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本文(2022九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla单元阅读专练(新版)人教新目标版.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2022九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla单元阅读专练(新版)人教新目标版.doc

1、Unit 8单元阅读专练(学生用书P36)Day 1“What is that?”“It looks like a fossil(化石).”“It looks parthuman.”“It cant be”The words “animal” and “human” were argued about by the archeologists(考古学家).“What if(要是将会怎么样) its neither human nor animal? What if its something we havent discovered yet?” I said.There was silence

2、.Paul said,“I think you might be right, Jack. It isnt an animal we know of. Its not human,either. What else could it be?”The other scientists started talking again. They talked about tests they could run. They headed back to their computers to begin researching.Paul and I continued to look at the fo

3、ssil carefully. It seemed that the creature(生物) was smaller than a human, and could stand on two legs.Paul and I researched until very late. The next morning, I rushed straight to the fossil. The fossil was different! Now it looked like a small bear.“What happened?” I asked. Everyone had a puzzled l

4、ook on their faces and no one had an answer. During the day, we found nothing that was helpful in solving the mystery.When night fell, we set up a rotation(轮班) to make sure two of us were with the fossil at all times. All was quiet at midnight.In the morning, I went to the fossil. It had changed aga

5、in! This time it looked like a sheep. No one had seen or heard anything on their watch(值班).How and why did it keep changing? To this day, no one has found the answer to the mystery, but it is very interesting to see the creatures the fossil dreams up!()1.What were the archeologists arguing about?AHo

6、w old the fossil was.BWhat animals fossil it was.CWhether it was a fossil of a human or an animal.DWhat if the creature was something they hadnt discovered.()2.After the other scientists left, Paul and Jack _Aran a test together Blooked at the fossil carefullyCworked on their computers Dargued more

7、with each other()3.The underlined word “puzzled” means “_” in Chinese.A尴尬的 B气愤的 C难过的 D疑惑的()4.What mystery are the archeologists facing?AThe fossil went missing.BThe fossil kept changing.CThe fossil was very strange in shape.DThe fossil made the scientists dream a lot.()5.Where can we probably find t

8、he passage?AIn a scientific report. BIn an archeologists diary.CIn a science fiction magazine. DIn an archeologists public speech.【文章大意】文章讲述了一队考古学家发现一块奇妙化石的故事。1C细节理解题。由第五段“The words animal and human were argued about by the archeologists.”可知,考古学家们在争论这块化石是人类的化石还是动物的化石。2B细节理解题。由第十段第一句可知,“我”和Paul继续仔细观察

9、这块化石。3D词义猜测题。通过上下文可知,大家都不知道那块化石为什么发生了变化,所以大家的脸上都是一副“疑惑的”表情。4B细节理解题。由最后一段第一句可知,这块化石一直在变化。5C推理判断题。材料讲述的是考古学家们对一块化石展开讨论和研究的有趣故事。现实中的化石不可能总是发生变化,因此该故事为虚构,最有可能出自科幻小说杂志。Day 2One day, I went to play in the forest. I was walking among the trees when I 1 a cave(山洞). It was very dark inside. I wasnt sure whet

10、her I should go in or not. While I was 2, I heard a noise in the cave. I went in and saw a 3. He was crying. I took his hand and he stopped crying. We went outside and walked along the road to the town. While we were walking, he 4 to cry again. I said, “My name is Samantha. Whats yours?” But the boy

11、 didnt say anything.We were getting close to the 5 when suddenly the boy stopped. “My dog!” he said. “Wheres my dog?” And then he ran back to the cave.“Come back!” I shouted. But he didnt 6. I ran after him and saw him run into the cave.I went back into the cave. The boy wasnt there, 7 a small white

12、 dog was sitting on the ground. It was looking at me. And then it ran out of the cave and into the forest.I 8 saw the boy or the dog again. It was getting dark, so I went home. When I got home, my mother was reading a book. I told her 9 the boy and the dog.My mother put down her book and looked me i

13、n the eye. She said, “Thats a 10. About twenty years ago, a little boy and a dog disappeared(消失) in that forest.”()1.A.chose Bdug Ccleaned Ddiscovered()2.A.thinking Btraining Ccounting Drunning() Bwoman Cboy Dgirl()4.A.remembered Bstarted Cfailed Dexpected() Bforest Ccity Dhouse()6.A.

