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2021届一轮复习专项点拨:06 知识运用类:完形填空之记叙文试题 WORD版含答案.doc

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2、留出20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项,使补全后的短文意思通顺,前后连贯,结构完整。全国卷对完形填空的考查,近几年来一直以记叙文和夹叙夹议文为主,以说明文和议论文为辅。从选材到试题的设置都呈现出稳中有变的特点:1. 题材相对稳定:文章的选材都是中学生熟悉的话题,能够传递正能量,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,读后能给考生带来心灵的启迪。且文章大多原汁原味,语言地道,注重思想性和教育性,具有积极的教育意义,体现出了课程标准中对培养学生的情感、态度和价值观的要求。2. 文章短小精悍:完形填空的文章长度一般为250词左右,结构完整,脉络清晰,难度适中,全文设置20个空格,要求考生根据文章

3、的整体内容,从层次结构和上下文的逻辑关系方面选择符合文章情节的选项,很少涉及纯语法知识试题。3.稳定中有变化:近几年高考完形填空在选项的设置上,打破了传统的四个选项类别一致的命题规律。 完形填空题要求考生具备的能力之一就是正确的阅读理解能力,同时,还要储备扎实的语法、词汇和文化知识等,是一种全面考查考生语言运用能力的题型。答题时考生可以从如下几个方面入手:一、树立整体意识,解决局部问题每篇完形填空都围绕一个主题展开,语篇完整,结构严谨,前后照应,所以在解决局部问题时,考生要树立牢固的整体意识,遵循整体局部整体原则,不要把注意力孤立地局限在句子层面上,而要从段落或整篇文章入手,整体把握文章的内容

4、,结合上下文寻找答案线索。二、借助逻辑连词,推敲前后文意英文中的逻辑连词是连接语篇的纽带,也是相关语句信息的结合点。命题人常在这些关节上设置题目,考查学生的逻辑思维和语言应用能力。常用的逻辑连词主要有:(1)词(包括连词、副词和少数介词),如and, but, or, because, though, however, yet, therefore, otherwise, despite等;(2)短语,如in other words, more than, in addition, as a result, so that, on the contrary, instead of等;(3)分句

5、和独立结构,如that is to say, whats more, all things considered等。逻辑连词对准确理解语篇意义能够起到很强的提示作用。考生在解题时要充分利用这些逻辑连词,找到与文中某些词、短语有密切关系的选项,如其同义词、近义词或反义词等,有时这些词、短语会在文中复现。 三、通达文章语境,明辨词语差异 高考完形填空的选项一般属于同一词类,有的甚至在意义上也非常接近。为了顺利解答此类题,考生在平时记忆单词时,要在例句中把握其用法,并能在考试中结合具体语境,比较四个选项的细微差别,推敲出最佳答案。四、活用知识积累,甄别习惯搭配 词汇的习惯用法或固定搭配,特别是动词、

6、名词、形容词、介词等的搭配在完形填空题中出现的比例很大。如果考生在备考时能牢固地掌握习惯用法或固定搭配,并在解题时灵活运用,就能达到事半功倍的效果。五、联系生活常识,再现相关情景 完形填空题所选的文章多是具有一定故事情节和教育意义的记叙文或夹叙夹议文或富有哲理的论说文,材料都非常贴近学生的生活。考生在解题时,可以根据生活常识或常识想象当时的情景,从而作出正确的判断。六、了解文化背景,克服母语干扰 完形填空中常交织、渗透着各类文化背景知识。有些选项的设置与文化背景有关,这就要求考生有较宽的知识面,同时具备一定的文化意识,特别要有对英语国家文化的敏感性和鉴别力,这样才能既快又准地解题。2020年,

7、全国卷II,完形填空It was just after sunrise on a June morning. “Nicolo,” whose real name cannot be 41 to the public because of Italys privacy laws, 42 working the whole night at a factory in Turin. As he often did, he stopped by the “after work auction(拍卖)” 43 by the Italian police where things _44_ on the

8、trains were sold to the highest bidder. There, among many other things, Nicolo spotted two paintings he thought would look _45_above his dining room table. Nicolo and another bidder 46 until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32.When Nicolo retired and went to live in Sicily, he 47 the paintings

9、with him. He hung them above the same table he had _48_ from Turin. His son, age 15, who had 49 an art appreciation class, thought that there was something 50 about the one with a young girl sitting on a garden chair. It was signed(签名) “Bonnato” or so he thought, but when he _51_ it, he only found “

10、Bonnard,” a French _52_ he had never heard of. He bought a book and was _53_ to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same _54_ as his fathers painting.“Thats the garden in our picture,”Nicolos son told his father. They 55 learned that the painting they _56_was

11、 called “The Girl with Two Chairs.” They _57_ the other painting and learned that it was 58 Paul Gauguins “Still Life of Fruit on a Table with a Small Dog.” The 59 called the Italian Culture Ministry; the official confirmed that the paintings were 60 and worth as much as $50 million.41. A. attachedB

12、. allocatedC. exposedD. submitted42. A. finishedB. delayedC. consideredD. tried43. A. attendedB. reservedC. cancelledD. run44. A. shownB. foundC. keptD. hidden45. A. niceB. familiarC. usefulD. real46. A. battledB. debatedC. discussedD. bargain47. A. heldB. leftC. registeredD. brought48. A. chosenB.

13、receivedC. orderedD. moved49. A. missedB. failedC. takenD. led50. A. concreteB. unusualC. unappealingD. natual51. A. appreciatedB. touchedC. researchedD. witnessed52. A. painterB. designerC. authorD. actor53. A. expectedB. surprisedC. anxiousD. ready54. A. roomB. kitchenC. hallD. garden55. A. appare

14、ntlyB. confidentlyC. eventuallyD. temporarily56. A. ownedB. borrowedC. soldD. stole57. A. collectedB. cleanedC. framedD. studied58. A. suitablyB. actuallyC. rightlyD. specifically59. A. girlB. artistC. familyD. police60. A. copiesB. originalsC. modelsD. presents【答案】41. C 42. A 43. D 44. B 45. A 46.

