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本文(2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8习题:UNIT 5 MEETING YOUR ANCESTORS 单元要点回顾 WORD版含解析.DOC)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8习题:UNIT 5 MEETING YOUR ANCESTORS 单元要点回顾 WORD版含解析.DOC

1、单元要点回顾.重点单词1_vt. 打断,中断2_adj. 灵敏的,敏锐的3_adj. 充足的,足够的4_vi. 使成熟5_vi. 使锋利6_n饿死,饥饿7_vt. 搔,抓8_vi. 吐痰9_n. 重要意义10_n. 幼儿园11_vt. 加速12_adj. 晕眩的13_vt. 逮捕,吸引14_vt. 鼓掌,喝彩15_adj. 期满的,到期的.重点短语1_of 不顾,不管2_spite of 尽管3_behalf of 代表4due_由于5_most 至多6keep_不让进入7ahead_超过8look_为将来打算,向前看9date back_追溯到10break_爆发.单词拼写1Dont wor

2、ry any more.Your name has been_(删除)from the list,and no one can know about it.2The new evidence of the case led to a high official being _(逮捕)yesterday.3Dont be anxious to_(打断)a student while he is answering a question.4His contribution is of great_(意义)to the world peace.5At the end of the show,the

3、whole audience stood up and warmly_(为喝彩)the performers.6Slowly but surely, companies are making efforts to encourage their workforces to switch to_(可选择的)transportation.7Your_(分析)of the causes of the accident are very thorough. Thank you very much.850,000 years from now on,we may seem as_(原始的)in our

4、ideas as stoneage hunters do to us.9Its obvious that greenhouse gases will_(加速)warming and harm the polar bear.10We can predict changes with a surprising degree of _ (准确).在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1_news came to him as_great surprise that tsunami swept across Xiantai. 2He has a terrible toothache.

5、 So his mother has to cut _ all his food for him.3There is not much time left, but_we must get there on time.4As time goes by, the_(divide) between the various classes of society are not so sharply marked as they used to be.5Its reported that thousands of people are going back to school online for c

6、areer_(advance) or just for fun.单元要点回顾.重点单词1interrupt2.acute3.ample4.ripen5sharpen6.starvation7.scratch8spit9.significance10.kindergarten11accelerate12.dizzy13.arrest14applaud15.due.重点短语 5.at6out7.of8.ahead9.to10.out.单词拼写1deleted2.arrested3.interrupt4significance5.applauded6.a

7、lternative7analyses8.primitive9.accelerate10accuracy.在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1The;a第一空为定指,用the;第二空为“数量一”,用a。2up句意:因为他牙痛的要命,所以他母亲不得不为他将所有的食物切碎。cut up 切碎。3anywayanyway 不论如何。句意:时间不多了,但无论如何我们必须按时到那。4divisions句意:随着时间的推移,现在社会上各阶层的区分不像过去那样明显了。division“区分”。5advancementadvancement“进步,提高”,此处表示为了改进工作,很多人上网

8、校。6.Waiter,what about my food? I_(wait) for over 30 minutes.Oh, sorry, sir. Just one more minute, please.7Not having enough to eat, many people died from_ (starve) in the search for the new land.8Regardless_his wifes strong objection, the husband insisted on putting all the money they had into the s

9、tock market,which almost drove her crazy.9Be quiet! Its impolite _(interrupt) others when they are talking.10Lets_(assume) that there is a selection this month. What is the result likely to be given the latest opinion polls?11He _(arrest) when customs officers found drugs in his bag.12I wonder if yo

10、u are satisfied with my proposal.But I prefer to see _alternative one before making a decision.13The origin of Chinese culture_(date) back to more than 5,000 years ago.14Everyone should look_and save a little money each year for when he retires.15Im going to San Francisco for a couple of days.I real

