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《开学大礼包》2012高二英语精品教学案:UNIT2 THE UNITED KINGDOM 2(新人教版必修5).doc

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1、英语:Unit2The United Kingdom教案(3)(新人教版必修5) 学习目标:1.学习并欣赏课文中的好词好句2.掌握重点单词,词组,句型的运用自学导航:1.单词表检测请在课文中找出更多你认为有用的表达:union n. accomplish v. Wales enioyable adj. the Union Jack province n. Norman n. *attract v. *break away(from) *consist v. *divideinto currency n.Anglo-Saxon n. Midlandsadministration n. credi

2、t n.clarify v. Roman n.unite v. *to ones credit countryside n. roughly adv. River Thames architecture n. unwilling adj. *consist of port n. Scotland kingdom n. conflict n. collection n. *leave out River Avon education adj. historical adj. Northern Ireland convenience n. River Severn Viking n. instit

3、ution n. nationwide adj. rough adj.London Heathrow Airport2翻译下列句子1).如果你学过英国历史,就能弄清楚这个问题。_2)最后在20世纪早期英国政府想通过与联合爱尔兰相同的和平方式一样努力形成联合王国。_3).值得赞扬的是,这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作,例如在货币和国际关系方面;但有些制度仍然区别很大。_4)第三是维京人,他们对词汇及北部的地名留下影响_5) 假使想使你的英国之旅不虚此行又有意义,你就必须留心观察。_1.You can clarify this question if study British history.2

4、. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way.3.To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international; relations), but they still have very differe

5、nt institutions.4.The third, the Vikings, influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England.5.You must keep your eyes if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.上课流程:1. 1) consist of 由组成,包括(注意:不能用于被动语态和进行时态)= be made up ofThe group consists of 4

6、 students .The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.The committee consists of seven members.2) consist in= lie in 在于; 存在于Happiness consists in freedom.2. divideinto 把整体分成若干部分separatefrom 把原来连在一起的或靠近的部分分隔开来.Please _ the good apples _ the bad ones. (separate.from)The teacher _ the class _

7、 seven groups. ( dividedinto)divide sth. in half/into halves 把某物分两半3. puzzle n.1.迷,难题 2.迷惑,困惑a cross-word puzzle 纵横字谜 a Chinese puzzle(比喻)复杂难懂之事be in a puzzle about 对大惑不解Im in a puzzle about the matter.我对这件事困惑不解。vt.把难住,使困惑 sth. puzzles sb.使困惑 The question puzzles me./ Im puzzled with the question. 这

8、个问题使我很困惑。vi.迷惑,苦思 sb. puzzles over/ about 迷惑,苦思 I puzzled over the question for quite a while.这个问题我想了好半天。puzzled (adj.) 感到迷惑的puzzling(adj.) 令人困惑的英语单词的拼法往往使人迷惑。The spelling of English words is often puzzling.他看起来很困惑. He looks very puzzled.4. clarify vt.澄清,讲清楚,阐明 vi.澄清,清楚,易懂 Could you clarify the ques

9、tion? 你能解释这个问题吗?His mind suddenly clarified.他的头脑突然清醒了。5 . break (broke, broken) break away from 挣脱,摆脱 break out (战争,灾难,疾病)爆发 break down (机器)出故障,(谈判)失败, (身体)垮了break up 打碎,解散,结束 break into 闯入 break in 插话 break off 中断1) Our car _ and we had to push it off the road. broke down 2)Yesterday two thieves _

10、his house. broke into 3) As she was talking, he suddenly _, saying, Thats a lie. broke in4) He _ a piece of chocolate. broke off 5) War _ in 1914. broke out 6) The meeting _ at ten to three. broke up 7) Nowadays many farmers want to _ rural life and make a living in cities. broken up with break the

11、rule 违反规定 break the record 打破记录 take a break 休息 6. conflict n. 斗争;冲突;矛盾Hundreds died in the conflict. He came into conflict with his wife.in conflict with与有矛盾These problem students make trouble at school. In addition, they are often in conflict with their parents at home.7. to ones crediteg. He alre