15、A 47. D 48. D 49. C 50. B 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. D 55. C 56. A 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. B【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个名叫Nicolo的人在拍卖会上以低价购得两幅画。后来他学艺术欣赏的儿子经过研究发现这两副画可能来自著名画家,他们打电话给意大利文化部,那儿的官员证实这两幅画都是画家的真迹,价值至少5000万美元。41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Nicolo完成了一整夜在Turin一家工厂的工作,他的真实名字因意大利的隐私法不能暴露给公众。A. attached参加;B. allocated分配;C. e

16、xposed暴露;D. submitted上交。根据下文的because of Italys privacy可知此处用be exposed to“暴露”符合语境,故选C项。42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Nicolo完成了一整夜在Turin一家工厂的工作,他的真实名字因为意大利的隐私法不能暴露给警方。A. finished完成;B. delayed推迟;C. considered考虑;D. tried尝试。根据上文的It was just after sunrise on a June morning可推测Nicolo刚在工厂里上完了夜班,即完成了一整夜的工作,故选A项。43.考查动词词义辨析。

17、句意:像往常一样,他顺便去了“下班后拍卖”,这个拍卖会是由意大利警方进行的,在火车上发现的东西卖给出价最高的竞标人。A. attended参加;B. reserved保护;C. cancelled取消;D. run进行。结合常识可知,拍卖会上需要有警察来维持秩序,进行拍卖,故选D项。44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:像往常一样,他顺便去了“下班后拍卖”,这个拍卖会是由意大利警察管理的,在火车上发现的东西卖给出价最高的竞标人。A. shown展示;B. found发现;C. kept保存;D. hidden隐藏。根据句意可知,此处是指拍卖的东西都是从一列火车上发现的,故选B项。45.考查形容词词义辨

18、析。句意:在那里,很多其它东西中,Nicolo看到了两幅画,他觉得它们看起来挂在自己的餐桌上方会很漂亮。A. nice漂亮的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. useful有用的; D. real真的。根据下文的Nicolo and another bidder 46 until Nicolo finally won the paintings for 32$可推测Nicolo认为这两幅画挂在自己的餐桌前会很漂亮,所以才会出高价买,故选A项。46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Nicolo和另外一个竞标人竞争,直到Nicolo最终以32美元的价格赢得了这两幅画。A. battled竞争;B. de

19、bated辩论;C. discussed 讨论;D. bargained讨价还价。根据上文的were sold to the highest bidder可知此处用“竞争”符合语境,故选A项。47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Nicolo退休去Sicily居住时,他带上了这两幅画。A. held拿着;B. left离开,留下;C. registered注册;D. brought带来。根据下文的he hung them above the same table可知,Nicolo搬家时带上了这两幅画,故选D项。48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他把它们挂在同一张桌子的上面,这张桌子是他从Turin搬来的

20、。A. chosen选择;B. received收到;C. ordered 命令;D. moved搬。根据上文的the same table可知,Nicolo搬家时也把桌子搬来了,故选D项。49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他15岁的儿子在上一门艺术欣赏课,他认为那幅有一个年轻女孩坐在花园椅子上的画是不寻常的。A. missed错过;B. failed失败;C. taken拿;D. led导致。根据句意可知,此处考查固定短语take classes“上课”,故选C项。50.考查形容词词义辨析,句意:句意:他15岁的儿子在上一门艺术欣赏课,他认为那副有一个年轻女孩坐在花园椅子上的画是不寻常的。A.

21、concrete具体的;B. unusual不寻常的;C. unappealing不吸引人的;D. natural自然的。根据下文的it was signed Bonnato or he thought可知,儿子认为这幅画可能是一个著名画家的画,故觉得它有些不同寻常,故选B项。51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:画上署名Bonnato或者他认为是这样,但当他仔细研究它时,他只发现了“Bonnard”,一个他从未听说过的法国画家。A. appreciated欣赏;B. touched触摸;C. researched研究;D. witnessed目睹。根据下文的he only found Bonnard

22、可推测儿子仔细研究了画,故选C项。52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:画上署名Bonnato或者他认为是这样,但当他仔细研究它时,他只发现了Bonnard,一个他从未听说过的法国画家。A. painter画家;B. designer设计师;C. author 作家;D. actor演员。根据下文的a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard可知,此处用画家符合语境,故选A项。53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他买了一本书,非常吃惊的发现里面有一幅艺术家Pierre Bonnard的画,他坐在和父亲画里面一样的花园里,一样的椅子上。A. expected意料的;B. su

23、rprised惊讶的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. ready准备好的。根据下文的sitting on the same chair in the same 54 as his fathers painting可知此处用“吃惊的”符合语境,故选B项。54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他买了一本书,非常吃惊的发现里面有一幅艺术家Pierre Bonnard的画,他坐在和父亲画里面一样的花园里,一样的椅子上。A. room房间;B. kitchen餐厅; C. hall 大厅;D. garden花园。根据上文的with a young girl sitting on a garden chair可

24、知此处用“花园”符合语境,garden是原词复现,故选D项。55.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们最终知道他们拥有的这幅画叫做“有两把椅子的女孩”。A. apparently明显地;B. confidently自信地;C. eventually 最后;D. temporary暂时的。根据上文的he bought a book and was 53 to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same as his fathers painting可知,此处是指经过一系列的对比和研究,

25、他们终于从一本书上得知了其中一副画的名字,故选C项。56.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们最终知道他们拥有的这幅画叫做“有两把椅子的女孩”。A. owned拥有;B. borrowed借;C. sold卖;D. stole偷。根据上文的Nicolo finally won the paintings for 32$可知,这幅画的所有权是Nicolo的,即他们拥有它,故选A项。57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们研究了另一幅画,发现它事实上是Paul Gauguin的Still Life of Fruit on a Table with a Small Dog。A. collected收集;B. cl

26、eaned打扫;C. framed制定;D. studied研究。根据上文的but when he 51 it可知此处用“研究”符合语境,research和study是同义词复现,故选D项。58.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们研究了另一幅画,发现它事实上是Paul Gauguin的Still Life of Fruit on a Table with a Small Dog。A. suitably适合地;B. actually事实上;C. rightly正确地;D. specifically具体地。根据句意可知,此处是指他们研究了另外一副画,事实证明也是一副著名画家的画,故选B项。59.考查名词

