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1、单项填空分类汇编(2)(同步类)高二名词1.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good_.A. expectationB. reputation C. contribution D. civilization2.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)Holyfield accepted Lewis _ to fight for the title.A. br

2、avery B. pressure C. motivation D. challenge3.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)As a candidate(候选人),you must make a good on everyone you meet if you want to win the election Adecision BsituationCimpression Dposition4.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)Americans dont like using MrMr. or MissSo,if they dont use your last name

3、 or titles, that really doesnt mean any A1ack respect B1acking respecting C1acking respecting D1ack of respect5.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)There are so many new words in the passage that I could hardly make any _ of it.A. meaning B. use C. idea D. sense6.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)You must read the _ with great c

4、are to see if the drug contains PPA before it is taken.A. instructions B. introductions C. explanations D. expressions7.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of physics.A. approachesB. means C. method D. ways8.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)His suggestion is good in _

5、 but cant be put into practice.A. theory B. short C. general D. brief9.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)There is no _ to be worried about the change to your voice because it happens to everyone.A. reasonB. needC. senseD. doubt10.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)Health problems are closely connected with bad eating

6、habits and a _ of exercise. A. limit B. demand C. need D. lack11.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Despite the language _, they soon became good friends.A. conflict B. barrier C. misunderstanding D. dilemma12.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)We had already read the before we operated the machine.Aintroduction Bdirection Cex

7、planation Dinstructions冠词13.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)After dinner he gave Mr. Richardson _ ride to _ capital Airport.A. the; a B. /; a C. a; the D. /; the14.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)Wolong, _ national nature reserve, is _ home to Giant Pandas. A. the; a B. a;the C. a; 不填 D.不填; the15.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上

8、期中)What lessons China can draw from financial crisis(金融危机)in the United States has become hot topic in BeijingAthe;a Ba;a C不填;the Dthe;不填16.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)It is _ world of wonders, _ world where we can find anything changed.A. the, a B. /, /C. a, a D. a, the17.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)Lets go to cin

9、ema-thatll take your mind off the problem for _while. A. the; the B. the; a C. the; an D. a; a18.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)I believe that it usually takes _ wise mind to have _ good knowledge of this special subject.A. 不填; aB. a; aC. a; 不填D. 不填; 不填19.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)If you want to study nature of

10、universe, first of all, you must be clear about the origin of itA不填;the Bthe;不填 Cthe ; the D不填;不填20.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)It takes us _ hour or more to go to my hometown by _ train.A. an; aB. a; anC. a; / D. an; /21.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)-You could have sent me _ e-mail and told me about your dec

11、ision.- But I didnt know you were on _ line then.A. an; the B. /; the C. /; / D. an; /22.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?Yes. As you know, _ party went on in _ most pleasant atmosphere. A. thea B. thethe C. athe D. aa23.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)The most important thing about cotton

12、 in history is part that it played in Industrial Revolution.A/ ; / Bthe ; / Cthe ; the Da ; the代词24.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)I dont mind _ criticizing me, but _ is how she did it that I object to. A. she; what B. her; it C. she; when D. hers; that25.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)I have done everything _ was possib

13、le to do to prevent him from _ the risk but in vain.A. it; cutting B. which; running C. that; cutting D. it; running26.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)We must make _ known to all that smoking is harmful to heart.A. this B. that C. it D. the matter27.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)Do you think true that is hard wo

14、rk that leads to success?Ait; it Bit ;what Cthat; it Dwhat which数词和量词28.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)Can I help you , madam?Id like to buy _eggs.A. scores of B. two scores of C. two dozens of D. three scores 29.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)He was born in _, and now he is in _A his 1950s; his fifties B the 1950s;

15、his fifties C the 1950s; the fifties D his 1950s; the fifties介词30.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)He invited me to a dance after the show Christmas EveAat Bon Cin Dby31.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)Its great contributions _ the development of a modern China will never be forgotten.A. by B. to C. for D. with32.(10-11,山

16、西省太原五中高二上期中)Why did your team lose the game?They had a big advantage _ us _ so much taller.A. above; are B. over; being C. of; were D. than; being33.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)He was guilty _ murder, and was sentenced to death.A. with B. for C. of D. to34.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)_the terrible flood caused b

17、y the heavy rain, he still went to school yesterday.A. Although B. Despite C. As D. Because35.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)He is such an honest person that he is_ telling a lie.A. beyondB. aboveC. overD. under36.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)Messiis famous _ a football player and he is famous _ his wonderful skills.

