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2011高考英语总复习单元训练:BOOKI UNIT18(教师解析版).doc

1、考点训练18 S1 B2 Unit 18 New Zealand.句子填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1.Grade Two_(由组成) ten classes.The majority of the students are from countryside.答案:is made up of2. _ (众所周知) Taiwan is part of China.答案:It is well known that3.Heilongjiang Province is _ (在东北) part of China.答案:in the northeastern4.New Zealand h

2、as a population of about 3.8 million people,_ (其中有14是) Maori.答案:fourteen percent of which are/of which fourteen percent are5.After he left school he got a job as a salesman in a company,but later he_ (转而去开出租车了).答案:turned to driving a taxi6._(据说) the white people then came to this land.They_(占领了) the

3、 land.答案:It is said that;took possession of7.He and his family _ (在澳大利亚定居) in 2001.答案:settled in Australia8.The school_ (过去周围被围绕着) a fence.答案:used to be surrounded by/with9.A ship sank 20 miles_ (在远离法国的海里) and more than 20 people lost their lives.答案:off the coast of France10. _ (是一个事实) English is be

4、ing accepted as an international language.答案:It is a fact that.单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1. _people at that time thought the sun moved around the earth.A.The majority B.The majority ofC.The most D.The most of答案:B提示:most为代词或形容词,所以most前不用冠词,如果要表示“大多数人”,可用most people或most of the people,应排除C、D两项;majority为名

5、词,不作定语,可排除A项。该题应用the majority of people表示“大多数人”。2.Japan lies_the east of China _the east of Asia.It faces the Pacific_the;on;to;in;onC.on;to;on;on;to答案:B提示:该题考查表示位置的介词,使用起来许多学生容易混淆。具体说来,如果一部分在另一部分范围内用in;如果一部分在另一部分范围外用to;如果两部分相邻接壤,则用on。日本在中国范围外的东面、亚洲范围内的东部,作为一个岛国东邻太平洋,所以答案为B。3.It

6、was quiet in the dark street,so there was no one I could _ for help.A.turn over B.turn upC.turn down D.turn to答案:D提示:题意是“黑暗的街上很寂静,所以我找不到可以求助的人”。4.Some people waste food,_ other people havent got enough to eat.A.when B.until C.since D.while答案:D提示:while“而,但”,表示前后意义的转折对比。5.Since the mid-1980s growing n

7、umbers of Asians have settled in New Zealand,and they _ about 60% of the total population.A.take up B.pick up C.make up D.hold up答案:C提示:take up“从事于”;pick up“捡起,收听,偶然学到;用车接”;make up“构成,组成”;hold up“支撑;使停顿,耽搁”。6.Lu Xun is famous _ a great writer _ his great works.A.for;as;for;for D.with;as答案:

8、C提示:be famous后不接with,但可接for/as/to。be famous for意为“因而著名”,for表示原因;be famous as意为“以而著名”,as表示身份,是“作为”之意;be famous to sb.意为“为某人所知”,to是“对于”之意。a great writer是指Lu Xun的身份,his great works指Lu Xun出名的原因,所以答案为C。7.On the other side of the street stand more than 180 houses,_ are in poor condition now.A.of which hal

9、f B.which half ofC.half of them D.of them half答案:A提示:可用half of which引出定语从句,of which也可移至half前。8.We should always _ alive the memory of the hard past.A.keep B.remain C.stay D.hold答案:A提示:keep sth.alive指“使活着;保持”。9. _ of the land in our city _ covered with flowers,trees and grass.A.50 percent;is B.50 per

10、cents;isC.50 percent;are D.50 percents;are答案:A提示:.percent of.短语作主语时,of后面的名词形式决定着谓语动词的单复数。此句中的the land是单数,故谓语动词用单数。10.Will they take _ of that house if we cant reach an agreement with them?A.notice B.holdC.possession D.care答案:C提示:题意是“如果我们达不成协议,他们会占有那所房子吗?”11.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and No

11、rthern Ireland is made _ four parts.A.into B.from C.out of D.up of答案:D提示:make和四个选项都可构成短语。be made into意为“被制成”;be made from/out of意为“由什么原料制成”,均不符合题意。该题应用be made up of,表示英国是由四部分组成的。12.He lives in a house_with trees.A.surrounding B.roundC.surrounded D.around答案:C提示:around和round为介词,意为“围绕;环绕”,其后一般不再接介词短语,况

12、且也不符合句意。surround为动词“围绕;环绕”,与前面的house是动宾关系,所以应用surrounded表示被动。13.With a lot of difficult problems _,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A.settled settle D.being settled答案:C提示:题中所设语境是the newly-elected president is having a hard time,说明新上任的总统正过得艰难,有很多问题有待解决,因此在with复合结构中应由不定

13、式作补语表示未发生的动作。虽然problem与settle是被动关系,但过去分词settled表示完成,即“解决了”,显然不符合句意。14.The famous professor_at the meeting will give us a lecture on English study next week.A.referred B.referred toC.referring D.referring to答案:B提示:该句主语为“The professor”,谓语为will give,refer to作后置定语修饰the famous professor,因为refer to与profes

