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本文(人教版2018届高三英语一轮复习练习:必修二 UNIT 4 课下练熟高考 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版2018届高三英语一轮复习练习:必修二 UNIT 4 课下练熟高考 WORD版含答案.doc

1、4 课下练熟高考阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2016吉林长春普通高中高三质量监测)The Oldies but Goodies jazz band will perform romantic music for Valentines Day. The bands repertoire (常备节目) includes jazz music of the 1950s1960s, domestic and overseas folk songs and pop songs. Programs of the latest concert include Moon River,

2、 Autumn Whispers, Butterfly Lovers, Love Story, Rosy Life, My Heart Will Go On and Moscow Nights.7:30 pm, Feb. 14China National Library Concert Hall, 33 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Haidian district01068485462The China National Symphony Orchestra will put on a concert named Romantic Early Spring. On the p

3、erformance list are Tonight Unforgettable, In Memory, Beautiful Legend, I Hope Youll Come Back and This is Love.7:30 pm, Feb. 14Beijing Concert Hall, 1 Xicheng district01066057006International cello (大提琴) master YoYo Ma will perform in Guangzhou. The Grammy winner, who is popular in both the East an

4、d West, will play Mark OConnors Appalachia Waltz, Ahmed Adnan Sayguns Partita and Bachs Suite No.1 and Suite No.2.7 pm, Jan. 26Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall, 33 Qingbo Lu, Ersha Island02087372222The concert for children will feature famous Russian composer Sergey Prokofievs masterpiece, Peter

5、and the Wolf. It is a childrens story (with both music and text by Prokofiev), spoken by a narrator accompanied by the orchestra. Children with tickets to the concert will also get free admission to two forums featuring the musical and Sergey Prokofiev.8 pm, Feb. 8Chamber Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall,

6、 33 Qingbo Lu, Ersha Island02087382223语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了四场音乐会的举办情况,包括演出内容、时间、地点、联系方式等。1Jack is fond of pop music and he would most probably choose to go to _.AChina National Library Concert HallBSymphony Hall, Xinghai Concert HallCChamber Hall, Xinghai Concert HallDBeijing Concert Hall解析:选A推理判断题。根据

7、第一段中的“The bands repertoire (常备节目) includes . overseas folk songs and pop songs.”及该音乐会的举办地址“China National Library Concert Hall”可推知,喜欢流行音乐的杰克可能选择去中国国家图书馆音乐厅。故选A。2Mary is a great fan of Bach and for more information she can dial _.A01068485462 B01066057006C02087372222 D02087382223解析:选C细节理解题。根据文中的“The

8、Grammy winner . and Bachs Suite No.1 and Suite No.2” 及该音乐会举办方的联系电话02087372222可知,玛丽可以拨打该电话去咨询更多的信息。故选C。3What is special about the last concert?AYou can enjoy different kinds of music.BYou can enjoy both music and stories.CChildren can attend it free of charge.DIt will be performed by an international

9、 master.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文中的 “It is a childrens story (with both music and text by Prokofiev)” 可知,同时享受音乐和故事是最后一场音乐会的特色。故选B。B(2017广州高考模拟考试)As a child, visiting the zoo was more a punishment than a treat. I didnt find the chimps tea parties funny, nor the bird shows entertaining. Feeding time for seals wa

10、s less painful, but their performances still seemed like they belonged more in a circus.And I hated circuses, especially the animal acts men teasing lions, girls balancing on elephants and monkeys playing football. I knew that every trick a circus animal did was unnatural, achieved through strict tr

11、aining and quite possibly cruelty.Happily, during my lifetime public attitudes and the law have changed. Circuses using wild animals are now almost extinct, and zoos have definitely evolved.When my children were young, I occasionally took them to our local zoo. The elephants were in tiny cages and t

12、he gorillas looked bored as they sat peeling bananas and staring at teasing visitors. Each cage had a sign which listed the animals name and where it came from. But, back then, there was little information included about the environmental challenges they faced.As a result, environmentalists and anim

13、al lovers often oppose zoos. “Animals belong in the wild,” is a common and understandable complaint. But what do the animals themselves prefer?Generally speaking, zoo animals have a longer life. But you may protest they are not free. What? Free to be hunted and killed, free to die of hunger or thirs

14、t? Maybe sitting in a cage eating bananas isnt so bad.Not that such conditions are acceptable in modern zoos, due to the work of BIAZA, the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums. These days every zoo requires BIAZAs approval to operate, and the association sets the standards, observes

15、conditions in zoos and develops animalresearch programmes, both in the UK and abroad. BIAZA also organises the animal exchanges between zoos all over the world.Consequently, today, most zoo animals are born and raised in zoos, live in large, comfortable enclosures and are cared for by welltrained, k

16、nowledgeable and caring zoo employees. Of course its no substitute for living in the wild but unfortunately this isnt always possible. Meanwhile, why not visit your local zoo and decide for yourself?语篇解读:本文主要讲述了现代的动物园是如何得到改善的。4.The passage is mainly about _.Ahow zoos have improvedBwhether a zoo shou