18、A. for; as B. with; for C. as; for D. like; as37.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)Many houses have been badly damaged in the earthquake and they are _ repair now.A. in B. under C. by D. at形容词和副词38.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)The _ expression on his face showed that he hadnt expected it at all.A. shocking B. shock

19、ed C. being shocked D. having shocked39.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)Do you have any_ experience of this type of work?A. optimistic B. enthusiastic C. rough D. previous40.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)So much rubbish in the street and the smell was almost _.A. unbearable B. splendid C. positive D. mild41.(10-11,山东

20、省济南市历城区高二上期中)As long as you know _ how to do it, thats fine.A. severely B. roughly C. deliberately D. tightly42.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)If a person develops an H1N1, it is to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once Aserious Banxious Cvital Dprevious43.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)Look! A woman was c

21、omingAbeautiful dressed Bdressed beautiful Cbeautifully dressed Ddressed beautifully44.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)Could you drive me to the supermarket at noon if ?Aits convenient of you Byou are convenient Cits convenient to you Dyou will be convenient45.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)There are plenty of jobs _ in

22、 the western part of the country.A. presentB. available C. precious D. convenient46.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _, our minds are developed by learning.A. Probably B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally47.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)As we all know, the beautiful mobile is

23、nt _ high price at all.A. worthy too B. worth that C. fit much D. valuable that48.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)Though _, the news brought them much encouragement. A. surprised B. being surprised C. having surprised D. surprising49.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)He has called several times this morning, , there is somet

24、hing important. A. really B. especiallyC. obviously D. terribly50.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)After a days hard work, he returned, _. A. hungry and tired B. felt hungry and tiring C. hungry and tiring D. felt hungry and tired51.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)_ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.A. Surpris

25、ing B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising52.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)Education in government colleges is very cheap, but if you go to the _colleges, it is much more expensive.A. private B. personal C. public D. personnel53.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)-Thank you very much.-You are welcome. I was_ g

26、lad to help you.A. too muchB. only tooC. not soD., very much54.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)I am often by the terrible noise made by the traffic outside. It is very . A. annoying; annoyed B. annoyed; annoying C. annoying; annoying D. annoyed; annoyed55.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)According to the statistics, young

27、drivers are more _ to have accidents than older drivers.A. possible B. maybe C. probable D. likely56.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)After five days of fantastic space trip, the two astronauts walked out of the spaceship, _.A. tired and happy B. tiredly but happily C. tiredly and happily D. tired but hap

28、py57.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)The lecture was really difficult to understand and he listened to the lecture with a _ expression on his face all through.A. puzzled B. puzzlingC. puzzle D. being puzzled58.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Mrs. White was so _ in her work that she didnt notice a stranger enter the

29、office.A. absorbed B. adjusted C. focused D. centered59.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)The girl looked at me with a expression. Maybe the problem was quite .Apuzzled; puzzling Bpuzzling; puzzled Cpuzzled; puzzled Dpuzzling; puzzling60.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)None of the assistants were when the professor neede

30、d some help.Aavailable Baccessible Cinevitable Dappropriate61.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)Who is to get the first prize of the contest.Alikely Bpossible Cprobable Dmaybe62.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)Come and see me whenever .Ayou are convenient Byou will be convenientCit is convenient to you Dit will be conven

31、ient to you比较级和最高级63.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)Even though you offered _ you have just offered, I would not sell it to you. A. the money twice that B. twice the money that C. twice the money what D. the money that twice64.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)The westerns eat as they actually need every day, so man

32、y of them have lost their teeth by the time they are thirty.A. twice as much sugar B. twice sugar as much C. as much twice sugar D. sugar as twice much动词和动词短语65.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)Five players _a basketball team.A. make up B. making up of C. consists of D. are consisted66.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)I like

33、 reading poems, because poems can _certain _.A. convey; emotion B. convey; emotions C. express; emotion D. explain; emotions67.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)Does the young man standing at the gate_ the car?No. The car is _ his father.A. take possession of ;in the possession of B. have possession of ;take poss

34、ession ofC. have possession of ;in the possession of D. in the possession of ;take possession of68.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)The engineers finally _ the project to the board for approval.A. admitted B. permitted C. submitted D. committed69.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)Mary didnt attend the lecture , did she? Yes ,

35、 she _.A. attended B. didnt attend C. didnt D. did70.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)I know their address is here somewhere , but I cant _ it right now .A. put my hands on B. put my hand on C. find out D. look after71.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)The look on her face suggested she _ the exam.A. have passedB. passedC.

