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2011高考英语备考BOOKIII UNITS 1-2:知识搜索与探究归纳.doc

1、2011ks5u高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Units 1-2That must be a record! & Crossing limits自助式复习板块知识搜索 A. 单词1.长度(n.) 2.试图,企图(n.) 3.行政,管理,经营(n.) 4.许可,同意(n.) 5.忠诚,奉献(n.) 6.察觉,意识(n.) 7.命令,指挥(n.) 8.志愿者(n.) 9.地平线(n.) 10.诚实(n.) 11.证据,证词(n.) 12.极重要的,关键的(adj.) 13.富有的,有财产的(adj.) 14.准确的,精确的(adj.) 15.神圣的(adj.) 16.理想的,完美的(adj.)

2、 17.技术的(adj.) 18.非常高兴的(adj.) 19.适合的,恰当的(adj.) 20.逐渐的,渐变的(adj.) 21.热情的,热心的(adj.) 22.熟悉的(adj.) 23.精力充沛的(adj.) 24.小心的,谨慎的(adj.) 25.努力,尽力(v.) 26.漫游,游荡(v.) 27.完成,实现(v.) 28.结束,终止(v.) 29.检查,视察(v.) 30.证实,确认(v.) 31.迷住(v.) 32.吸引,俘获(v.) 33.登记,注册(v.) 答案:1.length2.attempt3.administration4.permission5.dedication6

3、.awarenessmand8.volunteer 9.horizon10.honesty11.evidence12.key13.wealthy14.accurate15.sacred16.ideal17.technological18.delighted19.suitable20.gradual21.enthusiastic22.familiar23.energetic24.cautious25.endeavour26.wander27.accomplish28.conclude 29.inspect30.confirm31.fascinate32.capture33. register B

4、. 短语34.寄送某处进行处理 _ _35.一个接一个地 _ _ _36.首先,第一 _ _ _ _37.突然大哭 _ _ _ 38.将当作中心 _ _ 39.专心致志于 _ _ 40.记下,写下 _ _ 41.追踪,跟踪 _ _ _ 42.有利于,促进 _ _ 43.删减,剪下 _ _ 44.以的名义;代表 _ _ _ _45.交换;互换 _ _ _ 46.起航 _ _ 47.作为回报 _ _ 48.培养;提出 _ _ 49.除都;除外(尚有) _ _ 50.提到;查询 _ _ 51.耗尽;用光 _ _ 52.具有;拥有 _ _ _ 53.冒生命危险 _ _ _ 54.在指挥下 _ _ _

5、_55.面临 _ _ _56.一劳永逸 _ _ _ _答案:34.send a the first place37.burst into on39.concentrate on40.set down41.keep track of42.make for43.cut the name exchange for46.set return48.bring up49.apart from50.refer out52.take possession of53.risk

6、ones life54.under the command up against56.once and for allC. 句型57.尽管这项记录给人的印象很深刻,但与阿姆斯特同疾病作斗争的故事相比,它便黯然失色。 _ as the record is, it _ _ _ the story of Armstrongs struggle _ disease.58.2001年7月13日,北京经历了一个不眠之夜, 这样的记忆是难以磨灭的。July 13, 2001_ a very bright night in Beijing that will never _ from memo

7、ry.59.自从20世纪70年代起,滑板运动开始出现。Skateboards _ _ _ since the 1970s.60.和集邮一样,你并不需要太多特殊的工具和设备。 _ _ stamps, you do not need a lot of special tools or equipment.61.丝绸从中国沿丝绸之路运往印度、中东和罗马去交换香料和玻璃。Silk from China _ _ _ over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome,_ _ _ spices and glass.答案:57.I

8、mpressive, fades next to, against 58.saw, fade59. have been around60.As with61.found its way, in exchange forD. 语法62.早上起来锻炼身体已经成为她退休生活的一部分了。_ has become part of her retired life.63.Jenny能否通过面试要看她对自己是否有信心。 _ depends on her confidence in herself.答案:62. Taking exercises early in the morning63. Whether

9、Jenny will pass the interview重难聚焦重点单词要点1conclude【例题】She_ the speech by reminding us of our responsibility.A. includedB. confirmedC. concludedD. delivered解析:句意为:“她在结束讲话时提醒我们要负的责任。”confirm“确定,证实”;deliver a speech“发表演讲”;conclude“终止,结束”。答案:C归纳与迁移(1)断定,作出结论:What do you conclude from that?你从那件事中得出了什么结论?It

10、 was concluded that the accused was guilty.结论是被告有罪。(2)(使)结束,终止He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home.他讲话结束时祝愿大家回家一路平安。(3)订立,缔结They concluded a peace treaty.他们缔结了和平条约。(4) conclusion (n.) “结论;决定;推论”draw/come to/reach/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论in conclusion (=finally)In conclusion, I would

11、like to thank all of you.最后,我想感谢在坐的各位。要点2attempt【例题】A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night.A. advisedB. attendedC. attemptedD. admitted解析:advise“建议”;attend“参加”;attempt“尝试;企图”;admit“承认”;attempted murder表示“未遂的杀人案”。答案:C归纳与迁移(1) attempt vt. 努力;尝试;试图The prisoners attempted an es

12、cape, but failed. 囚犯企图逃跑,但失败了。The boys attempted to leave for swimming but were stopped.男孩子们想去游泳但是被阻止了。(2) attempt n. 企图;尝试in an/ones attempt to do. 力图,试图做某事make an attempt at sth./doing sth. 打算,试图做某事make no attempt to do sth. 没有企图做某事at the first attempt 第一次(尝试)They made no attempt to escape.他们没有试图逃

