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2018届高考英语(外研版)总复习真题研练20 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、Task 1:阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(2015浙江)Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford,Ive watched one friend after another land highranking,highpaying Wall Street jobs.As executives (高级管理人员) with banks,consulting firms,established law firms,and major corporations,many are now

2、 _1_ on their way to impressive careers.By societys _2_,they seem to have it made.On the surface,these people seem to be very lucky in life.As they left student life behind,many had a _3_ drink at their cheap but friendly local bar,shook hands with longtime roommates,and _4_ out of small apartments

3、into high buildings.They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine _5_ a college years monthly rent.They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.The thing is,a number of them have _6_ that despite their success,they arent happy.Some _7_ of unfriendly

4、coworkers and feel sad for eighthour workweeks devoted to tasks they _8_.Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and _9_.However,instead of devoting themselves to their work,they find themselves working to support the _10_ to which they have so quickly become _11_.P

5、eople often speak of trying a more satisfying path,and _12_ in the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they _13_ or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to the same conclusion:its _14_.They have loans,bills,a mortgage(抵押贷

6、款) to _15_,retirement to save for.They recognize theres something _16_ in their lives,but its _17_ to step off the track.In a society that tends to _18_ everything in terms of dollars and cents,we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our _19_ in financial terms.But what about the personal

7、 and social costs _20_ in pursuing money over meaning?These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignoreand the very ones we need to consider most.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过讲述朋友大学毕业后的工作、心情、经历告诉我们:我们不应该为了高质量的生活只追求金钱,个人价值和社会价值的实现才是最重要的。1AmuchBneverCseldomDwell答案D上文提到作者的很多朋友已经成为“银行、咨询公司、法律事务所以及大

8、公司等的高级管理人员”,此处选择D项表示“现在很多人在通往骄人的职业之路上表现得非常出色”,well是“表现出色地,很好地”之意,符合语境。much非常,很;never从不;seldom很少。2ApoliciesBstandards CexperimentsDregulations答案B根据空格前面的介词by及上下文语境可推知,此处表示“按照标准”,故选择B项,意为“标准”。policy政策;experiment实验;regulation规则,规章。3AlastBleastCsecondDbest答案A根据前面的“As they left student life behind.”可知,当他们

9、离开学校时,很多人去便宜且友好的当地酒吧喝最后一次酒。4AcycledBmovedCslidDlooked答案B离开狭小的学生公寓进入高楼大厦中。move out of搬离,符合语境。5AsharedBpaidCequaledDcollected答案C在饭店里一瓶酒的价格相当于大学一个月的租金。equal与相等或相同,符合语境。6AadvertisedBwitnessed CadmittedDdemanded答案C实际情况是,他们中的很多人承认尽管他们很成功,但并不快乐。admit承认,符合语境。advertise做广告;witness目击;demand要求。7AcomplainBdreamC

10、hearDapprove答案A根据后面的unfriendly coworkers以及后面一系列不开心的举动可知,一些人抱怨同事不友好。complain of抱怨,诉苦,符合语境。8AdistributeBhateCapplaudDneglect答案B由空格前后的语境,特别是feel sad for.可推知,此处表示“他们厌恶的工作任务”,故hate“讨厌,厌恶”符合语境。9AcalmBguiltyCwarmDempty答案D根据空格前后的语境,特别是feeling tired可推知,此处表示有些人并不尊重自己为之工作的公司,而且会感到厌倦和空虚,故此处答案为empty,意为“空虚的”。10Af

11、amilyBgovernmentClifestyleDproject答案C但他们并不专心于自己的工作,他们工作只是为了维持这种很快就习以为常的生活方式。lifestyle生活方式,符合语境。11AaccustomedBappointedCuniqueDavailable答案A固定表达become accustomed to对变得习以为常,习惯于。12AyetBalsoCinsteadDrather答案A根据上下文可知,这里表示转折关系,故要用yet。13Alet outBturn inCgive upDbelieve in答案D离职去从事他们自己看好的事情。believe in相信,符合语境。

12、let out泄露,发出;turn in上交,呈交;give up放弃。14AfundamentalBpracticalCimpossibleDunforgettable答案C联系下文可知,想法没有成为现实,故选impossible,意为“不可能的”。15Atake offBdrop offCput offDpay off答案D根据空格前面的loans,bills,a mortgage可知,此处表示“有借款、账单、抵押货款需要支付”。pay off付清,还清,符合语境。take off取下,起飞;drop off落下,减少;put off推迟。16AmissingBinspiringCsink


14、人代价和社会代价呢?involve参与,涉及,符合语境。assess评价;cover覆盖,包括;reduce减少。Task 2:词汇积累1establish v建立2regulation n规则,规章_3witness v目击4fundamental adj.基本的5drop off 落下,减少6assess v评价7motivation n动机8available adj.可利用的,有空的Task 3:单句语法填空1Since _ (finish) my studies at Harvard and Oxford,Ive watched one friend after another la

15、nd highpaying jobs.2They replaced their beloved old cars _ expensive new sports cars.3However,instead of devoting _ to their work,they find themselves working to support the lifestyle.4But what about the personal and social costs _ (involve) in pursuing money over meaning?5These are exactly the kind

16、s of costs many of us tend to ignoreand the very ones we need to consider _ (much)答案1.finishing2.with3.themselves4.involved 5mostTask 4:单句改错1In the surface,these people seem to be very lucky in life.2As they left student life behind,many had a last drink at their cheap and friendly local bar.3They m

17、ade reservations at restaurants that where the cost of a bottle of wine equal a college years monthly rent.4Some complain of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eighthour workweeks devoting to tasks they hate.答案1.InOn2.andbut3.去掉that4.devotingdevotedTask 5:攻克长难句(分析句子结构,尝试翻译成汉语)People often speak o

18、f trying a more satisfying path,and yet in the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they believe in or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to the same conclusion:its impossible.分析:本句包含了两个介词短语作定语:of leaving their jobs to w

19、ork for something和finding a position均是idea的定语,其中,finding a position之前省略了介词of。they believe in为定语从句,修饰先行词something,省去了关系代词that。定语从句that would give them more time with their families修饰先行词position。and yet之后的并列分词的主语是the idea,谓语动词为leads。译文:人们经常说起尝试一个更令人满意的工作,放弃现在的工作去做他们自己所信仰的事情或从事一份可抽出更多时间陪伴家人的工作,然而这种想法最终都落下同样的结局:这是不可能的。


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