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1、2021届新高考英语模拟培优强化训练(一)(新高考版)本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AUsage and Bookings of Sports and Outdoor Facilities Swimming Pools and Fitness Gyms NUS (National University of Singapore) students who pay sports fees: Students will need

2、 to register in Resource Booking System (REBOKS) to activate their free access to the swimming pools and fitness gyms. Thereafter, access will be via the NUS Student Matric Card. NUS staff, registered guests and immediate family members of NUS staff i.e. spouse (配偶) and children: NUS staff, register

3、ed guests and immediate family members of NUS staff can access these facilities by buying any of the following items through REBOKS Individual Membership Swimming Entry Tickets Tap & Go Charges will be deducted (扣除) directly from e-Wallet. NUS staff can access the swimming pools and fitness gyms usi

4、ng their staff card after purchasing one of the items above through REBOKS. NUS registered guests and immediate family members of NUS staff can access the swimming pools and fitness gyms by using the QR Code found under their REBOKS profile. Badminton Courts, Table Tennis Tables and Tennis Courts On

5、ly NUS staff/students are allowed to book the badminton courts, table tennis tables and tennis courts. Bookings can be done online through REBOKS and are non-transferable. Charges may be applicable to the bookings and usage of selected facilities. Bookings for Organized Events/Competitions NUS stude

6、nt organizations registered with the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) can book the sports facilities with endorsement (认可) from the respective staff adviser with a form. NUS departments can also book the sports facilities with a form. Bookings should be made at least four weeks in advance and usage s

7、hould be for the facilities primary purposes.1.How can an NUS student who pays sports fees access the swimming pools for free?A.By using the QR Code.B.By using swimming entry tickets.C.By using individual membership.D.By using NUS Student Matric Card.2.Which of the following can book a tennis court?

8、A.NUS students.B.Registered guests.C.NUS staffs family members.D.Professional tennis players.3.What can we learn about bookings for organized events?A.They must be done online through REBOKS.B.They can be made no matter what the usage is.C.They should be made at least 4 weeks in advance.D.They canno

9、t be transferred to other organizations.B It was at midnight, when Janice Esposito arrived at the train station, jumped into her car, and began the 20-minute drive home. She had traveled the route so many times. A car out of nowhere crashed into Espositos minivan, pushing her backward some 100 feet

10、onto the railroad tracks. She sat in the minivan, bruised but mostly just stunned by the impact and by the vehicles airbags. As it happened, Pete DiPinto was getting ready for bed. A volunteer firefighter and retired teacher, DiPinto, 64, never stopped to think. He grabbed a flashlight and, still in

11、 his pajamas, ran out the door. The first car he came upon was the one that had hit Esposito. Once DiPinto concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and spotted Espositos minivan stuck on the railroad tracks. And then he heard a sharp sound: the bells signaling an oncoming train. I even see the

12、headlights of the train, he told Newsday. DiPinto rushed to Espositos minivan and banged on the drivers side window. She just looked at him, her eyes unfocused. I dont know where I am, she said. Honey, youre on the railroad tracks, DiPinto shouted. We have to get you off right now! He yanked(猛拉) on

13、the handle, but the door was jammed shut. The train was hurtling toward them. DiPinto ran to the passenger side and threw open the door. Please, dont let her be trapped, he thought. He pushed aside the deflating airbags, grabbed Espositos arms, and pulled her toward him across the passenger seat unt

14、il he could help her out and speed her to safety. Within six seconds, he estimated, the train crashed into the Minivan. It was like a Hollywood movie, DiPinto told reporters the next day. But this one had a twist. Last night, Esposito told CBS, the hero arrived in pajamas, not in a fire truck.4. Wha

15、t do we know about Janice Esposito from the first paragraph?A. She fell off the train.B. She was familiar with the route.C. She was hit deliberately.D. She was conscious after the crash.5. Why did DiPinto hurry to rescue Esposito from her minivan?A. She was hurt badly.B. He felt it was his duty.C. T