36、 passD. passing72.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)- How did you like Nicks performance last night?- To be honest, his singing didnt _ to me much.A. appeal B. belong C. refer D. occur73.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)It is human activities on the earth that are to _ global warming.A. be blamed for B. blame for C. tak

37、e charge of D. be responsible with74.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)Young people _ to _ to work you are most needed.A. are supposed; be sent B. suppose; send C. are supposed; send D. suppose; be sent 75.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)After she graduated from the university, Rona _ journalism.A. took in B. took up C. t

38、ook down D. took for76.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)-Did the thief admit the fact?-No, he denied _ a book from the bookshop.A. stealing B. to steal C. to have stolen D. stolen77.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)The results of the medical checkup suggested that my father _ in poor health, so the doctor suggested that

39、he _ smoking and take more exercise.A. was; gave up B. be; should give up C. should be; gave up D. was; give up78.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)As a war reporter in Iraq, Shui Junyi is _ to many dangers.A. showedB. preventedC. exposed D. selected79.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)John Snow was s famous doctor, who

40、_ Queen Victoria as her personal physician.A. attended B. suspected C. treated D. considered80.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)England can be _three main areas. Do you know what they are?A. consisted of B. divided into C. linked to D. depended on81.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)I still cant believe that I am _ this p

41、rize, which is a 3-week holiday in the Bahamas.A. taking up B. speeding up C. sweeping up D. putting forward82.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)Have you ever had a case where someone accused your teacher _getting the wrong end of the stick?A. into B. of C. for D. apart from83.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)They _the na

42、tional union and set up their own local organization.A. broke down B. broke in C. broke away from D. broke out84.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)Toms can on the way, so when he arrived at the company, the meeting had just Abroke up;broken down Bbroke up:broke upCbroke down;broke down Dbroke down;broken up85.(

43、10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressureAcontribute to B1ink to Cattend to Ddevote to86.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)- Any good way to get there on time ? -Only by _.A. speeding up B. turning up C. taking up D. putting up 87.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)The water _ cool

44、 when I jumped into the pool for morning _.A. was felt; exercise B. felt; exercise C. feels; exercises D. is felt; exercises88.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)Now one of the most serious problems many people are worried about _ on the lack of adequate housing space.A. insists B. depends C. agrees D. focuses89.(

45、10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)The students mind is always _ when he listens to his teacher.A. wondering B. wandering C. wondered D. wandered 90.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)I have _ an eye _ you now, so you do as you _! A. left; over; have to B. to keep; on; were told C. kept; down; have been told D. kept; on; are told

46、 91.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)My daughter is always working hard, which will surely _ her future success in her career. A. devote to B. relate to C. belong to D. contribute to92.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)-Doctor, I have always had a bad sleep recently.-Really, Well, you can take this medicine which will _ you a

47、 good sleep. A. indicateB. promise C. ensure D. forecast93.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)The boy is _ computer games every day, so you can imagine what trouble he has _ the exam. A. addicted to; passing B. addicting to; passing C. addicted to; to pass D. addicting to; to pass94.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)Jim ent

48、ered the competition without much hope, not expecting he would_ the first prize!A. come up withB. put up with C. catch up withD. end up with95.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)Bluetooth is a radio-technology allowing cell phones, wireless earphones, etc. to_ radio signals, so that people can contact each other

49、within 10 metres.A. matchB. shareC. protectD. exchange96.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)By his better nature, we persuaded the boy to change his bad behaviour. A. referring to B. adapting to C. appealing to D. leading to97.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)The manager is away. So whos taking of the company for a while? A.

50、 charge B. place C. part D. position98.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)I wont him any more because he is too selfish. A. associate B. associate to C. associate with D. associate on99.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)Our teacher is clever, but not very good at his ideas to us. A. getting across B. getting over C. getting o

51、n D. getting into 100.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)She was accused cheating in the exam and should be to . A. in; blame B. of; blame C. by; be blamed D. with; be blamed101.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)At the opening ceremony, the chairman a speech to welcome the quests from more than twenty countries. A. delivered

52、B. spoke C. said D. started 102.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)While the word “chairman” can in fact people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-oriented as it ends in “man”. A. adapt to B. allow for C. appeal to D. apply to 103.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)After dating with that man several times, she

53、 found she still doesnt men of that type. A. go against B. go up C. go for D. go through104.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)Although I do not like my work, I have no intention of right now. A. handing B. determining C. desiring D. quitting105.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)Measures have to be taken to teach young people

54、how to _ themselves both in family and at school, for they dont know the basic manners. A. do B. perform C. behave D. control 106.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中) You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. Well, now I regret _ that.A. to do B. to be doing C. do D. having done107.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上

