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2011高考英语模块新课标 北师大英语阶段验收九(UNITS 25-27)(带解析).doc

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1、阶段验收九(Units 2527)第一卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a library.C. In a waiting room.2What time will the man pick up the wom

2、an?A. At 800.B. At 830.C. At 900.3What does the man often do while surfing the Internet?A. Chats with friends.B. Gets information.C. Makes new friends.4When must the man get to his office?A. By 715. B. By 745.C. By 730.5What are the speakers talking about?A. How to make the TV work.B. How to design

3、an advertisement.C. How to repair the TV.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a hotel.B. In a bathroom.C. In an office.7Wh

4、at is the mans problem?A. He cant use the desk.B. He cant ask for help.C. He cant take a shower.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8Where is the woman going?A. A university.B. A library.C. A bus stop.9How long will it take her to get there by bus?A. About ten minutes.B. About twenty minutes.C. About thirty minutes.10W

5、hats the tall building with a flag on it?A. The stadium.B. The laboratory.C. The library.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Jazz.B. A musical performance.C. A rock band.12Why did the man name his band “The Sand”?A. Sand can cool one down.B. Sand it tough and indepen

6、dent.C. Sand is small and cannot be shaped.13Why did the band get a new member in 2003?A. One of its members died.B. Its audience became larger.C. The market for rock music was growing.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14What did the woman mainly do during the vacation?A. Learned English.B. Visited an American famil

7、y.C. Did business.15When did the woman probably come back from America?A. On July 25th.B. On August 15th.C. On August 29th.16What in particular did the woman like about the American classes?A. The teachers were kind.B. The students were quite free.C. There were a lot of activities in the class.17Wha

8、t do we learn about the Smiths?A. They helped the woman rent a house.B. They treated the woman very well.C. They were the womans old friends.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18What is the speech about?A. School Life.B. Friendship in school.C. Subject teachers.19What do we know about the speaker?A. He won a few pri

9、zes when he was 16.B. He was always at peace with his friends.C. He went on many school picnics.20Why were they given many projects as class assignments?A. To finish class assignments.B. To help them win a lot of prizes.C. To learn more about each subject.听力材料(Text 1)M:May I take your order now?W:Th

10、ank you, but Im waiting for someone to join me.(Text 2)W:At what time will you take me to the service center, 800 or 830?M:Well, I hate the rush hour, you know. Will 900 am. be all right?W:Its up to you.(Text 3)W:Do you often surf the Internet?M:Yeah. I do it once a week to chat with my friends. And

11、 you?W:Oh, I get information on it, and make friends.(Text 4)M:Hello, Molly, whats the time now? My watch has stopped.W:Its a quarter past seven. Are you in a hurry, Jim?M:Yes, I must get to my office in fifteen minutes. I must run. Bye.(Text 5)W:Dad, did we do something wrong? The TV simply doesnt

12、work!M:What? Thats not what the advertisement was like!(Text 6)M:Hello, is this the Reception Desk?W:Yes, may I help you, sir?M:This is Henry Jones in Room 7421. I checked in about ten minutes ago. And I found the bathroom is in a terrible condition. When I tried the shower, no water came out at all

13、.W:Oh, dear, Im sorry to hear that. Ill have it fixed at once.M:And that is not all. There is no soap or towel.W:I do apologize for that,Mr. Jones. Well attend to it right away.(Text 7)W:Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Liaoning University?M:Its a long way from here. Im afraid youll need to t

14、ake a bus.W:Which bus should I take?M:Youd better take Bus No. 236, and get off at the Liaoning University stop. It will take you about twenty minutes.W:Is it hard to find the university? Which way should I go after I get off the bus?M:When you get off, you will see a very tall building with a flag

15、on it. Thats the university library. Just head straight for it. You cant miss it.W:Thank you very much.(Text 8)W:Mr. Liu, your rock band gave an excellent performance. Why did you name it “The Sand”?M:Sand, although very small, is tough, clear and independent. Nothing can ever change it.W:And how ab

16、out your music? Why is it called “Cold Rock”?M:“Cold” means we want to stay cool. We are not eager to get rich. Attitude is important, you know.W:Ive heard that in 2003 you had to get a new member.M:Yes, one of our old members died of brain cancer.W:Im sorry to hear that.M:Anyway, as you can see,“Th

