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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)必修三课时作业:UNIT5 THE VALUE OF MONEY SECTIONⅣ 写作指导 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、Unit 5Section 请同学们认真完成 练案20 阅读理解Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance.The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from

2、 family to family.Timing is another consideration.Some children get a weekly allowance.Others get a monthly allowance.In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money.At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they re

3、ceive it.If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget.Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving.Older children may be responsibl

4、e enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics.Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home.These jobs are a normal part of family life.Paying children to do extra work around the house, however,

5、 can be useful.It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money.They can share it in the form of gifts or giving it to a good cause.They can spend it by buying things they want, or they can save it.文章

6、大意:本文主要论述了如何让孩子了解钱的价值以及对钱的使用。1What is special about children learning financial management by experience?_C_AThey learn more quickly.BThey are not likely to make mistakes.CTheir mistakes wont matter so much.DThey have plans made by their parents.解析:细节理解题。由文章第一段最后一句可知,通过经验让孩子学习理财的特殊性在于“when financial

7、 mistakes are not very costly(not matter so much)”。故选C。2When the writer says some young children “will learn the hard way that .”, he means _A_.Athey will know how hard it is to learn budgetBthey will have an easy time learning the lessonCwhat they will learn is absolutely trueDtheir parents will te

8、ach them a hard lesson解析:句意理解题。由第四段可知,如果开始时孩子们很快花完了补助,而父母“not to offer more money until the next allowance”,他们的学习理财的日子肯定很难熬了(have a hard time.)。故选A。3Judging from the article, it is all right if a couple give their son an allowance _A_.Aregularly twice every monthBwhenever he has run out of moneyCtel

9、ling him to ask for permission before spendingDwithout telling him what to spend on解析:推理判断题。由第二段可以断定应选A项。4The writer would agree to encourage the kids to _D_ to deal with a tight budget.Aborrow money from othersBask their parents for more moneyCget paid for their household routinesDearn money by ext

10、ra work解析:推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的第一句“Paying children to do extra work around the house”可知当补助预算吃紧时,作者赞成孩子通过干些额外工作的方式来赚些钱(earn money by extra work)。故选D。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Schools out for the day.But what should you do with the kids? _1.F_ Public school teacher and blogger Chelly Wood b

11、elieves that “its important for kids to get at least one hour of playtime after school,regardless of age.Thats real playtime,but not for video games or TV programs.” Here are some creative after-school activities for kids.Design a comic strip (连环漫画)This is a great indoor activity for kids of all age

12、s and is sure to get the creative juices flowing as children invent characters and story lines._2.E_ Measuring the strip boxes can also add an educational element to the activity.Become a scientist.Grab a notebook and a pencil and head outside.Whether in your backyard,a park or a playground,spot a b

13、ird or other animals and pretend your kids are scientists._3.D_Recycle objects._4.G_ Transform a cereal (麦片) box into something that flies or into a mask.Use the cereal box as a prompt to think through where the box came from and how it was made.This activity is great for understanding the world in

14、which we live,how things are made,etc._5.A_Are your neighbors celebrating a victory or have they been sick or out of town?No reason is really necessary to have your kids give a hand to someone else.Bake cookies,make a card or plant some flowers in a pot.The possibilities are endless.ADo something ni

15、ce.BKeep positive people around.CIt is really important for children to learn disappointment.DTrack an animal and note what it does from minute to minute.EArtistic drawing skills can be improved by coloring these characters.FTime to come up with some creative ways to keep the kids entertained.GTake

16、something from the recycling bin and make it into something else.文章大意:本文为说明文。怎样帮助孩子们拥有一个快乐的校外生活?本文给出了几条建议。解析:1由本空后的内容可知,放学后有至少一个小时的玩耍时间对孩子们是很重要的,这里的玩耍时间并不是指玩视频游戏或者看电视的时间,之后文章列举了一些有创意的校外活动,由此可推知选F项。2本空前提及孩子们虚构一些人物角色和故事台词,本空承接上文,通过给这些人物上色可以提高画画技巧。可推知选E。3本空承接上文,假装孩子们是科学家,追踪一种动物并记录它每时每刻的动作变化。可推知选D。4由本段话

17、的小标题“回收物品”以及空后“将麦片盒制成会飞的东西或面具”可推知选G项。5空处为本段标题,由本段中的“No reason is really necessary to have your kids give a hand to someone else”可知本段讲的是建议孩子们做一些好事。可推知选A。完形填空Everyone back home told me that one of the nicest things about college is the people you meet.They all assured me that I would _1.A_ friendships

18、 that could last a lifetime.I would always smile and agree.Frankly,before I _2.C_ college.I really didnt care.I lived in the _3.A_ where six guys lived in two small connecting rooms.All my roommates seemed to be good guys,but I didnt really try to get to know them.I have always been rather quiet and

