体育健儿们是在为荣誉而不是为奖金而战。(强调句;compete for)It is for honor rather than the prize money that theath

18、letes are fighting/competing.重 点 句 型3.邓小平造就了中国最近三十年的经济奇迹(wonder),他 将 永 远 为 民 众 所 怀 念。(make sth.possible;remember;非限制性定语从句)Deng Xiaoping,who will be remembered forever bythe people,made possible the economic wonder inChina lasting for the past three decades.重 点 句 型重 点 单 词1、allow允许,同意allow(doing)sth.允

19、许(做)某事allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事allow sb.sth.给予某人某物(尤指钱或时间);让某人有(拥有或带有)某物allow for 考虑到,把考虑进来,体谅We dont allow_eating in the classrooms.(我们)不允许在教室吃饭。重 点 单 词Smoking is not allowed here.此处不准吸烟。My parents dont_allow_me_to stay up late at night.我父母不允许我晚上熬夜。I will allow you 10%off the price if you pay now.

20、如果你现在付款,我可以给你打9折。We should allow_for every possible delay.我们应该考虑到任何可能的延误。重 点 单 词We dont allow _ here,but we allow them _ there.A.parking;to park B.to park;parkingC.to park;to park D.parking;parkingA答案重 点 单 词2、honourv.尊敬,给以荣誉,以为荣The young should honour the aged.年轻人应该尊敬长者。I feel honoured to have been

21、asked to speak here.应邀在这里讲话我深感荣幸。重 点 单 词n.荣誉(不可数);荣誉,光荣的人/事(可数)It is an_honour to have dinner with you.与你一起吃饭是我的荣幸。in honour of 向表示敬意,纪念Washington,a state in the United States,wasnamed in honour of one of the greatest Americanpresidents.华盛顿,美国的一个州,是以美国最伟大的总统命名的。重 点 单 词学生应该尊敬老师。The students should sh

22、ow their honour to theirteachers.重 点 单 词3、light(lit,lit/lighted,lighted)vt.(1)点着,变亮(常与up连用);点火,点燃;照亮,使光明We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.我们点着了蜡烛,蜡烛照亮了房间。(2)使光亮/放光彩,常与up连用His eyes lit_up when she walked into the room.看到她走进房间,他两眼一亮。adj.(1)发光的;明亮的;浅色的;淡色的(反义词:dark)重 点 单 词a light blue sky 淡

23、蓝色的天空(2)轻的,不重的The basket is very light;I can easily pick it up.篮子很轻,我可以很容易地拿起来。(3)lighted与lit的差异,lighted可以作定语,而lit不可以作定语。a lighted candle(正)a lit candle(误)一根燃着的蜡烛He came in,with_a_lighted_lamp in his hand.他走进来,手里拿着一盏点亮的灯。重 点 单 词make light of轻视come to light被曝光,众所周知in the light of根据,当作give light to解释拓展


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