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1、GEORGES DIARY 12TH14TH JUNEMonday 12th,JuneArrived early this morning by bus.Went straight to hotel to drop my luggage(行李),shower and shave(刮;剃)Then went exploring.First thing was a ride on a cable car(缆车)From top of the hill got a spectacular view of San Francisco Bay and the city.Built in 1873,the

2、 cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie,who wanted to find a better form of transport than horsedrawn trams(有轨)电车Apparently(显然地)hed been shocked when he saw a terrible accident in which a trams brakes(刹车) failed,the conductor could not control the situation and the tram slipped(滑行)down the

3、 hill dragging the horses with it.Had a late lunch at Fishermans Wharf.This is the district where Italian fishermen first came to San Francisco in the late 19th century and began the fishing industry.Now its a tourist area with lots of shops,sea food restaurants and bakeries(面包房)Its also the place t

4、o catch the ferry(渡口)to Angel Island and other places in the Bay.Did so much exploring at Fishermans Wharf.Am exhausted and dont feel like doing anything else.Early bed tonight!乔治的日记(6月12日14日)6月12日星期一清晨乘公共汽车抵达,直赴旅馆,放下行李,洗澡、刮脸,即去观光。先是乘缆车,在山顶览胜,观看旧金山湾及整个城市。缆车系统建于1873年,是由安德鲁哈利迪发明的,他试图找到一种比马拉轨道车更好的交通方式。

5、他曾经看到过一次可怕的交通事故:由于一辆马拉轨道车刹车失灵,驾车者对局面失去控制,车子和马一起从山上滑了下去,很明显这让他受到了极大的震惊。午餐是在渔人码头吃的,吃得很晚。意大利渔民于19世纪末首先来到旧金山,并且在这儿开始了捕渔业。如今这儿是一个旅游区了,有许多商店、海鲜馆和面包房。这也是乘船去天使岛和海湾其他地方的渡口。在渔人码头看了这么多东西,我精疲力竭,什么也不想干了。今晚要早点睡觉!助读讲解go exploring 去探险。where引导定语从句,修饰the district。Tuesday 13th,JuneTeamed up with a couple from my hotel

6、(Peter and Terri)and hired(租用) a car.Spent all day driving around the city.Theres a fascinating(吸引人的) drive marked out for tourists.It has blue and white signs with seagulls(海鸥) on them to show the way to go.Its a 79km roundtrip that takes in all the famous tourist spots.Stopped many times to admire

7、 the view of the city from different angles and take photographs.Now have a really good idea of what the citys likeIn evening,went to Chinatown with Peter and Terri.Chinese immigrants settled in this area in the 1850s.The fronts of the buildings are decorated to look like old buildings in southern C

8、hina.Saw some interesting temples here,a number of markets and a great many restaurants.Also art galleries and a museum containing documents,photographs and all sorts of objects about the history of Chinese immigration,but it is closed in the evening.Will go back during the day.Had a delicious meal

9、and then walked down the hill to our hotel.6月13日星期二同饭店里的一对夫妻(彼得和泰莉)做伴,我们一起租了一辆小汽车,一整天驱车游览城市。有一种专为旅游者选定的非常吸引人的驾车游活动。车身上有蓝白两色相间的标记,上面有海鸥以表示要去的路线。这是一次往返79公里的旅行,它包括了所有著名的旅游景点。途中多次停车,以便从不同角度欣赏城市风景并摄影。现在确定对城市的面貌有了一个很好的了解。晚上,跟彼得和泰莉一起去中国城。中国移民于19世纪50年代定居在这个地区。建筑物前面装饰得就像中国南部地区的古建筑一样。在这儿看到了一些有趣的寺庙,很多的集贸市场和许多餐

10、馆,还有美术馆和一个博物馆。博物馆里有关于中国移民史的文件、照片和各种各样的物品,但是晚上关门了。打算白天再来。吃了一顿可口的饭菜,然后步行下山回到旅馆。助读讲解drive此处用作名词,表示“车道,路”。过去分词短语marked out for tourists作后置定语,修饰drive。that takes in.是定语从句,修饰a 79km roundtrip。现在分词短语containing.作后置定语,修饰a museum。Wednesday 14th,JuneIn morning,took ferry to Angel Island from the port in San Fran

11、cisco Bay.On the way had a good view of the Golden Gate Bridge.From 1882 to 1940 Angel Island was a famous immigration station where many Chinese people applied for(申请)right to live in USA.The cells in the station were very small,cold and damp;some did not even have light but the immigrants had nowh