19、 never been able to make friends _4.B_.I would always forget names after I met people.When we _5.C_ again and they called out my name,I would reply with a(n) _6.C_ wave and a weak hello.This was how things went for the first month or so.After a while,things started to _7.D_.A couple of my roommates

20、would try and keep me talking.Soon,these two roommates and I started becoming fairly _8.D_.We began going to the cafeteria together,_9.A_ together,and meeting in the library to study.One night my roommates invited me to listen to a fellow roommates practice with one of our college choirs.They drove

21、me across campus where my roommate was to _10.B_.It so happened that this was my birthday,but I had kept quiet about it.So you can imagine my _11.A_ when we entered the recital hall and the 120-member choir began to sing “Happy Birthday” to me._12.C_ at the dorm,my friends held a small party for me,

22、complete with a card and cake.I was completely shocked,and I felt _13.D_ to be able to call them friends.It was then that I realized that college means _14.A_ the piece of paper you receive at the end Its a(n) _15.D_ in both life and people.文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者刚上大学时并不在乎友谊,过了一段时间,情况开始发生变化。作者和两个室友越来越亲密,

23、室友也帮作者准备了生日惊喜。作者意识到大学的意义不仅仅是你最后收到的那张纸它是对生活和人的一种教育。1AformBfollowCapproachDintroduce解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们都向我保证,我会建立可以持续一生的友谊。Aform构成,建立;Bfollow跟随;Capproach接近;Dintroduce介绍。根据下文friendships可知是建立持续一生的友谊,故选A。2Aleave outBleave behindCleave forDleave aside解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:坦白地说,在我上大学之前,我真的不在乎。Aleave out遗漏;Bleave be

24、hind留下;Cleave for动身去;Dleave aside搁置。短语leave for college“去上大学”。故选C。3AdormBhotelCinnDcanteen解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和另外五个人住在两个相连的小房间里的宿舍里。Adorm宿舍;Bhotel旅馆;Cinn小旅馆;Dcanteen食堂。根据下文“where six guys lived in two small connecting rooms”可知是宿舍。故选A。4AdeliberatelyBeasilyCgreedilyDmerely解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我一直很安静,从不轻易交朋友。Ade

25、liberately故意地;Beasily容易地;Cgreedily贪婪地;Dmerely仅仅。根据上文“I have always been rather quiet and never been able to make friends”可知作者一直很安静,从不轻易交朋友。故选B。5AattendedBemergedCpassedDproposed解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们再次经过时,他们叫我的名字,我会尴尬地挥一挥手,弱弱地打个招呼。Aattended参加;Bemerged出现;Cpassed经过;Dproposed提议。根据下文again可知是再次经过相遇。故选C。6Aspl

26、endidBuniqueCembarrassedDupset解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们再次经过时,他们叫我的名字,我会尴尬地挥一挥手,弱弱地打个招呼。Asplendid辉煌的;Bunique独特的;Cembarrassed尴尬的;Dupset沮丧的。根据上文“I would always forget names after I met people.”可知作者并不记得这些人的名字,因此只能尴尬地挥手,故选C。7AturnBworsenCariseDchange解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:过了一段时间,情况开始发生变化。Aturn转变;Bworsen恶化;Carise上升;Dch

27、ange改变。根据下文“A couple of my roommates would try and keep me talking.”可知事情发生了变化。故选D。8AintangibleBaggressiveCtiresomeDclose解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很快,我和这两个室友开始变得相当亲密。Aintangible无形的;Baggressive侵略性的;Ctiresome烦人的;Dclose亲密的。根据下文“We began going to the cafeteria together”可知作者和室友变得亲密。故选D。9AexercisingBdroppingCrisingD

28、kicking解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们开始一起去自助餐厅,一起锻炼,一起去图书馆学习。Aexercising锻炼;Bdropping落下;Crising上升;Dkicking踢。根据上文“We began going to the cafeteria together”可知是一起进行一些日常生活上的活动,故选A。10ApreserveBperformCsettleDserve解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们开车送我穿过我室友要表演的校园。Apreserve保存;Bperform表演;Csettle定居;Dserve服务。根据上文“One night my roommates inv

29、ited me to listen to a fellow roommates practice with one of our college choirs.”可知室友要演出。故选B。11AsurpriseBdislikeCdisappointmentDbonus解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以你可以想象当我们进入演奏厅,120人的唱诗班开始为我唱“生日快乐”时,我是多么地惊讶。Asurprise惊喜;Bdislike不喜欢;Cdisappointment失望;Dbonus奖金。根据上文“It so happened that this was my birthday,but I had