17、e Sand” is growing. More and more people are interested in rock music.W:Right. The rock music market is growing.(Text 9)M:Hi, Jane. Havent seen you for a long time!W:Yes, Ive just returned from my vacation in the US.M:Wow. Youre so lucky. How long did you stay there?W:From the beginning of July till

18、 the end of August.M:Thats a long time.W:Yes, I took an English course there.M:Oh, how was it?W:Pretty good. The teachers were nice. The interesting thing was that the classes were very free.M:Really?W:Yeah. You can sit wherever you want in the classroom.M:How interesting! Where did you live?W:I liv

19、ed with an American family, the Smiths.M:Oh, thats great!W:They were really nice and we became good friends shortly after I arrived.(Text 10)M: Every person has unique experiences and a story to tell about their school life. As for me, I made many friends and they helped me a lot. Many a time I used

20、 to fight with my friends, but, then I think that everything is fair in friendship. In my school life I am gifted with excellent classes and subject teachers. They always helped me with my notes whenever I was absent or sick. Growing and learning were great fun. Every year the students were taken to

21、 different places on our school picnics. I was never able to go on these excursion tours but I enjoyed hearing about their experiences. When I was 16, I won a few prizes in drawing and in interschool competitions. We were also given many projects as class assignments that helped all of us to learn m

22、ore about each subject. I was very fond of football, so my friends and I often played football on the school campus after class.答案:15ACACA610ACABC1115CBAAC1620BBAAC第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Although everything seems to have been taken into consider

23、ation, _ accident can happen when the astronauts walk in _ space.A/; the Ban; the Cthe; the Dan; /答案与解析:D考查冠词。第一空填不定冠词表泛指,第二空space“太空”前不加冠词,故选D项。22How much _ she looked without her glasses!Awell BgoodCbest Dbetter答案与解析:D考查形容词。由句中的much知选比较级,how用来引导感叹句。23_ impressed the audience most was _ the magicia

24、n Liu Qian played in this years Spring Gala. AWhat; what BWhat; that CThat; what DThat; that答案与解析:A考查连词。由句意知本题考查名词性从句的连词。第一空是引导主语从句的连词,用作主语,选what,作从句的主语;第二空为引导表语从句的引导词,作play的宾语,选what,综上分析,选A项。句意:给观众印象深刻的是今年春节联欢晚会上魔术师刘谦表演的节目。24How long do you think it will be_the Stock Market returns to normal?At lea

25、st one year, I guess.Awhen BbeforeCuntil Dthat答案与解析:B多久之后证券市场才能恢复正常?25And the horse _ up to the finish line. Theyre neck and neck. neck and neck all the way. Oh, the Italian horse Mamma Mia _ the race!Acome; is winning Bhave come; winsCare coming; won Dare coming; wins答案与解析:D考查时态。据句意可知这是现场解说,为了表达更生动

26、,动作用了现在进行时,结果用一般现在时。这是新闻及报道常用的时态。26The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life_some trees waving in the wind.Awere BbeingCwas Dto be答案与解析:B独立主格结构,表伴随。27He is such an unselfish man. You cannot help but _ him.Arespect Bto respectCneglect Dto neglect答案与解析:Acan not help but do sth.意为“不可避免做某事”,符合句

27、意。句意:他是这样一个毫无私心的人,你不能不尊敬他。28The big snow lasted nearly half a week. What was worse, they were trapped in the mountain and badly _ food.Ain search of Bin the hope ofCin want of Din charge of答案与解析:Cin search of“搜寻”;in the hope of“带着希望”;in want of“需要”;in charge of“负责”。选项C符合句意。句意:更糟糕的是,他们被困在山里,急需食物。29Sh

28、e got her first science fiction published. It turned out to be_.When was that?It was in 2009 _ she was still in college.Asuccess; that Ba success; whenCsuccess; when Da success; that答案与解析:B考查名词用法和句子结构。a success表示“一件成功的事情”;后一个空格处是when引导的定语从句。最后一句话不是强调句型。假如是强调句型,应该是“It was in 2009 when she was still i

29、n college that she got her first science fiction published.”30Facing the global financial crisis, the Chinese government has taken many measures _ peoples life to deal with it. Arelated Brelated toCrelating Drelating to答案与解析:B考查非谓语动词。由句意知句中空处缺少一个后置定语,related to“与有关”符合句意。31It is said that Jack is ver

30、y rich and is always changing his private cars. What is he?_, I am not sure.ASomebody of a managerBSomething of a managerCAnyone of a managerDAnything of a manager答案与解析:B“类似经理之类的职业”32Some warned that the step the US government has taken to cope with the current crisis is _ much risk.Aone of Bthe one