14、mind Bstop Csucceed Dleave()7.A.or Bbecause Cso Dbut()8.A.only Balso Cnever Djust()9.A.about Bwith Cover Dfor()10.A.chance Btradition Ccelebration Dmystery【文章大意】材料讲述了“我”在森林里偶遇大约二十年前消失的男孩和狗的故事。1D考查动词辨析。“我”在森林中穿行的时候,突然“发现”了一个山洞。2A考查动词辨析。由上一句“我”不确定自己是否应该走进山洞可知,“我”正在“思考”。3C考查名词辨析。由该段最后一句可知,“我”看到一个“男孩”。4

15、B考查动词辨析。我们一起走路的时候,他又“开始”哭了。5A考查名词辨析。由第一段倒数第四句可知,我们是要去小镇。因此这里是说我们快到“小镇”了。6B考查动词辨析。由下一句男孩跑进山洞可知,男孩没有“停下”。7D考查连词辨析。空格前后两句之间是转折关系。8C考查副词辨析。由后一句“天渐渐黑了,所以我回家了”可知,“我”“从未”再见到男孩和狗。9A考查介词辨析。tell sb. about sth.是固定搭配,意为“告诉某人某事”。10D考查名词辨析。由下一句妈妈说的话可知,那是一个“神秘事件”。Day 3根据材料内容,从下面的选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。有一个

16、多余选项。(2021四川眉山改编)Thousands of years ago, Shennong, who had an ox(公牛) head and a human body, lived in the south of China. Seeing that local people were suffering(受苦) from disease, he built ladders(梯子) and houses on a high mountain to keep hundreds of medicine plants. 1._This legend(传说) has made Shenn

17、ongjia in Hubei an inviting place for tourists. 2._ You can see natural scenery from all four seasons at different altitudes(海拔). “When the bottom of the mountain is summer, the top is spring and while the foothill is autumn, the top is covered with ice,” local people tell about the special climate

18、of Shennongjia.Shennongjia is also home to 5,000 kinds of animals and plants.3._ For example, the golden monkey, the clouded leopard(云豹) and the Asian black bear live in this area.One interesting and mysterious thing about Shennongjia is its “Bigfoot” legends.Some people have said that they have see

19、n huge footprints or large manlike wild animals. 4._ Some say they are just bears.5_ On July 17, 2016, the Shennongjia Forestry District was added to the United Nations World Heritage list as a natural site. It was Chinas 50th world heritage site(遗址).A.But scientists havent made sure if its true.BTh

20、ats why people love these animals.CTo remember him, people named the place Shennongjia.DThis beautiful place got a valuable title.EMany rare animals live there.FTraveling there is an unusual experience.【文章大意】本文介绍了湖北神农架名字的由来、气候特点、稀有物种、传奇故事及被评为世界遗产这几个方面的内容。1C从第二段第一句可知,神农架在前文应出现过。空格处应和段首提到的神农这个人物相呼应。2F

21、空格处和下一句构成因果关系。F选项“在那里游玩是一次与众不同的经历”符合语境。3E上一句提到神农架是5000种动植物的家园,E选项“很多稀有动物住在那里”与此处衔接恰当,符合语境。4A本段是对神农架大脚印传说的推测。A选项“但是科学家还没有证实它是否是真的”符合语境。5D下一句说神农架在2016年被列入“世界遗产名录”,D选项“神农架有了宝贵称号”衔接恰当,符合语境。Day 4阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。In midsummer, Victor attended an outdoor trip with his friends in Britain.

22、 The purpose of the trip was 1.to_have(have) a picnic and find an alien in a mountain. They took a truck to the foot of the mountain. They were hardworking in the day. At night they were so 2.sleepy(sleep), but they tried to save energy to see the alien. To prevent cold, they wore coats instead of s

23、uits. Just then, they heard a lot of noise, and they saw rabbits 3.running(run) after a wolf. 4.At the same time, they saw a pink circle moving towards the wolf. After a short period, the wolf, rabbits 5.and the circle disappeared. “There wasnt anybody else. The circle must be the alien landing here

24、. Its a great honor for us!” Victor said. “Yes. I feel the trip is very 6.valuable(value), though a little uneasy. These 7.happenings(happen) must be expressed more fully now. Wed better call the police,” a friend added. Later Victor received a letter from a 8.historian(history). He explained the mystery. There wasnt alien at all. It was rabbits attacking(攻击) 10.their(they) enemy, the wolf. The circle was a rabbit leader celebrating their victory.

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