30、kept quiet about it.”可知作者很惊讶。故选A。12AAwayBDownCBackDOut解析:考查副词辨析。句意:回到宿舍,我的朋友们为我举办了一个小型聚会,聚会上有一张卡片和一个蛋糕。AAway离去;BDown向下;CBack回去;DOut在外面。根据下文“my friends held a small party for me”可知是回到了宿舍。故选C。13AawareBafraidCsureDproud解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我完全惊呆了,我为能称他们为朋友而感到自豪。Aaware意识到的;Bafraid害怕的;Csure确信的;Dproud骄傲的。根据下文“

31、to be able to call them friends”可知作者为能称他们为朋友而感到自豪。故选D。14Amore thanBrather thanCless thanDother than解析:考查短语辨析。句意:就在那时,我意识到大学的意义不仅仅是你最后收到的那张纸它是对生活和人的一种教育。Amore than多于,不仅仅;Brather than而不是;Cless than少于;Dother than除了。根据下文“the piece of paper you receive at the end Its an _15_ in both life and people”可知大学的

32、意义不仅仅是你最后收到的那张纸,大学有着更深层次的意义。故选A。15AcultureBtraditionCcustomDeducation解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,我意识到大学的意义不仅仅是你最后收到的那张纸它是对生活和人的一种教育。Aculture文化;Btradition传统;Ccustom习俗;Deducation教育。根据下文“in both life and people”可知大学是对生活和人的一种教育。故选D。语法填空根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。By good fortune,I was able to drift down the

33、 Motu River in New Zealand _1.twice_(two) during last year.The first journey _2.was led_(lead) by Buzz,an American guide with a lot of rafting experience.The first half day was spent _3.developing_(develop) teamwork.The discipline of following commands _4.without/beyond_ question was necessary.In ra

34、pids,we _5.fought_(fight) against the river and overcame it.We took the raft exactly _6.where_ Buzz wanted it to go.At the end of the journey,we were all excited and happy _7.because/since_ we won.The guide on the second journey was very softly-spoken.It seemed that it would be _8.impossible_(possib

35、le) to hear his voice above the noise of the rapids.He didnt try to take command of us or the river.At the end of the journey,the river became our friend,but not our enemy.The quiet guide was not our leader,but only the person whose sensitivity was more developed than _9.ours_(we)_10.Given_(give) th

36、e opportunity to choose a leader,everyone would have chosen someone like Buzz.However,at the end of the second journey,we had a different vision.文章大意:本文主要介绍了作者去年的两次新西兰Motu河之旅。解析:1考查副词。根据语境可知,此处表示两次的含义,故用副词twice在句子中作状语,与下文“on the second journey”呼应。2考查动词的时态和语态。根据语境及介词by可知,此处表示被动的概念,又根据上文“last year”可知,

37、应用一般过去时,故用一般过去时的被动语态。3考查固定用法。spend time doing sth.意为“花费时间做某事”,为固定用法,故此处填developing。4考查介词。without/beyond question“毫无疑问”,为固定用法。5考查动词时态。根据其后的“overcame”可知,此处是在陈述过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。6考查状语从句。where引导状语从句,在从句中作地点状语。7考查连词。根据语境可知,前后句表示逻辑上的因果关系,前果后因,故用连词because/since。8考查词形转换。根据上文“The guide on the second journey wa

38、s very softly-spoken.”可推知,此处表示导游说话温和,在急流的噪音下不可能听到他的声音。故填impossible。9考查代词。空处与“whose sensitivity”呼应,故此处用名词性物主代词作宾语。10考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,give和句子主语everyone之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词given。.应用文写作假如你叫李华,你们学校英语俱乐部拟于10月20日举办一个“戏剧之夜”,你班在选剧目时遇到了困难。请你根据以下信息给某大学外教Professor Taylor写一封信,请他给你们一些建议。1Professor Taylor是英国戏剧方面的专家

39、;2剧本内容应与校园相关;3表演时间在40分钟左右。注意:1.词数80左右;2信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。参考词汇:戏剧之夜Drama Night;专家expert;英语俱乐部English ClubDear Professor Taylor,Were students from No.9 Middle School.Our teacher,Ms Wu,told us that we may write to you for help.Heres the problem._Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Professor Taylor,Were st

40、udents from No.9 Middle School.Our teacher,Ms Wu,told us that we may write to you for help.Heres the problem.The English Club of our school is going to hold a Drama Night on October 20.Our class would like to put on a short English play.But it is very difficult for us to find a good play which is no

41、t too long about 40 minutes.It is even more difficult to find something about school life.It is said that youre an expert on English drama and has been doing research in this field for many years.Would you please give us some advice?Well be thankful for your kind help and were looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua


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