16、he other driver was OK.D. The train was to hit her car.6. Why did DiPinto say It was like a Hollywood movie?A. It was a clip from a movie.B. The story happened in Hollywood.C. The plot was as thrilling as a movie.D. Esposito was a film star in Hollywood.7. What could be the best title for this passa

17、ge?A. A Thrilling Ride HomeB. A Serious Car AccidentC. Help People in NeedD. The Hero in PajamasC Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, and Earth Day 2020 occurs on Wednesday, April 22the holidays 50th anniversary. The holiday is now a global celebration tha

18、ts sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green living. By the early 1960s, Americans were becoming aware of the effects of pollution on the environment. Rachel Carsons 1962 bestseller Silent Spring pointed out the dangerous effects of pesticides(杀虫剂) on the Ameri

19、can countryside. Later in the decade, a 1969 fire on Clevelands Cuyahoga River shed light on the problem of chemical waste disposal. Until that time, protecting the planets natural resources was not part of the national political plan. Only a small portion of the American population was familiar wit

20、h environmental issueslet alone practiced recycling. Elected to the U.S. Senate in 1962, Senator(参议员) Gaylord Nelson was determined to convince the federal government that the planet was at risk. In the fall of 1969, Nelson, considered one of the leaders of the modern environmental movements, announ

21、ced the Earth Day concept at a conference in Seattle and invited the entire nation to get involved. He later recalled: The response was electric(高度刺激的). Telegrams, letters and telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country. The American people finally had an opportunity to express their c

22、oncern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes and air. Public opinion polls(民意调查) indicated that in May 1971, 25 percent of the U.S public declared protecting the environment to be an important goal, a 2,500 percent increase over 1969. Earth Day kicked off the environmental decade with

23、a bang, as Senator Nelson later put it. During the 1970s, a number of important environmental laws were passed, such as the Clean Air Act, the Water Quality Improvement Act and the Endangered Species Act. Another key development was the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) in De

24、cember 1970, which was tasked with protecting human health and safeguarding the natural environmentair, water and land.8.What do we learn about the circumstances in America before Earth Day was founded?A.The overuse of pesticides had little impact on the American countryside.B.The fire on Cuyahoga R

25、iver was caused by improper chemical waste disposal.C.The government highly valued the protection of the natural resources.D.Only a few Americans were familiar with environmental issues and practiced recycling.9.What can be inferred from the third paragraph?A.Nelson convinced the federal government

26、that the planet was at risk.B.Nelson organized the modem environmental movements all by himself.C.The Earth Day successfully aroused the publics interest in environmental issues.D.The electric power supply had been cut off because numerous telephone inquiries poured in.10.Why was the Environmental P

27、rotection Agency set up?A.To collect public opinions.B.To kick off the environmental decade.C.To change public attitudes.D.To protect human beings and nature.11.What do you think the author will discuss later?A.Earth Day celebrations have grown and spread around the globe.B.EPA protects human health

28、 and our natural environment.C.The environmental laws come into effect.D.Senator Nelsons achievements are remarkable.D Today we know Antarctica as an extreme environment containing ice and snow. But new research provides evidence that the area had a rainforest in the past. The researchers collected

29、a piece of Earth sediment(沉淀物) from under the seafloor off the coast of Antarctica. In the sediment, they discovered forest material that was estimated to be about 90 million years old. This would have been in the Cretaceous Period, when dinosaurs were the main land animals. The sediment was removed

30、 by scientists on the research icebreaker RV Polarstern in the Amundsen Sea near Pine Island Glacier. Johann Klages is a geologist with the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research in Germany. He was the lead writer of a study on the findings, published in the journal

31、 Nature. He said the sediment was collected from a depth of about 30 meters below the ocean floor. Klages said an examination showed that the material didnt form in the ocean. The researchers estimate that the areaabout 900 kilometers from the South Polehad average yearly temperatures of about 12 to

32、 13 degrees Celsius. During the warmest summer months, average temperatures likely reached between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. The soil included fine dirt particles(颗粒) and hard clay, as well as substances linkedto at least 65 different kinds of plants, the study found. Klages added that the plants i

