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2011高考英语备考BOOKII UNIT16 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA:知识搜索与探究归纳.doc_第1页
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2011高考英语备考BOOKII UNIT16 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA:知识搜索与探究归纳.doc_第2页
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2011高考英语备考BOOKII UNIT16 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA:知识搜索与探究归纳.doc_第5页
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1、2011ks5u高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Unit16 The United States of America自式复习板块知识搜索 A. 单词1.进入许可;进入;词条(n.)_2.萧条期;降低;沮丧(n.) _3.痛苦;折磨(n.) _4.失业;失业人数(n.) _5.重建;重建物(n.) _6.市长(n.) _7.隔离;分离(n.) _8.不公平;非正义(n.) _9.葬礼(n.) _10.开端;黎明(n.) _11.链条;连锁;一连串(n.) _12.心甘情愿的;愿意的(adj.) _13.普遍的;分布广的(adj.) _14.财务的;金融的;财政的(adj.) _15.经济的;

2、节约的(adj.) _16.以前的;(两者中的)前者(adj.) _17.脑力的;智力的;精神的(adj.) _18.清楚的;明白的;平易的(adj.) _19.战胜;克服(v.) _20.腐烂;堕落(v.) _答案:1.entry2.depression3.suffering4.unemployment5.reconstruction6.mayor7.segregation8.injustice9.funeral10.dawn11.chain12.willing13.widespread14.financial15.economical16.former17.mental18.plain19

3、.overcome20.rotB. 短语21.徒劳;白辛苦 _ _22.不打扰;不理会 _ _23.从破坏中恢复 _ _ _ _24.以结束隔离制度为目标 _ _ _ _25.下定决心重新开始be _ _ _ _ _ _ 26.一系列的 _ _ _27.以这些植物为主 _ _ these plants28.灭绝 _ _ 29.为腾出空间 _ _ _ 30.达成协议 _ / _ _ _ 答案:21.in vain22.leave alone23.recover from the destruction24.aim at ending segregation25.determined to mak

4、e a new beginning26.a series of27.live on28.die out29.make room for30. make / reach an agreementC. 句型31.What does your sister look like?She _ _ my Mum.32.Have you met the new boss? What _ ?Oh, he is really kind. We are lucky to have such a boss.答案:31.looks like/is like32.is he likeD. 语法33.我们的希望能实现吗?

5、Is it possible for our hopes _.34.她是第一个被选为总统的妇女。She was the first woman to _.35.老师要试卷马上做好。The teacher wants the test papers _ at once.36.你有开这个门的钥匙吗?Have you got a key_ the door?37.这本书很难理解。The book is difficult _.答案:33.to be realized34.have been elected president35.to be typed36.to unlock37.to unders

6、tand重难聚焦重点单词要点1resist【例题】He tried to run away from the police and was charged with _ arrest.A. protectingB. defendingC. resistingD. enforcing解析:resist arrest拒捕。答案:C归纳与迁移(1)(武力)抵抗,对抗He could resist the attack no longer.他再也抵抗不住进攻了。(2)抗拒(计划、主张等)Resist the call for reform.抗拒实行改革的号召。(3)耐,抗resist heat/dam

7、p 耐热/防潮(4)不屈从,经得住She could hardly resist laughing.她真忍不住要笑。I cant resist baked apples.我顶不住烤苹果的诱惑。要点2recover【例题】In a few days Mr Barnstaple had_ strength of body and mind. A. recoveredB. returnedC. curedD. rejuvenated解析:recover 恢复。答案:A归纳与迁移 (1)恢复健康;痊愈Gradually she recovered her health.她逐渐恢复了健康。Its goi

8、ng to be some time before I recover my full strength.还要一些时间我才能完全恢复体力。(2)be recovered 痊愈了,恢复了(健康)He was still not fully recovered and his memory was poor.这时他还没有痊愈,记忆力很差。She was quite recovered by supper and the meal was cheerful.到吃晚饭时,她情绪已经很好了,饭吃得很香。(3)recover from从中复原He has just recovered from a sev

9、ere illness.他害了一场大病,刚刚痊愈。(4)recover oneself 镇静下来,恢复原样She soon recovered herself and stopped crying.她很快冷静下来,不再哭了。重点短语要点1put out【例题】Last year the factory_ over six million records.A. put forwardB. put downC. put outD. put through解析:pur forward“提出计划等”;put down“放下,写下”;put out“生产”;put through “使经受”,根据句意“

10、生产超过600万的记录”,选C。答案:C归纳与迁移 (1)发布;出版;广播They decided to put out a book that would contain all kinds of world records.他们决定出版一本书,书中包含各种世界记录。(2)(植物)生长出(叶、芽等)The trees are beginning to put out shoots.树木正在发芽。(3)生产,产生The plant puts out 400 new cars a week.该厂每周生产400辆新车。(4)扑灭Firemen put out the fire.消防员把火扑灭了。(

11、5)关掉Please put out the light before you go to bed. 上床之前请把灯关掉。要点2take a chance【例题】(2010全国,10)We hadnt planned to meet. We met _ chance.A. ofB. inC. forD. by解析:by chance偶然地;意外地。答案:D归纳与迁移 (1)take a chance (on) sth.试图做成某事;冒险;碰运气This road may not be the one we want, but we have to take a chance.我们要走的可能并不

12、是这条路,但是我们不得不试一下。The chains might break but thats a chance Ill have to take.链条也许会断,但我不得不冒这个险。(2)chance作名词还有其他重要意思:机会,运气I havent had a chance to read my letter.我还没有机会看我的信呢。Is there any chance of the team winning this week?这个队本星期有无获胜的机会?可能性There is a chance that I will see him these days.这几天我有可能见到他。(3)

13、相关短语by any chance可能;或许by chance 偶然地;意外地the chance are (that).很可能(4)chance作动词表偶然发生;碰巧;冒险It chanced that the train was late that day.那天偶然火车晚点。You shouldnt chance all your money at once.你不应该一下子拿所有的钱去碰运气。必背句型要点1insist on. 坚持【例题】(2010江苏,25 )The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived

14、nearby.A. findB. to findC. on findingD. in finding解析:insist on sth. /doing sth.坚持做某事。答案:C归纳与迁移 (1)insist on sth./doing sth.坚持;坚决主张;固执地声称We insist on self-reliance.我们坚持自力更生。I insisted on your being there.我坚持要你在那里。He insisted on giving me a second helping.他坚持再给我一次帮助。(2)insist所跟的宾语从句中,如果一件事情已经做过,表示坚持说,

15、从句时态跟谓语动词时态变化;而当一件事情尚未做,表示坚决主张怎样时,从句常用should do表虚拟。We insist that you accept these gifts.我们坚决要求你收下这些礼物。We all insist that we (should) not rest until we finish the work.大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。要点2What.look like? 看上去什么样子?【例题】The man was holding what _ a gun covered by a plastic bag.A. looks likeB. looked likeC

16、. likesD. liked解析:look like表示看上去的样子像什么;like表示“像”,是介词,本题what引导宾语从句,因此要选择动词词组。答案:B归纳与迁移 (1)What.look like? 看上去什么样子?What does the building you mentioned look like?你提到的房子什么样?It looks like a church.看上去像个教堂。Can you tell us what it looks like?你能不能告诉我们它看起来什么样啊?Give us ten years and just see what this place will look like.给我们10年时间,看这个地方会变成什么样。(2)What.like?怎么样?(让人描述或给出意见)Whats the weather like today?今天的天气怎么样?What will life be like in the future?未来的生活会是什么样子?Whats your teacher like?你的老师是个什么样的人?


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