27、词义辨析。句意:这家人给意大利文化部打电话,官员肯定这些画是原版,价值高达5000万美元。A. girl女孩;B. artist艺术家;C. family家庭;D. police警察。根据上下文可知,此处是指Nicolo一家为了鉴别画的真伪给意大利文化部打电话,故选C项。60.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家人给意大利文化部打电话,官员肯定这些画是原版,价值高达5000万美元。A. copies复制品;B. originals原版;C. models 模型;D. presents礼物。根据下文的as much as $50 million可推测,这两幅画都是画家的原版,故选B项。1I still

28、keep the photo taken by my mom and treasure it as my life. That was many years ago when I was taking summer 1 in college and was moving into an apartment. I was carrying two 2 with everything that I was going to need to 3 the 6 weeks of classes. It is the last time I can remember ever traveling that

29、 4 .Since then my possessions have 5 . Though most of them like my furniture are 6 , there are occasions when I feel 7 down by all of them. I am sure that I will need two trucks rather than two suitcases if I ever 8 again.One thought, however, brings me 9 . It is the knowledge that when I make my 10

30、 journey from this world-I am dead, I wont 11 any of those things with me. The only things I will take with me will be what I have packed in the suitcase of my 12 . I will be carrying with me every 13 thing I ever did, every loving thought I ever shared, and every bit of 14 I ever brought into this

31、world to make others laugh. I will be carrying all the goodness I gave to others, all the 15 I was able to share, and all the joy I created. These things wont be weighing me down. Instead, I will be surely 16 .As you are 17 for your own final trip-completely prepared, make sure that you should not m

32、ake your 18 heavy. Make sure that the belongings in your home 19 take second place to the love in your heart. When you 20 it in Heaven, God and all His angels will smile.1.A.journeysB.holidaysC.lecturesD.classes2.A.trucksB.suitcasesC.booksD.computers3.A.bring outB.take awayC.get throughD.pay for4.A.


34、homeD.college13.A.strangeB.littleC.kindD.smart14.A.knowledgeB.hopeC.thoughtD.laughter15.A.loveB.informationC.timeD.money16.A.burst outB.worn outC.given upD.lifted up17.A.readyB.eagerC.fitD.responsible18.A.worldB.weightC.travelD.heart19.A.hardlyB.alwaysC.ratherD.never20.A.coverB.wrapC.unpackD.untie2

35、As the train picked up its speed, the passengers slowly settled down on their seats, I 21 the lower berth(铺位), so that I could enjoy the 22 of outside from the moving train. I dont know why I always preferred to get the 23 seat. An elderly lady 24 the front seat of mine. I looked at her. She must be

36、 in her eighties, I guessed. At one point, we met our 25 . She smiled at me and I gave her a response. Both of us were 26 . By that time, the train was in its full speed.It was 4:50 pm, evening time. So, 27 time was still in a long way, I couldnt 28 myself any longer and asked, “Auntie! Where are yo

37、u going?”She looked at me and friendly said, “ 29 camp, dear.”Suddenly my enthusiasm 30 to know the reason. I politely said. “Auntie, you are 31 someone?”She smiled and said, “Yes!”Just to continue the conversation, I talked to her in a very cheerful 32 . “Auntie, you must be feeling so 33 to see yo

38、ur child and your grandchildren.” 34 , this question hurt her a little but boldly (大胆地) she answered, “Oh, dear! You are so sweet! Anyway, I had only one son who was 35 and was killed in a battle just a few days before. I bought so many new clothes for him. So, I thought why not 36 my sons clothes f

39、or some other soldiers, so that I would control my 37 and would be happy thinking that my own son has 38 it.”I was shocked hearing her heartbreaking story! But I 39 the old lady from the core of my heart, I was thinking of her 40 heart!21.A.preferredB.reservedC.overlookedD.substituted22.A.beautyB.fa


41、dC.doubledD.chanced31.A.mourningB.visitingC.hunting forD.thinking about32.A.moodB.rhythmC.conditionD.situation33.A.curiousB.tentativeC.excitedD.sincere34.A.HoweverB.EventuallyC.HopefullyD.Perhaps35.A.cast awayB.called upC.picked upD.brought in36.A.distributeB.spareC.collectD.weave37.A.disappointment

42、B.embarrassmentC.sorrowD.delight38.A.wornB.polishedC.dyedD.worshiped39.A.salutedB.recognizedC.understoodD.memorized40.A.brokenB.fascinatingC.stubbornD.brave3 I always hear about brave people on social media. If bravery is as simple as showing 41 during a time of fear, I 42 a time when I had a scary

43、experience.My family had just arrived at our Christmas holiday house when the 43 came to drop off the keys and 44 us to watch out for wild mice running around his house. My parents 45 and said they would 46 the situation if they appear. The thought of 47 something like a mouse 48 entered my mind. Be

44、sides, my father always came to my 49 if I needed him.While my parents 50 our bags, I decided to watch a movie in my room. Everyone else was 51 so I had to take care of my brother. Halfway through the movie, I really needed to take a bathroom 52 so I stepped out of my room, leaving him alone in his

45、baby bed. He disliked it, but I would only be 53 for a moment. “Whats the 54 that could happen?” I thought.When I left the room, my brother began to cry 55 he usually did. However, his crying grew louder and more fearful, so I hurried back, and was greeted by an 56 furry visitor.“Dad!” I cried, “The

46、re is a rat in my room!”“Kill it!” he 57 .“But dad, I cant.”My mind 58 ; I was so frightened. The first thing I saw was an umbrella, so I 59 it. I began to hit the rat until it stopped moving.My parents were 60 that I put my fears aside to protect my brother. That day, I felt brave.41.A.strengthB.pr



49、formedC.yelledD.signed58.A.frozeB.brokeC.wanderedD.changed59.A.kickedB.handedC.seizedD.threw60.A.afraidB.awkwardC.overjoyedD.proud4 I was driving to the grocery store on a warm morning in May. I smiled as I watched the golden sunshine 61 off the leaves. It was such a 62 and heavenly time.My calm was

