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1、- 2001-01-31 : 1292 17 1 A snow B down C blow D window - - - -2 A flew B blew C drew D new - - - -3 A countryB cloud C about D mouse - - - -4 A why B dry C fly D rainy - - - -5 A these b thick C there D with - - - -A. careful slowhealth cloudcold windysun stronghylike thick1 look at the _!Its _ toda

2、y.(sun sunny)2 Its very cold,and quite _.(cloud,cloudy)3 what a _! Its very _ today.(wind,windy)4 what a wind!Its blowing_.(strong,strongly)5 what _ sunshine! Its shining_.(bright ,brightly)1 I hope you are _.A good B nice C well D bad2 Our school is far _ here.A to B from C for D of3 He likes _ bea

3、utiful coats.A put on B wear C putting on D wearing4 What_ fine wearther!A a B an C the D /5 The _ time to come to shina is in spring or autumn.A many B much C best D weee6 In _ of china,spring is usually very short.A better B much C few D a few7 _ its too hot here in summer.A some time B sometime C

4、 sometimes D some times8 There is _ snow on the rood.A lot of B many C a lot D much 9 What _ today? Its march 8.A is doy B doy is C is the date D the date is 10 You dont like coffee, _ you?A dont B do C are D arent 1 which season do you like better ,spring, summeror autumn?2 There are too much snow

5、here.3 how a nice pictare it is.4 I like English , so he does.5 would you like to have any water?壩1 What a sunny day!2 How heary the rain is!3 The wind is strong.4 they studied English for about three years.( -5 It was cold the doy before yesterday.( -The seasons in China In many parts of China, spr

6、ing is usually very _.It usually _in February or march. summer is affen very _. It _ from may to july. The _ month is Jaly . Autumn _ in Angust,and gues_to Ocfober. The weather can be quite warm in autumn.Winter lasts _ November to January,and is very _ . You need to _ lots of _ clothes.The best tim

7、e to _ to China is in spring or autumn. Insummer it is offen too _ ,and in winter it is too _. Book1_U17 3 Unit 7 What does he look like? Unit10 Where did you go on vacation? Unit 7 What does he look like? Unit 8 What is John like? unit23B unit 23A Book1_U13 Unit 13 Albert Einstern NCCT NRCCE - 2000-2002 Copyright 2000_2002 .All Rights Reserved

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