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1、 (必修三Unit 2).单项填空1If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,_ him or her leave a message.Ahave BgetCtell Dask答案与解析:A此处考查have作使役动词的用法。句意为:如果我不在家,碰巧有人来访让他/她留下口信。have sb.do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,其他选项无此用法。2What do you think of his opinion?None has given me _ piece of advice.Aa better Bthe betterCbest Dthe be

2、st答案与解析:A根据语境可知后句意为:没有人比他给我的建议更好。none与比较级连用,表示最高级的意思,意为“没有比更”。其他选项不合句意。3I had to review part of my previous lecture _ those who had been absent from some classes.Afor the benefit of Bon purposeCin return for Din honor of答案与解析:Afor the benefit of 为了的利益;on purpose 故意地;in return for 作为的报答;in honor of 为

3、向表敬意。4If he can _ his natural ability with hard work,he must be very successful.Ajoin BuniteCconnect Dcombine答案与解析:D句意为:如果他能把能力与勤奋结合起来,他一定会成功。combine.with.把和结合,符合题意。5If he _ me his telephone number yesterday,I _ able to ring him up.Atold; would beBhad told; would have beenChad told; would beDtold; a

4、m答案与解析:B由句中时间状语yesterday可知是与过去事实相反的虚拟假设,主句用would have done结构。所以B项正确。6You _ go to the post office.Its going to rain.Ahad better not to Bhad not betterChad better not Dhad not better to答案与解析:Chad better的否定形式为had better not。故选C。7Why dont we hold a party to celebrate the achievements gained by our Olymp

5、ic players?_.ABecause we havent got enough preparations.BGood idea!CIts all because of the terrible weather.DNot all would like to attend it.答案与解析:Bwhy dont you/we do sth.?表示给某人提建议,A、C、D三项皆是对why引导的疑问句的回答,故选B项。8To everyones surprise,the boss seems to have more _ after his recovery from his serious il

6、lness than even us young men.Aforce BpowerCenergy Dstrength答案与解析:Cenergy“精力,能量”,可用于指人的精神、有活力。force“(物)力;武力;暴力”;power“能力;权力;权势”;strength“体力;强度;长处”。由题意知C项正确。9You must get excited about going to France to study oil painting._,but Im afraid I cant do well because my French is too poor.AI dont know yet B

7、Certainly notCWell,I ought to DAll right答案与解析:Cought to“相当于should,其后省略了have got excited”。10The boy _ on the ground _ that he had seen a cock _ an egg.Alaying; lay; lay Blying; lie; lieClying; lied; lay Dlay; lying; lay答案与解析:Clying on the ground为现在分词短语作后置定语,相当于who lay on the ground;第二个空为lie“撒谎”的过去式;l

8、ay an egg在感官动词see后作宾补。11Usually there is a speed _ of 30 km/h in towns or villages.Alevel BstandardClimit Ddegree答案与解析:C题意:通常在城镇或乡村的时速限制为每小时30公里。a speed limit“时速限制”符合题意。12They met some trouble solving that problem.Things didnt _ as smoothly as they had expected.Awork BgetCrun Dgo答案与解析:Dgo用做不及物动词时,意为

9、“进行,进展”。work“奏效”,产生预期的效果(作用),不能被smooth修饰;run“发生”,通常用于进行时态。13You _ the chance of a good job by your stupidity.Athrew away Bthrew aboutCthrew off Dthrew up答案与解析:A题意:就因为你蠢,白白错过了得到好工作的机会。本题考查动词短语辨析。throw away“错过”。14Their business is not so good as ever,so they have to _ the expenses of their company.Acu

10、t in Bcut offCcut up Dcut down答案与解析:D考查短语辨析。句意:他们生意不如以前好,因此他们只好削减公司的开支。cut down“减少,削减”,与expense搭配,构成cut down the expenses,意为“削减开支”。15He paused to _ his notes,and then proceeded with his questions according to his notes.Atake BconsultCmake Drefer答案与解析:B句意:他停下来看了看笔记,然后根据笔记继续提问。consult在此指“参阅,查阅”。take/m

11、ake notes意为“记笔记”,不符合语境。refer后加to才能跟宾语。.阅读理解 Le Trung,33,has spent 14,000 creating Aiko,who he describes as“in her 20s”with a 32,23,33 figure,shiny hair and delicate features. She can speak English and Japanese and is so good at mathematics that she can do Mr.Trungs accounts. Mr.Trung,from Brampton i

12、n Ontario,Canada,said he has never had time to find a real partner,so he designed and created his ideal woman using the latest technology. The former software programmer has taken out credit cards and loans,sold his car and spent his life savings on perfecting his“fembot” Now he is desperate to find

