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本文(2022九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of周周小测(新版)人教新目标版.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2022九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of周周小测(新版)人教新目标版.doc

1、Unit 5 周周小测(时间:40分钟满分:100分)一、单项选择。(每小题2分,满分20分)( B )1.There is _ international language school in my city. It is for children between 5 and 12 years old.Aa Ban Cthe D/( A )2.Books are made _ paper and paper is made _ wood.Aof;from Bfrom;of Cfrom;from Dof;of( D )3.Mrs. Smith keeps a dog as a pet and

2、_ name is Doudou.Aits Bit Citself Dits( C )4.Puberty(青春期) is a difficult _ for teenagers because it has influence on both their minds and bodies.Asuggestion Bexpression Cprocess Dbackground( D )5.Simon is such an outgoing and _ boy that he is very popular at school.A.lazy Bprivate Clonely Dlively( A

3、 )6.Why did you drive to work so early this morning, Mr. Smith?To avoid _ the heavy traffic.Ameeting Bmeet Cto meet Dto meeting( B )7.Here _ a pair of scissors. Feel free to use _.OK. Thats very kind of you.Ais;it Bis;them Care;it Dare;them( C )8.Shall we go to the zoo this afternoon, Li Hai?If my r

4、eport _, I will go there with you.Acompletes Bwill completeCis completed Dwill be completed( A )9.As we all know, China is _ the Great Wall around the world.You are right. The Great Wall is the longest manmade wall ever built.Aknown for Bfamous as Csimilar to Dfull of( C )10.There is a new movie on

5、in the new cinema. Its about a doll who wants to work like humans._. Lets watch the movie together.AI cant stand it BIts so strangeCThat sounds interesting DThats a good idea二、完形填空。(每小题2分,满分20分)For centuries, children in North China wore tigerhead shoes. The shoes are so named because the toecap(鞋头)

6、 looks like the head of a big tiger. It was until about 30 years ago that that the shoes began to _11_. However, Hu Shuqing, 56, from Henan Province, has spent many years _12_ more than 10,000 pairs of the shoes.Chinese people began making tigerhead shoes in ancient times. The ancient people believe

7、d images(图像) of the animals could protect their children. Thats one _13_ why the shoes can still be seen now. On the other hand, the shoes look nice and can keep warm.Tigerhead shoes have many _14_. Some people change the images of tiger heads into frogs or peacocks, while more designs(设计) _15_ spid

8、ers, snakes and scorpions(蝎子).Hu was born _16_ a family of paper cutters. Both her mother and grandmother could also make tigerhead shoes. But her hobby for collecting the shoes did not begin _17_ 2000, when she found a beautiful pair at a Spring Festival market. “The images of tigers on the _18_ we

9、re embroidered(刺绣) according to papercutting patterns,” she said. From that day on, she has collected the shoes. She _19_ collected them in her hometown, then in other provinces such as Hebei and Shandong.Hu often goes collecting _20_ September and December. “Kids wear tigerhead shoes in winter,” sh

10、e said. “They are pretty and warm.”()11.A.die out Bcome out Cgo out Dtake out()12.A.making Bdesigning Ccollecting Dproducing()13.A.form Bprocess Cpossibility Dreason()14.A.prices Bsizes Cmaterials Dshapes() Binclude Cshare Dcopy()16.A.into Bfrom Cof Dat()17.A.before Bafter Cuntil Dwhen()18.

11、A.feet Bpaper Cshoes Dpictures()19.A.first Boften Cmainly Dhardly() Bbetween Cfrom Damong【文章大意】本文介绍了中国非物质文化遗产虎头鞋的产生、发展和传承情况,讲述了河南人胡书青为保护虎头鞋文化所作的努力。11A考查动词词组辨析。根据常识可知,虎头鞋逐渐消失了。12C考查动词辨析。根据下文“Hu often goes collecting September and December”可知,鞋子都是收集来的。13D考查名词辨析。根据“why the shoes can still be see

12、n now”可知,reason符合语境。14D考查名词辨析。根据下文提到的“frogs or peacocks.spiders, snakes and scorpions”可知,虎头鞋有多种形状。15B考查动词辨析。根据下文列举“spiders, snakes and scorpions”可知,include符合语境。16A考查介词辨析。be born into出生于,固定搭配。17C考查连词辨析。“not do sth. until时间”是固定搭配,意为“直到才做某事”。18C考查名词辨析。根据上文“when she found a beautiful pair at a Spring Fe

13、stival market”可知,此处指虎头鞋。19A考查副词辨析。下文中的then表示顺承关系。20B考查介词辨析。根据下文“Kids wear tigerhead shoes in winter”可知,是两个月份之间。三、阅读理解。(每小题3分,满分15分)(2021湖北荆州)Fan Shenghua is one of the inheritors(继承人) of West Lake Longjing tea roasting technique(炒茶技艺). He has been making Longjing tea for more than forty years.Longji