55、期中)Practising Chinese kung fu can not only _ ones strength, but also develop ones character.A. bring up B. take up C. build up D. put up108.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)There is no need for you to look up every new word you _ while reading. A. come up with B. come out C. come about D. come across109.(10-11,浙

56、江省苍南中学高二上期中)With food, water and electricity _, the villagers suffered a lot after the earthquake. A. cut down B. cut up C. cut off D. cut in110.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)However hard I tried, I just couldnt _ them of the truth of my story. A. remind B. convince C. rid D. inform 111.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二1

57、1月月考)Lucy! Listen! Hes so rude. He says Im stupid!Oh, _ me _ of the quarrel, please. I wont get involved.Alet; out Bleave; out Cgive; out Ddrive; out112.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)- Tom, I have two tickets for tonights concert. Will you go with me?- Sorry, Ill have to _ Jasons wedding ceremony.A. jo

58、inB. appearC. attend D. turn up113.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)It is human beings rather than pigs that are _ for the disastrous flu circling the globe, which was once called the swine flu.Ato be blamed Bto have blamed Cblaming Dto blame114.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)You can ask him again if you like

59、, but it will not make any _he will still say no.Aeffort Bcontribution Cdifference Ddecision115.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)George loves pop music very much but _ classical music.A. pokes his nose into B. has a good nose for C. puts his nose in D. turns his nose up at116.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Being a capable

60、woman,Nancy _ to be considered as merely a housewife.A. agrees B. admits Crefuses Drejects117.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Youve _ the most important word in this sentence. A. left off B. left out C. left behind D. left over118.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)According to the air traffic rules, you should _ off your mob

61、ile phone before boarding.A. cut B. put C. call D. switch119.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)The soldier was of running away when the enemy attacked.A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished120.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)The volunteers were so kind that they devoted most of the time _ the disabled. Ato help B. he

62、lped C. helping D. to helping121.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)Our project three parts which are to be fulfilled separately.Ato consist of Bis consisting of Cis consisted of D. consists of122.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)When she come home she found her house were and everything .Abreaking into; taking away Bbreak

63、ing into; taken awayCbroken into; taking away Dbroken into; taken away123.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)Although the judges declared that he was innocent, many people still thought he was the one for the accident.Ashould be blame Bto blame Cblame Dblaming124.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)No matter how hard I tried,

64、 my words seemed to the child.Ato mean Bto understand Cto make no sense Dto be meaningful125.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)I tried to the chance but failed.Areach out Breach out for Creach Dreach on固定短语126.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities _ space.A. in s

65、earch of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of127.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)What you said at the meeting was not quite _. To many audience, it was totally _.A. in the place; out or the place B. in place; out of placeC. in the place; out of place D. in place; out of the place128.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上

66、期中)-What _ did you do last night?-Nothing.A. on earth B. in earth C. in the earth D. on the earth129.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)Its a good habit to keep everything _ in your study.A. in the way B. in place C. in hand D. in case130.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)People in Tibet are _ than they used to be. A. better of

67、f B. worse off C. well off D. badly off131.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)Yesterday, I met my old friend _, which gave me a big surprise.A. in return B. on purposeC. by chanceD. in case132.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)_, the northerners like noodles while the southerners are fond of rice in China.A. In common B. In gen

68、eral C. In total D. In return133.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)His success lies in his great efforts. He is diligent clever.Aas; as Bmore; than Crather; than Dother; than情态动词和虚拟语气134.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)She spoke as if she _on the spot .A. was B. were C. is D. had been135.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)If you _ my adv

69、ice, you _ your failure now. You _ your victory.A. took . would not cry over . would celebrateB. had taken . would not have cried over . would have celebratedC. had taken . would not be crying over . would be celebratingD. had taken . are not crying over . are celebrating136.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)It i

70、s necessary that our drinking water _ cleaner.A. should be made B. is made C. would be made D. was made137.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)- Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.- Thank you, you _ it. I could manage it myself.A. neednt B. neednt have done C. mustnt do D. shouldnt have done138.(10-11,江西

71、省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)If I _ you, I _ it yesterday.A. would be; wouldnt have done B. were; wouldnt have doneC. was; wouldnt do D. were; wouldnt do139.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)How I wish every family _ a large house with a beautiful garden!A. has B. had C. will have D. had had140.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)You cant i

72、magine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady.A. mightB. needC. shouldD. would 141.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)Youll have plenty of time tomorrow, so you_ work too late tonight. But if you_, I dont have much to say.A. dont have to; mustB. mustnt; should C. cannot; needD. shouldnt; can142.(10-

