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本文(2017优化方案高考英语总复习(人教版)课件:第二部分第二讲 代词和介词 .ppt)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2017优化方案高考英语总复习(人教版)课件:第二部分第二讲 代词和介词 .ppt

1、第二讲 代词和介词第二部分 第二讲栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲人称代词、物主代词、反身代词及疑问代词的用法人称 分类 单 数 复 数 一 二 三 一 二 三 人称代词主格(主语)人称代词宾格(宾语)I you he,she,it we you they me you him,her,it us you them 栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲人称 分类 单 数 复 数 一 二 三 一 二 三 形容词性物主代词(定语)名词性物主代词(主语或宾语,表语)反身代词(宾语或同位语)疑问代词 my your his,her,its our your

2、their mine yours his,hers,its ours yours theirs myself yourself himself,herself,itself ours elves yourselves them sel ves who,whom,whose,which,what 栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲My thanks should go to those inspiring me to go ahead and giving me support as well.我感谢那些鼓励我前进并给予我支持的人。What I want to say is

3、 this:you should grasp every minute to finish your work.我想说的是,你应该抓住每一分钟的时间完成你的工作。Such is the power of the TV that it can make a person suddenly famous.这就是电视的力量,它可以使人一夜成名。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲不定代词的用法 不定代词 用 法 例 句 each/both/all either/neither each指“(两者或两者以上物或人中的)每个”;both表示“两者都”;all指“(三者或三者以上物或人

4、中的)所有,全部”As the two dictionaries are useful,Ill take both and either of them is very important to me.either表示“(两者中的)任何一个”;neither表示“两者都不”(2014江西高考单项填空)When shall I call,in the morning or afternoon?Either.Ill be in all day.栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲不定代词 用 法 例 句 none/nothing another none表示“(三者或三者以上)

5、全无,没有一点”;Nothing表示“没有任何东西,没有事”(2015四川高考单项填空)Niki is always full of ideas,but none is useful to my knowledge.another泛指“(三者或三者以上中的)另一,又一”What seems to be a good thing to one person may be a bad thing to another.栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲不定代词 用 法 例 句 other/others the other/the others other泛指“其余的,另外的”

6、,只作定语;other复数名词others In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,while in others/other countries,knives and forks.the other特指“(两者之中的)另一个”。the other可数名词复数the others (2015陕西高考语法和词汇知识)To warm himself,the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the other.栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分

7、第二讲指示代词this,that,these,those,such,so的用法指示代词 用 法 this/these that/those such so 指在时间或空间上较近的人或事物;this可指下文将要谈到的人或物。指在时间或空间上较远的人或事物;that可指上文提到过的人或物。指代前面所叙述的人或事物。作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于后面的名词或代词的数。代替一个句子或短语所表达的事情,意思是“如此,这样”。在believe,think,expect,suppose,imagine,guess等词后用so代替前文提出的观点。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲(20

8、15天津高考单项填空)The quality of education in this small school is better than that in some larger schools.这所小学校的教育质量比一些更大的学校的(教育质量)好。(2016潍坊模拟)People living in colder regions are generally larger than those living in hotter ones.生活在寒冷地区的人通常比生活在炎热地区的人身材高大些。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲it的用法1用作人称代词,用来指代事物或上文

9、提到过的内容。The Smiths bought a new house but it will need a lot of work before they can move in.史密斯一家买了一套新房子,但是在入住之前有大量的工作要做。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲2it用作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放在后面,真正的主语或宾语往往由从句、动名词、不定式充当。No matter where he is,he makes it a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.不管在哪里,他养成了早餐前散步的习惯。栏目导

10、引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲3常用于固定搭配中。make it成功;hate/like/enjoy it that.讨厌/喜欢;I cant help it我没有办法;if I can help it如果我有办法;when it comes to.当涉及时;rely on/depend on/count on it that.相信;as sb.puts it.正如某人所说;I would appreciate it if.如果,我将不胜感激。I would appreciate it if you take my suggestion into consideration

11、.如果你考虑我的建议我将不胜感激。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲单句语法填空 1Having felt his way through the forest,he lost way back home,only to find a river winding _(it)way down the hill.2(2016河南顶级名校5月模拟)Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department brought_(they)food,clothes and shel

12、ter.3(2014全国卷语法填空)Then the driver stood up and asked,“Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?”A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh,dear!Its_(I)”itsthemme/mine栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲4(2016河南三门峡考前适应性练习)Jane was walking round the department store.She remembered how difficult_was to choose a suitabl

13、e Christmas present for her father.5(2016青岛高三统一质量检测)Both teams were in hard training;_was willing to lose the game.6(2016山西四校联考)I d appreciate_if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.itneitherit栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲单句改错 1(2015全国卷短文改错)We must find ways to protectyour e

14、nvironment._ 2(2015浙江高考短文改错)Close to the school there was abeautifulparkwithmanytreesaroundthem._ 3(2015陕西高考短文改错)My soccer coach retired lastweek.I wanted to do anything special for him at hisretirement party._ 4Susan made clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself._5(2014 四川高考单项填空)S

15、hed lived in London andManchester,butshelikedeitherandmovedtoCambridge._ yourour/thethemitanythingsomethingeitherneithermade后加it栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲1at(1)表示时间的一点,时刻等,如:at 12:00,at noon(在中午),at night(在夜里),at midnight(在半夜),at dawn/daybreak(在黎明,破晓),at sunrise/sunset(在日出/日落),at dusk(在黄昏)。(2)固定搭配

