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本文(2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8习题:课时作业15 UNIT 4 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE & USING LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.DOC)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家.阅读理解I must have always known reading was very important because the first memories I have as a child deal with books.There was not one night that I dont remember Mom reading me a storybook by my bedside.I was extremely inspired by the elegant way the words sounded.I always wanted to

2、 know what my mom was reading.Hearing Mom say,“I cant believe whats printed in the newspaper this morning,” made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself.I wanted to be like my mom and know all of the things she knew.So I carried around a book,and each night,just to be like her,I would

3、 pretend to be reading.This is how everyone learned to read.We would start off with sentences,then paragraphs,and then stories.It seemed an unending journey,but even as a sixyearold girl I realized that knowing how to read could open many doors.When Mom said, “The CANDY is hidden on the top shelf,”

4、I knew where the candy was.My progress in reading raised my curiosity,and I wanted to know everything.I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly,so that I could read all of the road signs we passed.Most of my reading through primary,middle and high school was factual reading.I read for

5、 knowledge,and to make As on my tests.Occasionally, I would read a novel that was assigned,but I didnt enjoy this type of reading.I liked facts,things that are concrete.I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument.Yet,now that Im growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is

6、 becoming more complex,I find myself needing a way to escape.By opening a novel,I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character.In these worlds I can become anyone.I dont have to write down what happened or what technique the author was us

7、ing when he or she wrote this.I just read to relax.Were taught to read because its necessary for much of human understanding.Reading is a vital part of my life.Reading satisfies my desire to keep learning.And Ive found that the possibilities that lie within books are limitless.本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述自己对阅读的喜爱:

8、从小听妈妈读睡前故事,开始识字之后就认读路边的路标,后来阅读习惯也发生了变化。1Why did the author want to grab the newspaper out of her moms hands?AShe wanted Mom to read the news to her.BShe was anxious to know what had happened.CShe couldnt wait to tear the newspaper apart.DShe couldnt help but stop Mom from reading.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据题干中的

9、want to grab the newspaper out of her moms hands可把答案定位在第二段。该段说,作者想知道妈妈读的是什么,由原文中的 “.made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself.”可知,作者急切地想知道报纸上的内容,因此选B。2According to Paragraph 3,the authors reading of road signs indicates _.Aher unique way to locate herselfBher eagerness to develop h

10、er reading abilityCher effort to remind Mom to obey traffic rulesDher growing desire to know the world around her答案:D解析:推理判断题。第三段中提到“My progress in reading raised my curiosity,and I wanted to know everything.(我在阅读方面的进步增加了我的好奇心,我想了解一切)”,于是“我”就会让妈妈把车开得慢一点儿,以便能看到所有的路标。从这些信息判断,作者这样做是因为想要了解周围的世界,因此选D。3Wh

11、at was the authors view on factual reading?AIt would help her update testtaking skills.BIt would allow much room for free thinking.CIt would provide true and objective information.DIt would help shape a realistic and serious attitude to life.答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据题干中的factual reading可把答案定位在第四段。该段说,作者在小学、初中和

12、高中的阅读都是“事实性的阅读”,这种阅读是为了获取知识,考试得A,当时的作者喜欢具体的事实(facts,things that are concrete),同时她觉得抽象的东西引起争论的可能性太大(anything abstract left too much room for argument),从这些信息推断应选C,作者觉得事实性的读物能给人提供真实、客观的信息。4The author takes novel reading as a way to _.Aexplore a fantasy landBdevelop a passion for learningClearn about th

13、e adult communityDget away from a confusing world答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据题干中的takes novel reading可将答案定位在第五段。第五段中说作者觉得曾经简单的世界正变得更复杂(the becoming more complex),自己想逃避(needing a way to escape),打开一本小说就能把自己的负担甩到脑后,进入一个美妙而神秘的世界。D项中的get away from表示“逃避”,a confusing world表示“令人困惑的世界”,这些信息都与该段叙述相吻合,因此选D。.语法填空Som

14、e of my most precious memories _1_ (spend) with my grandmother.We had a language barrier _2_ she was French from Canada and a hearing barrier. She went completely deaf at age three. _3_ our hearts spoke to each other loud and clear!I spent a lot of my free time with her in gardening, sewing, and hav

15、ing tea and cookies _4_ (sit) by the fireplace.I would never forget the time _5_ she was teaching me how to make my first quilt.She had me pull the string to _6_ (low) the ladder going up into her attic(阁楼)I was so excited.I had never been into an attic in my life.She gestured I would find some _7_

16、(box) of clothes and pick out some.I can still smell _8_ attic and see all the old hats, clothes,and winter coats.My first quilt was a simple one made of 5inch squares of a vast variety of colorful cloth.My grandmother lived to be 97 years old. _9_ taught me so much about life,love, patience, and un

17、derstanding _10_ almost a word spoken!1were_spent解析:考查动词的时态和语态。此处陈述的是过去的一般事实,且主语“Some of my most precious memories”与动词spend之间为动宾关系,故应用一般过去时的被动语态,所以填were spent。2because/as/for解析:考查连词。空后的“she was French from Canada”是“We had a language barrier”的原因,故可填because/as/for。3But解析:考查连词。所填词表示转折关系,位于句首,且空后无逗号,故用表

18、示转折意义的并列连词But。4sitting解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,主语I与sit之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词sitting在句中作状语表示主动关系和动作同时发生。5when解析:考查定语从句。空处所填词引导定语从句,且在从句中作时间状语,先行词是the time,故用when。6lower解析:考查词性转换。她让我拉绳子,把通向她的阁楼的梯子“放下来”。lower意为“把放低;放下”。7boxes解析:考查名词的数。some后接可数名词的复数,故填boxes。8the解析:考查冠词。此处特指上文提到的“her attic(阁楼)”,应填定冠词the。9She解析:考查代词。所填词指代“My grandmother”,且在句中作主语,故用She。10without解析:考查介词。从第一段中的“a languagebarrier”“a hearing barrier”可知,此处表示“几乎没有说一个字”,故应填without。高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!

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