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2022九年级英语下册 Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit 3 Language in use教案(新版)外研版.doc

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1、Unit 3 Language in use【教学目标】l Knowledge objectiveGet the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they learn in this unitl Ability objectiveTo summarize and consolidate the model verbs.l Moral objectiveTo be glad to listen to others experiences and give others some rules and sugge

2、stions.【教学重点】Model verbs.【教学难点】The use of the model verbs.【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up Let Ss look at the pictures, then answer the questions.www.21-cn- Must we obey the traffic rules? Must we obey

3、the school rules? What do you think of their behaviors? Have you ever made such kind of paper by hand?Step 2 Language practiceLet Ss pay attention to the following sentences.1. You must be careful of falling stones.2. You mustnt walk too close to the edge of the hill path because you might fall and

4、hurt yourselves.21cnjycom3. You should always wear proper clothes.4. Bears might think our rubbish is food.5. Can we go rock climbing? No, you cant.Step 3 Practice for SsMatch the signs with the rules and warnings.abcdef1. No smoking.2. No eating or drinking.3. Children crossing.4. Danger! Be carefu

5、l of falling rocs.5. Children should be taken care of by parents.6. Do not drink and drive.Keys: c, b, d, e, f, aStep 4 Grammar: 情态动词1. 表示能力 表示一个人能做某事时,常用can或could表达。 e.g. As soon as Mike could read, he read books about robots.【出处:21教育名师】 My five-year-old daughter can draw a beautiful picture in fiv

6、e minutes.2. 表示可能性 如果要表达“可能,可能性”,可以用may/ might或 can/ could. e.g. Jane may be at home. I might talk to him. You can go to Beijing by train.3. 表示许可或征求对方许可 如果表达允许某人做某事,或征求对方的许可,可以用can / could / may / might。 e.g. You can / may start your work now. Could / May I come a little later tomorrow? I dont feel

7、myself.4. 表示请求对方做某事 如果要请求对方做某事,可以用下列表达方式: Will / Would / Could you (please) ? Would you mind ? e.g. Would you please help me with this suitcase? Would you mind turning down the music?5. 表示建议和邀请 表建议和邀请可用下列表达方式: Would you like (to) ? Shall we ? e.g. Would you like to play basketball? Shall we go?6. 表示

8、意愿 表示想做某事可以用would like/ love to e.g. Id like to be a scientist.7. 表示应该、义务 表示应该、义务等时常用should, ought to, must. e.g. You should talk to your parents. I ought to train more to improve my skill.8. 表示命令、禁止、不得不 表示这类含义时,一般用must, mustnt, have to等。 e.g. You must study maths to be an engineer. You mustnt tell

9、it to anyone. You have to come early tomorrow.9. 表示没必要做某事 表示没必要做某事时,常用neednt, dont have to 等。 e.g. You dont have to worry about money. I can lend you some in time of need.Step 5 Read and writeAsk Ss to read the lists of rules and write sentences using must, mustnt, should or shouldnt.London Indoor C

10、limbing CentreVisitors please note:Dos Check in at the main gate when you come to the center. Climb with someone. Wear a hard hat at all times. Wear the correct climbing shoes. Wear comfortable clothes.Donts Dont climb without a rope. Dont eat or drink anywhere except in the restaurant. Dont listen

11、to personal music players while climbing. Dont talk on a mobile phone while climbing.Keys: You must check in at the main gate when you come to the center.You should climb with someone.You must wear a hard hat at all times. You must wear the correct climbing shoes. You must wear comfortable clothes.

12、You mustnt climb without a rope.You mustnt eat or drink anywhere except in the restaurant.You shouldnt listen to personal music players while climbing.You shouldnt talk on a mobile phone while climbing.Step 6 TalkingAsk Ss to explain why the rules in Activity 2 are important in pairs.Why must you ch

13、eck in when you come to the centre?Because they want to know who is there.1. Why must you climb with someone?2. Why must you wear comfortable clothes?3. Why mustnt you climb without a rope?4. Why shouldnt you listen to music while climbing?21*cnjy*comStep 7 Complete the passage with the correct form

14、 of the words in the box1. Let Ss read the passage carefully.2. Choose the right words in the box to fill in the blanks.although keep stream tourist worry People are very (1) _ about the conditions of the ancient forests of Canada and want to save them. Many visitors to the forests use knives to cut