73、11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)Did you attend Marys wedding ceremony last August? I wish I_. I _abroad.A. had; would studyB. did; have studied C. do; had studied D. had; was studying动词的时态及语态143.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)Excuse me. I _ I was blocking your way.A. dont realize B. didnt realize C. havent realized D. wa

74、snt realizing144.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)He felt that he_ the coldness that had grown between them.A. was blamed to B. was to blame for C. was to be blamed for D. blamed145.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didnt want her mother to know what she _.A. ha

75、s done B. had done C. was doing D. is doing146.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)- Do you think we should accept that offer?- Yes, we should, for we such bad luck up till now, and time . A. have had, is running B. had, is running C. have, has been runD. have had, has been run147.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)Dont get the p

76、lastic tube close to the fire; it _ easily.A. is burned B. is burned C. burns D. is burning148.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)Did you speak with the boss ?No ,when I arrived, he _, so I had no chance.A. was talking B. has talkingC. had talked D. talked 149.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)Yao Ming as well as his teammat

77、es _ hard to win honor for China these years.A. work B. are working C. has been working D. works150.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Dont disturb Tony, for he _ all night and has just fallen asleep.A. has been working B. is working C. has worked D. works151.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)Their daughter a key university t

78、his year, which made them very happy.Aadmitted to Bwas admitted Cwas admitted to Dadmitted非谓语动词152.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)With my money _, I went back home.A. ran out of B. ran out C. running out of D. running out153.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)-Oh, doctor, The wound on my leg is infected. -You really shoul

79、dnt have left it _ to the sun. A. discovered B. opened C. exposed D. buried154.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)With more and more forests _, some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out.A. damaged B. damaging C. having damaged D. have been damaged155.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)-What made Mary so upset?-_

80、 her wallet.A. Losing B. Lost C. Because of her losing D. Because she lost156.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)The library _ in the 1980s is taking on a new look after the restoration.A. to build B. to be built C. building D. built157.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)_ poor at Italian, I couldnt make myself _ when I was in I

81、taly last year.A. Been, understand B. Being, understood C. To be, understand D. Being, understanding158.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)_ his writing, the writer forgot to have his lunch.A. Was absorbed in B. Absorbed in C. Absorbed into D. Was absorbed into159.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)_ miss the early bus, Jack got

82、 up at 5:50 that morning.A. So as not to B. In order that C. In order to D. In order not to 160.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)His homework _, he went back home.A. finish B. finishes C. finishing D. finished 161.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)_ in her finest skirt, the girl tried to make herself _ at the party.A. Dre

83、ssing; noticing B. Dressed; noticing C. Dressing; being noticed D. Dressed; noticed162.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)The clock _ yesterday doesnt work wellAbeing bought Bbought Cto buy Dto be bought163.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)_to a boarding school at the age of eleven, young children may suffer. A. To send B.

84、 Sending C. Sent D. Send164.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)Judith lay on the sofa, _ in her book.A. absorbed B. absorb C. to absorb D absorbing165.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)With the governments aid, those by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements Aaffect Baffecting Caffected Dwere affected166.(10-11,山东

85、省临清实验高中高二上期中)A driver is asked to keep his safety belt while driving on the freewayAfasten Bfastening Cfastened Dto fasten167.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)The angry boy looked at his mother and shouted out the words _ in his heart for many years.A. having been hidden B. hiddenC. hiding D. to hide168.(10-11,山

86、西省太原五中高二上期中)Do you know who the young man is beside the door?A man _ himself Jason. A. called B. calls C. calling D. being called169.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)In spite of her spoken French, she can make herself _ by gesture.A. understand B. understanding C. to understand D. understood170.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上

87、期中)Mrs Douglas unknowingly left her purse on the shop counter.A. layingB. to lieC. laid D. lying171.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)I have not a chair _. Will you make room for me?A. to sit B. to sit in C. for sitting D. sit in172.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)With all the problems _ as expected, the manager felt rather

88、satisfied.A. had been settled B. being settle C. settled D. to settled173.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)_ time, hell make a first-class tennis player.A. Having given B. To given C. Giving D. Given174.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)What made you so sad?-_ my cellphone.A. Lose B. Losing C. To lose D. Lost175.(10-11,四川省成都市

89、实验中学高二上期中)The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Zhang Yining, who was reported _ the women table tennis championship in the 29th Olympic Games. A. winning B. having won C. to have won D. win176.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, cut off, as a container to grow y

