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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修八作业:UNIT 1 A LAND OF DIVERSITY PERIOD 2 WARMING UP & READING (2) WORD版含解析.doc

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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修八作业:UNIT 1 A LAND OF DIVERSITY PERIOD 2 WARMING UP & READING (2) WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、Unit 1Period 2.基础知识A单词拼写1There is a _ (明显) improvement in your spoken English.2Scientists are working to find a _ (方法) of storing this type of power.3He _ (决定) that he should become a doctor.4How long can the present business _ (繁荣) last?5The _ (多数) of his books are kept upstairs.6My mother suffered

2、 all kinds of _ (艰难) throughout her life.7A large _ (比例) of schoolbooks now have pictures.8The _ (联邦制的) Republic of Germany was the official name of West Germany.9All _ (飞行器) must fuel before a long flight.10The school has children from many different _ (种族的) groups.【答案】1.distinct2.means3.elected4.b

3、oom5.majority6hardships7.percentage8.Federal9.aircraft10racial B选用合适的单词或短语并以其适当形式填空percent;keep up;live on;by means of;elect as;the majority;make a life;by the time;distinction;boom1In a city with _ industry,land is precious and cant be extravagantly(挥霍无度地) used for traffic.2The teachers are trying

4、to improve our English _ listening,reading,writing and speaking.3Of all the immigrants,Chinese made up 30_.4Although his house was destroyed in the heavy snow,he was encouraged to _.5Zhang Yugui _ by planting vegetables in a greenhouse but suddenly it caught fire on the third day before the festival

5、.6Most of the Chinese people still _ the custom of eating zongzi at the Dragon Boat Festival every year.7_ the fireengine arrived,the fire had been put out by the inhabitants.8Customers are treated without _ of sex and age.9John has been _ the manager of the company for his hard work.10It is a rule

6、in the Partys constitution(章程) that the minority should obey _.【答案】1.booming2.by means of3.percent4.live on5made a life6.keep up7.By the time8distinction9.elected as10.the majorityC单项选择()1.Less than twenty percent of the employees in their company are women.That is to say,men are in the_.AmajorityBa

7、ctivityCpossibility Dminority()2.A new cure for the disease is_to be discovered.Alike BlikelyCpossible Dprobable()3.These are the highest_that have ever been given by the government.Adistinctions BacquisitionsCexpansion Dconnections()4.Remember to_a good state of mind even if you should fail plenty

8、of times.Atake up Bbrush upCget up Dkeep up()5.An uncle of mine lived_cancer for over 20 years,and died_January at the age of 86.Afor;from Bwith;ofCwith;in Dagainst;with()6.Mark of Youth tells the story of four Senior 3 students in a top high school in the days _up to the national college entrance e

9、xamination.Aled BleadingChaving led Dbeing led()7.After_ the top leader of the Communist Party of China,Xi Jinping urged the officials to give up their wastegenerating habits.Aelected BelectingCbeing elected Dto be elected()8.The teacher made_ clear that ice cream is junk food.Ait BthisCthat Done【答案

10、】1.A2.B3.A4.D5.C6.B7.C8.A D完成句子1我借助报纸上的一则公告找到了我的自行车。I found my bike_ _ _a notice in the newspaper.2科学家们说, 他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。Scientists say they are beginning to_ _in the fight_cancer.3彼得说当他第一次来到这个城市时,真的不知道如何适应。Peter said when he first came to the city,he really didnt know_ _ _ _ _.4我们七月初要去日本。Were goin

11、g to Japan_ _ _ _July.5他当演员的梦想终于实现了。He finally_ _ _of becoming an actor.His dream of becoming an actor finally _ _.6保育员尽量让孩子在室外多活动。The nurses keep children out of doors_ _ _ _.7我有一些困难,但是比起你的就算不了什么。Ive had some difficulties but they were nothing _ _yours.8该岛的人口约为78000。The island_ _ _ _about 78,000.【答

12、案】1.by means of2.break through;against3how to make a life4.at the beginning of5realized/achieved his dream; came true6as much as possiblepared to8has a population of.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I have always believed that reading books can broaden the mind,touch the heart, and en

13、rich the soul.It can also cause your imagination to do some _1_ things at times.I can _2_ several years ago reading a book where the hero went through several _3_ and at one point in the midst of his pain he cried out: “Where is love?” At that moment in my _4_ I leaped into the story,_5_ him by the

14、arm and told him: “Its everywhere! Its everywhere!” _6_ is everywhere.You just have to open your heart to _7_ it.For me it is there every time I _8_ the dawn break upon a new day.It is there every time a(n) _9_ cool breeze blows across my face.It is in the first _10_ flower of Spring.It is in the gr

15、een grass of Summer.It is in the last _11_ of Fall.It is there every time my daughter _12_ at one of my foolish jokes.It is there every time my handicapped son gives me a hug.It is in the _13_ eyes of my new young dog.It is in the smile of the clerk behind the counter.It is there when I _14_ a lette

16、r from a friend.It is in everything I write and every act of_15_ I do.The Bible tells us that “God is Love.” It _16_ us as well every time we open our hearts and souls to it.Dont shut out love then.Dont live your life in pain.Open your heart boldly.Share your love_17_.You will find that the more lov

17、e you _18_, the more love you will have.You will find that the more love you _19_, the more Gods love will _20_ you.You will find that when you live your life in love, you will find love everywhere.()1.A.foolishBfunnyCridiculous Dterrible()2.A.explain BnoticeCremember Dsearch()3.A.comedies Badjustme

18、ntsCexperiences Dtragedies()4.A.imagination BopinionCconsideration Dsoul()5.A.dragged BpushedCgrabbed Dhit()6.A.Sympathy BLoveCPity DComplaint()7.A.embrace BseeCbelieve Dobserve()8.A.feel BhearCsmell Dwatch()9.A.alive BlivelyClive Dliving()10.A.warmhearted BbrightcoloredCthick Dclean()11.A.harvest B

19、branchCview Dleaf()12.A.stares BlaughsCpoints Dglances()13.A.panic BshockingCadorable Dterrified()14.A.read BapplyCanswer Daccept()15.A.satisfaction BimpolitenessCkindness Ddishonesty()16.A.laughs BchangesCcomforts Dfills()17.A.selflessly BconsciouslyCabsolutely Dproudly()18.A.pay for BgiveCobtain Denjoy()19.A.thank BshareCseize Drequest()20.A.forget BrememberCpray Dsurround【答案】15BCDAC610BADBB1115DBCAC1620DABBD


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