31、 ofCthe one Dthat one答案与解析:A考查代词。句意:有人警告说美国政府为应对当前危机所采取的这一步是充满危险的一步,用one表示泛指。33Its _ me why Alice gave up her job and got married.Aunder BaboveCover Dbeyond答案与解析:D句意:我难以想象为什么Alice放弃工作而结婚了。Its beyond me,超乎我的想象。34He didnt feel a bit nervous when _.No. Hed had a lot of time _ for it after all. Aintervi

32、ewing; to prepare Binterviewed; to prepare Cinterviewing; preparing Dbeing interviewed; preparing 答案与解析:B考查非谓语动词。第一空为when (he was) interviewed省略形式,表被动;第二空为不定式作定语修饰time,所以选B项。35Id rather have some wine, if you dont mind. _. Dont forget you will drive.AAnything but thatBBy all meansCTake it easyDI won

33、t say no to this答案与解析:A考查交际用语。由句中“Dont forget.”可知要开车便不能喝酒。B项“一定;务必”;C项“别紧张”;D项“不反对”。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Teaching second grade is always a challenge. Each student arrives at school with his own needs and difficulties. One year a student called Bi

34、lly _36_ me with his behavior as well as his academic requirements. He struggled daily with his _37_ emotions and often became angry or violent. I knew that, to make _38_ progress, his emotions needed controlling. One _39_ I tried to help Billy was to have him come directly into the classroom when h

35、e arrived at school. Billys mom would _40_ me to alert me to a particularly emotional morning at home. Then, I would focus on _41_ his anger and calming him down before the other students arrived. One week our class was studying _42_. I thought one way to bring learning into the classroom was to bri

36、ng my dog Rocky to school for the day. That day began as normal. I was preparing activities focused on dog themes _43_ I was told that Billy had a _44_ morning at home and I might need to get him _45_. As I was talking to his mom, Billy _46_ into the classroom. To Billys _47_, Rocky immediately ran

37、up to his newer _48_, wagging his tail and licking Billys face with doggy affection. Billy couldnt _49_ Rockys charm(魅力) and began laughing as his anger melted away. Throughout the day, Billy never left Rockys side, feeding him, being gentle with him and even _50_ the other students while Rocky was

38、sleeping. Billy was known for doing anything he could to avoid _51_, but on this day he found a good dog story, “Cliffords Puppy Days,” and read it to Rocky. How _52_ I was at the sight of Billy reading happily! My little dog was able to _53_ Billys day from one of anger and frustration to one of la

39、ughter, gentleness and _54_. That day Rocky more than helped me with my _55_;he helped to change the life of a child! After that Billys behavior definitely improved.36. A. challenged B. cheated C. benefited D. betrayed37. A. unforgettable B. uncontrollable C. unconscious D. unfortunate38. A. physica

40、l B. mental C. academic D. authentic39. A. advantage B. agenda C. reason D. way40. A. awake B. call C. visit D. sign41. A. tolerating B. observing C. relieving D. ignoring42. A. emotions B. pets C. botany D. diet43. A. after B. as C. when D. before44. A. boring B. fantastic C. busy D. rough45. A. se

41、ttled B. punished C. treated D. excited46. A. fled B. stormed C. jogged D. floated47. A. surprise B. delight C. shame D. fear48. A. protector B. trainer C. friend D. owner49. A. resist B. describe C. reduce D. forget50. A. educating B. envying C. comforting D. quieting51. A. exploding B. reading C.

42、arguing D. apologizing52. A. surprised B. disappointed C. amused D. confused53. A. urge B. shorten C. transform D. expand54. A. admiration B. curiosity C. anxiety D. love55. A. family B. teaching C. housework D. performance答案与解析:36A根据上下文可知Billy带给我极大的“挑战”,故选A项。37B由“often became angry or violent”知Bill

43、y脾气不好,每天都与失控的情绪斗争。故选B项。38C由上文“challenged me with his behavior as well as his academic requirements”知他成绩也不好,表现也不好,要取得学习上的进步,他需要控制情绪。故选C项。39D用动词不定式to have him.作表语用来对主语进行解释说明,但从表语内容看此处是帮助Billy的具体方法,故选D项。40B由alert me可推知此处Billys mom打电话给老师,故选B项。41CBilly带着怒气到校后,老师会想方设法让他释放怒气。relieve释放,缓解。42B由下文知他们要学习“宠物”。4

