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本文(2014秋高中英语(新人教版必修4)教学课件(目标分析+方案设计+自主导学):UNIT1PERIODⅡ.ppt)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计Period Warming Up&Reading(教师用书独具)教学目标(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些词语造句。(3)通过对这些词汇的理解能够更深层次的理解课文,并通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练的运用这些词汇。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计(4)通过对本课文的理解,要求学生学会使用介绍人物品质和个性的形容词来描述生活中富有奉献精神的女性,然后,把她的故事、品质和个性写出来,以提高学生的

2、书面表达能力。教学地位单词和短语是构成句子的最小单位,在语言学习中起至关重要的作用,所以理解和正确应用单词和短语是英语学习的重点所在。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计(教师用书独具)新课导入建议Today we are going to read about A PROTECTOR OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE.Work in pairs.But before reading,lets check the homework of yesterday.菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计教学流程设计菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必

3、修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计演示结束菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计 common(与)有共同之处;(和)一样In pairs discuss what they have in

4、common and what makes them great.(教材 P1)以小组的形式讨论一下她们有什么共同之处,以及什么使得她们伟大。Jane and I have nothing in common.(I have nothing in common with Jane.)我与简毫无共同之处。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展have 后面常有 much,little,a lot,nothing 等词,意为“与有许多/几乎没有/很多/没有共同之处”;我们也经常用 common with sth.的搭配。,in common 共有(在

5、句中多作状语),in common with 和一样,In common with other students,these boys like playing football and basketball.这些男孩与其他学生一样喜欢踢足球和打篮球。They have these books in common.他们共同拥有这些书籍。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子这两个游戏有许多相同之处。The two games _与许多其他工业化国家一样,英国在过去 100 年里经历了重大变化。_many other industrialized countrie

6、s,Britain has experienced major changes over the last 100 years.我与他毫无共同之处。I_ him.菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计【答 案】have much/a lot in common In common with have nothing in common with菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计 death 处死She was caught and put to death by the English.(教材 P1她被英国人逮住杀害了。The

7、judges are determined to put the prisoner to death.法官决定判处这个囚犯死刑。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展beat death 打死某人sentence death 判处某人死刑scare death 吓死某人be burned/frozen/starved to death 烧死/冻死/饿死 He was sentenced to death for murder.他因谋杀罪被判死刑。The snake nearly scared the girl to death

8、.这条蛇差点把那个女孩吓死。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子 The prisoner _(将 被 处 死)at dawn.If the farmers stole the crops of the landlord and were caught,they were sure _(会被打死)Its reported that an old woman who has four sons _(被饿死)at home.【答案】will be put to death to be beaten to death was starved to death菜单课堂

9、互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计3concern oneself with 关心;从事;参与She concerned herself with welfare projects,especially the China Welfare Institute for women and children.(教材 P1她关心福利事业,特别是中国妇女儿童基金会。Dont concern yourself with matters that are not your business.不要参与那些与自己无关的事情。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳

10、拓展be concerned about/for sth.担心/忧虑某事be concerned with/about sth.对某事关注/关切的be concerned with sth.与有关;涉及as far as concerned 在某人看来be concerned in sth.和某事有牵连concerning prep.关于concerned adj.关心的,挂念的(作前置定语);有关的(作后置定语)菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计He is a person who is concerned with state affairs.他是一

11、个关心国家大事的人。As far as the tourism in China is concerned there is a long way to go.就中国旅游业来说,还有很长的路要走。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子He was _(更关注)how the woman dressed than what the speaker was saying.The president _(对深感担忧)the issue.【答案】more concerned about/with is deeply concerned about/for菜单课堂互动探究

12、人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计单句改错All cases concerned children are dealt with in a special childrens court._He isnt concerned himself with the details._【答案】concernedconcerning isnt concerneddoesnt concern菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计4behave vt.&vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现Jane has studied these families of chimps for

13、 many years and helped people understand how much they behavelike humans.(教材 P2)简已经研究这些黑猩猩家庭很多年了,她帮助人们了解了黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。She behaves towards me more like a friend than mother.她像朋友一样待我,而不像我的母亲。They behaved bravely in face of danger.他们在危险面前表现得很勇敢。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展behaviour n行为;举止;习性b

14、e on ones best behaviour 尽量表现得体behave well/badly towards/to sb.对表现好/差behave oneself 守规矩;表现得体 You should behave yourself in public.在公共场合你应该守规矩。The headmaster doesnt allow bad behaviour in class.校长不允许班上有不良行为。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子她对孩子们的良好举止很满意。She is pleased with her childrens good_孩子们,规矩