17、ld be closed downCa new environmental organisationDthe difference between zoos and circuses解析:选A主旨大意题。根据第三段的内容并结合全文可知,本文主要讲述了现代的动物园是如何得到改善的。5From Paragraph 2, we can guess that the writer believes circus animals _.Ahad much shorter lives than those in the wildBwere not treated well by their trainers

18、Cshould have been placed in zoosDwere not as intelligent as those in zoos解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段的最后一句“I knew that every trick a circus animal did was unnatural, achieved through strict training and quite possibly cruelty.”可推知,马戏团的动物有可能被驯兽师们虐待。6Which of the following roles are performed by BIAZA?AOrganising

19、 animal study projects and training zoo workers.BChecking zoo conditions and arranging animal exchanges.CDesigning zoos and approving zoo operations.DCaring for ill animals and setting zoo standards.解析:选B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“These days every zoo requires .zoos all over the world.”可知,BIAZA会检查动物园的条件,安排动物交换等

20、活动。7Which of the following statements about zoos would the writer agree with?AZoo animals should be freed into the wild.BZoos are more popular now than in the past.CZoo animals are more restricted than in the past.DZoos now provide caring living conditions for animals.解析:选D推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句可知,作者认为现在的

21、动物园给动物们提供了舒适和充满关爱的环境。C(2017沈阳市高三教学质量检测)In 2013 alone at least 20,000 African elephants were killed for their teeth. In South Africa over the last two years more than 2,200 rhinos were killed for their horns. These numbers are alarming, because current rates of illegal hunting are faster than birth r

22、ates, which could lead to extinction of these ecologically important creatures in the environment. Indeed, some elephant and rhino populations are on track to be locally extinct within the next decade.If you are reading this, you may already be aware of these facts. But you might not know that wildl

23、ife trafficking (非法交易) not only threatens the existence of elephants and rhinos but is also leading to extinction of other species, such as tigers, tortoises, sea turtles, and the worlds most trafficked mammal (哺乳动物) pangolins.Pangolins are the only mammals that are entirely covered in tough scales

24、(鳞), which makes them look very strong. But actually they are endangered mammals. There are eight different species of pangolins, four in Asia and four in Africa, and all are threatened with extinction. Although pangolins are protected throughout most of the countries where they live, high demand in

25、 East Asia, where the delicious pangolin meat is considered a delicacy and where their scales are used in traditional medicines, is driving an illegal trade in both live animals and pangolin parts. The number of pangolin trafficking is shocking. Experts believe that over the last 10 years more than

26、1 million pangolins were taken from the wild. It is estimated that between 40,000 and 81,250 pangolins were killed for the illegal trade in 2013 alone.In February, the United States released a plan to deal with wildlife trafficking, which lays out the steps we will take to fight the illegal trade in

27、 wildlife, including pangolins. We are strengthening the carrying out of the plan; building international cooperation and contribution to protect wildlife; raising awareness to drive down the demand that is fuelling the illegal trade.Get involved and remember World Wildlife Day (March 3) by spreadin

28、g the plan. Use social media and tell everyone that now it is time to get serious about wildlife crime and end the demand that threatens species, big and small, from the huge elephant to the shy pangolin.语篇解读:由于人们的捕猎,一些物种濒临灭绝。本文号召人们行动起来,保护濒危物种。.How many endangered creatures are mentioned in the pass

29、age?A4.B5.C6. D7.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一、二段可知,文章提到了大象、犀牛、老虎、陆龟、海龟、穿山甲六种濒临灭绝的动物。故选C项。9Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?AEight species of pangolins live on the same continent.BPangolins are not protected in most of their natural habitats.CThe scales of pangolins can be used as an ingred

30、ient for cooking.DHigh demand contributes to the illegal trade of pangolins in East Asia.解析:选D正误判断题。根据第三段中的“high demand in East Asia .is driving an illegal trade in both live animals and pangolin parts”可知,高需求导致了东亚穿山甲非法交易的发生,即D项正确。10What can we know about the plan released by the US?ASocial media wil

31、l be used to spread World Wildlife Day.BWhether the plan will be worked out remains to be seen.CThe US will work together with other countries to protect wildlife.DMore and more people are advised to increase their needs of pangolins.解析:选C推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段第二句可知,美国将联合其他国家保护野生动物,即C项正确。11What is the auth

32、ors intention of writing the passage?ATo inform us something about World Wildlife Day.BTo raise awareness of protecting endangered wildlife.CTo explain why pangolins are illegally traded in East Asia.DTo show how the United States is to fight the illegal trade in wildlife.解析:选B写作意图题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知,作者

33、写这篇文章的目的是增强人们保护濒危物种的意识,即B项正确。D(2017福建高三单科质量检查)Goldfish have pretty boring lives, so maybe its a good thing they can only concentrate for nine seconds! But according to new research, humans are becoming like goldfish. Our attention span (时长) is getting shorter .and its all because of technology.“We m

34、ove quickly from one site to another on the web,” says Doctor Ted Selker, a computer scientist from Massachusetts, “and we are losing the ability to concentrate.” With millions of websites to choose from, the attention span of the average internet user is just seconds. There are other digital distra

