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人教版2017重庆合川区高考英语练习:必修2UNIT5 WORD版含解析.doc

1、人教版2017重庆合川区高考英语练习:必修2Unit5(附答案)重点单词A写作单词1roll (vt.& vi.)滚动;(使)摇摆;(n.)摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈2pretend (vt.)假装;假扮3attach (vt.& vi.)系上;缚上;附加;连接4form (vt.)(使)组成;形成;构成5earn (vt.)赚;挣得;获得6rely (vi.)依赖;依靠7familiar (adj.)熟悉的;常见的;亲近的8sensitive (adj.)敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的9perform (vt.& vi.)表演;履行;执行performance (n.)表演;演奏10confide

2、nt (adj.)自信的;确信的confidence (n.)信心11painful (adj.)痛苦的;疼痛的pain (n.& v)痛苦B阅读单词12folk (adj.)民间的13jazz (n.)爵士音乐14studio (n.)工作室;演播室15millionaire (n.)百万富翁;富豪16broadcast (vi.& vt.& n)广播;播放17extra (adj.)额外的;外加的18instrument (n.)工具;器械;乐器19cash (n.)现金20pub (n.)酒馆;酒吧21addition (n.)增加;加;加法22dip (vt.)浸;蘸23afterwa

3、rds (adv.)然后;后来24beard (n.)胡须25musician (n.)音乐家music (n.)音乐musical (adj.)音乐的;配乐的26passerby (n.)过路人;行人passersby (n.)行人(复数)27actor (n.)男演员;行动者actress (n.)女演员act (v.& n)行动;演(戏)28humorous (adj.)幽默的;诙谐的humour (n.)幽默29attractive (adj.)吸引人的;有吸引力的attract (v.)吸引;有吸引力attraction (n.)吸引;吸引力30brief (adj.)简短的;简要的

4、;(n.)摘要;大纲briefly (adv.)简短地31devotion (n.)投入;热爱devote (v.)把献给devoted (adj.)献身的;忠诚的32invitation (n.)邀请;招待invite (v.)邀请;招待训练题一、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。I used to walk my dog every morning. Later when we got back home, I would give it some food. This usually caught the 1 of a mynah bird.

5、 The most 2 feature of this bird was its brightly-coloured 3 mouth, so I found it a bit strange.Later I read a book and found that the colour yellow 4 “communication, optimism and inspiration”. I took the “c” from 5 , “o” from optimism, and “in” from inspiration to form the word “Coin”. This became

6、the birds 6 .Every time when my dog finished his 7 , Coin would look at me and sing , “Raack! Raack!” After singing, she would start picking up the food left by the dog. When winter came, Coin 8 . It was the longest winter that we had ever had. When spring 9 came, it was the time for the birds to fl

7、y back and I often 10 what had happened to Coin. One day after I had given my 11 its food , a mynah bird flew down. It was then that I heard the 12 “Raack! Raack!” Coin was back! Sometimes, I wondered how Coin knew to come back to the same 13 she had left.Each morning Coin would come with her sweet

8、14 . Both I and my dog accepted her as a member of our family. Now, I understand that if we have optimism and inspiration in our life, and if we communicate often with others, we are sure to be 15 by everyone.1. A. realizationB. viewC. sight D. attention2. A. specialB. commonC. centralD. possible3.

9、A. black B. white C. yellow D. sad4. A. stands forB. achievesC. organizes D. changes5.A.communicationB. festival C.celebrationD.custom6. A. foodB. cage C. nameD. story7. A. song B. communicationC. meal D. walk 8. A. died B. hidC. disappeared D. escaped9. A. suddenly B. finally C. happily D. luckily1

10、0. A. complained B. recordedC. wonderedD. wished11. A. doorB. bird C. daughter D. dog12. A. strange B. familiar C. crazy D. terrible13. A. placeB. cat C. personD. sky14. A.songB. face C. appearanceD. voice15. A.confirmed B. acceptedC. agreed D. impressed1.【答案】D【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. realization实现; B. vie

11、w观点; C. sight视力; D. attention注意力。根据After singing, she would start picking up the food left by the dog.可知这引起八哥的注意,故选D。 2.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. special特别的; B. common共同的; C. central 中心的;D. possible可能的。因为它的喙的颜色令人注意。根据这种鸟最特别的(special)特征非常亮的黄色的喙,故选A。3.【答案】C【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. black黑色的; B. white 白色的;C. ye

12、llow 黄色的;D. sad伤心的。根据下文found that the colour yellow可知,这种鸟最特别的(special)特征非常亮的黄色(yellow)的喙,故选C。4.【答案】A【解析】考查动词短语及语境的理解。A. stands for 代表;B. achieves获得; C. organizes组织; D. changes改变。根据句意黄色是这几个单词中的字母。后来我读过一本书发现黄色代表“交流、乐观、灵感”,故选A。5.【答案】A【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.communication 交流;B. festival 节日;C.celebration 祝贺;D.c