50、 broken, 63 , as I rounded a curve (拐弯处). A huge UHaul truck was coming my way several feet over the center line. I swerved as far onto the side of the road as I could to 64 it. It was followed by not one but two other UHaul trucks just as 65 . I wondered if all the stuff inside of them 66 the same

51、person. I slowed down my car and waited for my heart rate to 67 . It was then that I 68 a selfstorage business along the side of the highway, building new units for all the people who couldnt fit their 69 into their houses. I saw a(n) 70 couple carrying boxes into one of the units. It seemed 71 that

52、 a couple just out of their teens could already have too much stuff.I lost my own 72 for owning stuff when a house fire in the middle of the night destroyed everything my family owned. The only thing I had left was the underwear I was wearing. Yet, our whole family had awakened 73 to escape. In the

53、weeks that followed friends and family gave us a lot of stuff to get us back on our feet, but none of it seemed as 74 any more. What was important was seeing Moms smile, giving Nana a hug and a kiss, and watching Dad snooze (打盹) in his chair 75 a hard days work. What was important was the stuff of 7

54、6 , not the stuff of this world. Since then I have tried to limit the things I would 77 .I didnt want too much stuff to 78 my life. I wanted to only buy what I needed and to spend my days in learning, growing, and 79 my family and others.I assumed that only by doing so could I make my 80 .61.A.appre

55、ciatingB.reflectingC.admiringD.releasing62.A.refreshingB.delightfulC.peacefulD.dynamic63.A.thoughB.tooC.anywayD.instead64.A.missB.rejectC.ignoreD.desert65.A.usefulB.largeC.newD.good66.A.turned toB.referred toC.reacted toD.belonged to67.A.beatB.pulseC.accelerateD.follow68.A.noticedB.thoughtC.didD.est

56、ablished69.A.furnitureB.boxesC.possessionsD.materials70.A.oldB.youngC.middleagedD.small71.A.curiousB.apparentC.certainD.obvious72.A.hopeB.talentC.faithD.taste73.A.in returnB.in turnC.in timeD.in vain74.A.affordableB.significantC.beneficialD.practical75.A.beforeB.inC.afterD.during76.A.mindB.handC.hea

57、dD.soul77.A.purchaseB.donateC.wasteD.need78.A.put upB.crowd upC.bring upD.set up79.A.helpingB.abusingC.lovingD.affecting80.A.nameB.dayC.worldD.way5The 92-year-old, thin, calm and proud lady, moved to a nursing home today.She is fully 81 each morning by eight oclock, 82 she is nearly blind. Her husba

58、nd of 70 years recently passed away, making the move 83 .After many hours of waiting 84 in the hall of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her 85 was ready.As she walked slowly to the elevator, I provided a true 86 of her tiny room, 87 the oldsheets that had been hung on her window. “I lo

59、ve it,” she stated with the 88 of an eight-year-old having just been 89 with a new puppy.“Mrs. Jones, you havent seen the room . just 90 .”“That doesnt matter,” she replied. “Happiness is 91 you decide ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesnt depend on how the 92 is arranged,its how I arr

60、anged my mind. I havealready 93 to love it. Its a decision I make every morning when I 94 up. Each day is a gift, and 95 my eyes open Ill focus on the new day and all the happy 96 Ive stored away.”She went on to explain, “Old age is like a bank 97 . You take what youve put in. So, my advice to you w

61、ould be to put in a lot of 98 in the bank account of memories. Thank you for your part in 99 my memory bank.” And with a smile, she said: “Remember the following simple 100 to be happy:Free your heart from hatred, free your mind from worries.Live simply,give more,and expect less.81.A.attended B.dres

62、sed C.observed D.watched:82.A.eventhough B.as though C.only if D.in case83.A.difficult B.possible C.necessary D.comfortable84.A.eagerly B.nervously C.angrily D.patiently85.A.dinner B.clothes C.room D.service86.A.consideration B.love C.story D.description87.A.including B.containing C.reminding D.offe

63、ring88.A.curiosity B.terror C.enthusiasm D.attraction89.A.rewarded B.presented C.attacked D.awarded90.A.stay B.pay C.enjoy D.wait91.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything92.A.window B.furniture C.appliances D.bedding93.A.decided B.reduced C.afforded D.prevented94.A.look B.ring C.stand D.wake9

64、5.A.as soon as B.as long as C.as much as D.as well as96.A.memories B.pictures C.words D.years97.A.cheque B.office C.account D.machine98.A.pain B.happiness C.money D.fortune99.A.visiting B.enjoying C.considering D.filling100.A.rules B.relation C.regulations D.laws1【答案】1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C

65、9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.C【解析】本文是一篇作者的哲理感悟。文章叙述了作者对人生旅程的理解。作者认为当离开这个世界的最后一次旅程时人死了,任何人不会带走任何一样东西。1.考查名词。A. journeys旅程;B. holidays假日;C. lecture演讲;D. classes班级。根据I was going to need to _3_ the 6 weeks of classes.可知答案为D。2.考查名词。A. trucks卡车;B. suitcases手提箱;C. books书;D. comp

66、uters电脑。根据I was carrying two _2_ with everything that I was going to need to _3_ the 6 weeks of classes.“我带着两个手提箱,里面装着我在六周的课程中需要用到的所有东西。”结合上文的“was moving into an apartment”可知B项符合题意。3.考查动词。A. bring out出版,生产;B. take away带走,拿走;C. get through通过,度过;D. pay for为付款。根据I was carrying two _2_ with everything t

67、hat I was going to need to _3_ the 6 weeks of classes.“我带着两个手提箱,里面装着我度过六周的课程中需要用到的所有东西。”结合句意可知答案为C。4.考查副词。A. hard努力地;B. light轻便地;C. unforgettably令人难忘地;D. happily高兴地。根据It is the last time I can remember ever traveling that _4_“这是我记忆中最后一次以这种轻便的方式旅行。”。故选B。5.考查动词。A. gone去;B. appear出现;C. lessened减少,减轻;D.