90、oung plants in. A. of which the top B. the top is C. the top of which D. with its top177.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)Here is the film_. I need the pictures in 15 minutes.OK, but you have to pay extra charge.A. to developB. to be developedC. developedD. developing178.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)To learn English we

91、ll, we should find opportunities to hear English as much as we can. A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak179.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them in his lectures. A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. to interest180.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月

92、考)The play next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. A. produced B. being produced C. to be produced D. having been produced181.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)The taxi drivers with oil taxation have left more at ease since the new policy went into effect. A. burden B. burdening C. burdened D. being

93、 burdened182.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)_ the party was a great honor to the family. A. Being invited to B. Inviting to C. Invited to D. To be invited to183.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)After meeting the beautiful girl, Peter lay on his bed with wonderful ideas _ in. A. crossing B. crowding C. entering D. reaching1

94、84.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)Dina, _ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local restaurant.A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle185.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _ that he had enjoyed his

95、stay hereAhaving added Bto add Cadding Dadded186.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)He was frightened at the sight. With his lips still _, he couldnt say a wordAtrembling Btremble Cto tremble Dto be trembling187.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)They suggested that the professor just now should be made chairman of the me

96、eting.A. referring to B. referring C. referred to D. referred188.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)_ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being Exposed D. After being exposed189.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)_ to use in April, 2010, the road has solved the long-standing pr

97、oblem of traffic jams of this area.A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put190.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)Last night Bill returned from his office to find his sister unconsciously beside the sofa.Alying Blaid Claying Dto lie191.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)They woke up everything around .Afound changed Bfin

98、ding changed Cto find changing Dto find changed192.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)Who are these people with banners?A group itself the league for Peace.Acalling Bcalled Ccalls Dis called193.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中) the sun for too much time will do great harm to you.AExposed to BBeing exposed to CExposing to D

99、To expose to名词性从句194.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)The poor young man is ready to accept _ help he can get. A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whenever195.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)_all the inventions have in common is _ they have succeeded.A. What, what B. That, that C. What, that D. That, what196.(10-11,四川

100、省彭州中学高二9月月考)If the economic situation goes on like this, theres a danger_ many factories may have to close down. A. thatB. whenC. whetherD. as197.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)Your learning ability has never been in doubt ; the question is _ you are prepared to work hard.A. that B. whether C. what D. h

101、ow198.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)In the earthquake-stricken area doctors are trying their best to reduce the peoples fear _ they would also be infected by infectious diseases.A. what B. which C. when D. that199.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)Youd better give the task to _you think can finish it ahead of

102、 time.A. whoever B. whomever C. anyone D. no matter who定语从句200.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)Can you think of any case _ this idiom can be used?A. when B. which C. where D. how201.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)John, a friend of mine, _ got married only last week, spent 3000 more than he _. A. whom; will plan B. who; ha

103、s planned C. whom; would plan D. who; had planned202.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)Gun control is a subject _ Americans have argued for a long time. A. of which B with which C. about which D. into which203.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)The managers son, _ is Bob, gave me a sweet smile. A. his name B. he name of whom C.

104、 of whom the name D. of whom name 204.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)The novel we read last night was very interesting.A. / B. whomC. whoseD. where205.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)Have you seen the film Painted Skin _ leading actor is world-famous?A. its B. whose C. of which D. that206.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)The English

105、competition we talked about _in our school last week A. being held B. would be held C. was heldD. holding207.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)On the new high-speed expressway connecting Shanghai and Hangzhou , the new CRH train _ speed can reach about 350km/h benefits people a lot.A. whose B. where C. tha

106、t D. which208.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)Do you know the reason _ he gave for his coming late is another excuse?A. that B. why C. for which D. for连词和状语从句209.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)Tom was about to close the window _ his attention was caught by a bird.A. when B. if C. and D. while210.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高

107、二上期中联考)- Whats the matter with you?- _ the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly.A. Cleaning B. To clean C. While cleaning D. While I was cleaning211.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)-Did you remember to return the money you owed to Mary?-Yes, I gave it to her _ I saw her.A. while B. once C. suddenly D. the mom

108、ent212.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)He always brings me a pretty gift _ he comes to visit me.A by the time B sometimes C every time D at times213.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)He always brings me a pretty gift he comes to visit meAby the time Bsometimes Cevery time Dat times214.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)The thread o

109、f my kite broke and it flew awayI had told you it would easily break it was the weakestAwhere Bsince Cwhen Dif215.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)_ I meet him, I always think of the things which happened between us.A. Every timeB. For the timeC. The nightD. At no time216.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)“If,” he added at th