12、ere else to go.Their miserable(悲惨的)stay seemed to be punishment(惩罚)rather than justice(公平)and freedom to them.They wrote poems on the walls about their loneliness and mourned(表示悲痛) their former life in China.In 1940 the civil(公民的) authorities(当局)reformed(改革)the system so that many more Chinese peopl

13、e were able to grasp(抓住) the opportunity of settlingin the USA.Made me very thoughtful and thankful for my life today.6月14日星期三早晨,从旧金山湾的港口乘轮渡去天使岛,路上观赏了金门大桥。从1882年至1940年,天使岛成为一个著名的移民站,许多中国人在那儿申请美国居住权。移民站的房间又小又冷又潮湿,一些房间甚至没有光,但是移民们没有其他去处。悲惨的境遇对他们来说似乎是一种惩罚而谈不上公平和自由。他们在墙上写诗,抒发孤独的情感,痛惜以前在中国的生活。1940年民政部门改革了

14、制度,使得更多的中国人能够得到机会定居美国。这引起我的感慨,使我对今天的生活感到欣慰。助读讲解where many.是where引导的定语从句,修饰a famous immigration station。so that many.是so that引导的结果状语从句。第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意速读P8教材课文,匹配文章大意1Diary 1ADriving around San Francisco,especially Chinatown.2Diary 2 B. Saying sth.about the cable car and fishermen.3Diary 3 CAbout Ang

15、el Island.答案13BAC第二步细读把控文章关键信息细读P8教材课文,选择最佳答案1George went to Angel Island by Abus Bcable carCferry Dcar2In Chinatown George saw many objects EXCEPT Atemples Bart galleriesCa museum Dpaper cuttings3. The phrase takes in in the sentence “Its a 79km roundtrip that takes in all the famous tourist spots.

16、”means Acheats BincludesCunderstands Deats4Which of the following is WRONG?A. George went to bed early on the first night.BHe ate his lunch at the hotel on the first day.CHorsedrawn trams used to be dangerous.DGeorge took a ride on a cable car.答案14CDBB第三步研读能力升华接轨高考根据P8教材课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式On

17、 Monday,when I began 1.exploring/to explore(explore),I first rode on a cable car and the cable car system 2.was invented(invent) by Andrew Hallidie.I had a late lunch at Fishermans Wharf.The next day,I 3.teamed(team) up with a couple 4.and spent all day 5.driving(drive) around the city.I 6.admired(a

18、dmire) the view of the city and took photos.7.On Wednesday,I took ferry to Angel Island,which was once a 8.famous(fame) immigration station.On 9.the way I had a good view of the Golden Gate Bridge.I also knew something about Chinese 10.immigrants(immigrant).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1If you go to Suzhou,

19、you can hire(租) a bicycle to go around the city.2At that time,nobody noticed the thief slip(滑动,溜) into the house because the lights happened to go out.3The novel which was written by Mo Yan presents one aspect of the reform (改革) in the countryside.4It was a pity that nobody could tell when the terri

20、ble accident exactly occurred5His attitude indicated that he was not very happy with what you did.6You didnt grasp the main point of the article.Please read it carefully once again.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1apply v申请;使用applicant n申请人2indicate vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示indication n指示;标示3apparent adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的app

21、arently adv.显然地;显而易见地.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1back to back 背靠背2team up with 与合作或一起工作3mark out 用线画出范围,标出界线4take in 包括;吸收5a great/good many 许多;很多6apply for 申请;请示得到.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1Our club plans to take in 20 new members.2You have to apply for a passport in advance.3He marked out the tennis court with red pa

22、int before the game.4You may find a great many beautiful birds here.背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.Built in 1873,the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie,who wanted to find a better form of transport than horsedrawn trams.缆车系统建于1873年,是由安德鲁哈利迪发明的,他试图找到一种比马拉轨道车更好的交通方式。过去分词短语“Built in 1873”在句中作状语。Ordered

23、 over a week ago,the books are expected to arrive any time now.这些书一个多星期以前就被下订单了,现在预计随时会到。2.It has blue and white signs with seagulls on them to show the way to go.车身上有蓝白两色相间的标记,上面有海鸥以表示要去的路线。with的复合结构在句中作定语。I mention the single parent with four kids running the show我提到一位有四个孩子的单亲母亲在主持这次活动。3.In 1940 t

24、he civil authorities reformed the system so that many more Chinese people were able to grasp the opportunity of settling in the USA.1940年民政部门改革了制度,使得更多的中国人能够得到机会定居美国。so that在句中引导结果状语从句。He didnt study hard,so that he failed in the exam他没有努力学习,以至于考试不及格。 occur vi.发生;出现(教材P5)It didnt occur to me that.我没