68、 grown生长。根据下文中I am sure that I will need two trucks rather than two suitcases 可知,“从那以后,我的财产增加了。”故答案为D。6.考查形容词。A. expensive昂贵的;B. useful有用的;C. beautiful美丽的;D. enjoyable快乐的。根据Though most of them like my furniture are _6_ ,there are occasions when I feel _7_ down by all of them.“虽然我的大多数家具是有用的,有时我觉得它们拖累

69、了我。”故选B。7.考查动词。A. weighed成为-的重荷;B. put安置,放;C. turned使变成;D. calmed使冷静。根据Though most of them like my furniture are _6_ ,there are occasions when I feel _7_ down by all of them.“虽然我的大多数家具是有用的,有时我觉得它们拖累了我。”故选A。8.考查动词。A. treasure珍惜;B. possess拥有;C. move移动;D. demand要求。根据I am sure that I will need two truck

70、s rather than two suitcases if I ever_8_ again.“如果我再搬家的话,我肯定需要两辆卡车,而不是两个手提箱。”故选C。9.考查名词。A. confusion困惑;B. matter物质;C. hate厌恶;D. comfort舒适。根据One thought,however, brings me_9_.“然而,一个想法,给我带来了安慰。”结合句意可知答案为D。10.考查形容词。A. final最后的;B. pleasant令人愉快的;C. tiring累人的;D. latest最新的。根据I am dead, I wont_11_1 any of t

71、hose things with me.可知这是我人生的最后一次旅程。故选A。11.考查动词。A. compare比较;B. take拿走,带走;C. fill装满;D. stand站立。根据It is the knowledge that when I make my _10_ journey from this world- I am dead, I wont_11_1 any of those things with me.人死了所以不会带走任何一样东西。故选B。12.考查名词。A. soul灵魂;B. body身体;C. home家;D. college大学。根据The only th

72、ings I will take with me will be what I have packed in the suitcase of my _12_ .“我要带走的唯一的东西将是我灵魂行李箱里的东西。”结合句意可知答案为A。13.考查形容词。A. strange奇怪的;B. little小的;C. kine友好的;D. smart聪明的。根据I will be carrying with me every _13_ thing I ever did, every loving thought I ever shared, and every bit of_14_I ever broug

73、ht into this world to make others laugh.“我会带着我做过的每一件善良的事情,我分享过的每一个爱的想法,和我带到这个世界上让别人笑的每一丝笑声。”可知答案为C。14.考查名词。A. knowledge知识;B. hope希望;C. thought思想;D. laughter笑声。根据I will be carrying with me every _13_ thing I ever did, every loving thought I ever shared, and every bit of_14_I ever brought into this wo

74、rld to make others laugh.“我会带着我做过的每一件善良的事情,我分享过的每一个爱的想法,和我带到这个世界上让别人笑的每一丝笑声。”结合句意可知答案为D。15.考查名词。A. love爱;B. information信息;C. time时间;D. money金钱。根据I will be carrying all the goodness I gave to others, all the_15_ I was able to share, and all the joy I created.“我将带着我给别人的所有美好,所有我能分享的爱,所有我创造的欢乐。”结合句意可知答案

75、为A。16.考查动词词组。A. burst out闯出来,突发;B. worn out疲惫不堪的;C. given up放弃;D. lifted up举起。根据These things wont be weighing me down. Instead, I will be surely_16_“这些东西不会压得我喘不过气来。相反,我一定将会被提升。”故选D。17.考查形容词。A. ready准备好的;B. eager渴望的;C. fit合适的;D. responsible负责的。根据As you are_17_ for your own final trip 一completely prep

76、ared, make sure that you should not make your_18_heavy.“当你为自己的最后旅行准备时一完全做准备,确保你不应该让你的旅行沉重。”结合句意可知答案为A。18.考查名词。A. world世界;B. weight重量;C. travel旅行;D. heart心脏。根据As you are_17_ for your own final trip completely prepared, make sure that you should not make your_18_heavy.“当你为自己的最后旅行充分做准备时,确保你不应该让你的旅行沉重。”

77、结合句意可知答案为C。19.考查副词。A. hard努力地;困难地;B. always总是;C. rather相当;D. never从来没有。根据Make sure that the belongings in your home_19_ take second place to the love in your heart.“确保你家里的东西总是排在你心中爱的第二位。”故选B。20.考查动词。A. cover覆盖;B. wrap缠绕;C. unpack打开包裹;D. unite使联合。根据When you_20_ it in Heaven, God and all His angels wi

78、ll smile.“当你在天堂打开包装,上帝和他所有的天使都会微笑。”结合句意可知答案为C。2【答案】21.B 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.D 30.C 31.B 32.A 33.C 34.D 35.B 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.A 40.D【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了在火车上通过交谈,作者了解到一个八十多岁的老太太忍着丧子之痛去军营把儿子生前的衣服分给他的战友穿,她的坚强与勇敢让作者敬佩。21.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我预订了下铺,以便在开动的火车上欣赏窗外的美景。A. preferred偏爱;B. reserved预订

79、;C. overlooked忽略;D. substituted代替。根据上文说是在乘火车出行,自然是预订了铺位,故选B。22.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意同上。A. beauty美丽;B. fantasy幻想;C. impression印象;D. miracle奇迹。根据空后的“of outside from the moving train”可知,作者预订了下铺是为了欣赏窗外的美景,故选A。23.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我不知道为什么我总是喜欢靠窗的座位。A. back后面;B. front前面;C. window窗子;D. best最好。上文说作者想欣赏窗外的美景,因此他自然

80、是喜欢靠窗的位置,故选C。24.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:一位老太太坐在我的前排座位上。A. undertook承担;B. occupied占据;C. controlled控制;D. possessed拥有。根据下文作者与这位老太太对话的情节可知,她坐在作者的前面,故选B。25.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:当我们目光相遇的那一刻,她对我微笑示意,我也用微笑回应她。A. heads头;B. hands手;C. faces脸;D. eyes眼睛。根据空后的She smiled at me and I gave her a response.可知,此处指我们的目光相遇了,故选D。26.