13、ustom习惯。因为只有communication的首字母是C。我从communication取一个字母C,故选A。6.【答案】C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. food食物; B. cage笼子; C. name名字; D. story故事。根据Coin would look at me and sing , “Raack! Raack!” 可以推测这是它的名字,这就形成了鸟的名字,故选C。7.【答案】C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. song歌曲; B. communication交流;C. meal 一餐;D. walk步行。根据she would start picking u

14、p the food left by the dog.每一次等狗完成了它的大餐(meal)以后,故选C。8.【答案】C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. died死; B. hid躲藏; C. disappeared消失; D. escaped逃离。根据常识咱们知道鸟有迁徙的习惯。冬天来了八哥就消失(disappeared)了,故选C。9.【答案】B【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A. suddenly突然; B. finally终于, 最后;C. happily 高兴地;D. luckily幸运地。这里用最后表示作者盼着鸟的归来。当最后春天来时,鸟又都回来了,故选B。10.【答案】C【解析】考

15、查动词及语境的理解。A. complained 抱怨;B. recorded 记录;C. wondered纳闷; D. wished希望。根据what had happened to Coin可知我常常纳闷我的小八哥怎么样了,故选C。11.【答案】D【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. door门; B. bird 鸟;C. daughter 女儿;D. dog狗。根据上文可知作者常常喂狗。有一天当我喂狗的时候,小八哥飞了下来,故选D。12.【答案】B【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. strange 奇怪的;B. Familiar熟悉的; C. Crazy疯狂的; D. Terrible可怕

16、的。根据上文可知作者非常了解八哥的叫声。就在那时我又听到了熟悉的声音,故选B。13.【答案】A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.place地方; B. cat 猫;C. person人; D. sky天空。有时我纳闷鸟怎么会又回到它以前离开的同一个地方,故选A。14.【答案】A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。 歌曲;B. face 脸C. appearance外貌; D. voice声音。根据上文可知八哥爱唱歌。每天早晨八哥就带着甜甜的歌曲来了,故选A。15.【答案】B【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.confirmed 确认;B. accepted 接受;C. agreed同意;

17、D. impressed给人印象。根据Both I and my dog accepted her as a member of our family.可知如果我们经常能和其他的人交流,我们肯定能被接受其他的每一个人,故选B。【参考答案】完型填空 115、DACAA CCCBC DBAAB二、阅读理解(一)阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2013四川省绵阳市第三次诊断)Chelyabinsk,RussiaA meteorite (陨石) moved quickly across the sky and exploded over central Rus

18、sia on Feb.15,2013,raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave that smashed windows,damaged buildings and injured 1,200 people.People heading to work in Chelyabinsk heard what sounded like an explosion,saw a bright light and then felt the shock wave,according to a Reuters journalist

19、in the industrial city 1,500 km east of Moscow.The fireball,travelling at a speed of 30 km per second according to Russian space agency Roscosmos,had blazed (熊熊燃烧) across the horizon,leaving a long white trail that could be seen as far as 200 km away.Car alarms went off,thousands of windows were bro

20、ken and mobile phone networks were interrupted for a short time.The Interior Ministry said the meteorite explosion,a very rare spectacle,also released a great explosive sound.“I was driving to work.It was quite dark,but it suddenly became bright as if it were day,” said Viktor Prokofiev,36,a residen

21、t of Yekaterinburg in the Urals Mountains.“I felt like I was blinded by headlights.”The meteorite,which weighed about 10 tonnes and may have been made of iron,entered Earths atmosphere and broke apart 30 km50 km above ground according to Russias Academy of Sciences.“The energy released when it enter

22、ed the Earths atmosphere was equal to a few kilotonnes,” the academy said,“the power of a small atomic weapon exploding.”No deaths were reported but the Emergencies Ministry said 20,000 rescue and cleanup workers were sent to Urals Region after President Vladimir Putin told Emergencies Minister Vlad

23、imir Puchkov to ease and help the victims.The Interior Ministry said about 1,200 people had been injured,at least 200 of them children,and most from broken pieces of glass.1What do we learn about the meteorite from the passage?AIt is a very huge ball made of iron.BIt quickly broke apart on the groun

24、d.CIt exploded over Russias Urals Region.DIts similar to an Abomb in weight.22The underlined word “smashed” in Para.1 is closest in meaning to “_”AbrokeBmelted Cswallowed Dcleared3We can know from the passage that _.AMoscow is 1,500 kilometers away from the east of ChelyabinskBmany houses were destr

