1、本作品版权由冯军老师所有,授权予北京校园之星科技有限公司,任何机构或个人均不得擅自复制、传播。本公司热忱欢迎广大一线教师加入我们的作者队伍。有意者请登录高考资源网()版权所有,盗用必究!The ParthenonOf surviving monuments, none characterizes this classical moment in Greek art better than the Parthenon, which still dominates the city of Athens and the surrounding country for many miles. Bold
2、 in outline, delicate in detail, majestically imposing, yet built to a scale of proportion so carefully regulated by the physical and mental capacities of humanity that it is not at all overpowering, the Parthenon is so designed that all the parts are intimately adjusted in scale and size to one ano
3、ther and to the whole. It is a product of that rare combination of abstract thought and sensual feeling which typifies the Greek achievement. Though sadly damaged (mainly by the explosion of a Turkish (土耳其的) powder-magazine in 1687 (and robbed of most of its sculpture (now in the British Museum), it still retains the timeless quality. The significance of this extraordinary group of buildings cannot, however, be fully understood without reference to the circumstances in which they were erected and the earlier history of Greek architecture.