44、3C考查句式“be doing sth.when.”“正在干这时”。故选C项。44D由下文知“我被告知Billy在家情绪不好,我需要让他冷静下来”,故选D项。rough“粗暴的”。45Aget sb. settled使某人安定下来。46Bflee into溜进去;storm into冲进来;jog into蹦跳着进来;float into漂进来。根据句意选B项。47ARocky跑到Billy面前摇着尾巴讨好Billy,让Billy很惊奇(surprise)。48CRocky把Billy当成“朋友”(friend)。49Acouldnt resist无法抵挡,无法控制。50Deducate教育;

45、envy嫉妒;comfort安慰;quiet使安静。根据句意:Rocky睡着了,Billy让其他同学安静下来(别打扰Rocky睡觉)。51B由上下文知Billy以不愿读书出了名,而今天一反常态,找了一个有关狗的故事“Clifford”读给Rocky听。avoid reading“避开读书;不愿读书”。52A由at the sight of Billy reading及结合上文知我很“惊讶”,故选A项。53Ctransfer from.to.把从转变为。54D由laughter和gentleness推知应选love。55B作者原本把狗带来用于教学的,故选B项。第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分

46、)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AFrench writer Le Clezio won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy announced Thursday. The Academy cited Le Clezio as “author of new departures and poetic adventure, explorer of humanity beyond civilization.”Le Clezio, 48, r

47、eceived much attention with his first novel The Interrogation in 1963 and made the breakthrough as a novelist with Desert in 1980, for which he was rewarded a prize from the French Academy. This novel Desert contains magnificent images of a lost culture in the North African desert, contrast with a d

48、escription of Europe seen through the eyes of unwanted immigrants, the Swedish Academy said in the statement. The emphasis in Le Clezios work has increasingly moved in the direction of an exploration of the world of childhood and of his own family history, the academy added.Le Clezio was born 1940 i

49、n Nice of France, but both parents had strong family connections with the former French colony Mauritius.At the age of eight, he moved to Nigeria with his family. During the monthlong voyage to Nigeria, he began his literary career with two books Un long voyage and Oradi noir. He has taught at unive

50、rsities in Bangkok, Mexico City, Boston, Austin and Albuquerque among other places. Since the 1990s, Le Clezio and his wife share their time between Albuquerque in New Mexico, the island of Mauritius and Nice. This was the fourth of the prestigious Nobel Prizes handed out this year, with awards in c

51、hemistry, physics and medicine made in the past three days. The Nobel Prizes have been awarded annually since 1901 to those who “conferred(给予)the greatest benefit on mankind during the preceding year.” The annual Nobel Prizes are usually announced in October and are handed out on Dec. 10, the annive

52、rsary of the 1896 death of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish industrialist and the inventor of dynamite. Each prize consists of a medal, a personal diploma and a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor (1.4 million US dollars)56. Which of Le Clezios works won him the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature?AThe Interr

53、ogation. BDesert. CUn long voyage. DOradi noir.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。据第三段排除A;据第六段排除C、D两项;选B项。57The underlined word “cited” means _.Apraised Bencouraged Creferred Dthought答案与解析:A词义猜测题。由上文知他获得了诺贝尔文学奖,自然是“称赞”,所以选A项。58According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?ALe Clezio has taught in B

54、angkok, Boston, Albuquerque and Nice since 1990s.BLe Clezio got a personal diploma, a medal in all for the Nobel Prize.CThe Nobel Prizes are awarded yearly in October.DLe Clezio moved to Nigeria in 1948.答案与解析:D考查细节理解。据第六段“. was born in 1940,. At the age of eight, he moved to Nigeria.”知,选D项。59Which i

55、s the best title for the passage?AA French writer wins 2008 Nobel Prize in LiteratureBFour Nobel Prizes have been handed out this yearCThe Nobel Prizes have been awarded annuallyDLife of a French writerLe Clezio答案与解析:A考查文章的标题,那么标题就要具有极强的概况性。文中对B、C、D三项都有所涉及,但都不是中心,据此,选A项。B Having one of those daysor

56、weekswhen everything seems to annoy you? Even if you do nothing about it, your bad mood(心情) will probably go away after some time. But with a little effort, you can forget it much fasteroften within a day or two.Walk it off Exercise is the most popular badmood buster. A person whos in a bad mood has