81、本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:(接下来的一段时间)我们两个都沉默不语。A. silent沉默的;B. amazed惊愕的;C. considerate体贴的;D. concerned关心的。根据下一段内容So, _7_ time was still in a long way, I couldnt _8_ myself any longer and asked, “Auntie! Where are you going?”可推知,简单的微笑示意过后,我们都没再交流,故选A。27.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:那是下午4:50,还有很长时间才睡觉,我再也忍不住了,问:“阿姨你要去哪里?”

82、A. supper晚饭;B. bed就寝;C. play游戏;D. chat聊天。时间尚早,还得过很长时间才能睡觉,故选B。28.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意同上,A. balance平衡;B. commit把交托给;C. excuse原谅;D. resist忍住;抵制。我们一直没有说话,根据空后的问句可知,作者终于忍不住和她说话了,故选D。29.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:她看着我,友好地说:“我去军营,孩子。”A. City城市;B. Neighborhood附近;C. School学校;D. Army军队。根据下文情节可知,这个老太太的儿子是一名士兵,所以她去军营,故选D。30

83、.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我的热情突然高涨起来,想知道原因。A. shrank缩小;B. accelerated加速;C. doubled两倍;D. chanced冒险做某事。根据空后作者继续发问的情节可知,作者的热情倍增,想知道她去军营干什么,故选C。31.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我礼貌地问:“阿姨,你是来探亲的吧? ”A. mourning哀悼;B. visiting拜访、看望;C. hunting for寻找;D. thinking about考虑。根据常识可知,去军营一般都是探望亲人的,故选B。32.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:为了让对话得以继续,我兴冲冲地说

84、,“阿姨,你一定很高兴见到你的儿子和孙子”。A. mood情绪;B. rhythm节奏;C. condition条件;D. situation形势。为了让对话得以继续,作者肯定是兴冲冲地和她说话,故选A。33.本题考查语境判断之感情色彩形容词。句意同上。A. curious好奇的;B. tentative踌躇的;C. excited高兴的、兴奋的;D. sincere真诚的。根据常识可知,看到自己的儿子和孙子应该是非常高兴的,故选C。34.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:也许是这个问题使她有点伤心,但她还是勇敢地回答说:“哦,孩子!你真好!我唯一的儿子被征召入伍,几天前在一场战斗中牺牲了”。

85、A. However然而;B. Eventually最终;C. Hopefully有希望地;D. Perhaps也许。作者不明情况,所以问的问题可能伤到了她,故选D。35.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意同上。A. cast away丢掉;B. called up征召;C. picked up捡起;D. brought in引进。根据空后的“and was killed in a battle”可知,她唯一的儿子被征召入伍,在一场战斗中牺牲了,故选B。36.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:我想,为什么不把我儿子的衣服分给别的士兵穿呢?这样,我就可以控制自己的悲伤,想到自己的儿子已经穿上了,我

86、就会很高兴”。A. distribute分配;B. spare分让;C. collect收集;D. weave编织。她的儿子已经牺牲了,没有机会穿这些衣服了,所以她想把这字儿衣服分给儿子的战友穿,故选B。37.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意同上。A. disappointment失望;B. embarrassment尴尬;C. sorrow悲伤;D. delight高兴。她想通过把儿子生前的衣服分给他的战友穿来控制自己的丧子之痛,故选C。38.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意同上。A. worn穿;B. polished擦亮;C. dyed染色;D. worshiped崇拜。她想把儿子生前的

87、衣服分给他的战友,自然是要他们穿上,故选A。39.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:但我从心底向这位老太太致敬,她有一颗勇敢的心!A. saluted致敬;B. recognized认出;C. understood理解;D. memorized记住。这位老太太忍着丧子之痛把儿子生前的衣服分给他的战友穿,她的坚强与勇敢让我感到敬佩,故选A。40.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意同上。A. broken破碎的;B. fascinating迷人的;C. stubborn固执的;D. brave勇敢的。根据上文的讲述可知,这位老太太是非常勇敢的,故选D。3【答案】41.A 42.B 43.D 44.A

88、 45.B 46.B 47.D 48.D 49.D 50.A 51.A 52.C 53.D 54.B 55.C 56.B 57.C 58.A 59.C 60.D【解析】此文回忆了自己童年时期勇敢消灭老鼠保护弟弟的经历。41.根据语境可知,此处表达展示勇气如同展示自己的体力一样。A. strength体力;B. progress进步;C. intelligence智力;D. skill技能。故选A。42.此处表示自己回忆起了自己的一段经历。A. waste浪费;B. recall回忆;C. spend花费;D. appreciate感激,欣赏。故选B。43.此处表达他们度假时的房东来送钥匙。A.

89、 neighbor邻居;B. agent代理;C. stranger陌生人;D. owner主人。故选D。44.此处表达房东警告我们当心老鼠。A. warn警告;B. beg乞求;C. allow允许;D. encourage鼓励。故选A。45.此处表达我父母点头答应会当心。A. sighed叹气;B. nodded点头;C. coughed咳嗽;D. shook使震惊。故选B。46.此处表达我的父母答应遇到老鼠会处理的。A. ignore忽视,不理会;B. handle处理;C. overcome克服;D. challenge挑战。故选B。47.此处表示自己从来没有想过会杀死老鼠之类的动物。

90、A. observing观察,遵守;B. playing表演,玩;C. teasing逗弄;D. killing杀死。故选D。48.此处表达自己从来没有想过这样的情景。A. almost几乎;B. gradually逐渐地;C. never从不;D. suddenly突然。故选。49.此处表达我的父亲也会来帮助我。固定短语Come to my aid意为“来帮忙”,A. life生活;B. hand手;C. mind思绪,头脑;D. aid帮助。故选。50.此处表达当时我的父母在拆包,整理行李。A. unpacked拆包;B. unfolded打开;C. unlocked打开,解锁;D. un

