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2011高考英语总复习单元训练:BOOKII UNIT9(教师解析版).doc

1、考点训练31 S2 B1 Unit 9 Saving the earth.句子填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1.A few _(暴力的) scenes were cut from the film.答案:violent2.It is his_ (职责) to maintain the properties of the factory.答案:responsibility3.We find it difficult to gain_ (接近) to him.答案:access4.He w the words off the blackboard.答案:wiped5.He said

2、 he was _ (愿意) to help us.答案:willing6.She had to_ (防卫) herself against the guard dog.答案:defend7.The tiger is a common _ (典型,代表) of the cat family.答案:representative8.We have been living_ (与协调) each other for many years.答案:in harmony with9.Its high time that the government_ (采取行动) to fight against the

3、 pollution.答案:took action10.The doctor_ (劝我不要) have too much oily food.答案:advised me not to.单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1.I cant go for a holiday.Ill have to _ a summer course,preparing for the GRE.A.join B.attend C.serve D.spare答案:B提示:attend为及物动词,与course搭配,意为“上课”。2.Will you please let me have a look at

4、the notes youve_of the lecture given by Mr Johnson?A.written B.taken C.recorded D.marked答案:B提示:take notes of.指“作笔记”。3.There is no _ to the house from the main road.A.street B.access C.key D.trend答案:B提示:access to意思是“的入口”,to为介词。4.He demanded that quick action should be _ before things got even worse.A

5、.made B.held C.taken D.carried答案:C提示:take action是固定短语,“采取行动”的意思。5.It only took her three days before she found herself to be _ with her new a harmony a harmony harmony答案:D提示:in harmony with固定短语,“与很和谐”的意思。6.Im feeling worse.The drug did not _ my health;in fact,it

6、 seemed to have no_at all.A.effect;affect B.effect;effortC.affect;effort D.affect;effect答案:D提示:作“影响”讲时,affect为及物动词,effect为名词。7.The key _ the earth is to change the way _ we save;/ saving;/ save;how saving;how答案:B提示:the key to固定短语,意为“的方法,关键,答案”,to是介词;而the way作先行词时,引导定语从句的方法有三种

7、:that,in which或省略引导词。8.(2010山东烟台高三诊断,27) Ms Wang looks a rather kind lady.But in fact she is cold and hard on us.You _ believe it!A.mustnt B.needntC.shouldnt D.wouldnt答案:D提示:本题考查情态动词;would表说话人的意愿或向对方提出请求、建议。9._ in recent years that it has almost become the rule.A.So often for this to happen B.So oft

8、en this has happenedC.So often is this happened D.So often has this happened答案:D提示:so.that句型中so及其所修饰的部分放在句首时,句子应用部分倒装。10.(2010山东烟台高三诊断,30) Nowadays teenagers like to go to fast food restaurants, _ as the name suggests,eating doesnt take much time.A.who B.where C.which D.what答案:B提示:本题考查定语从句;where引导定语

9、从句,又在从句中作地点状语。11.I finally got the job I dreamed about.Never in all my life _ so happy!A.did I feel B.I felt C.I had felt D.had I felt答案:D提示:否定副词never放在句首时,句子需要部分倒装,根据句子前面的过去时态,可分析后半句应为过去完成时。12.When_ with the evidence,he couldnt say a word.A.faces face C.facing D.faced答案:D提示:be faced with为固定短语,

10、“面对”的意思,与后面的逻辑主语一致,省略主语和be动词,直接用连词接分词作状语。若选C,则题干中的with应去掉。13.Not only _ polluted but _ crowded.A.was the city;were the streets B.the city was;were the streetC.was the city;the streets were D.the city was;the streets were答案:C提示:否定副词位于句首时前半句倒装,但后半部分不必倒装。类似的结构还有hardly.when,no sooner.than等。14.In my opin

11、ion,those who are not_ with the progress they have made will have greater success.A.popular B.content C.suitable D.proud答案:B提示:be content with固定短语,意为“对满意”。15.As is known to us, _ a force of attraction between two always exists B.there always always exists to be D.there always

12、 exists to be答案:B提示:there,here,away,down,up,out等副词放在句首时,句子要全倒装,谓语动词放在主语之前。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) Even though we have more choice of what to eat than forty years ago,the average diet of the average British is less healthy. 1 ,according to recent research,British pets,eating 2 tinned(罐装) food,have a

13、 healthier diet than most of 3 owners. Health ministers were shocked at 4 figures(数字) which show that Britain has the third worst 5 in Europe for heart disease.Cancer is also a 6 cause of illness and death.This has 7 the government to a movement to encourage healthier eating 8 .Health ministers beli