15、些!Children,please_!【答案】behaviour behave yourselves菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计5move off(车辆或人群)离开;出发;起程Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.(教材 P2)大家坐在树荫下等待着,这时候猩猩们睡醒了,准备离开。The signal was given and they moved off.信号一发出,他们就出发了。Last night

16、 he moved off without saying goodbye to me.昨晚他没有向我道别就离开了。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展move in/move into 搬进(新居)move on(to sth.)开始做(别的事);换(话题)move out 搬出去;迁出move over/up 挪开;让位 Our new neighbour moved in yesterday.我们的新邻居昨天搬来了。The conductor blew his whistle and the train slowly moved off.列车员吹响了哨子,

17、火车徐徐开动了。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子我们可以接着讨论下一项议程吗?Can we _ the next item on the agenda?看到我们已注意到他,他赶快走掉了。Seeing that we had noticed him,he_ quickly.【答案】move on to moved off菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计6worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的However,the evening makes it all worthwhile.(教材 P2)然而,到傍晚时分,我们就觉得这

18、一切都是值得的。Hangzhou is a beautiful place,and it is worthwhile going/to go there.杭州是个美丽的地方,值得一去。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展It is worthwhile to do sth.It is worthwhile doing sth.做某事是值得的It is worth(ones)while doing/to do 值得做 It is worth(your)while to visit that country.那个国家值得(你)一游。Its not worthwhi

19、le quarreling with him.和他吵不值得。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计worthwhile/worth/worthyworthwhile可作表语或定语,作表语时可替换为worth ones while,后接 doing/to do。worth只能作表语;其前常用 well 修饰。be worthn.值得钱数 值doing 值得做worthy可作定语或表语;作定语时意为“可尊敬的,有价值的”。be worthyof being doneto be done值得的ofn.菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子He

20、wanted to _(干值得一做的工作)一句多译这本书值得看。A_B_C_D_E_F_G_菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计【答案】do a worthwhile jobA.The book is worth reading.BIt is worthwhile to read the book.CIt is worthwhile reading the book.DIt is worth your while to read the book.EIt is worth your while reading the book.FThe book is worthy

21、of being read.GThe book is worthy to be read.菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计句型转换The Beijing Olympic Games were worth watching.The Beijing Olympic Games were worthy of _The Beijing Olympic Games were worthy _It was worthwhile _ the Beijing Olympic Games.It was worthwhile _ the Beijing Olympic Games.【

22、答案】being watched;to be watched;to watch;watching菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计7observe vt.观察,观测;看到,注意到;遵守She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.(教材 P2)她花了多年的时间来观察并记录它们的日常活动。The woman was observed to follow him closely.有人看到那女子紧跟着他。They faithfully observed the rules.他们忠实地遵守规则。

23、The police observed the man entering/enter the bank.警方监视着那男子进入银行的情况。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展observe sth.观察到某人做了某事observe sb.doing sth.观察到某人正在做某事observe that/what/how/where 发现observe 遵守;举行(仪式等);庆祝(节日等)observation n观察;观测 Everyone should observe the traffic rules.人人都应该遵守交通规则。Do they ob

24、serve Christmas?他们过不过圣诞节?【提示】observe 常接不带 to 的不定式或动词的-ing形式作宾语补足语;如果 observe 用于被动结构,后面跟的动词不定式要带 to。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计单项填空He observed a stranger _ around the store at midnight.Ato hang BhangChanging Dto be hanging【解析】observe sb.后跟 do sth.或 doing sth.复合宾语,排除 A、D 两项。根据语句中的 at midnight 应是观察

25、到某人正在干某事,所以 C 项正确。如果用 hang 强调结果。【答案】C菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子He _(观测星星)all his life.They were observed _(进 了)the classroom.【答案】has observed the stars entering/to enter菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计8Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin h

26、er project.(教材 P2)她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始实施自己的计划。该句为 only 引导的倒装句。only 置于句首修饰作状语的副词或介词短语时,句子要部分倒装。only 置于句首修饰状语从句时,主句要用倒装语序,从句不用倒装语序。Only then did I realize that I had left my bag in the classroom.那时我才意识到我把书包忘在教室里了。Only when you have read the whole passage can you guess the meaning of this word.只有读完整篇文