91、covered敞开,揭露,暴露。故选。51.此处表示人人都在忙碌,所以我不得不在看电影的中途照顾弟弟。A. occupied占据,be occupied忙碌;B. excited激动地;C. hurried匆忙的;D. frightened惊吓的。故选。52.此处表示自己真的需要中途休息一会儿。A. leave离开;B. walk行走;C. break休息;D. chance机会。故选。53.此处表达我只去一会。A. available可利用的;B. brave勇敢的;C. lost丢失的了;D. gone消失,去一会。故选。54.此处表示我就去一会,最糟糕又能发生什么呢?A. least最少

92、的;B. worst最糟糕的;C. most最多的;D. best最好的。故选。55.此处表示他像往常一样在哭。A. when当时候;B. if如果;C. as像往常一样;D. until直到时候。故选。56.此处表示我看到了以为不速之客。A. unreasonable不合理的;B. unexpected没预料到的;C. unconscious没意识的;D. unqualified没资格的。故选。57.此处表达父亲喊道,“杀死它”。A. complained抱怨;B. informed通知;C. yelled喊;D. signed叹气。故选。58.此处表示我吓得僵住了。A. froze冻僵的;

93、B. broke打破的;C. wandered闲逛;D. changed改变。故选。59.此处表达我看到一把伞,因此一把抓过伞来。A. kicked踢;B. handed递交;C. seized抓住;D. threw扔掉。故选。60.此处表达我能抛开自己的恐惧,保护弟弟,我父母对我感到自豪。A. afraid害怕的;B. awkward尴尬的,笨拙的;C. overjoyed过度开心的;D. proud自豪的。故选。4【答案】61.B 62.C 63.A 64.A 65.B 66.D 67.D 68.A 69.C 70.B 71.A 72.D 73.C 74.B 75.C 76.D 77.A

94、78.B 79.C 80.B【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述驾车途中的所见所感,并联想到自己家中曾经的火灾事件对他自身观念的影响,由此阐述了自己的感受:世上最重要的东西不是物质占有量,而在于精神世界的丰富,只有这样人才能感到快乐。61.考查动词辨析。句意:我看到金色的阳光映射到叶子上。A. appreciating欣赏;B. reflecting反射;C. admiring羡慕;D. releasing释放,根据“the golden sunshine_ 1_ off the leaves”可知,此处意为“树叶反射出金色的阳光”。reflect “反射”符合语境。 故选B。62.考查形容

95、词辨析。A. refreshing清爽;B. delightful令人愉快的;C. peaceful和平的;D. dynamic动态的,根据空前一句中的“smiled” 和空后的“heavenly”及下文中的“calm”可知,作者当时的心情是平静愉快的,故peaceful 符合语境。故选C。63.考查副词辨析。句意:然而,在拐弯处时,我的平静被打破了。A. though尽管;B. too也; C. anyway无论如何;D. instead反而,根据空前的“My calm was broken” 可知,空处所在句与.上文构成转折关系,故though“可是,不过”符合语境。故选A。64.考查动词

96、辨析。句意:为了避开它,我往路边急转弯。A. miss错过;B. reject拒绝;C. ignore忽视;D. desert遗弃,根据空前一句中的“truck was coming my way several feetover the center line”可知,作者尽量把车子往路边开来躲开卡车。故选A。65.考查形容词辨析。根据上文可知,一辆卡车越过了中心线几英尺向作者的方向驶来,结合语境可知,这辆大卡车后还跟着另外两辆同样大的(large)卡车,故选B。66.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想知道是否里面的所有东西都属于同一个人。A. turned to转向;B. referred to被

97、提及;C. reacted to对作出反应;D. belonged to属于,根据语境可知,作者不知道三辆卡车上的东西是否属于(belonged to)同一个人。故选D。67.考查动词辨析。句意:我的车减速,等待心率跟上, 即表示慢慢平复受惊的心。A. beat打; B. pulse跳动;C. accelerate加速;D. follow跟随。根据语境可知,作者放慢车速来平静心情调整心率。故follow“跟随,追赶”符合语境。故选D。68.考查动词辨析。句意:就在那个时候,我注意到高速路边的自存生意。A. noticed注意;B. thought想;C. did做;D. established

98、建立,该句中的It was then that是强调句型,意思是“就在那时”。作者在平静心情时注意到路旁的一个自助存储公司。故选A。69.考查名词辨析。根据It seemed _11_ that a couple just out of their teens could already have too much stuff.可知这里意思是为不能把财产放进他们房子里的人们建造了一些新的装置。A. furniture家具;B. boxes盒子;C. possessions财产;D. materials材料,故选C。70.考查形容词辨析。根据下文a couple just out of thei

99、r teens 可判断出这是一对年轻的夫妇。A. old年老的;B. young年轻的;C. middle-aged中年的;D. small小的,故选B。71.考查形容词辨析。句意:刚从青少年时代走出来的夫妇,就有这么多东西,真让人好奇。A. curious好奇的;B. apparent显然的;C. certain必然的;D. obvious明显的。根据该句中的“could already have too much stuff(可能已经拥有太多的东西)”可知,作者对此感到奇怪,故curious “稀奇古怪的”符合语境。故选A。72.考查名词辨析。句意:当我的房子在午夜发生火灾,烧毁了我家所有

100、的东西时,我失去了拥有东西的兴趣。A. hope希望;B. talent才能;C. faith信念;D. taste兴趣,根据语境可知,夜半时分-场大火烧毁了作者家中的-一切,因此作者不再有拥有(很多)东西的兴趣(taste)。故选D。73.考查短语辨析。句意:然而,我们全家及时醒过来,逃跑了。A. in return作为报答;B. in turn轮流;C. in time及时;D. in vain徒然,根据空前的“had awakened” 和空后的“escape” 可知,作者全家及时(in time)醒来。故选C。74.考查形容词辨析。根据What was important was th

101、e stuff of _16_,可知这里意思是但是,没有一件东西再那么重要了。A. valuable有价值的;B. significant重要的; C. beneficial有益的;D. practical实际的,故选B。75.考查连词辨析。句意:看到父亲辛苦工作一天后,在椅子上打盹。A. before在之前;B. in在之内;C. after在之后;D. during在期间,根据生活常识可知,父亲打盹应该是在一天的艰辛工作之后(after)。故选C。76.考查名词辨析。A. mind理智;B. hand手;C. head头;D. soul心灵,根据空前的“What was important