15、 their names into the trees, some of which are hundreds of years old. (2) _ there are litter bins, people still throw rubbish into the (3) _ and this causes plants and fish to die. People from local villages have helped clean up the forests. We hope (4) _ will play their part in (5) _ Canadas forest

16、s clean too!Keys: worried, Although, stream, tourists, keepingStep 8 WritingAsk Ss to give possible rules for visitors to the forests according to what you have learnt.1. You should _.2. You shouldnt _.3. You must _.4. You mustnt _.Step 9 Complete the sentences with the words in the gun, smooth, sti

17、cks, stone sudden, tent, whenever 1. Come and visit me _ you have time.2. The wall is made of _.3. The path to the top is not very _.4. Remember to take a _ with you to sleep, because it might rain.5. He lifted up the _ and pointed it at the bear.6. There was a _ noise in the woods and we all stoppe

18、d moving.7. Birds use small _ and leaves to make a home.Keys: whenever, stone, smooth, tent, gun, sudden, sticksStep 10 ListeningLet Ss listen to Part 6 and answer the questions.1. Is Zhang Wenpengs school a green one?2. What should we do when we leave a room?Keys: 1. Yes, it is. 2. We should turn o

19、ff the light.Step 11 ReadingAsk Ss to read the passage and answer the questions1. What does Zhang Wenpeng try say with his drawing?2. What does Zhou Zhiyun try to say with his painting?3. What does the school suggest the students should do?4. How can a school become a “green school”?Keys: Pollution

20、is causing damage to the progress weve made. People must not waste electricity.Students should pass on what they have learnt at school to their parents and neighbours. A school can become a “green school” by including education about the environment in the timetable.Step 12 ListeningLet Ss listen an

21、d complete the sentences.1. The first thing you have to do is to _ carefully.2. Think about where _ and whether there are _.3. You should only take marked _.4. Make sure you know where _ for lunch.5. Dont forget to tell people to _ for the picnic.6. Dont walk when it is _ or in _.7. You must not try

22、 out a _ with a group.Keys: 1. plan the work 2. you are going to walk, clearly marked paths 3. paths 4. you can stop 5. bring food 6. too hot, very bad weather 7. new walkStep 13 Around the world Learn about ecotourism.Ecotourism Ecotourism is also known as “responsible tourism”. It means you visit

23、places without damaging the environment. Many countries around the world have started ecotourism holidays and trips. Tourists help the local communities look after their natural environment. Here are some rules of ecotourism.Dos Take rubbish away with you. Walk on paths or roads. Take photos but not

24、hing else.Donts Dont pick flowers or damage trees. Dont pollute rivers or streams. Dont make open fires in the forests.Step 14 Writing1. Discuss and give advice for visitors to China in pairs and talk about the following:visiting someones homeeating and drinkingtravelling on public transportbehaving

25、 politely in publicvisiting tourist sights2. Ask Ss to write their advice.3. Ask Ss to work in groups and compare their advice, and then choose the five most useful pieces of advice for visitors to China.Step 15 Exercises Do some exercises and draw the answers from the Ss.1. Must I hand in my homewo

26、rk now, Mr. Smith? No, you _. A. cant B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. neednt2. Excuse me, may I keep the book a little longer? Sorry. You _ return it today. A. must B. mustnt C. can D. cant3. Is the man over there Mr. Brown? It _ him. He has gone to Brazil. A. may not B. cant be C. shouldnt D. mustnt 4. C

27、hildren _ sit in the front seat of a car. Its too dangerous. A. need B. neednt C. must D. mustntKeys: D, A, B, DStep 16 中考链接 Ask Ss to do some exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools.1. Must I water the flowers now, mum? No, you _. You _ do it later. 【2014铜仁】 A. mustnt; must B. mustn

28、t; ma y C. neednt; may D. neednt; must2. _ I know by what time you want the project to be done? By the day after tomorrow. _ you finish it on time? 【2014连云港】 A. May; Can B. Must; Need C. Could; Must D. Need; Would3. Whos singing in the garden? It _ be Mr. Brown. He always practices singing at this time. 【2014长沙】 A. must B. cant C. need4. I _ follow you. Would you please repeat it? 【2014河北】 A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt Keys: C, A, A, AStep 17 Homework 制作一个海报,宣传环保学校的做法。


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