57、 low energy and high tension. Taking a fast tenminute walk, or doing some quick exercises can do wonders towards changing the bad mood.Tune it out Listening to your favorite music for a while can also make tension go away quickly, because music starts connection with past positive experiences weve h

58、ad.Give yourself a pep talk Stop and listen to whats on your mind. Bad moods are often started by too many negative thoughts. Write them all down on paper, the pessimistic(悲观的) messages youve been giving yourself, and then give optimistic answers. (“I still dont have a job.” vs “I have two interview

59、s next week.”)Reduce your stress Relaxation techniques are wonderful moodlifters. These include deep breathing, stretching and visualizing, all of which sound complicated(复杂的) but arent. One easy way to visualize: close your eyes and picture a favorite place, such as the beach. Another simple way to

60、 distress is to make a todo list. One reason for being in a bad mood is feeling you have no options. By taking control over certain areas, you realize youre not helpless. You can make changes in your mood and life.Avoid things that wont improve your mood TV may not help much: you need to increase yo

61、ur energy level and stimulate(刺激) your mindsomething that the TV show “Neighbors” wont do. And before you reach for that piece of cake and coffee, think about how mood and food are linked. Sugar and caffeine contribute to depressed moods. The better choice? Research shows that carbohydrates, such as

62、 potatoes and pasta(面食), produce calming effects in people who have a desire for them.60Which of the following may help us stop a bad mood?A. Doing nothing about it.B. Exercising and enjoying music.C. Writing down negative thoughts.D. Talking about it with neighbors.答案与解析:B文章建议人们采取一些办法驱走坏心情,排除A项。在第三

63、个建议中可知把消极的想法写下来并用积极的回答来消除,故只写下是没用的排除C项。文章最后一段TV和邻居不能帮助,从第一、二两个建议可知选B项。61Why is it suggested that you close your eyes and picture the beach?A. It helps remove bad mood.B. It brings us a new technique.C. It is not complicated to do so.D. It is an area to be easily controlled.答案与解析:A从第四个建议中可知通过一些放松技巧可以

64、改善情绪,举例是告诉人们怎样放松。62TV may not improve your mood because it _.A. shows what happens around youB. does not energize youC. reminds you of eating and drinkingD. produces a calming effect答案与解析:B从最后一段第一句可知电视帮不上忙。63Which would be the best title for this passage?A. Energy Level and StressB. How to Beat a Ba

65、d MoodC. Bad Mood and Our LifeD. How to Control Your Feeling答案与解析:B全文可知从五个方面教人们怎样改善情绪,将坏心情赶走。故选B项。C It was a lovely day and Stella was enjoying the sunshine with her two children when a young boy approached her son and pushed him to the ground. “Id watched him for a little while and my son was the f

66、ifth child hed shoved,” she says. “I went over to them, picked up my son, turned to the boy and said, firmly, No, we dont push” What happened next was unexpected. “The boys mother ran toward me,” Stella says,“I thought she was coming over to apologize, but instead she started shouting at me for disc

67、iplining her child. Was I supposed to sit back while her kid did whatever he wanted, hurting other children in the process?” Getting your own children to play nice is difficult enough. Dealing with other peoples children has become a minefield. “Kids arent all raised the same,” agrees Professor Naom

68、i White of Monash University. “But there is still an idea that theyre the possessions of the parents. We see our children as an extension of ourselves, so if youre saying that my child is behaving inappropriately, then thats somehow a criticism(批评) of me.” In those circumstances, its difficult to kn

69、ow whether to approach the child directly or the parent first. There are two schools of thought. “Id go to the child first,” says Andrew Fuller, author of Tricky Kids. Usually a quiet reminder thatwe dont do that here is enough. Kids have finely tuned antennae(直觉) for how to behave in different sett

70、ings.” He points out bringing it up with the parent first may make them feel overlooked, which could cause problems. Of course, approaching the child first can bring its own headaches, too. This is why White recommends that you approach the parents first.“Raise your concerns with the parents if they

71、re there and ask them to deal with it,” she says. Asked how to approach a parent in this situation, psychologist Meredith Fuller answers “Explain your needs as well as stressing the importance of the friendship. Begin your remarks with something like I know youll think Im silly but in my house I don

72、t want.” He doesnt believe that we should be afraid of dealing with other peoples kids. “Look at kids that arent your own as a potential minefield,” he says. He recommends that we dont stay silent over inappropriate behavior, particularly with regular visitors.64What did Stella do after the young bo