110、e meeting, “_ enough time, we would certainly have done it better.”A. givenB. to be given C. give D. giving217.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)Do you think he will finish the job on time?Sure. _ he _ to do it in his own way. A. As soon as; will be left B. Even if; leaves C. Whenever; has left D. So long as; is

111、left218.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)Dont promise anything you are one hundred present sure. A. whetherB. afterC. how D. unless219.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中) hungry I am, I never seem to be able to keep fit and stay healthy.A. WhateverB. Whenever C. However D. Wherever220.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)Start out right away,

112、_ youll miss the first train.A. and B. but C. or D. while221.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)If _ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.A. giving B. give C. given D. being given222.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, says that he copies it down _he comes to a beautiful sent

113、ence.A. unlessB. whileC. becauseD. every time223.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)The country life he accustomed to a lot since 1998. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. having changed224.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考) the Internet is of great help, I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it. A. If B.

114、 While C. Because D. As225.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)I thought wed be late for the concert, we ended up getting there ahead of time. A. but B. or C. so D. for 226.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)Youd better not leave the medicine kids can get at it. A. even if B. which C. where D. so that227.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11

115、月月考)_ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all.A. When compared B. To compare C. While comparing D. It compares228.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)People are puzzled _ they read the book.A. the first time B. at the first time C. for the first time D. at first229.(10-11,浙江省金

116、华一中高二上期中)“Sorry, sorry,” he whispered, _ talking to himself.A. while B. even if C. as if D. when230.(10-11,浙江省南马高级中学高二上期中)While writing a letter, .Athe door bell rang Bthe door bell ringsCI heard the door bell ring DI heard the door bell rings省略、强调和倒装231.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)_ do we go for picnics .A

117、. Certainly B. Sometimes C. Seldom D. Once232.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)_ the moment bell rang . A. The students out ran. B. Out ran the students C. Ran out the students D. Out the students ran233.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)So much of interest _ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.A

118、. offers Beijing B. Beijing offers C. does Beijing offer D. Beijing does offer234.(10-11,江西省赣州十一县高二上期中联考)It is years of hard work _ has made him a successful businessman, _ his relatives are proud of.A. that; what B. when; which C. which; that D. that; who235.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)In the middle of the

119、 lake _ which looks very beautiful.A. stand a tall tower B. lie a tall tower C. lay a tall tower D. stands a tall tower236.(10-11,江西省九江一中高二上期中)_, Lucy is of great help in the work.A. Girl as she is B. A girl as she is C. The girl as she is D. As she is girl237.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)Only by imagini

120、ng and creating _ a difference.A. can make B. you can make C. make D. can you make238.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)Smith is a good student and studies very hard, _.A. so it is with Kate B. so does KateC. so is Kate D. neither does Kate239.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)Was it in the village _ he was born _ the

121、talented journalist met the retired professor?A. that, where B. where, which C. which, where D. where, that240.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)So sudden_ that the enemy had no time to escape.A. did the attack B. the attack did C. was the attack D. the attack was241.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中)_snacks and drinks, bu

122、t they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. A Not only they brought. B. Not only did they bringC. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring242.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)Some of you may have finished unit one ,you can go on to unit two AIf you may BIf you do C

123、If not DIf so243.(10-11,山东省临清实验高中高二上期中)So sudden that the enemy had no time to escapeAdid the attack Bthe attack did Cwas the attack Dthe attack was244.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)-Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?-Yes. _, Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.A. If ev

124、er B. If busy C. If anything D. If possible245.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)It is global warming, not other things _ the extreme weather.A. that have led to B. which has caused C. which are causing D. that has led to246.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)Only after my friend came _.A. did the computer repair B. he repaired

125、 the computerC. was the computer repaired D. the computer was repaired247.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)_ environmental damage is done does it take many years for the ecosystem to recover.A. Even if B. While C. Only if D. Once248.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)-Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?-Y

126、es, _, Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city. A. if everB. if busy C. if anything D. if possible249.(10-11,山西省忻州一中高二上期中)Not until she went back to her school _ the surprising news. A. did she hear B. heard she C. she heard D. she did hear250.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)At the foot of the moun

127、tain, _ .A. a village lie B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. lying a village251.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters.A. that B. what C. which D. this252.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)I have been working there for 15 years, and never before _ my boss so serious! A

128、. I foundB. I have foundC. did I findD. have I found253.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)It was in the lab _was taken charge of by Professor Black _they did the experiment.A. that ,where B. which, that C. whom, that D. which, where254.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)What did your sister want to know, Mary?_that I could