33、ncluded trees, ferns and flowering plants. While no animal remains were found, Klages said there were likely dinosaurs, flying reptiles(爬行动物) and many insects in the environment. The research represents new evidence of the major climate changes Earth has experienced in the past and is currently unde

34、rgoing today. The soil in the sediment dates back to the planets warmest period of the past 140 million years, with sea level about 170 meters higher than today. The researchers said that the rainforest environment in Antarctica was especially surprising because each year, the area experiences a fou

35、r-month polar night when there is no sunlight to fuel plant life. Klages said no ice sheets were present during the time, but seasonal snowfall was likely.12. How did the researchers come to their findings?A. By collecting data on climate.B. By researching special plants.C. By exploring ice in Antar

36、ctica.D. By analyzing the Earth sediment.13. What did the researchers say about the sediment?A. Its material developed in the ocean.B. Its material formed on the land.C. It dates back to cold times in Antarctica.D. It contained different animal remains.14. What does the author indicate in the last p

37、aragraph?A. There were ice sheets 140 million years ago.B. Seasonal snowfall made the forest disappear.C. Antarcticas natural environment has changed greatly.D. Polar nights in Antarctica are getting shorter than before.15. What is the main idea of the text?A. Antarctica is getting warmer like befor

38、e.B. Various wildlife once existed in Antarctica.C. Antarctica had a different history of climate.D. Researchers study the secrets of Antarctica.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Amid hopes of the digital age, it is easy to forget that old-fashioned human desi

39、re is as essential to achieving business goals as ever. Yet many companies struggle because their cultures get in the way. This is a big problem. 16_ Why? For two reasons. People essentially seek joy. And joy connects people more powerfully than almost any other human experience. The connective powe

40、r of joy is clearly visible in sports.17_ Joy fuels further success. Everyone is caught up in the moment. Can the joy that is so apparent in athletics be copied in business? Absolutely. In any team environment, joy usually arises from three things which business leaders can engender in their organiz

41、ations.18_ On winning teams, each player has a distinct role in achieving the goal. One player might be a great passer. Another is a great scorer. When the diverse skills and strengths of teammates are really clicking together, it feels great. Impact. 19_ You can see it in their faces as they throw

42、their arms around each other and jump up and down like children. They are saying to each other: Can you believe we did that?! Acknowledgment. Great coaches instruct their players to, when they score, immediately point to the teammates who created the scoring opportunity.20_ This is a pattern full of

43、 opportunities for business leaders. By providing people with more of the experiences that engender joy in any team setting. leaders can tap (发掘) more of the practical power of joy in their companies.A.Harmony.B.Achievement.C.And joy can be a big part of the solution.D.Success in sports sparks the j

44、oy of the team members.E.Team harmony leads to an impact, which further fuels joy.F.Joy is one element that counts in sports as well as in other fields.G.Acknowledging each players contributions and cheering for each other power the entire joy-success-joy cycle.第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,

45、满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I was at the bus stop, on my Way to the lab where I was a postdoctoral fellow. It was 21 like any other morning. But something began to22 inside me as I watched the people around me headphones hanging from their ears, 23 cast down, unsmiling faces

46、. They looked 24 .And I realized I was one of them. Suddenly, I could no longer 25 my work life and booked a one-way ticket to fly home. Over the years, I had grown more 26 . Those who could have been collaborators(合作者) became competitors. But the effect of this competition was exactly the 27 of wha

47、t I had hoped for. So I began to feel alone and lost. The 28 had to end. I emailed my professors, explaining that I had put the 29 first and myself second for too long. Back home, I 30 my family and friends about my problems. I also started to receive some emails from my 31 I guessed they expected m

48、e to join them again soon. In the emails many expressed their stress of academic life. Vulnerable(脆弱的) researchers were32 their heads out of their shells(壳). I understand that we all 33 sometimes, and that vulnerability and collaboration can be more34 than competition. In fact, it can be a 35 , inst

49、ead of one where one side gains while the other side loses.21. A. neverB. justC. evenD. already22. A. awakenB. argueC. settleD. disappear23. A. facesB. packagesC. eyesD. shadows24. A. unfriendlyB. unhealthyC. looseD. upset25. A. continueB. balanceC. improveD. predict26. A. matureB. academicC. compet

50、itiveD. positive27. A. outcomeB. choiceC. caseD. opposite28. A. playB. raceC. lonelinessD. prejudice29. A. evaluationB. reputationC. productionD. occupation30. A. got along withB. kept away fromC. stood up forD. opened up to31. A. workmatesB. friendsC. teammatesD. sponsors32. A. shakingB. stickingC.

