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2022九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future Lesson 55 Look into the Future教学设计(新版)冀教版.doc

1、Lesson 55 Look into the Future!课题名称Lesson 55 Look into the Future!科目英语教学对象九年级课时安排一课时一教材内容分析本单元是初中阶段英语教学的最后一个单元,主要通过对将来的畅想与谈论,使学生能够运用英语来说明对将来的想法以及实现理想的方法。并且在这样一个毕业离别的时候,教师应该帮助学生展望未来、制定计划,给他们提出建议与送上最美好的祝福,使学生能够用英语表达意愿和情感。而本课主要通过对展望未来这个话题的讨论学习,最终使学生有效、准确地运用语言,并且使学生形成正确的人生观。二教学目标LanguageKnowledgeWordsSs

2、 will be able to use the words: boss, doubt, wealth, manage, astronautSs will be able to use the phrases: as forTopicStudents will know more about some other jobs, and they will know how to choose a job and what to do to make their dreams come true.LanguageSkillsListeningStudents can get the informa

3、tion while listening about the future jobs.SpeakingStudents will be able to talk about the future life in English.ReadingStudents can understand the dialogues about the future life quickly and well.WritingThey can write about their future life with the information they get. 学习策略1. 初步建立自主学习的概念和意识。2.

4、能总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以利用。3. 善于抓住用英语交际的机会。情感态度1. 在学习中敢于用英语来表达自己的看法。2. 培养学习英语的兴趣和学好英语的勇气。Teaching importantpoints1. Master the words and structures in this lesson.2. Learn how to express themselves about their future lives.TeachingdifficultpointsTo write about their future lives correctly.三教学策略选择与设计本课是一篇对

5、话课,以学生谈论未来生活的话题为主线贯穿整个教学。在本课中本着听说领先,读写跟上的教学原则,设计了听、说、读、写的训练,而各个训练又是为说和写服务的,学生在听、说和读的训练中,通过对听力感知、师生讨论以及一次次写的练习和阅读材料的输入,使学生积累写作输出的素材和思路。所有设计的活动有层次性,尽量使每个学生都有机会表现自己。四教学环境及设备,资源准备1. a blackboard 2. PowerPoint 五教学环节Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesAim of designTimeStep 1:Warming up and Leading in1.

6、T: What do you want to do when you grow up?2. T: Today, lets look into the future together.1. S1: I want to be a teacher. S2: I want to be a 1. Lead into this new lesson quickly.1Step 2Listening1. T: The students in Ms. Coxs class are talking about their plans for the future. Lets listen to their di

7、alogue and try to answer: What jobs can you hear?1. Ss listen.2. Ss tell the jobs they hear: pilot, cook, engineer, painter1. To practise listening skills.2. To know about the whole dialogue for the first time.2Step 3Speaking1. Teacher shows them the jobs they hear. And then have a discussion with t

8、hem: What does a cook do? What does a painter do? What does a pilot do? What does an engineer do?2. The teacher tells them: A cook can also create new dishes. A pilot can fly a plane. An engineer can invent new things.3. Teacher shows them the first picture and asks what he does to learn the new wor

9、ds: boss, manage. The same way to learn astronaut.4. Then show them a dialogue. Encourage the students to practice the dialogue in pairs. 5. Check the dialogue. After a pair show, ask others what he or she wants to be. And make others answer.6. T: Here are some job words, can you find them out? Plea

10、se find the job words in the box.7. Show the students some sentences to help them to tell their dreams.1. Ss answer the teachers questions freely: A cook cooks delicious food. 2. Ss listen and learn about the phrases: create new dishes, fly a plane, invent new things.3. S1: He is a boss. S2: He can

11、make a lot of money. S3: He can has a company. 4. Ss practice in pairs:-What do you want to be when you grow up?-Id like to be a / an _. What about you?-As for me, I think I am going to be a / an _.-I dont doubt you would be a good _.-Thank you.6. Ss find them out and check with the teacher.7. Ss te

12、ll their dreams with the help of the teachers sentences.1. To learn about some phrases.2. To prepare for the following parts of the lesson.3. To learn some words.4. To know about some jobs and the things they do.5. To practice as for, doubt in the dialogue.6. To improve their listening skills again.

13、232Step 4Fast ReadingT: Now I know about your dreams. Lets read and find out Jenny and Brians ideas for choosing a job. Please read the dialogue and answer the questions.S1: Jenny doesnt think wealth is the most important thing in life. We should do things we enjoy. S2: Brian thinks astronauts need

14、to know a lot about science. Science isnt Dannys best subject.To improve their speaking skills.2Step 5Detail Reading1. Now we know the students in Ms Coxs class are talking about their plans for the future. Lets know about their future lives. Please read the dialogue and fill in the table. What do t

15、hey want to be when they grow up and why? What would they do in the future?2. Help the students check the answers and retell it. 3. Help them to understand the sentences: I would invent things that help improve the environment. Maybe he could invent a solarpowered plane.T: What are the things that h

16、elp improve the environment? Plastic bags? Cars? T: What would Steven invent?4. Show them a picture of a solarpowered plane. T: It can get energy from the sun, not the coal or oil. What other solarpowered things could he invent? Tell them they are the things that help improve the environment.5. T: W

17、hat does Kate want to be?6. Ask some students to retell.7. Tell them to do exercise 1 in Lets do it.1. Ss read the dialogue and fill in the table. 2. Ss check the answer in it: S1: Brian would like to be a boss. He would manage a big company and make a lot of money. S2: Perhaps Brian will be a paint

18、er because he likes painting and he is good at it. S3: Jenny wants to be a pilot because she loves to travel. And it would be fun to fly an airplane. S4: Steven would like to be a transportation engineer. He would invent things that help improve the environment. 3. S1: Bikes. S2: He would invent a s

19、olarpowered plane.4. S1: Maybe he could invent a solarpowered car. S2: Maybe he could invent a solarpowered train.5. S1: Kate would enjoy being a cook. Because she likes cooking and she likes creating new dishes herself. S2: Danny would like to be an astronaut. Because he thinks it is the most fun a

20、nd exciting job in the world. Maybe he would play basketball in the spaceship.6. Ss practice retelling the text to others.7. Ss do and read to check. 1. To read about their plans for the future.2. To improve the students reading skills.52122Step 6Speaking about future lives 1. T: Do you agree with J

21、enny?2. T: Do you have any plans to make your dream come true?1. Ss tell their ideas freely.2. Tell their plans for their dreams.S1: I will study hard. S2: I will read some books about it. 1. To talk about the future lives2. To improve their speaking skills.3. To prepare for the writing.132Step 7 Su

22、mmary and exercise1. T: I am sure you will have a good future. Now, lets see about my friends future. Please read and fill.2. Check the answers.3. T: Can you tell me what we talked about today?1. Ss do the exercise.2. One student read for one part.3. S: We talked about the future jobs, reasons or wh

23、at we would do.1. To check2. Tosummarize21Step 8 Writing 1. T: Now, you need to write about your future. You can write anything you like.1. Ss write2. Ss show.1. To improve their writing skills.8The design of the blackboard: Lesson 55 Look into the Future What do you want to be when you grow up? fun and exciting as for create new dishes cook astronaut wealth painter do things we enjoy my dream doubt manage a company boss study hard make a lot of money engineer plans invent new things read more books

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