11、ly_(envy) you.I wish I could get away for a while.16The food can _(preserve) well in the fridge.17Youd better close the windows to keep _ the cold.18Trapped in the heavy snowstorm, we had no alternative but _ (call) for help.19_spite of the strong wind and the heavy rain, my father rushed to his far

12、m to look after his crops.20In order to get home before dark, we _(accelerate) our car.语法填空We may be very_1_(please) with the rapid progress we have made in every field of study, but we have almost done nothing to improve our present_2_(exam) systems which focus_3_testing the students memory instead

13、 of their_4_ (able). As soon as a child begins school, he enters a world of examination_5_ will decide his future of job. In fact a good examination system should encourage students to think for themselves. But the examination now does anything but that. It forces the students to remember_6_is taugh

14、t to get high marks. Thus the students who come out first in the examination often may be the_7_(good) in their studies. In addition, such_8_examination system often drives teachers to cram(把塞满) all the time and forces them to train students what to do with the_9_(come) examination.There must be a b

15、etter way to test a students true ability as_10_as their knowledge.答案.短文改错Recently I have learned from the Internet that traffic accidents were happened frequently,that mainly resulted from drunk driving.Many drivers think they are luckily to avoid accidents.As the matter of fact,no one can afford t

16、o risk their lives driving after drinking.Drunk driving will not only threaten the life of the drivers as well as other people,and also make their family suffer from anxiety caused by it.In addition,drunk driving against the law and more and more people are punished for them.As a word,for the sake o

17、f the safety of all people,please not drive after drinking.6.have been waiting表示从过去开始一直在做某事用现在完成进行时。7starvationstarvation 饿死。句意:由于没有足够吃的,许多人在寻找新土地中饿死。8of句意:不顾妻子的反对,丈夫把他们的钱都投入到股市,这几乎让她疯了。regardless of“不管,不顾”根据后面的his wifes strong objection可知他的妻子是反对的。9to interrupt句意:安静!别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。interrupt“插嘴,打断”。10a

18、ssumeassume 认为,假设。第一句句意:咱们假设这个月有次选举。11was arrestedarrest 逮捕。句意:当海关官员在他口袋里发现毒品时他被逮捕了。12an根据句子意思可知回答者希望能有选择的余地再做决定。13datesdate back to 起始于,无被动语态。14aheadlook ahead 向前看。句意:大家都应为将来打算,并为退休后攒点儿钱。15envyI really envy you.我的确羡慕你。16be preserved被动语态。17outkeep out不让进入。句意:你最好关上窗户,不让寒冷进入。18to callhave no alternati

19、ve but to do.别无选择只好做。为固定用法。19Inin spite of尽管。句意:尽管风大雨大,父亲急忙赶往农场照看他的庄稼。20acceleratedaccelerate加速。句意:为了天黑前到家,我们加速行驶。.语法填空1pleased固定搭配 be pleased with 对满意。2examination名词修饰名词,examination systems 考试系统。3on固定搭配,focus on 把注意力集中在。4ability根据语境,考查学生的记忆力而不是他们的能力,此处需用名词。5which/that关系代词引导定语从句,修饰先行词examination, 并在

20、从句中充当主语。6whatwhat 引导宾语从句,并在从句中充当主语。7best考查形容词最高级。根据语意,在考试中取得第一的往往是学习最好的。8anexamination system (考试系统)为可数名词,首字母发元音,所以用不定冠词an。9coming现在分词作定语修饰examination 并与之构成主谓关系,译为“即将到来的考试”。10well固定搭配,as well as 也。.短文改错Recently I have learned from the Internet that traffic accidents happened frequently, mainly resul

21、ted from drunk driving.Many drivers think they are to avoid accidents.As matter of fact,no one can afford to risk their lives driving after drinking.Drunk driving will not only threaten the of the drivers as well as other people, also make their family suffer from anxiety caused by it.In addition,drunk driving against the law and more and more people are punished for . a word,for the sake of the safety of all people,please drive after drinking.

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