51、 scratchingD. spinning33. A. failB. regretC. struggleD. hesitate34. A. powerfulB. familiarC. painfulD. popular35. A. different storyB. non-controversial caseC. close finishD. win-win game第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Birds of San Francisco started singing differently in the quie

52、t of the coronavirus lockdown, said a study in Science. Before, urban white-crowned sparrows breeding territories were almost three 36_(time) as loud as rural territories, the study found. But during the pandemic, researchers noted that noise levels in urban areas were drastically 37_ (low). In fact

53、, they were consistent38_ traffic flow in the mid-1950s. In other words, the COVID-19 shutdown created 39_ silent spring across the SF Bay Area, researchers noted. By 40_ (analyze) traffic flow data from the Golden Gate Bridge, researchers found that vehicle crossings from April to May 2020 returned

54、 to levels not 41_ (see) since 1954. While noise recordings were not available from the 1950s, researchers said this indicated that a brief but 42_ (drama) change in human behavior effectively erased more than a half-century of urban noise pollution. Birds 43_ (respond ) by producing higher performa

55、nce songs at lower amplitude (振幅), maximizing communication distance and salience (显著). We found that birds sang more 44_ (soft) when noise levels were lower, researchers said in the study. However, communication distance nearly doubled, raising species fitness and increasing mating potential. In ad

56、dition, the signal-to-noise ratio (比率) doubled,45_ helps explain media reports suggesting that songs of birds sounded louder during the shut down, the researchers said.第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 (满分15分)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike来信说他的父母打算搬家到纽约,他感到很苦恼,因为他更喜欢目前的小镇生活。请给他写封回信,内容包括:1.表示理解;2.你的看法及建议;3.表达祝愿。注意:1.写作词数应为80

57、左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Beverly was a 10-year-old girl from a remote small village. She finished attending primary school till 4th grade at her village. For 5th grade onwards, she would have to get an admission in a school at a big city nearby. She beca

58、me very happy knowing that she was accepted into a famous school in the city. Today was the first day of her school and she was waiting for her school bus. Once the bus came, she got on it quickly. She was very excited. When the bus reached her school, all students started going to their classes. Be

59、verly also made it to her classroom. Upon seeing her simple clothing and knowing she was from a small village, some students started making fun of her. The teacher soon arrived. She introduced Beverly to the class and told them that she would be studying with them from today. During the class the te

60、acher told the students to be ready for the surprise test now! She told everyone to write down the Seven Wonders of the World. Everyone started writing the answer quickly. But Beverly started to write the answer slowly. When everyone except Beverly had presented their answer paper, the teacher asked

61、 Beverly, What happened, dear? Dont worry. Just write what you know as other students learned about it just a few days back. Beverly replied, There are many things. Which seven can I pick to write? And then she handed her answer paper to the teacher. The teacher started reading everyones answers and

62、 most of them had answered correctly such as the Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, etc. The teacher was happy as students had remembered what she had taught them. At last the teacher picked up Beverlys answer paper, reading, The Seven Wonders aret

63、o be able to see, to be able to hear, to be able to feel, to laugh, to think, to be kind, to love!注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右;; 2.请按如下格式作答。 Paragraph 1: The teacher stood shocked and the whole class laughed out loud. _ Paragraph 2: Lets rewrite the true Seven Wonders in your heart, kids, the teacher said. _答案

64、以及解析第一部分 阅读理解第一节A答案:1-3.DAC解析:1.细节理解题。根据Swimming Pools and Fitness Gyms 部分中关于NUS(National University of Singapore)students who pay sports fees的叙述Thereafter, access will be via the NUS Student Matric Card.可知,该校付费后的学生可使用NUS Student Matric Card进入游泳馆,故选D项。2.细节理解题。根据Badminton Courts, Table Tennis Tables