27、章,你才能猜出这个单词的意思。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计【提示】当“only主语”置于句首时,不用倒装。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计【对接高考】(2013新课标全国卷)Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent _ properly in this hospital.Acan be the patients treatedBcan the patients be treatedCthe patients can be treatedDtreated can b

28、e the patients【解析】句意:只有把这家医院医生的人数增加 50%,病人才能得到适当的治疗。“only状语”位于句首时,句子须用部分倒装语序。【答案】B菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子 Only if people of all the countries are united _(我们才能解决)the existing problems in the world.(solve)Only then _(我们才决定)to answer violence with violence.【答案】will we be able to solve/can

29、we solvedid we decide菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计9respect vt.尊敬;尊重 n.尊敬,尊重;敬意For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.(教材 P2)40 年来,简古多尔一直在帮助世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。We should all respect our parents and teachers.我们都应

30、该尊敬我们的父母和老师。The new teacher soon won the respect of his students.这位新来的老师很快就赢得了学生们的尊重。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展respect尊敬某人为respect sb.for sth.因为尊重某人have/show respect for sb.对某人表示尊重win/earn/gain the respect of sb.赢得的尊敬in some/all/many/few respects在某些/各个/许多/极少方面菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分

31、析教学方案设计with respect to 涉及;提到;关于 The young should have respect for the old.年轻人应当尊敬老年人。I respect him for his courage.我敬佩他的勇气。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子我们尊敬毛泽东为伟大的领袖。We respect Mao Zedong _她的辛勤工作赢得男性同事们的尊敬。Her hard work _ her male coworkers.在这方面我不赞同你的意见。I cant agree with you _【答案】as a great le

32、ader won the respect ofin this respect菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计10argue vt.&vi.讨论;辩论;争论She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.(教材P2)她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不能用于娱乐或广告。He argued with the taxi driver about the fare.他就车费与出租车司机理论。He arg

33、ued for the new plan to be carried out next year.他赞成明年要实行的新计划。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展argue with sb.about/over sth.因某事和某人争论argue for/against sth.支持/反对某事argue sb.into(out of)doing sth.说服某人做(不做)某事argument n争论;争辩have an argument with sb.about sth.因某事与人争辩They are arguing with their classmates

34、 about the solution to the problem.他们正在与同学们争论这个问题的解决方法。The boys are arguing over the justice of the matter.这些男孩子们正在辩论那件事的公正性。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计用适当的介词填空He argued _ his wife _ the best place for a holiday.I was argued _ buying a necklace for my wife.He strongly argued _ the plan to go for

35、 a picnic only because of the bad weather.【答案】with;about/over into against菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计11crowd vt.&vi.挤满;(使)拥挤 n.人群;观众Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.(教材 P2)我一旦停下来,这一切就会涌上心头,想起实验室中的黑猩猩。They crowded round that player.他们聚集在那个运动员周围。Strang

36、e thoughts and worries were crowding his mind.他脑子里满是奇怪的想法和忧虑。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展crowd in(想法,问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海crowd into sth.大量涌入crowd sb.out 把挤出;排挤a crowd of.一群crowded adj.拥挤的be crowded with 挤满了Passengers crowded the platform.月台挤满了乘客。The bus is not so crowded.公共汽车内不太挤。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4

37、教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子Memories came _(涌上她的心头)Thousands of people _(挤满街道)【答案】crowding her mind crowded the street翻译句子菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计The crowd crowded into the crowded town hall._。【答案】民众涌入了拥挤的市政大厅。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计12inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示She inspires those who want to cheer the ac

38、hievements of women.(教材 P2)她鼓励了那些愿为女性成就欢呼的人。I was inspired to work harder than ever before.我受激励比以往更加努力地工作。His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me.他的令人鼓舞的评论激起了我的信心。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计归纳拓展inspire do sth.激励某人做某事 inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的inspired adj.能力卓越的;富于灵感的inspiration n灵感;鼓舞Th

39、e song we heard last night was most inspiring.昨天晚上我们听的歌曲非常鼓舞人心。The artist drew inspiration from natural scenery.那位艺术家从自然景物中获得灵感。菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计完成句子演员们以热情鼓舞着孩子们。The actors_the kids_their enthusiasm.他鼓励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。He_many young people_the sport.【答案】inspired;with inspired;to take up菜单课堂互动探究人教版 英语 必修4 教学目标分析教学方案设计 一、记住了多少词汇 _二、背会了几个句型 _三、自己的不足_

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