102、 was the stuffof”及空后的“not the stuff of this world”可知,空处所填词与“this world”形成对比,再结合上文内容可知,作者认为精神世界的丰富更为重要。soul“(人类整体的)精神状况”符合语境。故选D。77.考查动词辨析。A. purchase购买;B. donate捐赠;C. waste浪费;D. need需要,根据上文中的“not the stuff of this world” 可知,作者从此努力限制自己购买(purchase)东西的数量。下文中的“buy”亦是提示,故选A。78.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我不想让太多的东西挤满我的生活

103、。A. put up张贴;B. crowd up挤满;C. bring up养育;D. set up建立,根据语境可知,此处表示作者不想让太多的物品充斥自己的生活。故crowd up符合语境。故选B。79.考查动词辨析。A. helping帮助;B. abusing滥用;C. loving爱;D. affecting影响,根据空后的“my family and others”可以推断此处意为“爱我的家人和他人”,故选C。80.考查固定短语。句意:我确定只有那样做,才能让我高兴。make ones day让某人高兴,该短语是固定短语,故选B。5【答案】81.B 82.A 83.C 84.D 85

104、.C 86.D 87.A 88.C 89.B 90.D 91.C 92.B 93.A 94.D 95.B 96.A 97.C 98.B 99.D 100.A【解析】本文为记叙文。本文介绍一位92岁的老太太积极地面对生活,快乐生活的态度。她的人生经历告诉我们一个简单的快乐法则:让你的心从仇恨中解脱,让你的头脑从烦恼中解脱。简单生活,多付出,少期待。81.考查动词辨析。attended 出席,参加;dressed穿,戴; observed观察;watched观看。根据第一句each morning by eight oclock可知,每天8点时穿衣起床,故选B项。82.考查短语辨析。句意:她每天早

105、上八点穿衣起床,即使她几乎失明了。 even though即使,纵然; as though仿佛,好像;only if只是; in case假如,万一。分析语境可知选A项。83.考查形容词辨析。difficult 难的; possible可能的;necessary必须的; comfortable舒服的。因为年纪已92岁了,丈夫去世了,眼睛不好。所以搬到疗养院是必要的(necessary),分析选项可知C项符合题意,故选C项。84.考查副词辨析。 eagerly渴望地,殷切地; nervously紧张的; angrily生气地。 patiently有耐心地。根据后面的内容“she smiled s

106、weetly when told”等了几个小时却能微笑,可知她很有耐心地等了好几个小时。故选D项。85.考查名词辨析。 dinner主餐,宴会;clothes 衣服;room房间; service服务。根据“I provided a true _6_of her tiny room,”可知,是说她的房间准备好了。故选C项。86.考查名词辨析。 consideration 思考,考虑; love爱; story故事; description描述,描绘。根据上文可知,老太太的眼睛几乎看不见了,又是第一天来疗养院,及第10小题的内容可知我是向她描述(description)了她要住的房间。故选A。8

107、7.考查动词辨析。including包括; containing容纳; reminding提醒; offering提供。描述了她的房间,也包括挂在窗户上的旧床单。故选A。88.考查名词辨析。curiosity好奇;terror恐怖;enthusiasm热情;attraction吸引力。根据老太太说她喜欢,以及下文的描述,老太太对一切都是以乐观的态度对待,可知她很有热情,故选C项。89.考查固定搭配。句意:她像一个刚得到一只小狗的8岁孩子有的热情说。be presented with为固定搭配,意为“被给予,被赠予”。故选B项。90.考查动词辨析。stay停留,停止; pay付款;enjoy 喜

108、欢,享受; wait等候。根据第二段第一句“After many hours of waiting patiently ”可知,作者是说你没有看到房间只是在那儿等了那么久,怎么会这么说?故选D项。91.考查不定代词。句意:快乐是你提前决定的事。anything任何事; nothing 没有东西,无关紧要的事;something某物,某事; everything一切,每件事。故选C项。92.考查名词辨析。句意:我是否喜欢我的房间并不取决于家具是如何安排的,而是我如何安排我的想法。分析选项(window窗户;furniture 家俱;appliances器具,器械; bedding基底)。根据语境

109、可知,房子里的家具安排最为恰当,故选B项。93.考查动词辨析。decided决定,裁决; reduced减少; afforded提供; prevented阻止。根据后一句“Its a decision I make every morning when”可知我已经决定(decided)爱上它了。故选A项。94.考查固定搭配。wake up为固定搭配,意为“醒来”。根据 “每天早晨”可知,老太太说这是我每天早上醒来时做出的决定。故选D项。95.考查短语辨析。句意: 只要我睁开眼睛,我就会专注于新的一天。as soon as一就;as long as只要, as much as 多达;as wel

110、l as也,和,和一样好。分析语境可知,是 “只要”之意,故选B项。96.考查名词辨析。句意:每一天都是一份礼物,只要我睁开眼睛,我就会把注意力集中在新的一天和所有美好的回忆上。 memories记忆;pictures 图片;words话语;ears耳朵。分析语境可知A符合题意。97.考查固定搭配。根据第18小题后的“in the bank account of memories”可知要填account。the bank account 为固定搭配。句意:晚年就像一个银行账户。你拿走你曾经存放的东西。故选C项。98.考查名词辨析。pain 痛苦;happiness 幸福; money金钱; f

111、ortune命运,幸运。根据上一段的第二句“Happiness is something you decide ahead of time”可知,她说“所以,我建议你在记忆的银行账户里投入很多的快乐”。故选B项。99.考查动词辨析。visiting 参观;enjoying 喜欢,享受;considering思考,考虑;filling填写。根据前文“You take what youve put in”可知,本句中的fill 与put in是同义词,故填D项。句意:谢谢你填写我的记忆库。故选D项。100.考查动词辨析。句意:记住以下简单的快乐法则:让你的心从仇恨中解脱,让你的头脑从烦恼中解脱。简单生活,多付出,少期待。分析选项( rules规则;relation关系;regulations规定;laws法律)可知,A符合题意,故选A项。


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