65、and Tennis Courts 部分中的Only NUS staff/students are allowed to book the badminton courts, table tennis tables and tennis courts.可知,该校学生可预订网球场馆,故选A项。3.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的Bookings should be made at least four weeks in advance可知,为赛事预订体育设施需要至少提前四周,故选C项。 B答案:4-7 BDCD解析:4.推理判断题。根据第一段中的She had traveled the rout

66、e so many times.可推知,她对路线应该很熟悉了,故选B项。5.细节理解题。根据第三段中的.and spotted Espositos minivan stuck on the railroad tracks. And then he heard a sharp sound: the bells signaling an oncoming train.可知,他看到车卡在了铁轨上,并且听到火车即将到达的铃声,即火车将撞上埃斯波西托的车,故选D项。6.推理判断题。根据常识可知,好莱坞电影的情节通常都是惊险刺激的,结合倒数第二段描述的惊险救人场景可知,迪平托之所以这样说,是因为当时情况紧

67、急,千钧一发,宛如电影情节,故选C项。7.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,此篇文章讲的是义务消防员化身英雄,英勇救人的故事,而这位英雄是穿着睡衣的。故D项最适合作为本文的标题。C答案:8-11 BCDA解析:8.细节理解题。根据第二段中的a 1969 fire on Clevelands Cuyahoga River shed light on the problem of chemical waste disposal可知, 凯霍加河大火是化学废物处理不当造成的。 故选B项。9.推理判断题。根据第三段中的The response was electric. Telegrams, letters a

68、nd telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country. to express their concern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes and air. 可知, 美国人民终于有机会表达他们对土地、河流、湖泊和空气所发生的事情的担忧, 地球日成功地唤起了公众对环境问题的关注。故选C项。10.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的. which was tasked with protecting human health and safeguarding the n

69、atural environment-air, water and land. 可知, 美国国家环境保护局成立时接到的任务是保护人类健康和保护空气、水和土地等自然环境。故选D项。11.推理判断题。通过分析文章可知, 前面几段重点介绍了地球日的起源及发展初期的历史, 接下来作者应该以此为主线, 继续谈论地球日庆祝活动在世界各地不断发展壮大。且第一段中的The holiday is now a global celebration也是提示, 故选A项。 D答案:12-15 DBCC解析:12.根据第一段中的“But new research provides evidence that the a

70、rea had a rainforest in the past”和第二段中的“The researchers collected a piece of Earth sediment(沉淀物) from under the seafloor off the coast of Antarctica. In the sediment, they discovered forest material that was estimated to be about 90 million years old”可知,研究人员从南极洲海岸的海床下收集到沉淀物,经过对该沉淀物的分析和研究得出结论。故答案为D。1

71、3.根据第二段可知,该沉淀物中含有森林物质;再根据第三段中的Klages said an examination showed that the material didnt form in the ocean可知,该物质不是在海洋中形成的。再结合第四段中的“The soil included fine dirt particles(颗粒)flowering plants”可知,沉淀物是在南极洲的陆地上形成的。故答案为B。14.根据最后一段中的“The soil in the sediment dates back to the planets warmest period of the pa

72、st 140 million years.no ice sheets were present during the time, but seasonal snowfall was likely”可推知,南极洲的自然环境发生了很大的变化。故答案为C。15.第一段是文章的主题段,介绍新的研究证明南极洲过去曾被雨林覆盖,其余段落均围绕该主题展开,由此可知,本文主要讲述的是南极洲曾经的气候跟现在的有很大不同。故答案为C。第二节答案: 16-20 CDAEG解析:16 语境&复现推断。根据空前的a big problem可以推断, 设空句应为问题的解决方案; 又根据后文中提到的seek joy可知,