129、finish reading the story.A. It wasB. Where was it C. It was whenD. When it was255.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)Only when I left my parents _ how much I loved them. A. I realized B. I have realized C. had I realized D. did I realize256.(10-11,浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高二11月月考)Only after spending several nights working on t

130、he math problem _ to wonder whether the problem was wrongly set.Ahad he begun Bhe began Cdid he begin Dbegan he257.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Ive already forgotten _ you put the dictionary.A. that it was there B. where was it that C. that where it was D. where it was that258.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Little _ ab

131、out his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.A. does he care B. did he care C. he cares D. he cared259.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)_ as he was, he looked quite calm in that difficult situation.A. A child B. The child C. Children D. Child260.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)_ for the free ticket, I would not

132、 have gone to the theatre so often.A. Were it not B. Had it not been C. Had not it been D. Were not it主谓一致261.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)Not I but Tom _ the car accident.A. was to blame for B. were to blame for C. was blamed for D. were blamed for固定句型262.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)Its the third time that I yo

133、u your promiseAreminded;about Bhave reminded;of Creminded;of D.have reminded; to263.(10-11,山西省太原五中高二上期中)I read the 21st Century Senior 2 Edition every day. _ no wonder that your vocabulary is so large.A. There is B. There will be C. It is D. There could be264.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)It is often said th

134、at the joy of travelling is in arriving at your destination in the journey itself. A. /; but B. /; or C. not; or D. not; but 265.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二十月月考)My English teachers humor was make every student burst into laughter. A. so as to B. such as to C. such that D. so that 266.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)I woul

135、d rather _ TV at home than _ to the cinema. A. watch; go B. watched; go C. to watch; going D. watching; to go情景交际267.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)Could you turn the TV down a little bit?_ Is it disturbing you?A. Take it easy. B. Im sorry. C. Not a bit D. It depends268.(10-11,江西省安福中学高二上期中)Ill be away on a bus

136、iness trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?Not at all . _.A. Ive no time B. Id rather not C. Id like to D. Id be happy to269.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)- Heres your change.- _A. Thank you B. Dont mention it C. No problem D. With pleasure270.(10-11,内蒙古赤峰市田家炳中学高二上期中)- Why not go and have dinner in a

137、 restaurant?- _. Its too expensive.A. Why notB. I agree C. Im afraid not D. Im sure271.(10-11,山东省济南市历城区高二上期中) Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now! _. He has changed so much.A. Never mind B. No problem C. Not at all D. Me neither272.(10-11,山西省临汾一中高二上期中)-David said he could fix my comput

138、er, but I really doubt it.-_. He is very good at such sort of thing.A. Dont worry B. Of course C. A piece of cake D. Never mind273.(10-11,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)-I forgot to bring my cellphone, Could I use yours?-_ .A. I wonder how B. I dont wonder C. Sorry, its out of order D. No wonder. Here it is274.(10-11

139、,陕西省宝鸡中学高二上期中)I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend.-_ good.A. Sound B. Sounded C. Sounding D. Sounds275.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)Hi, Sandy. Id like to invite you to dinner on Friday evening. Can you come?Well, _ A friend of mine might come to see me.A. Its my pleasure.B. It depends. C.

140、 Really?D. Of course not.276.(10-11,四川省彭州中学高二9月月考)Lets have a game of tennis; the loser has to treat the other to a hot pot in Kong Liang._.A. Im afraid soB. Its a dealC. Youve got a pointD. My treat277.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中)I had been working till 4:00 a.m. to prepare a report for my boss._ you look

141、very tired.A. No doubt B. No hurry C. No wonder D. No need278.(10-11,浙江省苍南中学高二上期中) Please tell Bruce he has won the first prize in the speaking contest. _! He never did so well before.A. Congratulations B. Good luck C. Thats right D. What a surprise279.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)Could I borrow your English

142、 dictionary? _. Its on the bookshelf.A. With pleasure B. Help yourself C. Never mind D. Not at all280.(10-11,浙江省金华一中高二上期中)His business failure left him at the edge of desperation, but, , he managed to go out of the shadow through years of efforts.A. time and tide wait for no man B. dont count your c

143、hickens before they are hatchedC. no pains, no gains D. time heals all wounds句子281.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)Sailing down the Yellow River ,_ A. the boat hits a rock B. an accident had happened C. the boat hit a rock D. a terrible accident happened282.(10-11,四川省成都市实验中学高二上期中)On March 14, violent crimes of beating, looting and burning in Lhasa of Tibet broke out, _ 13 innocent people and with more than 300 _. A. killed; injured B. killing; injured C. killed; injuring D. killing; injuring


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