14、sor是动宾关系,所以应用其过去分词形式作定语。15.Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?A.this B.that C.he D.it答案:D提示:it作形式主语。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) It was a warm April day when a big fat envelope came in the mail from the only college I had ever imagined attending.I tore open the packet.My eyes were fixed on t

15、he word “congratulations”. I dont remember ever smiling so wide. Then I looked at my financial(财政的)package. The cost of Dream Schools tuition(学费),room and board was around $40 000 an impossible sum!How could I afford to attend?What good reasons did I have to go there when three other fine colleges w

16、ere offering me free tuition?My other choices were good,solid schools even if they werent as famous as my first choice. In my mind,attending my dream university would be the only way to realize my dream of becoming a world-class writer.My parents understood how I felt.They told me that even though i

17、t would be a financial problem,I could go wherever I would be happiest.But as I was always careful with money,I wasnt sure what to do. One of the schools that offered me a full ride had an informational dinner one night in the spring.Considering my parents financial difficulties,I decided to drive t

18、he 45 minutes and attend.At first,all I had planned to do was smile politely,eat free food,listen quietly.But I surprised myself. At dinner the president of the university talked about the wonderful activities on campus(校园)including guest lectures and social gatherings.He also made it perfectly clea

19、r that free food would be offered at all future events.He continued with explanations of professors,class sizes, activities,and sporting events on campus.As he spoke,I began to realize that this school,though not as good as my first choice,might be the best one for me.It seemed small yet with many g

20、reat programs.It seemed challenging yet caring. As the president ended his speech,we clapped politely and pushed back our chairs.As I walked out that door,a feeling of comfort washed over me.Looking at the campus that night,I realized that I would be spending the next four years right there. In all

21、honesty,my university is not as well-known as my “dream”university.However,it turned out to be the right choice of schools for me.1.How did the author feel when he started to read the letter?A.He was full of joy.B.He was lost in his dream.C.He was worried about the money.D.He was uncertain which sch

22、ool to go to.答案:A提示:根据第一段最后一句话判断。2.We can learn from the passage that the parents were _.A.honest B.strictC.supportive D.decisive答案:C提示:根据第四段中“My parents understood how I felt.They told me that even though it would be a financial problem,I could go wherever I would be happiest”一段话我们可以看出他的父母对他非常支持。3.

23、Which of the following was NOT mentioned when the president of the university talked about the activities on campus at dinner?A.Sports events. B.Part-time jobs.C.Clubs for students. D.Free food.答案:B4.In Paragraph 5,“offered me a full ride”can be replaced by “_”.A.would pay for transport to the schoo

24、lB.would show me around the campusC.would offer free meals at all eventsD.would charge me nothing for tuition答案:D提示:全程免费。5.What does the author mainly want to say?A.Your second-choice college may actually by your best fit.B.You should consider comfort in your choice of schools.C.You should try your

25、best to attend your dream school.D.Your choice of schools should be based on their fame.答案:A提示:通过作者自己的经历,他想告诉大家在选择大学时应多方面考虑,多方面对比,根据自己的实际情况作出选择。.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 2008 Beijing Olympics will be held two weeks 1. _earlier than planned because of weather concerns. 2. _The Games were scheduled f

26、rom July 25 and August 10.But 3. _at Beijings request the times will be moved to August 4. _8-24.The change should mean better weather condition 5. _with fewer heat and a decreased risk of thunderstorms, 6. _IOC sports director Gilbert Felli said.Beijinghad asked the dates to be change to avoid the

27、7. _height of the Beijing summer,where temperature reaches 8. _by 38 degrees or so.It was the first time the IOC had 9. _put the competition dates again after the host was selected. 10. _答案:1.句首加The 2.earlierlater 3.andto4.timestime或dates 5. 6.fewerless7.changechanged 8.wherewhen 9.去掉by10.putset.书面表

28、达(满分25分) 秋天是旅游的好季节。某外国语学校校长要求各班同学就春游一事展开讨论。讨论的主题是:学校要不要组织学生春游。校长还要求班长就讨论的情况用英语写一封信给他。 假设你是某班班长李华,请你根据下表中的信息客观地介绍讨论情况。70的学生赞成春游1.可以领略大自然的优美景色;2.拓宽视野,增长知识;3.呼吸新鲜空气,有益于身体健康。30的学生反对春游1.时间紧,耽误学习;2.增加父母经济负担;3.担心安全。注意:1.信的格式已为你写好;2.词数:不少于80;3.生词:拓宽 broadenDear Headmaster, Im writing to tell you the discuss

29、ion weve had on whether the school should organize autumn outing for the students. _Yours truly,Li Hua参考答案:Dear Headmaster, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had on whether the school should organize a autumn outing for the students. Opinions on the question are divided as follows:70

30、of the students think that the school should organize the spring outing.They believe that the spring outing can make them enjoy the natures beautiful scenery,which can broaden our vision and fill us with more knowledge.They also say that the air in the open fields is fresher.Whats more,fresh air doe

31、s a lot of good to our health. On the other hand,30 dont like the idea of going out for a spring outing.In their opinions,time is very precious,so they have to grasp every minute to work hard at their lessons.Traveling costs.In that case,it will add to their families burden.Above all,no one can be sure of the safety of every student.Yours truly,Li Hua

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