14、ng tea leaves are famous for their color, taste and shape.“You have to touch the leaves with your hands to feel how much water is being removed(去除),” Fan said.“If too much is removed, the leaves will break into pieces;if not enough is removed, the tea will taste bitter(苦的).”This_traditional_techniqu

15、e dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. It not only makes the tea taste good, but has also become an important part of Chinese tea culture.These days, however, more people are using machines to do the job. “Its easier, but the quality is not as good,” Fan said. “Machinemade tea floats(漂浮) longe

16、r in water and tastes bitter.”In March this year, when President Xi Jinping visited Hangzhou, he watched Fan roast tea. Fan changed the strength and movement of his hands as he roasted leaves. President Xi Jinping later said,“The things made by two palms(手掌) cannot be replaced by modern technology.”

17、Fan is now teaching some young men. His son, a 27yearold college graduate, is one of them.“Its a tradition. We need to pass it down,” he said.()21.According to Paragraph 3, what will happen to tea leaves if they have too much water?AThey will go bad quickly. BThey will break into pieces.CThey will l

18、ose their fresh taste. DThey will have a bitter taste.()22.What does the underlined part “This traditional technique” refer to?APicking tea leaves. BRoasting tea leaves by hand.CDrinking tea in a traditional way. D.Growing tea plants on the mountains.()23.What does Fan think of making tea by machine

19、?AIt is easier than by hand.BIt has a long history in China.CIt makes tea taste better and better.DIt becomes an important part of tea culture.()24.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Fans son studies tea culture in college.BFan will open his own tea houses in China.C.Fans son is learning th

20、e tea roasting technique.D.Fan is making this technique popular worldwide.()25.What does the passage mainly want to tell us?AHow to tell good tea apart from bad tea.BLongjing tea leaves are the best in the world.CHow tea is packed and sent to many different countries.D.Sometimes only by hand can we

21、make the best of the things.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了龙井茶炒制技艺继承人范师傅手工制茶的过程,解释了机器不能取代人工炒茶的原因。21D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句中“if not enough is removed, the tea will taste bitter”可知,有太多的水,茶叶会变得有点苦。22B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“You have to touch the leaves with your hands to feel how much water is being removed”可知,这种传统工艺是指“用手炒茶”这个技术。23A细节理

22、解题。根据第五段第二句“Its easier, but the quality is not as good”可知,用机器制茶更简单。24C细节理解题。根据最后一段第一、二句“Fan is now teaching some young men. His son, a 27yearold college graduate, is one of them.”可知,他的儿子现在正在学习手工炒茶。25D主旨大意题。本文通过讲述龙井茶的制作和传承来告诉我们,有时候,只有用手才能做出最好的东西。四、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。(每小题2分,满分10分)26I like autumn, because I

23、 enjoy fallen leaves a lot.27As we all know, mobile phones are very important in our life.28In winter, we often wear a pair of gloves to keep our hands warm when going out.29There are different forms of music, such as classical music and pop music.30The traffic in my city is always heavy because mos

24、t people drive to work.五、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(每小题3分,满分15分)31据我所知,格林一家将要离开家乡。As_ far_ as I know, the Greens will be away from their hometown.32当我处于困境的时候,我的朋友们总是帮助我。My friends always help me when Im in trouble.33水在高温下会变成水蒸气。Water will turn into steam at a high heat/temperature.34心形被看作是爱的象征。A heart shape is s

25、een/regarded as a symbol of love.35修理这台电脑将花费大约两天的时间。It will take about two days to fix/repair the computer.六、短文填词。(每小题2分,满分20分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。fair,France,international,brand,wide,produce,boss,pack,material,localHave you ever heard of ARROW Home Group Co. Ltd?The sanitary product

26、s(卫浴产品)that are 36.produced by the group are worldfamous. Not only are they 37.widely used in China, but they are also 38.packed and sold to more than sixty other countries and areas in the world. Now the group is still trying hard to develop its markets.On April 13,2021, the group

27、showed its plans for the next ten years during an online “new product launch for 2021 World Expo Dubai”The group promised that it would use the best 40.materials to make the best products and offer the best service.In the next ten years, it plans to sell its products to more than 180 countries, incl

28、uding 41.France and Germany. The company was first set up in 1994 in the city of Foshan, Guangdong Province by the current (现在的)42.boss Xie Yuerong. In the beginning, it only provided sanitary products for the 43.local people. However, as time went by, it developed very quickly and created its own 44.brand.As a result, its products were very popular at different 45.fairs.Now it has become a worldfamous sanitaryproduct group and provides products for people all over the world.

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