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1、Government security forces in Afghanistan say theyve seized two massive consignments of explosives in different parts of the country. About 2.5 tonnes were found close to the provincial governors residence in Mazar-i-Sharif in the north. In the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, intelligence official

2、s said theyve found more than nine tonnes of explosives. Bilal Sarwary is in Kabul.阿富汗政府安全部队称在该国多个地区破获两起大规模炸弹托运案,他们在北部Mazar-i-Sharif地区省长住处附近发现了约2.5吨的炸弹,情报官员称在阿富汗东部城市贾拉拉巴德发现超过9吨的炸弹。Bilal Sarwary在喀布尔报道。The Afghan government says that al-Qaeda and Taliban wanted to launch spectacular attacks. They said

3、 that they would have launched the attacks werent they put off, but choosing a target would have been the New Year - this is when a number of Afghans gather; this is when senior officials also take part in ceremonies, especially in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif. So the Afghan officials definit

4、ely would like to take credit for a very important discovery.阿富汗政府称,基地组织和塔利班企图制造大规模袭击案,他们称如果不是延期的话,他们已经发动袭击了,他们最后选择新年作为袭击时间,因为这时一些阿富汗人会举行聚会,高级官员也会参加一些庆典,尤其是在北部城市Mazar-i-Sharif。所以能侦破这么大一桩案子,阿富汗官员功不可没。At least two male nurses in Uruguay have been arrested in connection with the suspicious deaths of se

5、veral patients. The judge overseeing the case said they could be responsible for dozens of induced killings. The police began their investigation after hospital officials reported several suspicious deaths. Vladimir Hernandez has more.乌拉圭至少两名男护士因涉嫌杀死几名病人被捕,调查此案的法官说,有二十多起诱导杀人案可能就与他们有关。医院官方报道有几起可疑死亡事件

6、后,警察便开始调查。Vladimir Hernandez报道。The arrests are the result of a two-month investigation into a number of suspicious deaths at two hospitals in the Uruguayan capital Montevideo. Both nurses have reportedly admitted responsibility for inducing the deaths of dozens of critically ill patients. But invest

7、igators claim that not all the victims were terminally ill. Officials believe that the hospital workers could have given the patients a poison brought from neighbouring Brazil. One theory that the police are reportedly investigating is that the nurses could have been working independently from each

8、other as the methods used vary from patient to patient.乌拉圭首都蒙特维多两家医院发生数起可疑死亡案,警察调查两个月后逮捕了嫌犯。据悉,这两名男护士都与引诱二十多名重危病人死亡案有关。但调查人员称,不是所有的受害者都是晚期病人。官方认为,这些医院工作人员可能给病人吃了一种从邻国巴西买来的毒药。有一种说法是,由于各个病人死亡的方法不一样,所以这些护士可能是相互独立作案的,目前警方正在对此进行调查。The Cuban dissident group Ladies in White says the authorities have detain

9、ed their spokeswoman Bertha Soler and more than 30 other members. They were stopped by police when they were going to take part in a regular Sunday silent parade to demand the release of political prisoners. The group, formed nine years ago, said the Cuban authorities had increased pressure on them

10、and other dissidents in the last few weeks, detaining them for short periods, threatening them and harassing them.古巴“白衣女士”异见组织称,当局逮捕了该组织的女发言人Bertha Soler和30多名成员。周日那天她们按照惯例上街静默游行,要求释放政治犯,这时警察阻止了她们。这个九年前成立的组织称,在过去数周里,古巴当局对她们和其他异见者施加压力,将他们短时间拘留,威胁并骚扰他们。Tens of thousands of grieving Coptic Christians ar

11、e taking part in a second night of vigils in Egypt following the death on Saturday of their leader Pope Shenouda. Jon Leyne reports.成千上万名悲痛的科普特基督徒为周六去世的领导人欣诺达教皇进行第二晚的守夜,Jon Leyne报道。Inside St Marks Coptic Cathedral, they gather to pay their respects. For the next three days, the body of Pope Shenouda

12、 III will not lie in state, but rather sit in the papal throne in full ceremonial robes. Over four turbulent decades, Pope Shenouda has presided over the largest Christian community in the Middle East. Coptic Christians saw him as a protector and a father figure - the only religious leader many have

13、 known all their lives.在圣马可科普特大教堂内,人们聚集在一起表达对教皇的敬意。未来三天里,欣诺达三世的遗体将不在公众面前供瞻仰,而是身着节日盛装安坐在教皇宝座上。在过去动荡的40年间,欣诺达三世主持领导了中东地区最大的基督教社区。科普特基督徒视他为保护者和尊长,欣诺达三世可能是他们一生中认识的唯一一位宗教领袖。Votes are now being counted in Guinea-Bissau following an election to choose a new president. The nine candidates include the former

14、 President Kumba Yala, who was overthrown by the military, and the former Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior. Guinea-Bissau, seen as a major staging post in the international drugs trade between Latin America and Europe, has had several army mutinies and coups in recent years.几内亚比绍共和国举行新总统选举,目前正在清点选

15、票。9名候选人中,有被军队废黜的前总统Kumba Yala和前总理Carlos Gomes Junior。几内亚比绍被视为拉美和欧洲之间国际毒品贸易的补给站,最近几年间,该国发生了数次军事叛变和政变。An outspoken former East German human rights activist, Pastor Joachim Gauck, has been elected president of Germany. In a resounding victory, he secured more than three quarters of the vote at a specia

16、l assembly. The president-elect said the strong support made him feel humble.坦率直言的前东德人权活动家高克当选为德国总统,他赢得了特别大会3/4以上的投票支持,大获全胜。这位总统当选人称,大家对他的大力支持令他感到自己很卑微。I know I wont meet all the expectations which people have for me and my presidency, but I can promise one thing: I say yes to the responsibility whi

17、ch you have given me today with all my strength and with all my heart.“我知道,我不可能满足人民对我和总统一职的全部期待,但我可以承诺一件事,我将用全身心的力量来承担你们今天赋予我的责任。”Mr Gauck, whos 72, has no party affiliation. He opposed the former communist regime in East Germany and after reunification led the body that opened up the files of the o

18、ld secret police, the Stasi.今年72岁的高克是无党人士,他反对东德的前共产主义政权,两德统一后,他负责东德旧秘密警察局斯塔西的档案揭秘工作。The Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos has been chosen as the new leader of the governing Pasok party in an election in which he was the only candidate. Mr Venizelos told supporters that the higher-than-expec

19、ted turnout had sent a strong message that Pasok had not lost its soul. Opinion polls show support for Pasok has reached historic lows, which a BBC correspondent says is a reaction to imposing the toughest austerity programme in modern history.希腊财长韦尼泽洛斯当选为执政的社会运动党新领导人,他是这次选举中唯一的候选人。他告诉支持者说,投票率比预料的要高

20、,这就说明,社会运动党没有失去它的灵魂。民调显示,对社会运动党的支持到了有历史记录来的最低点,BBC一名记者说,这是因为民众反对这项近代史上最严厉的紧缩政策。Russian police have detained dozens of people protesting over a film broadcast by the pro-government television channel NTV, which claimed that opposition groups had paid people to join an anti-government rally. Demonstrators had gathered in front of Moscows TV tower, chanting Shame on NTV and Russia Without Putin.俄罗斯民众游行反对亲政府的独立电视台播放的宣传片,该片称反对组织收买人们来让他们参加反政府集会,警方逮捕了20多名抗议者。游行者聚集在莫斯科电视塔前,高喊口号“独立电视台无耻”和“俄罗斯不需要普京”。


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