14、eve we should 9 a lesson from America, 10 health rates(率) from heart disease have 11 . The American public is now 12 the link(联系) between diet and good health.The movement will encourage the 13 of less animal fat,salt and sugar that are eaten 14 .It will show the 15 of eating more fresh fruit and ve

15、getables. The Health Department is going to publish a book which will give 16 on what food to eat and what not to. Discussions are being 17 between the government and food makers.Following these 18 ,food will be labelled(标上) 19 users can see 20 how much fat,sugar there is in the food products they b

16、uy.1.A.Even so B.At times C.In fact D.For that答案:C提示:前句与后句应为转折关系。in fact意为“事实上”,符合题意。2.A.prepared specially B.specially preparedC.preparing specially D.specially preparing答案:B提示:specially prepared为过去分词短语,意为“特制的,专门配备的”,在句中作定语。3.A.our B.their C.your D.its答案:B4.A.recent B.past C.large D.small答案

17、gnal C.record D.sign答案:C提示:record在本句中的意思是“记录”。6.A.raised B.raising C.grown D.growing答案:D提示:此处意为“正在增长,日益增长”,应用现在分词,也可用rising。7.A.expected B.made C.helped D.led答案:D提示:lead使某人想起做某事的念头。8.A.habits B.culture C.places D.diets答案:A9.A.take B.get C.hold D.make答案:A提示:take a lesson from.从吸取

18、教训。10.A.on which which C.where D.there答案:C提示:where引导非限制性定语从句。11.A.changed B.included C.increased D.fallen答案:D12A.knowing B.recognizing C.understanding D.realizing答案:D提示:“意识到”用realize。13.A.keeping B.eating C.buying D.producing答案:B提示:题意是“鼓励少吃脂肪、盐和糖”,用eating。14.A.on purpose B.on sale present

19、 best答案:C15.A.pleasure B.goodness C.habits D.usefulness答案:B提示:goodness n.好处。 B.menus C.warnings D.time答案:A17.A.held B.considered C.taken D.made答案:A提示:hold discussions进行讨论。18.A.programs B.steps C.talks D.orders答案:C19.A.even that case D.whether答案:B提示:so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便于”。20.A

20、.firstly B.quickly C.finally D.clearly答案:D提示:该句意为“使用标签以便让使用者看清楚”。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) Crime has its own cycles,a magazine reported some years ago.Police records that were studied for five years from over 2 400 cities and towns show a surprising link between changes in the season and crime pattern

21、s.The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period of years.Murder,moreover,is more than seasonal:it is a weekend crime.It is also a night-time crime:62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p.m.and 6 a.m. Unlike the summer high in crimes of bodily harm,robbing has a different cyc

22、le.You are most likely to be robbed between 6 p.m.and 2 a.m.on a Saturday night in December,January,or February.The month with least crimes of all is in May except for one strange fact.More dog bites are reported in this month than in any other month of the year. Apparently our seasonal cycles of kn

23、owledge are completely different from our tendencies for crimes.Professor Huntington made extensive studies to discover the seasons when people read serious books,attend scientific meeting and get highest results on examinations.In all cases,he found a spring high and autumn high separated by a summ

24、er low. Possibly,high temperature and high humidity cause our strange and violent summer actions,but police officials are not sure.“There is,of course,no proof of a connection between humidity and murder,”they say,“why murders high time should come in the summer time we really dont know.”1.A good ti

25、tle of the passage would be_.A.Crime Cycles B.Summer CrimesC.A Time for Murder D.The Most Peaceful;Month答案:A提示:文章第一段第一句“Crime has its own cycles”表明了文章的主题。2.According to the passage, _.A.there is link between changes in the seasons and crime patterns B.crime is not linked to the cycle of the weekdays

26、C.there is sure connection between robbing and murderD.there is a connection between murder and cold weather答案:A提示:此题是选择与文章内容一致的选项,文章第一段中“.show a surprising link between changes in the season and crime patterns”表达的内容与选项A相一致。3.A murder would most likely occur_.A.on a weekend night in summer B.on a we

27、ekend afternoon in summerC.on a weekend night in winter D.on a weekday afternoon in spring答案:A提示:找到与谋杀有关的内容的句子“Murder,moreover,is more than seasonal:It is a weekend crime”。4.It is reported that more dog bites occur in_.A.February B.DecemberC.May D.January答案:C提示:文章第二段句子“The month with least crimes of

28、 all is in May except for one strange fact.More dog bites are reported in this month”说明被狗咬的时间。5.Which of the following statements is not true?A.The police records were collected from a large number of cities and towns.B.The pattern of crime varies from year to year.C.Our cycles of learning are different from those of wrong action.D.The police are not sure that humidity and murder are related.答案:B提示:此题为判断题,通过与原文对比,选项B与句子“The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period of years”不相符。

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