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本文(2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8习题:课时作业14 UNIT 4 WARMING UP & READING (Ⅱ)——LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.DOC)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8习题:课时作业14 UNIT 4 WARMING UP & READING (Ⅱ)——LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.DOC

1、.完形填空I remember receiving my favorite bear for Christmas one year when I was little.This event always _1_ in my mind over the years and I believe that part of this memory is because of a _2_ that I asked of my parents.You see, our family was quite large and there always wasnt a lot of money to buy a

2、 lot for each child on Christmas.But,we _3_ went without anything.So, on this _4_ Christmas morning, I was lucky enough to get a bearone that I had _5_ sometime ago and told my parents how much I liked it.And, that bear was _6_ what I got.After all my siblings had _7_ opening their gifts,I noticed,

3、I guess for the first time, that my parents didnt have any gifts to open at all.So, I _8_ my mother, and asked,“ Mom, where are yours and Dads gifts?”She looked at me for a moment and then simply said,“ We would rather you kids have _9_ we dont need anything except _10_ of you are right here with us

4、.” _11_, as a child, I did not really _12_ her answer but as the years passed and especially as a(n) _13_, I know exactly what she meant.Throughout life, there are many _14_ that cross back into our consciousness.Some of these memories _15_ to provide us with a guiding light to how we behave and rea

5、ct, some memories appear as a fog without anything _16_ at all.The memory of that bear, however, always _17_ my thinking about giving to others and not expecting or wanting anything _18_.A great part of life is, in my mind, to _19_ good memories for others and, at the same time, the creation of thes

6、e memories for others makes me feel _20_ and brings a special meaning to what life should be.在圣诞节,作者看到父母没有礼物,于是就询问为什么,母亲的答复是:你们就是我最好的礼物。小时候的这一幕成为作者生活中的指路明灯。1A.happenedBstruck CstruggledDdisappeared答案:B解析:根据首句“I remember receiving my favorite bear for Christmas one year when I was little.”可知,这个事件时常出现

7、(struck)在作者的脑海里。strike in ones mind“某人脑海中出现”。2A.problemBsuggestion Cdiscovery Dquestion答案:D解析:联系第二段最后的“Mom,where are yours and Dads gifts?”说明是因为作者询问的一个问题(question)。3A.alwaysBoften Cnever Dusually答案:C解析:由But可知虽然作者家庭条件不算太好,但孩子们从来都没有(never)得不到礼物。4A.particularBgeneral CordinaryDcurious答案:A解析:作者得到了自己心仪已久

8、的熊,所以是一个特别的(particular)圣诞节的早晨。5A.offeredBbought Caccepted Dspied答案:D解析:这个小熊是作者好久以前就看好(spied)的,所以得到它感到很幸运。6A.even Bjust CalsoDstill答案:B解析:作者曾经告诉父母喜欢那个小熊,所以说它正好(just)是作者想得到的。7A.admitted BavoidedCfinished Ddelayed答案:C解析:根据下文中的“I noticed,I guess for the first time,that my parents didnt have any gifts to

9、 open at all.”可知,作者他们已经打开了礼物。选项中finished是“完成”之意。8A.turned toBlived with Ccalmed downDdepended on答案:A解析:看到父母没有礼物打开,所以作者转向(turned to)妈妈询问。9A.telephones Bphotographs Cbooks Dgifts答案:D解析:根据上文的“After all my siblings had_7_opening their gifts”可知,此处指孩子们都有礼物(gifts)。10A.someBall Cmany Dmost答案:B解析:联系第二段第一句可知,

10、父母不需要任何东西,只要孩子们都(all)在就够了。11A.ObviouslyBFortunately CInterestinglyDHopefully答案:A解析:作者当时还是一个孩子,所以很明显(obviously)不明白这种回答。12A.believeBrealize Cunderstand Dremember答案:C解析:下文的“but as the years passed and especially as a(n)_13_,I know exactly what she meant”说明当时作者并不明白(understand)。13A.teacher Bparent Cdrive

11、r Dofficer答案:B解析:许多年过去了,结合家庭关系,再联系生活常识可知,此处指作为一位家长(parent)。14A.messagesBpromises CevidencesDmemories答案:D解析:根据下文的“Some of these memories”可知,我们都有许多回忆(memories)会划过我们的意识。15A.agreeBmanageCserve Dhesitate答案:C解析:有些回忆起着引导我们的行为和举止的作用。16A.harmful Bmeaningful Cpowerful Dsuccessful答案:B解析:和前句的意思进行比较,可以推知此处指没有什么有

12、意义的(meaningful)事情。17A.guidesBremovesCcontrolsDpreserves答案:A解析:联系上文中的“Some of these memories_15_to provide us with a guiding light to how we behave and react”可知,那只熊的记忆引导(guides)着作者后来的思想方向。 order Bin reliefCin silenceDin return答案:D解析:这个记忆引导作者总是想着给予别人,且不求回报(in return)。19A.collectBcreate CvalueDse

13、arch答案:B解析:根据下文中的“the creation of these memories”可知,作者生活中很大的一部分是创造(create)美好的记忆。20A.luckierBstrongerChappierDcleverer答案:C解析:联系上文中的“good memories”等语境,说明创造这些美好的回忆能使作者感到更高兴(happier)。.应用文写作假定你校英语角举办“我最喜欢的一本书”征文活动,目的是向同学们推荐值得一读的书,鼓励同学们去发现阅读的快乐。现在请你就读过的一本书写一篇书评。内容要点如下:1简要介绍这本书;2你对这本书的评价或感受。注意:1.词数80左右;2可以

14、适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Of_all_the_books_Ive_read,I_like_“Oliver_Twist”_written_by Charles_Dickens_best.This_story_is_set_in_London,telling_the_tragic_life_experience_of_an_orphan_named_Olive.However,no_matter_how_hard_the_situation_was,he_still_held_good_hope and_kindness.Therefore,he_got_help_from_many_kind

15、 people_and_got_happiness.Moved_by_this_inspirational_story,I_think_whatever_happens to_us,we_should_never_lose_hope,kindness_or_braveness,because_these_are_the_motivation_that_can_inspire_us_to_go_on.That_is_why_I_strongly_recommend_that_all_of_you_read_this_masterpiece_and_it_will_greatly_benefit_you.

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