35、ctions (分心) too:email, instant messaging and quickie movies on websites.Some people are worried about the effect on young people. “You need time to understand and think about what you read,” says Julia Wood, from London. “Young people search the net all the time and their brains become full of usele

36、ss information but there is no time to make sense of it. I am trying to persuade my pupils to read more books, so that they concentrate on one subject for longer.”Other teachers are trying more unusual methods to improve students concentration. Anne Savan, from Wales, was so worried about her studen

37、ts that she started playing Mozart during her science lessons. She says that it had an amazing effect: “The music made them calmer, and their concentration was much better.”But not everyone believes that there is a problem. Ray Cole, an educational psychologist says:“On the web, young people learn t

38、o make quick decisions about what is and isnt worth reading. They might look at five unhelpful websites very quickly, before stopping and reading a sixth useful website more carefully. In a world with so much information available, this is an important skill.”语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。随着科技的发展,人们将大量时间花在浏览网站上,快速不

39、断地浏览网站使人们的注意力时长越来越短;但是有人认为,浏览网站可以提高年轻人的判断能力。12Why does the writer mention “goldfish”?ATo analyze data.BTo introduce a topic.CTo settle problems. DTo suggest a way out.解析:选B写作方法题。文章第一段第一句说金鱼只能集中九秒钟的注意力;结合第一段的第二句“But according to new research, humans are becoming like goldfish.”可知,人们正变得像金鱼一样;接着文章提出中心论

40、点:由于技术问题,我们的注意力时长变得越来越短。据此可以判断,作者用金鱼的例子是为了引出文章主题。故B项正确。13What may cause a shorter attention span according to Dr. Ted Selker?ASkipping on the InternetBTime to digest information.CTraditional methods of reading.DMaking decisions.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第二段的“We move quickly from one site to another on the web”“a

41、nd we are losing the ability to concentrate”可知,Ted Selker认为,由于人们快速浏览网站,人们正在丧失集中注意力的能力,故A项正确。14What will help students overcome a short attention span?AReceiving emails. BTexting messages.CReading more books. DWatching quickie movies.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句可知,阅读更多的书将有助于学生克服注意力时间短的问题,故C项正确。15What is Ray

42、 Coles attitude towards looking through websites quickly?ACautious. BUnfavorable.CSkeptical. DSupportive.解析:选D推理判断题。根据最后一段的“But not everyone believes that there is a problem.”“On the web, young people learn to make quick decisions about what is and isnt worth reading.”可知,Ray Cole认为年轻人快速浏览网站可以提高自己快速判

43、断的能力;据此可判断,Ray Cole对快速浏览网站持支持态度,故D项正确。.阅读七选五(2017吉林长春普通高中高三质量监测)Two biggest wealth in life: your talent and your time. Talent increases and time decreases. Our life, in a way, is trading time with talents. Wasting time means our time decreases while our talents do not increase. _1_.Get to know how y

44、ou use your usual time and make improvementsTake a week and write down what you do every 30 minutes every day and make it into categories. After a weeks recording, youll see which part consumes most of the time. _2_. And you could come up with a revised timetable for your next week.Use fragment (碎片)

45、 time and “dead time”By time recording, youll be amazed how much time youve wasted in waiting for the bus, queuing, walking, etc. You could really put that time to better use, _3_. Use your fragment time for insignificant matters so that you could have more time for things that really matter._4_Ther

46、ere always things to be done every day, and the thing we could do is to identify whether theyre urgent or important. The things you need to do for the day rest only on the urgent as well as important things. Dont become slaves to urgent but unimportant things.Use the 20%80% principleAt the most effi

47、cient time, 20% of time could generate 80% of efficiency and on the contrary, at the least efficient time, 80% of time could only generate 20% of efficiency. We should be doing important work at the most efficient time. That time period differs from person to person, _5_. Yet generally speaking, its

48、 round 10 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.After being familiar with those tips, the next thing would be to implement and hold on to it. Do the right thing at the right time, and we shall make our time to its fullest!Abut everyone has a peak effect timeBMake an analysis about the ways you could

49、 improve your efficiencyClike memorizing English words or making necessary phone callsDdepending on your mentality and physical conditionEThat is why we shall save every second and make it countFPick three things you must finish todayGFinish as many tasks as possible语篇解读:时间是人生最大的财富之一,那么该如何充分利用时间呢?本文

50、为我们提供了几个充分利用时间的方法。1.选E根据上文的“Wasting time means our time decreases while our talents do not increase.”可知,我们不能浪费时间,应节约每一秒,让它过得有意义。故选E。2选B根据上下文可知,通过记录一周的时间分配情况,找出大部分时间用于做什么,进行分析后确定如何更有效地利用时间,从而制订出合理的时间表。故选B。3选C根据上文可知,应将等公交、排队等时间利用起来,C项给出了两个利用这些时间的例子。故选C。4选F此处为小标题,各小标题的格式应保持一致,该空应为祈使句;根据本段内容可知,做事要分主次,不能成为紧急却不重要的事情的奴隶。故选F。5选D根据上文的“That time period differs from person to person”可知,高效时间段因人而异,要看个人的身体和精神状况。故选D。

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