73、解决方案与joy有关。故C项 (快乐是解决方法的一个重要部分) 承上启下, 符合语境。17 语境&复现推断。根据设空处后一句Joy fuels further success.可知, 快乐能促进进一步的成功。由此可推断出设空处应为成功和快乐的关系。且D项中的in sports与设空处前一句中的in sports相呼应, Success与设空处后一句中的 success 相呼应。故D项 (体育运动的成功激发了队员们的欢乐) 符合语境。18 语境推断。根据该段最后一句When the diverse skills and strengths of teammates are really clic

74、king together, it feels great. 可知, 当队友的不同技能和优势真正融合在一起时, 那感觉棒极了, 这强调了团队和谐的重要性。根据以下两段的首句可知, 设空处为本段主旨句。故A项 (和谐) 符合语境。19 语境&复现推断。根据该段主旨句Impact.可知, 本段围绕影响力展开叙述。E项中的impact与空前的Impact相呼应。故E项 (团队和谐带来一种影响力, 从而进一步激发快乐) 符合语境。20 语境&复现推断。根据该段主旨句Acknowledgment.可知, 一定要认可团队成员,G项中的Acknowledging与空前的Acknowledgment相呼应。故

75、G项(认可每个球员的贡献并为彼此欢呼能够加速整个快乐-成功-快乐的循环)符合语境。第二部分 语言知识运用第一节答案:21-25 BACDA 26-30 CDBDD 31-35 ABCAD解析:21.根据语境可知,此处表示这个早晨就像其他任何一个早晨一样。just“只是,仅仅是”,符合语境。22.根据下文中的And I realized I was one of them可知,此处表示作者内心的某种东西开始苏醒(awaken)。argue“争论,争辩”; settle安静下来。23.根据语境和常识可知,此处表示作者看到身边的人耳机垂在耳边,眼睛(eyes)低垂,脸上没有笑容。package包裹;

76、 shadow“阴影,影子”。24.根据上文中的unsmiling faces和下文中的“I was one of them” I began to feel alone and lost可知,此处表示他们看起来不高兴(upset)。unfriendly不友好的;unhealthy不健康的,虚弱的;loose自由的,无束缚的。25.根据上文中的I was at the bus stop, on my way to the lab和下文中的booked a one-way ticket to fly home可知,此处表示作者突 然再也无法继续(continue)工作了,所以作者预订了一张回家的

77、单程票。balance“权衡,保持平衡”;improve改善,改进;predict预言,预告。26.根据下文中的Those who could have been collaborators(合作者)became competitors “this competition”可知,多年来,作者变得更一心求胜(competitive)了。mature成熟的,明白事理的; academic学习良好的,学术的;positive积极乐观的,自信的。27.根据上文中的“But”和下文中的“So I began to feel alone and lost”可知,此处表示竞争的结果和作者所希望的完全相反(o

78、pposite)。outcome结果;choice选择;case事例,实例。28.根据上文中的this competition和下文内容可知,此处表示竞争(race)必须结束。loneliness孤独,寂寞;prejudice偏见,成见。29.作者给教授们发了邮件,解释说自己把工作(occupation)放在首位、把自己放在第二位太长时间了。evaluation估计,评价,评估;reputation名誉,名声;production生产,制造,制作。30.根据下文中的my family and friends about my problems可知,此处表示不回家后作者向家人和朋友倾诉自己的问题

79、。open up to直抒胸臆,畅所欲言,符合语境。get along with与相处融洽;keep away from避免接近,远离,勿靠近。31.根据下文中的I guessed they expected me to join them again soontheir stress of academic life和Vulnerable(脆弱的) researchers were their heads out of their shells(壳)可知,作者也开始收到同事(workmates)发来的电子邮件。32.根据上文提到的作者和同事之间开始交流感情可知,此处表示脆弱的研究人员正把头伸

80、到(sticking)壳外。此处是一种比喻用法,比喻研究人员开始尝试与别人交流感情。33.根据上文中的many expressed their stress of academic life可知,此处表示作者明白,我们每个人都有挣扎(struggle)的时候,脆弱和合作可能会比竞争更强大。fail失败;regret后悔;hesitate犹豫。34.参见上题解析。powerful强有力的,力量大的,很有效的; familiar熟悉的;painful令人痛苦的。35.根据上文中的I understand that we all sometimes, and that vulnerability a