12、ady has a number of successful plays to his credit. =that is ones own, that one has succeeded in doing.) 为带来荣誉他已经有几个成功的剧本给他带来荣誉。She has a family, three books and a professorship to her credict. = in sbs favor (even though there may be other things that are not. 在名下她成了家,写了三本书,还当了教授。credit n.信用 Chemis

13、try is a two-credit course.学分 The bank issued agricultural credits.信贷 He has shown himself to be a man of the highest possible credit.荣誉;赞扬 He was given credit for completing the work so quickly.on credit赊购; with credit以优异成绩8. convenience n.u 方便 C便利设施Come whenever it is to your convenience. 你什么时候方便就

14、什么时候来。I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.为方便起见, 我把参考书放在书桌附近.The house has all modern conveniences.这房子有全部现代化的便利设施.The folding chair is a great convenience.折叠椅是很方便的东西.常用搭配:for ones convenience为 方便 at ones convenience在方便的时候for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起见 for conveniences sake为方

15、便起见make a convenience of sb. (乘机)利用某人convenience foods 方便食品adj. convenient 反义inconvenientOur house is convenient for the shops.常用搭配:be convenient to sb. 对方便 It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人做是方便的In a modern city, its convenient to buy everything.在现代化的都市,要买每样东西很方便。9. attraction n.吸引, 吸引力;吸引人的东西;引

16、力The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.现时去国营企业就职的想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。The tides are caused by the attraction of the moon for the earth.潮汐是由月亮对地球的引力引起的。A big city offers many and varied attractions.大城市有多种多样吸引人的东西。拓展:attract v. 吸引attractive adj. 有吸引力的常

17、用搭配:have attraction for sth. 对有吸引力 attract ones attention吸引某人的注意力 be attracted to sth.被所吸引10. influence 1) n.(常与on连用)影响;感化力My teachers influence made me study science at college.由于老师的影响,我上大学学了理科。Many a woman has had civilizing influence upon her husband.许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。2) n.(常与over, with连用)权力;势力Will you

18、 exercise your influence on my behalf?你愿意运用你的权力给我帮忙吗?3).vt. 影响My teacher influenced my decision to study science.我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用。常用搭配:under the influence of受到的影响 influence on/upon对的影响注意:influence 可以表示长期以来给人思想上以潜移默化的影响;还指影响力;而affect可指对具体事物的影响,或对人的思想感情产生了影响.I was deeply affected by the news我深深被这消息所

19、感动.11. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile. 如果想使你在英国的旅程有意义,你必须睁大双眼。解读:1)句中的keep your eyes open和make your trip worthwhile都是“动词宾语形容词作宾补”结构。He found the room open.他发现房间是开着的。The rain made the ground wet.雨使地面浸湿了。2)worthwhile adj.值得做的,常用于It is w

20、orthwhile to do sth./doing sth.中。I dont think it is worthwhile.我认为不值得做这件事。It is worthwhile discussing/to discuss the question.讨论一下这个问题是值得的。注意:worth, worthy 和worthwhile的区别worth现在英语中被看作介词,因为它后面必须带名词或动名词。后接动名词时以主动形式表达被动的意思,接名词时须接表示价值、代价的名词。worthy是形容词,在句中作表语或定语。作表语时,用be worthy of n./being done sth. 或 be

21、 worthy to be done 结构。This book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读。This dictionary is worth ten yuan.这本字典值10元。The place is worthy of a visit/ being visited.这个地方是值得参观的。This suggestion is worthy to be considered.这个建议是值得考虑的。12. leave out 省去,遗漏They must decide what to leave out. No one speaks to him, hes al

22、ways left out.leave alone 听其自然,不管 leave for 动身去.leave sb. doing sth. 听任某人做某事 leave sth undone 留下某事未完成leave sb. with sth= leave sth. to sb.(把某物留给某人) leave behind 留下课堂检测:1.根据首字母填写单词It is a great c_ to have a cell phone.Generally speaking, students are i_ by their teachers in world ands actions.Dont in

23、terrupt me!I am doing a word p_.I must _(澄清) my reasons for not having attended the meeting.To be honest, I cant tell what the a_ of this famous painting has.1.convenience 2.influenced 3.puzzle 4.clarify 5.attraction 2.翻译下列句子1.这个队由九名队员组成. The team consists of nine members.The team is made up of nine

24、 members.2.让我们把蛋糕分成三份 Lets divide the cake into three.3.他与所有的朋友断绝关系是错误的Its wrong of him to break away from all his friends.4.电视对人们有强烈的影响 Television has a strong influence on people.5.你出错了,你漏掉了一个字母“m”. You made a mistake-you have left out a letter “m”.6.我对这件事大惑不解 I was in a puzzle about the matter.7.