16、:laugh at,at the same time,be surprised at,be good at等。高频介词栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲表示在某个较长的时间内(如:世纪、朝代、年代、月份及泛指上午、下午和傍晚等),如:in the 1980s/1980s,in the Qing Dynasty,in October,in the morning/afternoon/evening。(2)表示地点:in Beijing,in the classroom。3on(1)用于表示具体的日子或一个特定的时间(如:某日、某节日、星期几等),如:on Oc

17、tober 1st,on a rainy day,on National Day等。(2)用于表示特定的上午、下午或晚上,如:on Christmas Eve(在圣诞前夕),on the morning of January 3rd等。(3)准时,按时:on time。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲不涉及交通工具的名词时用by,名词前不带冠词。如:by sea,by water,by land,by air等。(2)涉及交通工具的名词时用by,但名词需用单数,其前面不加冠词和任何修饰语。如:by bike,by taxi,by plane,by ship

18、/boat,by train,by spaceship等。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲5.with 含 义 例 句 和一起,和,同,跟 (表示同时或同一方向)随着 Put this bag with the others.把这个包和其他的包放在一起。(2014江苏高考书面表达)With the number of English learners on the rise,its not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts.随着英语学习者的数量越来越多,对他们来说在汉语的上下

19、文里理解这些英语单词并不是很困难。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲含 义 例 句 具有,带有 由于,因为 (表示方式)用 The dictionary is what I want,but I dont have enough money with me.这本字典正是我想要的,但是我没带够钱。(2014北京高考书面表达)There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school.在我们学校自行车存放处有一个长久以来就存在的问题。What will you buy with the money?你会

20、用这笔钱买什么?栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲1at名词 at sea 茫然,在大海上 at will 任意地 at work 在上班 at lunch 在吃午饭 at table 在吃饭 at peace 处于和平状态 介词短语栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲2by名词by accident 偶然地by chance 碰巧by mistake 错误地by the way 顺便说栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲3beyond名词beyond description 难以形容beyond words 无法用语言形容beyo

21、nd doubt 无疑beyond ones reach 够不着栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲4in名词in advance 在前头,事先,预先in case 以防,万一in charge 主管,看管in common 共有,共同in demand 很需要in order 按顺序,井然有序,情况良好in progress 进行中in return 作为回报in turn 依次,转而in vain 徒劳in shape 健康状况良好栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲5on名词on purpose 故意地on leave 在休假on holiday

22、在度假on sale 出售on time 准时on the air 正在广播on the other hand 另一方面(2014江西高考单项填空)Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence.On the other hand,it could just put you in debt.开始你自己的事业可能是一种获得经济独立的方法。另一方面,它可能将你置于债务之中。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲6under名词under construction 在建设中u

23、nder consideration 在考虑中under repair 在修理中7out of名词out of breath 上气不接下气out of balance 失去平衡out of date 过时out of patience 不耐烦out of control 失去控制out of touch 失去联系栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲8in名词ofin case of 如果in fear of 担心,害怕in honour of 为纪念,对表示敬意in memory of 为纪念 in place of 代替in search of 寻找,寻求in sight

24、 of 在看得见的地方in support of 支持,支援in face of 面对in exchange of 与交换in terms of 就而言in view of 鉴于,根据栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲9其他常考介词短语for the sake of 为了on behalf of 代表apart from 除了in addition to 除了on the basis of 以为基础(2014天津高考单项填空)In addition to the school,the village has a clinic,which was also built wi

25、th government support.除了学校,村庄里还有一个诊所,该诊所也是在政府的资助下建起来的。栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲单句语法填空 1(2015全国卷语法填空)For those who fly to Guilin,its only an hour away_car and offers all thescenery of the betterknown city.2(2016南昌十所重点中学模拟)We can also turn to ourEnglish teacher for help,if necessary.In short,I beli

26、eve thatit is_great use to keep a diary in English for thedevelopment of our writing skills.3(2016河南顶级名校5月模拟)A farmer,Mr.Tan,said thatthe storm began early_the morning and lastedfor over an hour.byofin栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲4.(2016邢台高三摸底考试)Its time for you to change your attitude_women now,Tom.

27、They hold up half the sky,you know.5(2016南昌十所重点中学交流试卷)He searched_the bag day and night.He also sent his workers in search but none could find it.6(2016青岛自主诊断)Look back and think how often youve judged roughly,said unkind things,pushed yourself ahead_the cost of a friend.towards/toforat栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考

28、点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲7(2016福州质量检测)At first,they went on a day trip,taking advantage_special trip tickets on the railways.8(2016日照模拟)It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot_easy reach.ofwithin栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲单句改错 1She has already tried her best.Please dont be tooparticular wit

29、h her job._ 2Sometimes,human beings are too cruel at their bestfriendsanimals._ 3The Voice of China is popular to the audience all over thecountry._ 4I agree to his suggestion in condition that he drops allcharges._ 5More and more highrise buildings have been built in bigcities in lack of space._ withaboutatto towithinon第二个infor栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲栏目导引高效演练跟踪检测考点解读核心突破第二部分 第二讲本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放

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