81、nd collaboration can be more than competition和下文中的instead of one where one side gains while the other side loses可知,此处表示这可以是一个双赢游戏,而不是一方得益一方受损的游戏。close finish不相上下,以微小差距分出高下;win-win game双赢游戏。第二节答案:36 times ; 37 lower; 38 with; 39 a; 40 analyzing ; 41 seen; 42 dramatic ;43 responded ; 44 softly; 45 whi

82、ch 解析:36考查名词单复数。句意为:研究发现,之前白冠麻雀城市繁殖地区的噪声等级是乡下繁殖地区的三倍。time在句中表倍数,为可数名词。空前有数词there ,故设空处填复数形式times。 37考查形容词的比较等级。句意为:但是在疫情期间,研究人员注意到,城区的噪声等级大大降低。根据句意可知,此处是和正常状态下相比。故用比较级lower。38考查介词。句意为:事实上,疾病大流行期间城市的噪声等级和20世纪50年代中期的交通噪声等级持平。be consistent with意为和保持一致,故填with。39考查冠词。句意为:研究人员指出:换句话说,新冠肺炎疫情封锁给旧金山湾带来了一个安静的

83、春天。这里泛指一个春天,应用不定冠词,且silent的发音以辅音音素开头,故用冠词a。40考查非谓语动词。句意为:通过分析金门大桥的车流量数据介词后的动词应用-ing形式,故填analyzing。41考查非谓语动词。句意为: 2020年四月至五月的车流量回落到了1954年以来的最低水平。分析句子结构可知, not _ since 1954在句中作后置定语,修饰levels ,levels和动词see之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故填seen。42考查词性转换。句意为这表明人类行为的短时间剧变有效地消除了持续半个多世纪的城区噪声污染。change在此处为名词,应用形容词修饰,故填dramatic。43

84、考查动词的时态。句意为:鸟类对此的反应是用更低的振幅(音量)唱出更优美的歌声,最大限度地增加交流距离和显著性。分析句子成分可知,设空处在句中作谓语,此处是对过去事实的描述,应用一般过去时,故用动词的过去式responded。44考查词性转换。句意为:研究人员在研究中讲道:我们发现,当噪声水平降低时,鸟儿的叫声史柔和。 sang为动词,应用副词修饰,故填softly。45考查定语从句。句意为:研究人员说,此外,信号噪声比的加倍有助于解释媒体关于鸟叫声在封锁期间听起来更嘹亮的报道。分析句子结构可知,此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面整句话,设空处在从句中作主语,故填which。第三部分 写作第一

85、节Dear Mike, I really understand your situation. Its never easy to leave a familiar neighborhood for an unfamiliar one. In my opinion, urban life also has its advantages. For instance, cities have a better learning environment. Also, more job opportunities are available there. Maybe thats why your pa

86、rents have planned to move. So you should communicate with your parents about the move and express yourself. If its settled, youd better adapt yourself and get ready for the new life. Please dont hesitate to tell me if theres anything I can do. May you get rid of your trouble soon.Yours,Li Hua第二节Par

87、agraph 1: The teacher stood shocked and the whole class laughed out loud. Beverly stood up and lowered her head as if she had made a huge mistake. Sorry, Beverly murmured. The teacher approached her, patted her on the shoulder and motioned for her to sit down. Its OK, Beverly. Your answer is great.

88、It reminds us of the precious gifts we have, which are real wonders. After a brief silence, there was a burst of applause. Especially those who made fun of her at first, clapped their hands and looked at Beverly affectionately.Paragraph 2: Lets rewrite the true Seven Wonders in your heart, kids, the

89、 teacher said. Everyone spoke with one voice on the suggestion. Very quickly, the students handed in their papers, with their eyes sparkling with happiness. Answers on these papers were so various and sincere: my parents, playing with my dog Spotty, the sunshine, to be able to fly. Looking at all kinds of answers, the teacher was surprised that the students thinking was so rich. Meanwhile, she was glad they had got such a valuable lesson.


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