25、那位女士将用信用卡来支付书钱。 That lady will pay for the book by credit.课堂检测:1.短语检测1. 由组成_ 2.被划分成_ 3.弄清楚问题_4.地理之谜_ 5.被连接到_ 6.提及,参考_7.也,又_ 8. 大不列颠在_ 9. 没有冲突_10. 20世纪早期_ 11.使联合_ 12.以和平方式_13.不愿_ 14. 逃脱;挣脱_ 15.值得赞扬的是_16.共同合作_ 17.国际关系_ 18.教育体制_19.立法体制_ 20.世界杯_ 21.为了方便起见_22.中部区域_ 23.聚居在_ 24.工业城市_25.吸引游客_ 26.世界知名的_ 27.历

26、史性的建筑_28.历史瑰宝_ 29.艺术珍品_ 30.四批侵略者_31.英国乡间_ 32.留心_ 33.使旅行有意义_1.consist of 2.be divided into 3.clarify the question 4.puzzles in geography 5.be linked to 6.refer to 7.as well (as) 8.Great Britain 9.without conflict 10.the early twentieth century 11.getconnected 12.in a peaceful way 13.be unwilling to 1

27、4. break away from 15. to ones credit 16.work together 17. international relationship 18.the educational system 19. the legal system 20. the Word Cup 21.for convenience 22. the middle zone 23. settle in 24.industrial cities 25.attract visitors 26.world-famous 27.historical architecture 28.historical

28、 treasure 29. art collections 30. four sets of invaders 31. the British countryside 32. make the trip worthwhile2. 单项填空1What about your journey to Mount Hua?Everything was wonderful except that the car we rented_on the way back.Abroke upBbroke down Cbroke out Dbroke in2Boys and girls,please remain_a

29、nd keep quiet until theelectricity supply returns to normal.Aseated Bseating Cto seat Dseat3Five men and three women make up the temporary group to look into the case.In other words,it_eight people.Aconsists of Bis consisted of Cis consisting of Dis being consisted of4According to the present findin

30、gs,we can draw a conclusion_so far a large number of people have died of cholera in this town.Awhether Bthat Cwhat Dif5Life in London has so many_nightclubs,good restaurants and so on.Acollections Binstructions Cattractions Dexpressions6He tried to deal with the increasing burden of his work,but he

31、finally_and had to take a complete rest.Abroke off Bbroke away Cbroke out Dbroke down7To their great fear,they found_in the heaviest snowfall they had ever had.Athey were catching Bthemselves caught Cthey had caught Dthemselves catching8Did you meet with the famous space hero,Yang Liwei?_I had come

32、here earlier!AIf only BIf not CBut for DFor fear9Could you please tell us about some good ways to learn English?My suggestion is that reading often and writing regularly _.Aare neededBis needed Cbe needed Dshould need10_ by the problem that was put forward at the meeting,the people in the audience h

33、ad _ looks on their faces.APuzzled;puzzling BPuzzled;puzzledCPuzzling;puzzling DPuzzling;puzzled11When you come to the fence,you can see a notice_there saying “_the grass”Aputting up;Keep off Bputting up;Keep away Cput up;Keep out Dput up;Keep off12If I were you,I would take it easy;_ is no need to

34、be nervous.Ait Bthis Cthere Dwhich13As is known to all,it is teachers and parents who will have a big_on the development of children.Achange Baffection Cinfluence Dimpression1-5 BAABC 6-10 DBACB 11-13 DCC3单句改错The foreigner tried his best to make his point be understood.(删去be) They found a piece of rope with one end tying in a circle.(tired) They both spent t he night locking in the room.(locked) What kept you so exciting? (excited) I noticed the traffic holding up after a bad accident.(held)


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