25、oyed,with lots of people reported missingCViktor Prokofiev became blind after seeing the rare spectacleDthe shock wave briefly influenced mobile phone networks4Which of the following can serve as the best title of the passage?A“Meteorite Rush” Begins in RussiaBPresident Putin Orders AssistanceCMeteo

26、rite Hits Russia,1,200 People HurtDMeteorite Flies Quickly Across Russia【参考答案】语篇解读文章报道了陨石在俄罗斯乌拉尔地区爆炸,导致1 200人受伤的事件。1解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“exploded over central Russia on Feb.15,2013”以及倒数第二段中的“rescue and cleanup workers were sent to Urals Region”可知,陨石在俄罗斯乌拉尔地区爆炸。答案:C2解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句“causing a shock wave

27、 that smashed windows,damaged buildings and injured 1,200 people”以及第四段中的“thousands of windows were broken”可推知smashed与broke的意思最接近。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“mobile phone networks were interrupted for a short time”可知D项正确。答案:D4解析:主旨大意题。第一段是本则新闻的主旨,C项既点明了事件主题“陨石袭击俄罗斯”,又报道了其后果“1 200人受伤”,所以选C项。答案:C。(二)阅读下列短文,从

28、每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Heres a movie-a sharp, sugar-rush of fun thats guaranteed to entertain the entire family. With some terrific computer-generated effects, a great cast and a fun-packed storyline, Robots is the best animated film(动画片) since The Incredibles. Yep, it really is that good. Set

29、in a world populated by robots, Ewan McGregor plays Rodney Copperbottom, a young robot who leaves his small-town home to pursue his dream of becoming an inventor. But after arriving in Robot City, his hopes of getting a job at Bigweld Industries are destroyed when he learns the firm has been taken o

30、ver by the evil Ratchet (Greg Kinnear). Egged on by his controlling mum, Madame Gasket(Jim Broadbent), Ratchet plans to reduce half on Robot Citys citizens to scrap metal by refusing to sell the spare Pans they need to survive. Instead, he wants to make a fortune selling expensive upgrades that few

31、can afford. As he says, “Why be you when you can be new?” Aided by a few misfit robots known as the Rustles-including Robin Williams as the cowardly(胆小的) Fender (“Im made of a metal called Afraidium”)-Rodney must track down the firms founder, Bigweld(Mel Brooks), and convince him to save the city fr

32、om Ratchets plans. The first thing thatll strike you about the movie is the thought thats gone into creating Robot City. Its a wondrous world full of mechanical marvels including wind-up cars and walking streetlamps. Also terrific are the special effects. This might be animated movie but at times yo

33、ull catch yourself thinking its really a live-action film. Of course, there have been plenty of animated movies that looked the part but were let down by a weak storyline(see Shark Tale, for example). But Robots grips(扣人心弦)right from the start thanks to a heart-warming and thoroughly engaging plot t

34、hat never bores. My only complaints are with Williams who, as usual, has a one-in-10 success rate with his jokes. Also a letdown is a romantic subplot between Rodney and a shapely robot called Cappy(Halle Berry)that doesnt go anywhere. Complains aside, this is a mechanical marvel thatll have you bol

35、ted firmly to your seat. BEST QUOTE(引述):Fender:“Even though you had a discouraging day, just remember theres another one coming tomorrow. BEST BIT:Check out those amazing images. WORST BIT:Robin Williams character does an unfunny Britney Spears dance routine. IF YOU LIKEDIce Age, The Incredibles, To

36、y StoryYOULL LIKE THIS. 1. This piece of writing is a _. A. commercial advertisement B. film review C. movie poster D. 1iterary essay2. The cast Of Robots is made up of all the following actors or actresses EXCEPT _. A. Ewan McGregor B. Robin Williams C. Britney Spears D. Halle Berry3. What is Shark

37、 Tale an example of? A great cast. B. A poor plot. C. Special effects. D. Clumsy animation. 参考答案13、BCB 三、短文改错请修改下面的短文,文中共有10处语言错误,每行均有一处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下面一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。We interrupt this program t

38、o bring you some special news. This afternoon, a truck run into the back of a school bus that it left Central Junior High School at 3p.m. Badly hurting, ten students and the truck driver were sent to hospital shortly before the accident. Luckily, there was no death. A police came and said that the t

39、ruck driver and the bus driver werent drunk, nor could poor weather used to explain the accident. We are still going into the reasons.This is the seven traffic accident in the city this month. Please be more carefully in driving. More information about the accident will be reported at the five oclock news report. Now we return you to the music show.第一节 短文改错(共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. run-ran 2. that后it去掉 3. hurting-hurt4. before-after 5. A police-The police 6. weather后加be7. We are-They are 8. seven-seventh 9. carefully-careful10. at-in

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