13、 a corporate sponsor(资助者)to help him complete and perfect Aiko. He said,“Aiko is what happens when science meets beauty.” “I want to make her look,feel and act as human as possible so she can be the perfect companion.” “I talk to her a lot,and hope to improve her knowledge.” “So far she can understa

14、nd and speak 13,000 different sentences in English and Japanese,so shes already fairly intelligent.” “Aiko recognize faces and says hello when any of my family come around to visit.She helps me pick what to have for dinner and knows what drinks I like.” “She even helps me with directions when were g

15、oing somewhere.” “When I need to do my accounts,Aiko does all the maths.She is very patient and never complains.” “She doesnt need holidays,food or rest and she will work almost 24hours a day.She is the perfect woman.” Mr.Trung has designed Aiko with a touchsensitive face and body so she reacts in a

16、 natural way if she is shown affection or hurt. He said,“She has all senses except for smell.”1Why did Le Trung spend much money creating Aiko?ABecause he prefers Aiko to a real person.BBecause he is too busy to find a partner.CBecause he thinks Aiko is very beautiful.DBecause he thinks Aiko is wort

17、h much money.答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据文章的第三段“he has never had time to find a real partnerso he designed and created his ideal woman using the latest technology.”可知B项正确。2According to the passage,what is Aiko?AAiko is a female person.BAiko is Mr.Trungs girl friend.CAiko is a robot that looks like a beautiful wo

18、man.DAiko is a perfect woman.答案与解析:C细节推理题。根据文章第三段中“so he designed and created his ideal woman using the latest technology.”以及倒数第二段“Mr.Trung has designed Aiko with a touchsensitive face and body.”可推知Aiko是一个女机器人。3Aiko can do the following things EXCEPT _.Athat she can understand and speak English and

19、JapaneseBthat she can do maths questions very wellCthat she can smell the strange smellDthat she can help to receive some familiar guests答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,Aiko没有嗅觉能力。故选C。A项根据文章第九段可知。B项根据文章第二段可知。D项根据倒数第六段可知。4What is the main idea of the passage?AThe reason for Le Trung creating Aiko.BThe introd

20、uction to a new scientific productAiko.CAikos ability or functions.DThe process of making Aiko.答案与解析:B主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文是对新的科技产品Aiko的介绍。.篇章结构_1_She described all the things she had to doone was to make her bedfrom the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work.I suggested she experime

21、nt by not making her bed for two weeks.She was shocked,probably thinking Id been raised by wolves in a forest._2_Two weeks later she went into my office beaming.She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 yearsand nothing bad had happened.“And you know what?”she said.“I dont dry my dishes a

22、nymore,either.”_3_One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before.The other was giving herself permission to be less that perfect.This story shows an important principle (原理) about managing time: No one can do it all.Each of us has to make choices and accept trade

23、offs.The problem is,many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last.They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves._4_So what is the solution?Theres an easy way.Decide what you want in your life,and put that first.On a daily basis,that should include r

24、egular meals,enough sleep and time with your family.Exercise,leisure,friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life._5_The choice is yours:whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life.Take a nap.Take a walk.Take time to play the piano.Stop bringing your briefcase home fr

25、om the office.Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers.Fill more of your time with wanttodos instead of havetodos.AThis woman had made two major breakthroughs (突破)BAbove all, you neednt do anything for yourself regularly.CThey put everyone elses needs ahead of their own.DHowever,she

26、 went along with my idea.EMost people do not take time to relax themselves.FThe point is to do something for yourself every day.GA patient came to see me about the stress in her life.答案:1.G2.D3.A4.C5.F.短文改错Dear Mr Li,Im glad to accept your letter of May 22nd.I dont expect that you would answer my le

27、tter so soon.You suggested in your letter that I must read more.I agree with you.It is true that one need to read a lot to improve his reading ability.It is the same like swimming.One cant learn to swim if he goes and swims in the water.So this summer I was going to get down to read some books.Altho

28、ugh I am not the kind person who always does things according to his/her plan,but I will try my best.Best wishes,Zhang Lin答案:Dear Mr Li,Im glad to your letter of May 22nd.I expect that you would answer my letter so soon.You suggested in your letter that I read more.I agree with you.It is true that o

29、ne to read a lot to improve his reading ability.It is the same swimming.One cant learn to swim he goes and swims in the water.So this summer I going to get down to some books.Although I am not the kind person who always does things according to his/her plan,but I will try my best.Best wishes,Zhang Lin


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