73、y pushed her son to the ground?A. She made an apology to his mother.B. She took her own boy away angrily.C. She shouted to the boy to discipline him.D. She told him his behavior was unacceptable.答案与解析:D从第二段可知Stella走到那个孩子面前训斥他。65What does the author say about dealing with other peoples children?A. It

74、s important not to hurt them in any way.B. Its no use trying to stop their wrongdoing.C. Its advisable to treat them as ones own kids.D. Its possible for one to get into lots of trouble.答案与解析:D第三段可知让自己的孩子表现好已经是很难了,对付别人家的孩子会让你进入雷区(有更多的麻烦)。66According to professor Naomi White, what will the parents pr

75、obably do when other people find fault with their kids?A. They will feel hurt as well.B. They will scold their kids.C. They will lose control of themselves.D. They will defend their child successfully.答案与解析:A第四段从Naomi White可知孩子是父母的延续,如果说孩子不好,父母会觉得在批评他们,故会感到受伤害。67According to Andrew Fuller, what shou

76、ld one do when seeing other peoples kids misbehave?A. Express dissatisfaction to their parents politely.B. Make comments on inappropriate behavior.C. Talk to the kids directly in a mild way.D. Stress the importance of friendship.答案与解析:C从最后一段可知他认为我们不应该害怕处理别人孩子的事,对不合适的行为我们不应该保持沉默,但是得用委婉的方式。DYou will b

77、e proud of yourselves if you can make some green changes, even a few. The goal here is to limit carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases, which are closely associated to the big problem of global warming. 1. Bring your cup to a Coffee Bar Youll get a 10 percent discount, and its one less paper cup to end

78、 up in a landfill. While youre there, pick up some free bags of spent coffee grounds to use as “green” fertilizer in your garden. The payoff:The store wont create more waste when they throw away a cup. 2. Turn off your computer When in standby mode, your PC is still using energy. In fact, 75 percent

79、 of electricity used in your home comes from electronics that are turned off. The payoff:Turning off a monitor for 40 hours a week may only save $5 a month, but it reduces CO2 by 750 pounds. 3. Reuse plastic bags Instead of throwing away 100 billion plastic bags a year, try and get a second, third,

80、or tenth use out of them. Better yet, next time you shop, try a reusable bag. The payoff: Youre reducing pollution. The amount of oil it would take to make just 14 plastic bags would run your car for one mile. 4. Use recycled paper in the bathroom Most of the toilet paper we use is made from trees f

81、ound in forests previously untouched by humans. The payoff: If every household replaced one roll of toilet paper with a recycled one, 424,000 trees would still be standing. Look for ecopaper towels, too. 5. Buy energyefficient appliances(电器) Replace the old fridge with an Energy Star appliance and y

82、oull use 15 percent less energy. It might be a little expensive to buy, but youll save money on your electricity bills and help the environment. The payoff: If we all used one Energy Star appliance at home, it would be like planting 1.7 million acres of new trees. 6. Plant a tree Adding green to you

83、r garden is beautiful and earthpleasing. The payoff: Just one tree will help make cleaner air and save the environment from 5,000 pounds of hot carbon dioxide each year.68. Which of the following suggests recycling or reuse of things?A. Methods 1 and 3. B. Methods 2 and 5.C. Methods 3 and 6. D. Meth

84、ods 4 and 5.答案与解析:A细节理解题。本文谈到的六个建议中涉及回收利用和循环使用(物品)的有:1. Bring your cup to a Coffee Bar(pick up some free bags of spent coffee grounds to use as “green” fertilizer in your garden);3.Reuse plastic bags;4.Use recycled paper in the bathroom。因此,选项A正确。69According to the writer, what will happen if our PC

85、is switched off when not in use?A. It will help to reduce a great deal of CO2.B. It will help to save a large amount of money.C. It will be like planting 1.7 million acres of new trees.D. It will save the amount of oil that runs your car for a mile.答案与解析:A推理判断题。根据2.Turn off your computer部分中的“it redu

86、ces CO2 by 750 pounds”一句可知,在不用电脑的时候关闭电脑可减少造成温室效应的二氧化碳的排放量。70What benefits do these ways have in common?A. They all help reduce the use of energy like electricity.B. They all result in producing less greenhouse gases.C. They all cut down the amount of the use of paper.D. They all help to preserve our

