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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修八作业:UNIT 4 PYGMALION PERIOD 4 USING LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.doc

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1、Unit 4Period 4. 词汇基础A单词拼写1If you do not want the colors to f_, you should use good quality paints. 2I will send the clothes to the l_, because I dont want to wash them myself. 3She admitted that she was unable to _ (妥协)4Oliver looked so _ (寒酸的), in an old hat and a long overcoat. 5Clean out the _ (浴

2、缸) when you are done. 【答案】1. fade2. laundry3. compromise4shabby5. bathtubB短语填空in need of;fade out;once more;showin;deep in thought; fancy oneself;robof; take away;have the face to do;a bit of1I failed in the experiment,but I decide to do it_and I believe I will make it. 2They made every effort to sa

3、ve the crops_water on this dry land. 3Your visit will_the sting(刺痛) of her sorrow. 4The idea seemed to_and the club was never formed. 5The host and hostess_their guests_the party room. 6He was_and didnt notice the car in front of him. 7The robber_the woman_her handbag last night. 8I do not know how

4、you_such a terrible thing. 9Please give me_paper. 10He started to chat to me and I could tell that he really_. 【答案】1. once more2. in need of3. take away4. fade out5showed; in6. deep in thought7. robbed; of8have the face to do9. a bit of10. fancied himself. 综合提升A句型转换1He dropped out of school because

5、of his poor family. He was _ _ _ school because his family was very poor. 2What happened to you a few days ago?What became of you _ _ _?3The sound of the footsteps died away. The sound of the footsteps _ _. 4Amazingly to us,she killed a wolf. _ _ _,she killed a wolf. 【答案】1. taken away from2. the oth

6、er day3. faded out4To our amazementB完成句子1抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。Seize the chance,_ youll _. 2有时我们很容易忽略自己的错误。Sometimes it is quite easy for us to _ our own _. 3由于冒充一位大使,他哥哥被判处了死刑。_ himself _ _ an ambassador,his brother was _ to death. 4总的来说,人们在孩子面前行为不得体是极其错误的。_ _,people who dont behave themselves in the face

7、 of children are quite _. 【答案】1. otherwise;regret2. overlook;faults3Passing;off as;condemned4Generally speaking;mistaken.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIn midNovember of 1963, an island was born in the North Atlantic, some 20 miles off the southwestern coast of Iceland.It had given only one s

8、ign of its coming.For three days, farmers on the neighboring Vestmann Islands had noticed a bad smell in the air like the odor of rotten eggs.Early on the morning of November 14, the captain of an Icelandic fishing ship saw black columns erupting from the sea through his telescopes.He suspected that

9、 he was seeing a volcano rising from the ocean.The hours that followed proved him right.He was watching the volcanic eruption that built the island later named Surtsey.Some days earlier, a volcano had started to erupt 425 feet below the surface of the sea.It poured out gases and volcanic ash and cin

10、der.They began to build a mountain.By the morning of November 15, the top of the volcano was 33 feet above the water and still growing rapidly.Columns of smoke and gases rose two miles into the air.Violent eruptions continued through the winter.In April 1964, the violent eruptions stopped, and lava

11、began to flow.Surtsey,it seemed, had come to stay.To earth scientists and to biologists, Surtsey was endlessly fascinating.It offered a chance to study a new volcano and to see new land take shape.Earth scientists hoped that by studying what was happening to Surtsey, they would gain a better underst

12、anding of the forces behind its growth.Surtsey rose from a huge underwater mountain range that runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and is called the MidAtlantic Ridge.The ridge is the center of many earthquakes, and it is highly volcanic.Here and there its volcanic action has built mountains

13、that thrust(猛推)through the surface of the ocean, creating small islands such as Surtsey.Long ago vast outpourings of lava from the ridge built the big island of Iceland.The ridge, however, is much more than a builder of islands.It is a sign of powerful forces at work within the earth.Many earth scie

14、ntists are certain that these same forces are builders of continents and mountains and are the cause of the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.They see the ridge as a key to understanding the most basic secrets of the earth.These forces helped to shape our planet when it was young, to give it land a

15、nd sea and air, and so to make it the kind of planet where life could develop.()1.What was the very first sign of Surtsey?ASome smoke.BExplosions.CAn unusual smell.DA violent storm.()2.What do we know about Surtsey?AIt is a huge underwater mountain range.BIt is located 20 miles off Vestmann Islands.

16、CIt took Surtsey almost one year to come into being.DIt was produced by the strong forces within the earth.()3.Why is studying Surtsey important to scientists?AIt tells more about the formation of the earth.BIt warns people of dangerous volcanic eruptions.CIt leads to the discovery of new energy sou

17、rces.DIt helps predict when new islands will be formed.()4.What is the passage mainly about?AHow an island was born.BWhere Surtsey rose from.CWhat are the secrets to volcanic eruptions.DWhy the MidAtlantic Ridge is important.BLiterature arts in high school were absolute torture (折磨) for me.I hated r

18、eading stories and novels that my English teacher picked only to have discussions about the stories because I didnt even understand.One day,my teacher picked The Gift of the Magi by OHenry.Because I liked this story so much,I began to read more of his work.The endings in OHenrys stories always leave

19、 the readers surprised and his eye for detail is almost poetic and can make the readers feel as if they were part of the story.The Gift of the Magi is about a young married couple who sacrifice their only two worthy possessions to buy each other a Christmas present.This story is about true love and

20、sacrifice.Now,many years later,I still remember this story.The Furnished Room is a horror story about the love and devotion from a young man,who is desperate to find his missing lover.The story is tragic.The Ransom of Red Chief is actually a humorous story about a kidnapping that has gone all wrong.

21、A Retrieved Reformation tells the tale of a thief who decides to give up his criminal career and do good deeds,which is moving.These are just a few of the many,many stories that OHenry wrote and that Ive enjoyed over these years.OHenry was the pen name of the American writer William Sydney Porter.He

22、 was born on September 11,1862 and died of illness on June 5,1910.His first story was published under his pen name,O.Henry.He published hundreds of stories.In honor of OHenrys contributions to American literature,the OHenry Memorial Award was founded in 1918 to award the author of the best American

23、short story.()5.Before reading The Gift of the Magi,the author_.Ahad little interest in English classesBdoubted his English teachers teaching methodCdisliked the reading materials picked by his teacherDliked to discuss the stories he had read with his teacher()6.Whats the main characteristic of OHen

24、rys stories according to the author?AThey quote lots of poems.BThey are hard to understand.CThey make people think deeply.DThey have surprising endings.()7.You cant help laughing while reading_.AThe Gift of the MagiBThe Furnished RoomCThe Ransom of Red ChiefDA Retrieved Reformation()8.What can we learn about OHenry from the text?AHe founded the OHenry Memorial Award.BAn award was named after his pen name.CHis first story was written in 1862.DHe died of illness at the age of 56.【答案】14 CDAA58 CDCB


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