13、跑。I passed my driving test at the first attempt.我考驾照时一次就通过了。(3)attempt与try的区别attempt的含义是去做自己希望会成功的事,常含有冒风险的意思。Someone has made an attempt on the presidents life.有人企图刺杀总统。try表示最普通的试一试,还可以表示尽力做某事。You can try on the new coat.你能试穿一下这件新衣的。要点3delight【例题】Im sure that he will be_ to see you again.A. delight

14、B. delightfulC. delightedD. delighting解析:根据句意“我相信他再次见到你时会很高兴的。”这里需要填形容词。delightful表示“使人快乐的,令人愉快的”;delighted“高兴的,快乐的”;A、D两项均不合适。答案:C归纳与迁移(1) delight n. 高兴,喜悦;使人高兴的事,乐趣(可数)take delight in. 以做某事为乐to ones delight 使某人高兴的是The boy was wild with delight.小男孩欣喜若狂。The zoo is a delight for people for all ages.动

15、物园是各种年龄的人喜爱的场所。(2) delight vt. 意为“使高兴”,常用过去分词形式作表语,后跟动词不定式、介词短语以及从句等。He delighted them with his performance.他的表演使他们很高兴。I was delighted at the news.听到这个消息我很高兴。We were delighted to receive your letter.收到你的来信我们都很高兴。(3) delighted adj. 高兴的,快乐的be delighted at. 因而高兴/be delighted by. 喜欢某人某物/be delighted to

16、do. 因做而高兴/be delighted that. 很高兴要点4exchange【例题】The conference gives a chance for people of different views to_ .A. communicateB. changeC. contactD. exchange解析:communicate意为“交流,传递”;change“改变”;contact“联系,联络,接触”;exchange“交换,兑换”。答案:D归纳与迁移(1) exchange vt. 交换,调换exchange ideas/news/information 交流思想/互通消息/交流

17、信息Everyone in the group exchanged telephone numbers.所有的组员都交换了电话号码。(2) exchange.for.交易,兑换The traitor exchanged the countrys honour for his personal interest.这个叛徒为自己的利益而出卖国家的荣誉。You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.你可在旅馆把你的钱兑换成美元。(3) exchange n. 交换,互换,交流in exchange (for) 交换Would you

18、like my old TV in exchange for this camera?用我的旧电视机换这个照相机,你愿意吗?Ill type your report if youll babysit in exchange.如果你愿意替我照看孩子,我就把这个报告给你打出来。重点短语要点1center / concentrate. on/upon【例题】Ann couldnt concentrate_ what she was doing while her family were watching TV.A. toB. onC. forD. in解析:concentrate on(upon)

19、集中在,专心于。答案:B归纳与迁移 (1) center on 将某物集中在上/把中心放在上They tried to center the discussion on the main issues.他们尽力使讨论集中于主要问题上。Discussions were centered on developments in Eastern Europe.讨论围绕着东欧的发展这一中心议题进行。(2) concentrate (ones attention/thought) on/upon. 集中(注意力、思想等)于;专心致志于A driver should concentrate on the r

20、oad when driving.你应该专心于你的工作。I tried to concentrate my attention on my chemical research.我试图专心于化学研究。要点2apart from【例题】_ the cost, the hat doesnt suit me.A. Apart fromB. IncludingC. WithoutD. Together with解析:根据句意,“我”除了对帽子的价格感到不满,同时觉得式样也不适合我。因此这里的apart from是有“包括”的意思在内的。答案:A归纳与迁移 (1) apart from. 兼有“除外”和“

21、包括”的双重含义。Apart from the salary, its not a bad job. 除工资偏低外,这项工作不错。此处apart from=except forApart from you and me, I dont think there was anyone under thirty.除了你我之外,我认为没有人在30岁以下。(2)此处apart from=besides。要点3take possession of【例题】Before the war broke out, the old man put away his personal_ in safe places t

22、hat he could not take with him.A. goodB. possessionC. wealthD. possessions解析:personal possessions“个人财产”;goods“货物,商品,财产”;wealth“(抽象)财富”,不可数名词。答案:D归纳与迁移 (1)possession 有,所有,拥有;占有(不可数名词)sb. take possession of sth. 拥有,占有,获得(sb. ) be in possession of sth. 某人拥有某物(sth.) be in the possession of sb. 某物被某人所拥有W

23、eve already bought the house but we wont take possession of it until May.房子已经买下了,但我们要到5月份才能拿到。(2)possessions 财产,所有物After the war he lost all his possessions.战后,他失去了所有的个人财产。必背句型要点1in the first place【例题】_ I dont want to go, and in the second place I cant afford to.A. In the first placeB. In placeC. Ou

24、t of placeD. In my place解析:句意为:“首先我不想去,其次我也去不起。”in place“在适当的位置上,在应该在的地方”;in ones place“在处境中”;in the first place“第一,首先”。答案:A归纳与迁移 (1)in the first place=firstly 首先,第一,原先,本来(2)in place of 代替,交换use plastics in place of wood or metal 用塑料来代替木材或金属(3)give place to 让位于;让接替;给让路(4)in place 在适当的位置上(5)out of pl

25、ace 不在适当的位置上要点2be up against【例题】 With seven members of the team missing, Hull are going to be_ against it.A. onB. downC. withD. up解析:句意为:“Hull将面临七名队员失踪的困境。”be up against“面临,面对”。答案:D归纳与迁移 (1)be up against 面临,面对They were up against an unexpected delay.他们面临着一个未预料到的延误。Many families are up against it, unable to afford even basic items.许多家庭都面临着无法负担基本生活用品的困境。(2)come up against 面临,面对We came up against a lot of problems in the course of building our extension.我们在扩建部分的建筑上遇到了许多麻烦。

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