87、 trees and forest.答案与解析:B推理判断题。文章倡导的六种做法的共同之处是都可以减少二氧化碳等温室气体的排放量,有利于环境保护。只有B项的陈述能够概括这六种做法的共同点。第二节七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 “_71_ It all depends on your personality,” said British naturalist Richard Mabey. “Personality shapes your view of the season,” he said. “Yo

88、u may see it as a fading away, a packing up(结束), or as a time of packing in another sensethe gathering of resources before a long journey.” _72_ About November, he wrote: No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees November! On the other hand, another En

89、glish poet John Keats, already sensing he was seriously ill, was inspired by a late September day to pen one of the most famous poems in the English language, To Autumn. _73_ According to Richard Mabey, Keats has the biological evidence on his side. _74_ For example, just at the moment that Keatss “

90、gathering swallows” (in To Autumn) are departing for Africa, millions of creatures are fleeing from the frozen north like Iceland, Greenland and Russia to winter along the east and south coasts of Britain. People might argue that it is the coloring of the leaves and their eventual fall that make peo

91、ple feel sad about autumn. But no one is sure why trees drop their leaves in the first place. It may be likely to rid the poisonous material trees collect over the summer. _75_ A century after Keats, the American poet Loren Eiseley wrote in his journal:“Suppose we saw ourselves burning like maples i

92、n a golden autumn. And suppose we could disintegrate(瓦解) like autumn leaves. Would not our attitude towards death be different?”A. Autumn is not a time of slowing down, but a time of new beginnings and great movements of creatures.B. He wrote to a friend afterwards that there was something comfortin

93、g and healing about autumn.C. Keats thought we should take a negative attitude towards death.D. Autumn means different to different people.E. If this is true, perhaps it tells us a little about, for instance, Thomas Hood, the 19th Century English poet.F. More likely, it is a way of reducing the loss

94、 of water, which tree roots find hard to take in from cold soil.G. The fall of tree leaves is more likely to make people sad.71_72._73._74_75._答案:71D72.E73.B74.A75.F第二卷第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的

95、词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I still remembered my middle school life in Tianjin. I was then in a school for students from Tibet. As we were all left home at early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. We had to do the washing, clea

96、ning and shopping by us. However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly. We enjoyed our happy life. At weekends, we would play basketball, swimming in the pool or go for a picnic. We were living in a big family. We treat each other as brothers and sisters. If any one of us had some difficulty in our l

97、ife and study, the other would help him out. It has been five years when we graduated, but those memories are as sweet as ever before.答案:I still remembered(remember)my middle school life in Tianjin. I was then in a school for students from Tibet. As we were/ all left home at (an)early age, we met lo

98、ts of problems in our daily life. We had to do the washing, cleaning and shopping by us(ourselves). However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly(helpless). We enjoyed our happy life. At weekends, we would play basketball, swimming(swim) in the pool or go for a picnic. We were living in a big family.

99、 We treat(treated ) each other as brothers and sisters. If any one of us had some(any) difficulty in our life and study, the other(others) would help him out. It has been five years when(since ) we graduated, but those memories are as sweet as ever before.第二节书面表达(满分25分)2008年以来以美国为中心的全球性金融危机爆发,造成全球经济

100、严重滑坡,失业人数剧增。就此,你校编辑部开展了一次题为“金融危机对高中生的启示”的英语征文活动。请你根据以下提示,写一篇征文,阐明你的观点。 1.努力学习,拓宽知识领域; 2.发展才能,提高个人素质; 3.加强合作精神,培养团队意识; 4.了解社会需求,做好人生规划; 5.你的观点 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.文章开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;4参考词汇:团队意识sense of teamwork。What We High School Students Learn from the Global Financial CrisisThe global

101、financial crisis broke out in 2008, which caused serious economic slide and increased job loss. What can we learn from it?_范文:What We High School Students Learn from the Global Financial Crisis The global financial crisis broke out in 2008, which caused serious economic slide and increased job loss.

102、 What can we learn from it? First, we should put all our heart into study to broaden our knowledge in various fields. Second, it is required that we should develop our abilities in many ways and improve our personal qualities to achieve our goals in this highly competitive society. Next, learning to

103、 cooperate with others is another thing we must do, because sense of teamwork contributes to success more quickly. Last but not least, as young generation in China, wed better set our longterm plans to meet what society needs. At present I think only by working hard can our ability be fully embodied. Ill spare no effort to study hard to achieve my goal.


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