25、想到(1)It occurs to sb.to do sth.某人想起做某事occur to sb. 被想到;发生在某人身上(2)It occurs to/strikes/hits sb.that. 某人突然想起It occurs to me that he might be interested in the problem we had discussed.我突然想起来他也许对我们讨论过的那个问题感兴趣。A good idea occurred to me all at once.突然间我想到一个好主意。I suppose it didnt occur to you to phone (p

26、hone) the police.我想你根本就没想到打电话报警吧。名师点津(1)表达“发生”之意时,occur与happen 可以互换;另外occur,happen,take place,break out等表示“发生;爆发”的单词或短语都不能用于被动语态或进行时态。(2)occur结构中主语不能是人,而是想到的事情或it。 indicate vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示(教材P7)Try to use the expressions above to indicate that you are listening carefully to your partner.尽量用以上的短语来表明你正

27、在认真地听你的伙伴说话。(1)indicate sth.to sb.向某人指出某事indicate that. 表明;示意as.indicates 正如所示(2)indication n. 指示;象征indicator n. 指示者;指示牌Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.研究结果显示超过81%的教师对他们的薪水不满意。As is indicated(indicate) in the survey,more and more people choose to trave

28、l abroad.调查显示,越来越多的人选择出国旅游。There are clear indications(indicate) that the economy is improving.有明显的迹象显示经济正在改善。语境助记He indicated that an indicator should give me some indications of what I would do in the test.他指出,一个指导者应该给我一些在考试中如何做的指示。 team up with与合作/一起工作(教材P8)Teamed up with a couple from my hotel (

29、Peter and Terri) and hired a car.同饭店里的一对夫妻(彼得和泰莉)做伴,我们一起租了一辆小汽车。(1)team up合作;搭配team up (with sb.) to do sth.(与某人)一起做某事(2)“动词up with”短语:come up with 提出(建议、想法等)catch up with 赶上put up with 忍受;容忍keep up with 赶上They will team up again to form a powerful combination.他们将再次组队,形成一个强大的联盟。The two companies hav

30、e teamed up to develop(develop) a new racing car.那两个公司已合作研制新型赛车。Ill have to put up with the noise till I move next week.我下周就要搬了,在此之前,我还是得忍受这种噪音。 mark out用线画出范围;标出界线(教材P8)Theres a fascinating drive marked out for tourists.有一种专为旅游者选定的非常吸引人的驾车游活动。mark v做记号;标志;庆祝 n. 记号;标记;分数;痕迹 用B在A上做记号mark down 记下;消减ma

31、rk up 给打高分;在作标记What do those strange marks at the top mean?顶端那些奇怪的记号是什么意思?I always mark papers with a red pen so that the mistakes are easy to see.我总是用红笔批改试卷,以便让错误一目了然。Mark down everything you eat on your daily chart.在日记表上记下你吃的每样东西。 take in包括;吸收;欺骗;领会,理解;收留(教材P8)Its a 79km roundtrip that takes in al

32、l the famous tourist spots.这是一次往返共79公里的旅行,它包括了所有著名的旅游景点。写出下列句中take in的含义This is the total cost of the holiday,taking everything in.包括We are taken in by his promise of quick profit.欺骗I dont take in what you are talking about.理解,明白He was homeless,so we took him in.收留;留宿take away拿开;拿走;解除,消除(痛苦等)take do

33、wn 拆掉;写下;记录take off 起飞;迅速流行;脱下(衣服);突然开始成功;拿走;取下;休假take on 呈现;雇用;承担take over 接管;接替take up 拿起;占据;从事;继续;接受There will be many challenges ahead,but I have confidence that Ill take on the burden.尽管前面有很多挑战,但我有信心勇挑重担。Children spent hours watching the planes take off and land.孩子们一连几个小时都在看飞机起飞和降落。When Mr.Gree

34、n retired,his son took over the business from him.格林先生退休时,他的儿子接管生意。 a great/good many许多;很多(教材P8)Saw some interesting temples here,a number of markets and a great many restaurants.在这儿看到了一些有趣的寺庙,很多的集贸市场和许多餐馆。修饰可数名词many,a good/great many,many a,a large number of,large numbers of修饰不可数名词much,a good/great

