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《北京教师辅导》2015届高考英语一轮复习辅导讲义:第19讲 状语从句经典精讲(下).doc

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《北京教师辅导》2015届高考英语一轮复习辅导讲义:第19讲 状语从句经典精讲(下).doc_第1页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家第19讲 状语从句经典精讲(下) 开篇语金题精讲 考点:引导让步主语从句应注意的几个问题1. 由although / though,even if / though引导。注意although / though 引导从句时,主句不能用but,但可用yet或still。2. 由whether or (not) 引导。3. 由though或as引导的倒装句中。4. though用作副词,可位于句末,并用逗号分开。题一: Dad, Ive finished my assignment. Good, and _ you play or watch TV, you must

2、nt disturb me. A. wheneverB. whetherC. whateverD. no matter考点:before用法注意before在下列句型中的使用It will be + 一段时间 + before + 从句It wont be long before + 从句before一词在不同的句型中就有不同的意思,如:“在之前”、“过了才”、“没就”、“不知不觉就”等。题二:It will be a long time _ Mr. Black _ back abroad. A. before; comesB. since; has comeC. before; will c

3、omeD. after; will come考点:where引导的定语从句与where引导的地点状语从句的区别题三:I have learned that a large new building will be set up _ the Twin Towers once stood.So have I. But the American people havent yet got over the shock of September. A. where B. when C. which D. that考点:so that 可引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句题四:Roses need spec

4、ial care _ they can live through winter. A. because B. so thatC. even if D. as考点:状语从句的省略用法1. 当when,while,if,unless引导状语从句时,如果主从句的主语一致,且谓语部分由be动词构成(或者从句中有it is)时,可省略主语和be动词(或省略it is)。2. 在虚拟条件状语从句中,如果从句中有had,should,were时,可省略if,用“had,should,were + 主语”形式。3. 以as,than引导的比较状语从句可全部或部分省去。4. as if 和as though 从

5、句可用省略形式,后接不定式、分词、形容词和介词。题五:The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begunC. beginning D. begunGenerally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. A. when takingB. when takenC. when to takeD. when to be taken题六:The popul

6、ation of China is larger than _ of Japan.The students of Class One are more active than _ of Class Two.A table made of iron is much heavier than _ made of wood.Tables made of iron are even heavier than _ made of wood.A. this B. that C. these D. those E. it F. one G. ones题七:1. Shanghai is larger than

7、 _in China.2. Shanghai is larger than _ in Africa.A. any city B. any other cities C. any other city D. any cities题八:1. There are _ books in the bookstore that I dont know what to buy.A. so manyB. such many2. They are _ boys that they are not big enough to go to school now. A. such little B. so littl

8、e3. This is _ homework left that Tom cant go to play with his classmates. A. such little B. so little教你巧学巧记:名前such,形、副so,多多少少也用so。little属特殊“小”用such,“少”用so。题九:1. Youd better make a mark _ you have any questions.2. Youd better make a mark at the place _ you have any questions.A. where B. at which C. w

9、hich D./3. Please take a photo for me _ stands a tower.4. Please take a photo for me at the place_ stands a tower.A. where B. at which题十:1._, he knows a lot.A. As he is young B. Young as he is C. As young he is2._, he knows a lot.A. Child as he is B. A child as he is C. As he is child D. As he is a

10、child3. Much as he tried, he failed at last.4. Try as he might, he lost the game at last.5. Tired as we were, we felt happy.题十一:1._ I heard the news, I cried.A. As soon as B. The moment C. Immediately D. All of the above2. _ I pass by the window of my English teacher, I always see her correcting pil

11、es of homework for us students.A. Every time B. At times C. The first time D. By the time3. By the time you come back from the grocery store, we _ the dumplings.A. will finish B. will be finishing C. will have finished D. have 题十二:1. Tom gets up early every morning _ he can catch the first bus.A. so

12、 that B. in order thatC. so as to D. in order to2. Tom gets up early every morning _ catch the first bus.A. so that B. in order thatC. so as to D. in order to题十三:1. Ill let you go out to play _ you finish your homework.A. as far as B. so far as C. so far D. as long as2. _ I know, he has finished rea

13、ding 50 novels in the holidays.A. As far as B. So far C. As long as D. As well as名师寄语课后拓展练习注:此部分为老师根据本讲课程内容为大家精选的课下拓展题目,故不在课堂中讲解,请同学们课下自己练习并对照详解进行自测.题一:It was a nice meal, _a little expensive.A. though B. whether C. as D. since题二:_ volleyball is her main focus, shes also great at basketball.A. Since

14、 B. Once C. Unless D. While题三:If a lot of people say a film is not good, I wont bother to see it, or Ill wait _ it comes out on DVD.A. whetherB. afterC. thoughD. until题四:The police officers in our city work hard _ the rest of us can live a safe life.A. in caseB. as ifC. in order thatD. only if题五:Ple

15、ase call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or _ it is convenient to you.A. wheneverB. howeverC. whicheverD. wherever金题精讲题一:B题二:A题三:A题四:B题五:D;B 题六:B;D;F;G 题七:1.C 2.A题八:1.A 2.A 3.B题九:1.A 2.AB 3.A 4.AB 题十:1.B 2.A题十一:1.D .A 3.C 题十二:1.AB 2.CD 题十三:1.D 2.A 课后拓展练习题一:A详解:考查连词。句意:那顿饭真美味,尽管有点贵。

16、Though引导让步状语从句,该句使用了省略形式,补全为“though it was a little expensive”。注意as也可以表示“尽管”,但as作此意时必须使用倒装结构。 题二:D详解:句意为:虽然排球是她的主要项目,但她还擅长篮球。while“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。Since“自从”、once“一旦”、unless“除非”均不合题意。题三:D详解:句意为:如果众人都说一部电影不好,我不会急着去看,或者会等到DVD出来。题四:C详解:句意为:为了让我们大家过上平安的日子,我市警察工作非常卖力。题五:A详解:whenever无论何时,however然而, whichever任何一个, wherever 无论哪里。请打电话给我的秘书安排今天下午的会议,在任何你方便的时间。关系副词在后句中充当状语,根据语境可知是指时间。- 4 - 版权所有高考资源网


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