35、 deal of,a large amount of,large amounts of修饰可数名词和不可数名词a lot of,lots of,a quantity of,quantities of,plenty ofWithout the government,a large number of people would have lost their lives in the flood.没有政府,许多人早就在洪水中失去生命了。A good/great many measures(measure) must be taken to prevent air pollution.必须采取大量措

36、施来防治大气污染。A good many of the parts in the plane have been collected in the ocean.从海洋上搜集了这架飞机上的许多残骸。名师点津a great/good many后一般不用of,但后接代词或所修饰的名词前有定冠词the,后接指示代词these,those,物主代词my,their等时,需用of。 apply for申请;请示得到(教材P8)From 1882 to 1940 Angel Island was a famous immigration station where many Chinese people a

37、pplied for right to live in USA.从1882年至1940年,天使岛成为一个著名的移民站,许多中国人在那儿申请美国居住权。(1)apply vi.申请;适用 vt. 应用apply to do sth. 申请做某事apply(to sb.)for sth. (向某人)申请;请求apply oneself to. 致力于;集中精力做apply to 适用于apply sth.to 把应用于(2)applicant n. 申请人application n. 书面请求;申请书Weve applied to the government for a home improve

38、ment project.我们已经向市政府申请改善住房条件。If you apply yourself(you) to the job in hand,youll soon finish it.如果你尽全力做你目前的工作,你将能很快地把它做完。What is most important is that we should apply theory to practice.最重要的是理论应用于实践。As the wages were low,there were few applicants(apply) for the job.因为工资低,没有什么人申请这份工作。语境助记All the ap

39、plicants can apply in person or by letter and at the same time should hand in their applications before May 6th.所有申请者都可亲自或以书信形式申请,同时必须在五月六日前递交申请(书)。 (教材P4) When he reached the North Pole,he found nothing exciting except for a sign marking the spot,but he did meet some scientists there who were study

40、ing the melting of the ice and making a life for themselves among the snowy hills and plains.当他到达北极时,除了标示地域的牌子,他没有发现什么令人兴奋的事情,但是在那儿他的确遇到了一些科学家,那些科学家在研究冰的融化并在雪山和雪原中谋生。【要点提炼】句中的did是助动词,用来强调谓语动词meet,did表示“的确”。(1)谓语动词前常用do/does/did来加强语气,可译成“确实,的确”,这时谓语动词须用动词原形。(2)助动词do用来强调谓语动词,须符合以下条件:句子是肯定句;句子的时态为一般现在时

41、或一般过去时。I do long for a pleasant chat with you.我真的很想和你愉快地谈一谈。He does work hard and can finish his work on time.他工作的确努力,能按时完成工作。To my great joy,the plant did look exactly like what we were looking for.使我高兴的是,这棵植物看起来确实像是我们正在寻找的那种。 (教材P8) Built in 1873,the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidi

42、e,who wanted to find a better form of transport than horsedrawn trams.缆车系统建于1873年,是由安德鲁哈利迪发明的,他试图找到一种比马拉轨道车更好的交通方式。【要点提炼】过去分词短语built in 1873在句中作状语。句中who引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰Andrew Hallidie。过去分词短语通常在句中作时间、原因、条件、让步、伴随、方式等状语。过去分词通常与句子的主语构成被动关系,或表示动作已完成。Given a lot of money,he lived a better life.给他许多钱后,他的日子过

43、得好多了。Used(use) with care,one tin will last for six weeks.如果用得仔细的话,一罐可以够用六周。(表示条件)The teacher came in,followed(follow) by a group of students.老师进来了,后面跟着一群学生。(表示伴随).单句语法填空1Some students found it hard to take in what their teacher had taught,so they asked him to explain it again.2He was apparently (app

44、arent)much surprised at the news that the amateur athlete beat the professional one who ranked top ten.3There is a great deal of evidence indicating (indicate)that listening to soft music can reduce stress.4It suddenly occurred to me that I hadnt locked my door.5You cant apply for the job until you

45、have satisfied certain conditions.6He did(do) come but soon went back.7A great many of the students in our class have passed the exam.8Seen(see) from the hill,the park looks very beautiful.9They marked out the tennis court with white paint.10In China,the BBC has teamed up with S to provide English l

46、earners with opportunities to learn English.完成句子1It occurred to me that I had left my umbrella upstairs.我想起我把伞忘在了楼上。2They teamed up with another family to rent a house.他们与另一个家庭合租一所房子。3She did tell me about her address,but I forgot all about it.她确实告诉过我她的地址,但我忘了。4His dog was nowhere to be found他的狗哪儿都找不到。5Written in a hurry,this article was not so good.因为写得匆忙,这篇文章不是很好。


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